The Etheric Body

Etheric Body: The Lowest Layer in the Human Energy Field
Post author:PsyMinds

The etheric body, ether-body, æther body, a name given by neo-Theosophy to a vital
body or subtle body propounded in esoteric philosophies as the first or lowest layer in the “human energy field” or aura. The etheric body is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with “higher” bodies.

The English term “etheric” in this context seems to derive from the Theosophical writings of Madame Blavatsky, but its use was formalized by C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant  due to the elimination of Hindu terminology from the system of seven planes and bodies. (Adyar School of Theosophy).

The term gained some general popularity after the 1914-18 war, Walter John Kilner having adopted it for a layer of the “human atmosphere” which, as he claimed in a popular book, could be rendered visible to the naked eye by means of certain exercises. The classical element Aether of Platonic and Aristotelian physics continued in Victorian scientific proposals of a Luminiferous ether as well as the cognate chemical substance ether.

According to Theosophists and Alice Bailey, the etheric body inhabits an etheric
plane which corresponds to the four higher subplanes of the physical plane.
The intended reference is therefore to some extremely rarefied matter,
analogous in usage to the word “spirit” (originally “breath”).

In selecting it as the term for a clearly defined concept in an Indian-derived metaphysical system, the Theosophists aligned it with ideas such as the prana-maya-kosha (sheath made of prana, subtle breath or life-force) of Vedantic thought.

In popular use it is often confused with the related concept of the astral body 
as for example in the term astral projection – the early Theosophists had called
it the “astral double“. Others prefer to speak of the “lower and higher astral“.

Linga sarira is a Sanskrit term for the invisible double of the human body, the etheric body, or etheric double. It is one of the seven principles of the human being, according
to Theosophical philosophy.

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, often referred to the etheric body (Ätherleib or “Life Body”) in association with the etheric formative forces and the evolution of man and the cosmos.

According to him, it can be perceived by a person gifted with clairvoyance as being
of “peach-blossom color“. Steiner considered the etheric reality or life principle as quite distinct from the physical material reality, being intermediate between the physical world and the astral or soul world.

The etheric body can be characterized as the life force also present in the plant kingdom.
It maintains the physical body’s form until death. At that time, it separates from the physical body, and the physical reverts to natural disintegration.

According to Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian writings, the etheric body, composed of four ethers, is called the “Vital Body” since the ether is the way of ingress for the vital force from the Sun and the field of agencies in nature which promote such vital activities as assimilation, growth, and propagation.
It is an exact counterpart of our physical body, molecule for molecule, and organ for organ, but it is of the opposite polarity. It is slightly larger, extending about one and one-half inches beyond the periphery of the physical body.

Samael Aun Weor teaches that the vital body is the tetra-dimensional
part of the physical body and the foundation of organic life.
He states that in the second Initiation of Fire, which is reached through working with sexual magic with a spouse, the Kundalini rises in the vital body.
Then the initiate learns how to separate the two superior ethers from the others in order for them to serve as a vehicle to travel out of the physical body.

Beings that possess only etheric bodies.
In the teachings of Theosophy, Devas are regarded as living either in the atmospheres of the planets of the solar system (Planetary Angels) or inside the Sun (Solar Angels) and they help to guide the operation of the processes of nature such as the process of evolution and the growth of plants; their appearance is reputedly like colored flames about the size of a human being.

It is believed by Theosophists that devas can be observed when the third eye is activated. Some (but not most) devas originally incarnated as human beings. Also, it is believed by Theosophists that nature spirits, elementals (gnomes, undines, sylphs, and salamanders), and fairies can also be observed when the third eye is activated.

It is maintained by Theosophists that these less evolutionarily developed beings have never been previously incarnated as human beings; they are regarded as on a separate line of spiritual evolution called the “deva evolution”; eventually, as their souls advance as they reincarnate, it is believed they will incarnate as devas.

It is asserted by Theosophists that all of the above-mentioned beings possess etheric bodies (but no physical bodies) that are composed of etheric matter, a type of matter finer and purer that is composed of smaller particles than ordinary physical plane matter. (See the book Occult Chemistry by C.W. Leadbeater)

*This article was originally published at
Your etheric body plays an important role in how you feel and how you think.
Your physical wellbeing and mental health are closely connected, and both rely
heavily on the health and strength of your etheric body.

