In Orwell’s novel, 1984, the Ministry of Truth actually spread
disinformation and propaganda to keep the Proles (think working class) in the dark.
The Ministry of Love was used to intimidate the Proles to make sure they submitted to the tyranny of Big Brother. are looking out for you and your best interest. In the United States, these functions have now been consolidated under one Ministry:
The so-called Department of Justice (DOJ). If you are concerned about government overreach, you must read “OFF GRID: ESCAPE FROM THE SURVEILLANCE STATE”.
A near-future, dystopian Thriller that hits way too close to home! Orwell must be rolling over in his grave!
Wow. 5 months. No pay. So much for whistleblower protection. “Friend said he made the decision to leave the bureau after he had been denied a paycheck for 150 straight days as his security clearance was placed under review after he made protected whistleblower disclosures.” Anything a democrat touches burns to the ground.
Why would the FBI be any different?
Well, at least there was one agent with an ounce of integrity and patriotism.
Now it’s time to address the thousands of jackbooted, Marxist that are prevalent
within these corrupt institutions!
No kidding. In fact, some FBI deliberately register as Republican in order to appear fair
in the aggregate. This is their favorite tactic, “plausible deniability”. This is nothing new,
In some locations it’s common practice. It was a traffic ticket quota. Speed traps, no right turn on red posted at the entrance of department stores.. I jumped out of that frying pan into the dumpster. Whadup with the Wildfires in California.. Citizens can’t resist selling their land to the Cali High Speed Rail.
Pelosi and Feinstein land deal with federal grant money,
Eliott Ness was appointed a prohibition agent in the Treasury Department, in 1926.
He handpicked a small band of agents who later became known as the “Untouchables” because of their reputation for integrity. Well I wouldn’t say today. Words like integrity could be used to describe the agency.
Replying to @RealAmVoice @SenateGOP @HouseGOP @MariaBartiromo
We don’t want whistleblowers to leave the FBI! We want the corrupt to get the hell out! House Reps are not doing well with their oversight. We need ACTION, not just talk!
We no longer have faith in Republicans. You are wasting time.
Transcript Of Trump’s Speech At Rally Before Capitol Riot : NPR
Web Dec 18, 2020 · Barack Obama Describes his Ideal Third Term. & elaborates on how he’d like to stay president through a puppet regime. (Illegal to say that act of Treason Against We the People. We want our PEOPLE OUT OF JAIL due to that Jan 6 HOAX!
We want the CLOSING OF OUR BORDERS! We want OMNIBUS RIPPED TO PIECES IN FRONT OF PELOSI , SCHUMER Watermelon Head Schiff and Kevin McCarthy, Mitch the Bitch McCONNELL and Rona McDonald. We want NO MOVEMENT on DEBT CEILING (the more they get the more they spend)! THESE ARE PRIORITIES! We the people know that our government never seemingly does anything except spin their wheels! 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Be Remembered as the Best President Ever – USA Herald
FBI “Designed To Spy On Americans” says Ron Paul – Search (bing.com)
FBI is now proven to be a Dysfunctional Weaponized Obama/Sock Puppet Joe
agency that is now openly attacking Americans. Time to flush Wray and his Whole
Shit show down the toilet and create a NEW Unbiased Agency.
‘”Employees who don’t carry out their responsibilities are held accountable through an objective administrative process,” the statement continued.’ I just *know* you’re looking forward to the American people holding you to that very same ‘objective’ standard.
Wondering who hired this man believing he’d be an excellent leader…
The FBI is Going wok just as the Dunce Hat to Obama’s Gang in the WH Directed.
“The denial of pay, he said, came even though he was never accused formerly of any wrongdoing or subjected to any formal disciplinary action.”
Well, FBI has enough $$$ to buy a big useless HQ building (larger than the Pentagon!)
for bloated, useless lawyer-fake-LEOs to rest their asses in while trolling twitter, going
to “swinger” orgies or setting up Christians or extremely poor people for fake crimes.
Apparently, they have plenty for you to sue them off the face of the planet-doing us
all a huge dis-service.
THE PLAN – WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030 (rumble.com)
For those that do not understand what a WELL-REGULATED MILITIA from the time
of writing The Constitution and The Founding Fathers understanding of said militia
should be. The FBI has been compromised since the 1960s.
Main Reason: John Kennedy’s EOs June 4th, 1963, and maybe even before that as
they were the ones that wrote the permission on uncovered documentation to take out President John F Kennedy. Because John F Kennedy said that he would shred the CIA
and scatter it on the four winds, and we all know the CIA and the FBI are basically two different branches of the same criminal enterprise.
This is The FBI that is not protecting the country from terrorists or criminals or corrupt officials so all that’s left is busy work and they have to shake it out of the bushes and make it up like arresting people for praying the rosary or calling Catholics terrorists and people who live in the country as extremists or else they would have nothing to do.
