College Educations on the Decline

The Newsroom Speech by Jeff Daniels (with subtitles) – Bing video

It takes more energy to deliver electricity to your stove than gas so by all means let’s
get rid of gas stoves and use only electric stoves. That fits into Biden’s Energy Department and shows just how stupid those people are. Electric cars and electric charging stations, batteries, electric stoves – all less efficient and where do they get their energy from – carbon fuels.

How about tackling the fentanyl problem first? The border crisis?
Out of control crime in liberal cities? Soaring food prices? Gas stoves? Really?
Cash for gas stove clunkers? That’s what we need. Priority one. Infrared stoves.
What the hell is going on here? Is this country really this ignorant?

These liars from WEF wanna tell us that it’s our fault the climate is changing.
Climate did always change in the past and nature always found a way to go on.
Start thinking and listen to scientists who have nothing to do with the WEF liars
and you will see that I’m right. The only way to stop these assholes is to get rid of them.
They have to be voted out of every office they hold and fired from where they hold power.
More proof the 2020 and 2022 elections were rigged!!!

How Elon Exposed MOST POWERFUL Person In the World – YouTube

Is natural gas environmentally friendly? – Enbridge Inc.

Over a dozen activist groups have asked for an ethics probe into allegations
Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is using her staff for personal errands and other tasks outside of their official duties. She’s in the wrong party, she is too good looking to be a Demorat, Demoncrat women are usually obese nasty ugly racist beochies with the brain
of a chimpanzee.
But honestly, she supposedly left the party to become an independent so now
she is a target. The communist pathological liars and propagandists always eat their own.
Paranoia runs deep with authoritarians. Activist groups ask for Senate ethics probe into Sinema’s alleged misuse of staff – Real America’s Voice News (

That might be PART of the reason COLLEGES are trying to brainwash college students,
so the global elite have some people supporting their bullshit and I also just bet that parents are tired of spending their hard-earned dollars to have literal Marxist/Communist Professors indoctrinate their children with idiot ideas about Gender, Hate Speech, Climate Change and all the other bullshit theories they can dream up. You want enrollment to go up, how about teaching subjects that prepare a person to FIND A GOOD JOB and be a productive member of society! College Enrollment Decline Tied To Pandemic-Era Mandates, Population Decrease, Expert Says | The Daily Caller

The decline in college enrollments is not all about the pandemic.
College enrollments are down because the quality of college education is getting worse, students are fed up with restriction of free speech, Marxist professors denigrate the United States, CRT and social emotional learning preempt studies in math, science and English, and graduates are coming out of college without critical thinking skills, teamwork concepts, a lack of morality, ethics and subject knowledge and are not prepared for the workforce. THE PANDEMIC IS JUST A LEFTIST EXCUSE.
No, it’s not from the pandemic…..It’s because parents and young adults don’t want the garbage that these colleges are pushing on them, even our religious colleges are pushing this craziness and immoral garbage,,, Better to delay college than compromise your life with these jabs. All cause mortality and disability continue to maintain high rates since mandates started.

Well, it’s their Pandemic Gods who are purposefully creating the “Population Decrease” and have been for a long time. Maybe it took our youth being in otherwise normal surroundings to knock some of that indoctrination out of their brains. And if not, their parents who control the checkbook more than likely have had enough of the snot-nosed attitude that comes with the indoctrination. Can you imagine being locked up with a snot-nosed indoctrinated radical & realizing that it’s our own corrupt weaponized government that is destroying our children and our country while their media fan club runs for cover? Thinking it’s a mystery that enrollment is down in abusive schools and up in traditional schools is the result of common core math – also by design. #vaccinedeaths #jabsarekillingpeople #jabsideeffects


…in recognition of his work to alleviate poverty and diseases… (

I want to be paid reparations because all my life as a Whiteman I have been forced to
pay for the irresponsible behavior of black people. I’ve been taxed extra to support their living supportive programs, education, housing, food, healthcare, incarceration, equal opportunity, phones, among others. The money I’ve taken from my paychecks due to being self-responsible and self-reliant, could have been better used on my own children and family needs. Not to mention myself. Pay up!!!!!!!

Well, people are figuring out that a huge debt is not worth the woke indoctrination…
it was barely worthwhile back when you actually got an education. I get it.
Who wants to spend a few hundred thousand to become a mindless idiot
forced into groupthink by the communist Democrats?

…and the rotten propaganda teachers, professors,
who indoctrinate a dystopian agenda to our children!
Don’t blame it on COVID! The Left and China caused the man-made bioterrorism bomb and our government, filled with people who didn’t win their elections who are still in our government trying to make our country 3rd world !

How long before the woke mob realizes that a large majority of
people don’t accept progressive mantras.

This quiet massive group will continue to quietly walk away. This will be a wonderful thing to see. Smartest move those students who rejected the jab ever made. Ironic that college is supposed to open up new doors and opportunities that the jabbed have closed doors and opportunity by going to colleges with mandates.

