The Black Anthem

Did Keith M. Alber Write, ‘Opinion from a Former Judge’? |

Marxist revisionism dividing the world for personal power brokers.
Black isn’t a country so it’s not a national anthem, at best it is a song,
a nice commie brainwashing song for all the white hating god hating blacks

Because I don’t know ANYONE who’s ever heard that before! The so-called “Black National Anthem.” But without a doubt, it’s definitely the perverted, corrupt, lying, disgusting, disgraceful, left doing its best to divide this country! And SADLY, it’s been very successful, with a lot of ignorant and foolish people who will listen, and believe, everything they are told! That being said, we actually do have our own anthem here in Hawaii.
And anyone with any knowledge of the history of Hawaii knows why. And just for FUN, and strictly for comedy, when we used to be able to laugh at these things (actually I still do). . .(edited) A Patriot’s A to Z of America: Things Every Good American Should Know: Edward Moser: 9781596525498: Books

Can we focus on things that actually matter? Child trafficking. Drugs. Sexualization and indoctrination of our youth. The NFL, if ignored will have to change. You just have to ignore it and stop spending money. These celebrities and all this entertainment is nothing without the citizens.

Future generations will be here with or without us and they need us to get through this.
I would have stood up and turned my back on that garbage. Sorry to tell you, Black folks, bad news, there are many, many races different from you and you’re no better than any of them. You’re NOT special, get over yourselves. You didn’t build this country, and there were WAY more Irish slaves. There’s a lot more to this world other than You.
Many races built this country, many of them suffered. YOU, however, already live in
the greatest country on the planet, so enough with the ‘somebody owes me something’ nonsense and get on with your life. Stop dividing Americans.

Let This Not Be Lost: Super Bowl: Babyface on America the Beautiful Performance.
Super Bowl LVII: Chris Stapleton gives a moving rendition of the ‘National Anthem’.

America Do You People Not See What One Day It’s Coming Too???

Hell No We Have One National Anthem for All Americans and If Ye Racist Ass’s Can’t Stand It Git the Fuck Out of This Country and Go to Some Country You Can Be Happy at Cause Apparently Ye Not Happy in This One! That Black National Anthem Bullshit Is Way Past a Damn Disgrace to All Black and White and Native American People Who Fought and Died for Our Country So You Racist Sonofabitches Can Cram That Black National Anthem Bullshit up Ye Ass’s !

You’re Damn Right it’s Sewing Division.
How The Hell Could You Think Anything Else!
Damn a Bunch of This Race, That Race or The Other Race!

Leave it to the NFL to promote the FALSE NARRATIVE! I don’t believe in the 1619 project either. It’d be better to stick to the truth and the facts of our country, instead of dabbling in make believe. They promoted the Kneeling! They promoted the SHOT! NOW they think they did something else great by having this promated! This is why the NFL is going down and the viewers are falling off! Just like nascar! The Government paid them to switch from carburetor to fuel injection! Just wait till they put an electric car on the track! Imagine No NOISE, wonder how long they will take to Charge the Damn THINGS? LOL

Has anyone ever done ancestry or 23 and me?
My wife and I did just to see what the big deal was. I was shocked. Wife was also. We were from ALL over the place. I am a native American and my wife is 13% Jewish. We’ve brought this up with our friends who had very similar results. My point is why are we trying so hard to divide a country that is already so diverse as a fruit smoothie. One of my friends’ skins is whiter than mine and is feckless.