Every time you hear how corrupt these government agencies have become,
we have to ask ourselves why The Democrats do not want an armed citizenry??
The FBI (aka the Gestapo of the Democrats) has been fully politicized and weaponized against the very citizens that pay them and that they are sworn to protect. Trump forced the radicals to expose themselves and they have chosen the route of full frontal tyranny
in order to survive because America first patriots are an existential threat to them!
The FBI has been irreparably broken and must be disbanded into other agencies. Unfortunately, the FBI is a microcosm of how the radical, communist and criminals,
rot all institutions from the inside out.
They are doing the same things to our educational, healthcare, military, food supply
and energy supply institutions. As always, it’s time for America’s first patriots to step
into the gap and save the country again!!
The FBI just got funding in the latest Omnibus Bill to build the
largest facility on the planet. Larger than the Kremlin or Vatican.
FBI to get massive new edifice – American Thinker
So, why do they need such a large facility?
Who do they plan on staffing it with?
How does this meet any “needs” of the American Taxpayer?
What kind of “quotas” will need to be met in a facility this massive?
Feb 17, 2023: FBI Investigating Hack of its Own Computer Network Sparse
details FBI Investigating Hack of its Own Computer Network | EarthToday.news
And, they will be keeping their existing facility, staff and agents. . . NOT replacing them.
Americans are living in a lie right now and since November 2nd, 2020. Joe Biden is not the legitimately elected President of the United States.
Joe Biden is a criminally induced fraud perpetrated against the American people by a treasonous, criminally motivated establishment that has embedded itself and metastasized inside the people’s governmental departments.
This “CLICK” of tyrannical parasites must be removed from our nation’s government lock, stock and barrel. So, the government of the United States can once again serve (work for) and actually benefit the people that pay the taxes for it to do so.
Enquiring minds want to know. . . But we know Y’all didn’t read this.
An act for regulating and disciplining the Militia (May 5, 1777) – Encyclopedia Virginia
FBI & DOJ corrupt organizations supported by the likes of Conservator hating media like CBS Norah O’Donnell & Prime Time with John Dickerson and also NBC Andrea Mitchell remember how she interviewed Trump with the lying Russian Hoax fiasco she condoned. The media NBC, CBS, ABC & NPR the free public airwaves filled with propaganda and indoctrination.
GOEBBELS FOLLOWERS: Goebbels Quotes on the Media – Search (bing.com)
We were told by Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley that there were 14 whistleblowers.
Where the fuck are they? All we ever hear about is the 2 who came out of the closet? Yea….don’t tell me how that %99 of agents are good. Just a few came forward at great
peril for them and their families.
The rest are traitors or cowards if they don’t back these few heroes up.
The American People will never see justice served! EVER AGAIN!
FBI Paid Russian Source for Anti-Trump Disinformation Campaign;
Whistleblower Points to Jan. 6 Security Failures (theepochtimes.com)
Elon Musk should take the FBI, CIA and the DOJ over just like Twitter
FBI Paid Russian Source for Anti-Trump Dis info; The Whistleblower
Points to Jan. 6 Security Failures (theepochtimes.com)
To get Merrick Garland, Christopher Wray, and other leftist FBI agents fired,
investigate Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Hillary’s Benghazi & Russian gate,
13 Hours the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi 2016: Free Download, Borrow,
and Streaming: Internet Archive
13 Hours: what actually happened at the US consulate in Benghazi
Also include Nancy Pelosi Arrows in our Quiver the January 6th riot and Capitol Police coverup, the withdrawal of Afghanistan, the border crisis, and so on and expose all truth for these incidents and all clients of Epstein’s island worldwide to forfeit all their fortunes to distribute their forfeited fortunes to all people in your country.
Elon Musk has taken control of Twitter and fired its top executives (msn.com)
Tomoyuki Aso’s Blog: “AFF”- “All Fortune Forfeiture” or “AAF”-
“All Assets Forfeiture” (asotomoyuki.blogspot.com)
The March https://youtu.be/8b9ZSzdQwz8
Assemble the people’s army, March with me, down these broken streets of society,
Where a political party has weaponize the entire government body

Klaus Schwab. Was Klaus Schwab’s father a Nazi – Search (bing.com)
On the right, his father, intimate confidant of Hitler,
the industrialist and fascist “Eugen Schwab” in uniform.
Klaus was born in Hitler’s Germany in 1938.
that time, his father was in charged.

Fact Check:
Was Davos Founder Klaus Schwab’s Father Hitler’s ‘Confidant’?
As world leaders meet in Davos, Switzerland, social media users have attempted
to create a familial link between the conference’s founder, Klaus Schwab, and Adolf Hitler. Schwab, who was born in Ravensburg, Germany, in 1938 during the Nazi era, has been the target of multiple conspiracy theorists, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To that end, Twitter and Reddit users have shared claims that Schwab’s father,
Eugen Schwab, was an “intimate confidant” of Germany’s infamous W.W. II leader.