If it is weakened, then you probably aren’t feeling so great either.
Spending a little time taking care of your etheric body by clearing
and strengthening it could make a lifetime of difference.

What Is an Etheric Body?
An aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds us all.
From humans to animals and even objects, everything has an aura of some sort.
The aura is what gives us that “vibe” we get from other people.
When, without getting to know someone first, you just have “a feeling”
about them, you’re actually reading their aura.
Some people, animals or things could have a negative aura or a positive aura. If you’re tuned into noticing it, you’re the type of person who can get a good feel for someone’s personality from just one conversation.

Layers of The Aura
Every aura is made up of 7 layers, each one with its own purpose and impact.
The innermost layer is your physical body and less than an inch outside of it is the etheric layer, the densest layer. Following the etheric layer is the emotional layer, mental layer, spiritual or etheric temple layer, the celestial body and finally the etheric body. These layers are also known as the subtle bodies and each one is connected to a corresponding chakra.

The etheric body is the physical plane of the aura.
Due to its close proximity, it is deeply connected to your physical body. It has ties to your physical health, all your bodily sensations, including pain and pleasure. It is linked with the root chakra, which among other things, is associated with our basic human needs.
The etheric body is considered to be responsible for sensations of hot and cold, and even hunger and thirst. Our physical bodies and etheric bodies are so closely connected that sometimes the etheric body is called a metaphysical twin.
Some spiritualists believe that each part of the physical body has an equal replica within the etheric layer, including all of the organs. Even if one is removed, the etheric version still exists to protect us.

The 5 senses are also the responsibility of the etheric body. It is the medium through which we experience the world. It receives the energies of the world around us and this affects our own energy.

The etheric body delivers energy to your physical body, be it positive or negative. Similarly, the physical body’s experiences affect your etheric body and the kind of energy it provides. The relationship is cyclical, if you do not take care of one, the other will suffer too, and the cycle will continue.

The emotional and mental layers are connected to the etheric layer too. This gives more meaning to the theory that our emotions and mental health deeply impact how our bodies feel.

Clearing the Etheric Body
Sometimes, the etheric body can become blocked and its functions will suffer for it. The connection between the etheric and the physical bodies is so deep that these blockages can heavily impact how we feel, some even suggest that our health is at risk.
If you haven’t been maintaining and improving your etheric body, then you might need to consider clearing before you can move on. Blockages can be caused by anything that would typically harm the physical body. This could include a poor diet, lack of sleep, poor air quality and of course, stress.
A lack of exercise will also lead to blockages as exercise is considered to be energetically cleansing.
Blockages can also be caused by the kind of energy your etheric body takes in. If you spend time in negative places with negative people, you’re going to pick that up too. Anxious thoughts have very low vibrations. The lower the vibration, the more blocking it is.

You can clear your etheric body by detoxing from the typical challenges
to your physical health but be aware that a detox can lead to mental stress.

The best ways to clear your etheric body involve meditation and full-body scans.
Whilst you meditate, take each body part in turn and visualize letting go of negativity.
You can also visualize your aura becoming clearer.

Strengthening the Etheric Body
A strong etheric body is better able to withstand negative influences and remain positive. When your etheric layer is strong, your physical body is too. Just like strengthening the physical body, the best way to add strength to the etheric body is to stay on top of your health.

Make sure your diet is varied and healthy. Exercise regularly, in a way that makes you happy. Breathe fresh air. Most importantly, make sure your anxieties and stress are under control. If anxiety is the lowest liberating influence, you want as little of it as possible (easier said than done!).

Strengthen your etheric layer by accessing all sorts of natural energies.
Energy from nature is naturally strengthening and the more different kinds of energy you expose your etheric body to, the better prepared it’ll be to protect you. Your etheric body is valuable and should be cared for, just as it cares for you. Consider it a protective cushion that surrounds you. Build it strong, and it will keep you safe.

References: | Kundalini yoga, Kundalini, Chakra yoga (
A Simplified Meaning of the Etheric Body – MIND IS THE MASTER
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