She is 8% African and didn’t know it. Let’s face it we are a blend of a lot of cultures
but the 1 thing we have in common is language and knowing we ARE AMERICANS.
Yes I can speak Spanish and my wife can speak German. So what, WE ARE AMERICANS BOTH BORN AND RAISED IN FLORIDA. I stand for the National Anthem and kneel on Sunday. sarge999

Dear Blacks, NATIONAL anthems are patriotic musical compositions

Symbolizing and evoking eulogies of the history and traditions of a NATION.
Blacks are not a nation. Blacks are a race. Blacks are the race that lead in murder rates, assault rates, children born to single mother rates, single parent household rates, illiteracy rates, school dropout rates… every economic and social pathological index of failure. –
Blacks kill, assault, and rape the other races at far higher rates than the reverse. – Jesse Jackson said, ““There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps… then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

The Epoch Times on Gettr: Actress Sheryl Lee Ralph performed “Lift Every Voice
and Sing,” known colloquially as the “Black National Anthem,” during the #NF…

Actress Sheryl Lee Ralph performed “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” known as
the “Black National Anthem,” during the #NFL ’s pre-Super Bowl festivities.

The National Anthem is for ALL American, U.S. Citizens!
It has never represented Race nor skin color! Neither does our Flag!

…. it’s all about context. A historical song is a historical song but her post coupled with
the performance, along with the political agenda that has followed the NFL just clearly suggests and encourages division. “It’s no coincidence that I’m singing this song” what does that even mean? The point is, it doesn’t matter. It was left open ended and vague.
Left for people to translate as they see fit.

Britannica Dictionary definition of NATIONAL ANTHEM. [count] : a song that praises
a particular country and that is officially accepted as the country’s song. Black National Anthem doesn’t exist in America American Freedoms exist because of the United States. Gee and I thought We were All Americans under One Flag and One Anthem. So is that the new Woke America, Have an Anthem for Every Culture while Canceling out certain other Cultures

What could possibly go wrong there?
Democrats have segregated Americans once again and History is repeating.
The ultimate in NFL pandering. The left is doing all they can to ensure black Americans do not assimilate into America and remain oppressed and dependent. Urban America is the new leftwing plantation where poor blacks are trapped and oppressed in hopelessness.

We’re done with the NFL! Boycotts coming. There is one Anthem. The black millionaire players, and celebrities who never put on the uniform or put their lives on the line for our country’s freedom should be ashamed of themselves.
They are tranced by their pimps or masters called white Liberals, the people who were KKK, the Party of Jim Crow Laws, the Party of George Wallace who stood at the door at Univ of Alabama in protest of blacks enrolling, the Party who had far less votes for blacks getting Civil Rights passed.
When they knew they lost the vote, the Left created the welfare state, to change black culture to not get married, say goodbye to black fathers, control the population by abortion on demand, and continue to force them to go to bad city schools! Goodell is a fool!
While Ralph saw the performance as bridging divides, others saw it as sowing division.

There is only 1 anthem, the National Anthem. #BLM is a racist POS organization
that is STEALING money from black people & causing chaos for years now. #fblm #fjb
There is only one National Anthem. The white guy who sang it at the Super Bowl was outstanding. it’s just totally sowing the seeds of race war hatred and division. deliberately. Black people are so unbelievable, they built this country and fought in WW I without guns.

Really. It could be Sonny and Whoopy Doo.

While they insult us every day on the fly.
Double standards and lies. They sing Black Anthem at the Super Bowl….
On one hand they tell you to treat everybody the same. They want EQUALITY Which is BS, they only want to divide, division of the country …it breaks the country!!

We have one country, and we have one people. Allowing ethnic division in our society
only creates disharmony among us. That is by design of the Communists, as they seek to destroy us. Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector, detailed the plan in the 1970’s. I think it is still up on Youtube. What is next? A trans national anthem? A feminist version? Are we going to give every interest group their own version in the future?

As an immigrant, I am appalled at the constant divisiveness that Democrats force on the American people. Are they going for a new form of segregation? There should never be a label on our anthem other than it being the US National Anthem, because it stands for EVERYONE. Far left intersectionality is the death to a functioning society. They dissect us into little shreds, which can be discarded easier! ~Anonymous

I have a national anthem. thank you anyway. You are welcome to be my American brethren and stand for our anthem, other than that, or for these fools that separate themselves by race. America is not a people held together by a common race, but instead a common belief in self-responsibility, independent thought and freedom.