Klaus Schwab Founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab delivers a speech at the Congress center during the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos on May 23, 2022.
The posts shared online in May 2022, claim Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen Schwab, was a close ally of Hitler, and include a photo of the World Economic Forum leader alongside a man in Nazi uniform. The posts have received thousands of likes and engagements on both Reddit and Twitter. Klaus Schwab has been a frequent target of conspiracy theorists, who have invented claims that he was related to the Rothschilds and that he wrote that four billion people would die through planned epidemics.
The theory that his father was a close confidant of Hitler
appears to be part of the same misinformation narratives.
To start, the photo shared online is not of Eugen Schwab, but of Nazi general Walter Dybilasz. The photo used in the post appears to be the same used in blogs cataloging details of Third Reich officers. It has been published multiple times including by someone who claims to have an original photo.
Of what little information is available online, Dybilasz is said to have been born in 1892 and died in 1950, possibly in Soviet captivity. Some sources claim he was awarded the German Cross and obtained the rank of General-major. Other spellings of his forename include Watther and Walther. Klaus Schwab’s father, on the other hand, was the managing director of a subsidiary of Zurich-based engineering firm Escher Wyss.
The history of Eugen’s relationship with Nazism in general is complex, but there is no substantive evidence of ties to high-ranking German leadership, particularly Hitler.
A fact check published by accredited German journalists dpa used Denazification records to uncover that Eugen Schwab was a member of some National Socialist organizations, but that alone does not prove any relationship to German high command or a belief in Nazi ideology.
While the Escher Wyss branch in Ravensburg, Germany, (which Eugen managed)
used prisoners of war and forced laborers, it is not clear whether the company was
forced to do so by the Nazis or because of a lack of workers.
Similarly, while Escher Wyss made a turbine for a Norwegian hydro-electric power station used in the construction of an experimental reactor for military-use plutonium, whether the Ravensburg branch did so as well is not clear.
At the end of the Second World War, as Germany attempted to remove Nazis and Nazism from public life, Schwab was acquitted before a committee investigating prominent public figures. A translation of dpa’s work states: “…it also seems unlikely that Schwab could have successfully denied that he would have been a member of the N.S.D.A.P. (the National Socialist German Workers’ Party) if he were a prominent Nazi.”
Crucially, there appears to be no evidence to suggest that Eugen Schwab was a confidant
of Hitler, as the social media posts state. Newsweek has contacted the World Economic Forum for comment.
The Ruling – is False,
The photo shared on social media is thought to be of German general Walter Dybilasz,
not WEF chief Klaus Schwab’s father.
While Eugen Schwab was a member of some National Socialist organizations and managed a factory that used prisoners of war, this does not demonstrate any direct ties to the Nazi regime. There is no evidence he was linked to German high command, including Hitler.
This is not equal opportunity but reverse discrimination.
Quotas, in most situations, are the most unfair way to conduct business.
The best of the best. Who believes and who cares now that we know how
the FBI has been weaponized…
Anyone watch Law and Order Heroes February 16, 2023 – Search (bing.com)
I know it’s just a story but the FBI let a known murder free because of a corrupt system!
I would like to know how many of them people on the seventh floor actually were field agents and got promoted instead of appointed. The FBI is actually allowed to govern themselves with no oversight from any other organization.
That’s gotta change right now.
In other words. The FBI is becoming the enforcement of the
Democratic KGB for The United States Communist Party.
The argument that MAGA conservatives are anti-government.
Does not hold water because we no longer have a government but rather a full-blown fascist administrative state that serves itself and bows to the PRC, not the people of the United States.
The FBI is unfixable and must be dismantled.
Nothing Wrong with Investigating. But in a straight
Party-Line Vote, the House voted 221-211
FBI Paid Russian Source for Anti-Trump Disinfo; Whistleblower Points to Jan. 6 Security Failures (theepochtimes.com)
CHRISTOPHER WRAY EXPOSED: FBI Paid Russian Source for Anti-Trump Disinformation, Special Counsel John Durham Never give up !! All the things happening now will be the materials that your children and grandchildren will learn in classrooms, of American Democracy !!
According to newly released information from special counsel John Durham, the FBI paid a Russian source for anti-Trump disinformation and may have attempted to conceal information on the source from investigators. FBI Director Christopher Wray has some explaining to do for his role in covering up his agency’s treasonous efforts in giving aid to a foreign government in an effort to sabotage President Trump and his administration.
These are the 15 Rosary Promises with no mention of AR15s.
Prayers Jimmy Carter to receive hospice care following hospitalizations Prayers
15-Promises-to-Those-Who-Pray-the-Rosary.pdf (s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com)