The plan by the Globalist WEF Agenda & Cabal to divide and destroy society. – Bing video
We need to get rid of the Globalist WEF infested government who are implementing it.
Stay focused people, ignore distractions, they will come in many forms. This is probably one of them and the balloons and the UFO’s.
The politicization of professional and college sports by our leftwing overlords who run the media and the sports industry is absolutely destroying America.
We must boycott the NFL. It is the only way. If we don’t, our leftwing overlords will continue to politicize and destroy #nfl  #nflboycott

No, there is ONLY ONE AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM. “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

There’s no race attached to it. They can call that abomination of a song something else.
Total bullshit. White people need to boycott the NFL next season. Far past time to take action against the very woke and politically correct NFL and NBA. Possibly we need a White anthem, or an Irish anthem, or an Italian anthem, or a Polish anthem. And of course the sheep in society would be worried about being branded a racist, or a white supremacist because they take exception to a ‘Black’ national anthem. The progressive left are truly pernicious in their agenda.

Funny thing ….our first half white Muslim & Marxist President..Obama ….never mentioned the black national anthem or Juneteenth which tells me this was pulled out of someone’s ass . Asking if two anthems for a country are inclusive or divisive? Dumb! If it were inclusive it would be for ALL people. When you feel you must have one each for what you think is two separate groups that is the definition of divisive!

The vast majority of America knows and admitted the wrongness of slavery and the pain of the past and have tried to make sure it can never happen again. But there are those in a minority with the help of fools with money and power to reach millions of viewers who continue to try and drag ALL of America back to the past and keep ALL people separated into groups of color and keep the the brothers and sisters of the HUMAN RACE angry and hateful of one another.

American First Legal Ad is HILARIOUS
YouTube 16.3K views 3 months ago
by The Amazing Lucas

Dear Black Americans,
Hate to break it to you but, you’re not special.
When I go into the cities and talk to many blacks, they tell me there is no racism, as long as you present yourself professionally and welcome others into your life. If you’re a punk ass bitch others will treat you like a punk ass bitch with your droopy pants on.
If blacks want a national anthem then go live in the country where the slaves came from, that is what you all are acting like. Mind controlled privileged slaves. I have pride in my country.
Black people are not special; they do not get their own Anethum that seeks to separate and segregate. It’s amazing how humbled, and willing blacks were willing to learn after 1870 and how they really took the steps to integrate and become part of America, part of the American dream. But the selfish, racist, bigoted Marxist blacks of today all use their ancestor slave hardships and pains as excuses and justification to act like ungrateful racist animals. Black this, black that, black whatever. Black history month, black-only colleges. The list goes on and on. The more they get, the more they want. They’re no better than I am, and I’m no better than they are!!! Let them re-segregate themselves. So tired of skin colors. Who really cares.

I’m Really so sick of this bullshit.
We the People have a national anthem that includes all Americans no matter what skin color you may be. Insulting to the nation. Ignorance is bliss. It’s all to further divide America period. Enhanced and promoted by the politicians to create a smoke screen to hide what they are doing. Spent this Sunday away from all the wokeness of lies and enjoy the day with family away from Woke TV.

Political democrats are desperate to divide America because it promotes weaknesses and hatred in America. This current administration, the FBI/DOJ and every Biden governmental agency is destroying America’s greatest by selling out to communist China. Biden is the devil and must be booted to hell.

This nation has only one National Anthem. Lift Every Voice should have been played at half time and dump that perverted show.

Viewers Blast Rihanna as ‘Biggest Sellout’ over Super Bowl Performance:
 ‘How’s That Kaepernick Boycott Going’ (

The Best (And Worst) Super Bowl Halftime Performances Ever – Gameday News
Report finds in 23 public schools in Baltimore NONE of the children understand basic math | Daily Mail Online

These schools will churn out our next gaggle of black lawyers and Democrat politicians.
Watch/Listen @ 9:12: Rutgers Professor Says “White People are Committed to Being Villains” – YouTube
It is a Reversed KKK under a Cover of CRT. They have shown how racist they can be.
How about Mexicans, Asians, latins, Arabs, all the other colors of our country.
When do Americans get reparations for all the black crime, riots, welfare and blight?
Only one anthem that includes all!!


⚠ “Harvest of Despair” (English) – a documentary film 
about Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932 – 1933 – Bing video
The ’15 Minute Concentration Camp’ Concept Is Coming to Canada
Eva Jung Bowen on Gab: ‘The ’15 Minute Concentration Camp’!!! They are what the Bible describes as abominations! The Face of Shame on Gab: ‘(The Face of Shame)  The Face of Shame on Gab: ‘(The Face of Shame) A very strange truth. #Super_bowl


SOUSA The Liberty Bell – “The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band – Bing video

The Liberty Bell (March) by John Philip Sousa/arr. Jay Bocook – YouTube

Custom aside, it’s no place for a National Anthem, save the Anthem for Olympic Sports, Government functions, or international venues where the Nation is being represented by its officially chosen song. Sounding like The Turner Diaries every day! Last time I checked this was America not black America, the country is turning into a ghetto because of the Democraps in office! Just more racialised narcissism designed to get a reaction from the rest of us so we can be accused of “waycism” and “white supwemacy”. It’s so tediously predictable.

Replying to @EpochTimes  Such stupid marketing. Nothing wise, uniting or remotely attractive about this. America is a nation of mixed culture. Using one culture
to promote a political agenda as a twisted woke defeated nation. Reeks of disorders and defeat, someone needs to wake up the small but powerful mental patients running the show…


Marxist Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
You accuse the opposition of the very thing you yourself are guilty of. There is only ONE National Anthem for ALL AMERICANS in the United States! To claim that any song is a “Black National Anthem” is segregationist! The Communists want to divide us into racial groups forever arguing amongst ourselves and never uniting under a single banner! The banner is The Stars and Stripes of the American Flag with one song that unites us all as Americans !

It was derived from a poem by Francis Scott Key in the War of 1812 as a prisoner aboard a British Man-of-War during the siege of Fort McHenry outside Baltimore.
Against all odds with the bombardment all night in the morning our “flag was still there” over the fort ! United! So when do we get a brown NA, a red NA, a yellow NA, an olive NA, an lesbian NA, a gay NA, a trans NA. You will always have discrimination and the most held discrimination in the country is toward single white male?

The Antichrist Tier List: Who is the Antichrist… RANKED – YouTube

In the end false prophets will mislead, symbolism will mislead, false idols lifted up instead of God’s will serve Satan’s doubt to mislead the weak into darkness…!

What if Satan is fooling the masses by doing good deeds so people will follow after all what’s one state to fool the rest.

Even Satan will appear to fool people into thinking he’s God…🤔🤔🤔 ***

Quickie – 15 Minute Smart Cities And Who’s Behind It – City of London,
Kissinger & Associates

When these 4 “Orwellian city-prisons for commoners” experiments have worked, your city will be next. WEF & Saudi Arabia are promoting 4 “Huge Orwellian Prisons” for commoners, sugarcoated as “high tech and convenient. Eva Jung Bowen on Gab: ‘When these 4 “Orwellian city-prisons for commoners…’

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Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for facilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR. From Major Jordan’s Diary and Speech from the 1960s. – Bing video

During WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Israel is a Russian-speaking state and that the two countries share a common history and extensive family ties.
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The only man that can save America is the eternal son of God who has all power and authority if America would repent he would intervene.
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The ’15 Minute Concentration Camp’ Concept Is Coming to Canada – USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.

Central banks race to implement new digital currencies as cities activate “smart” infrastructure.

Actress Sheryl Lee Ralph performed “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” – Search (

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