Finally, why pay to get stupid, stay out of these gods’ forsaken dungeons, let the dragon
& demons starve themself to death and die off first. #keepkidssafe Learn a skill, build a portfolio, continue to perfect your craft and live your life. You mean over-paying for brainwashing and uselessness doesn’t sell?

Generally speaking, colleges are overrated. Who in their right mind wants to pay for
online courses that happened during the plandemic? Colleges as a whole, are overpriced. How about the cost? It’s through the roof and, for many, is out of reach. Plus this is the kind of “education” received in American colleges Animal House (8/10) Movie CLIP – Finished at Faber (1978) HD – YouTube

Macroeconomic Course 100, Woke=broke

Woke Darwinism B.S. has nothing to do with it, I’m sure!

FarterTed  @FarterTed · 1h
Replying to @DailyCaller
Republicans must be happy. More highly educated people tend
to vote Democrat while uneducated people vote Republican.

So why are the Nazicrats Democrats flooding the country with illiterate, unskilled uneducated peasants from South America that cannot speak the language in the expectation of eventually buying their votes by keeping them confined to the economic plantations of government dependence? You’re a moron FarterTed too and vote Nazicrats?

Any Nazicrat lowers the ambient IQ to room temperature.
George Orwell said that only an academic would be smart enough to believe the BS Nazicrats peddle. People that parade their credentials as proof of their intelligence are always insufferable narcissistic morons and incompetents. Do we have to list again the litany of Nazicrat failures, waste and destruction? Russia will soon deliver your well deserved comeuppance. You pompous arrogant fool.

Enrollment decline is due to higher tuition costs, corruption and
College’s Leftist Political Agenda over a practical and meaningful education!
Nope, it’s because so many are just tired of having to answer questions the
way the Marxists want them to so that they can get a degree and try to earn a living.
It’s because you go to college and then can’t get a job because you can’t convince an employer that you actually even know how to think. It’s because the skills you get from gender studies don’t even help you figure out how to work at McDonalds.
LOL……… sure that’s the reason…. Maybe young people are FINALLY realizing that
4 years + of college does not automatically get them a desk job and six figure income. McDonalds IS raising their starting pay to $15 an hour though.

We demand the nationalization of #Google
Corporation for human rights violations and to give it to the stronghold of democracy – America. It is impossible to allow such large corporations that can influence the opinion
of humanity, so that there are private companies that are corrupt and write their own laws contrary to international laws, suppressing all the rights of humanity. Google Corporation should be nationalized by the bulwark of democracy – #America

Well maybe the American people can pay for illegals to go to college, they push abortions, then complain about low population growth, they push abortions, then say we need all these illegals to fill in the gaps. This is the liberals’ bullshit spin. I think college enrollment is down because people including college students aren’t interested in their woke shit.

College Enrollment Declines… as more and more parents are now awake to the fact
that Colleges are no more than Frankfurt Schools of “Critical Theory”… destroyers of civilizations!

Yeah,…they have to pose it as something other than what it really is!
People are perhaps getting a little smarter and FINALLY waking up to
the fact they HAVE ALL been played for SUCKERS for years!!
People have been paying EXORBITANT tuitions and fees, giving fortunes in endowments to these COMMUNIST iNDOCTRINATION CENTERS ..that,..instead of teaching their kids how to actually be prepared for the workforce,.. instead, TO HATE AMERICA,
DEVELOP THIS PHONEY ” GENDER DYSPHORIA”, and all the rest of this


People are starting to realize they’re not getting anything of value for their money.
It won’t be long until those institutions of “higher education” will be asking for a bailout.
More likely, the decline is a result of a growing awareness among parents that communist
ideas and actions are being formulated and carried out on college campuses all over America.

Higher education is now self-destruction.
The reason enrollment is down IS because of the covid mandates and the outrageous cost. Colleges should loan these kids money for tuition. Why? because that would stop them from graduating them with a worthless degree. More likely a lack of intelligent professors! Nowadays, self-taught people are the intelligent ones! Knowledge is power, but deception is evil!

No, not reallyit’s just that a college degree in some contrived course doesn’t mean shit when you’re working in a Starbucks coffee shop. Colleges haven’t cared about real world applications for years, they don’t care about employment outcomes, they just want the dollars, some people have wised up and are learning on the job.

Learn a trade and get experience.
You will earn more money than working for a corporation unless you are the CEO.
Maybe certain colleges have declined in enrollment. Others are booming.
There also are certifications and community colleges.
Those who may have chosen the Military will choose a trade school.

ULTRA Wilsonsharondm @wilsonsharondm · Feb 3
Replying to @DailyCaller
People have wised up to the indoctrination happening in the schools and colleges.
My sons went to community college and majored in precision machinery and welding.
They haven’t had a problem finding good paying jobs and they also don’t have any
student loan debt.

That’s because a college degree is highly overrated, and certainly overpriced.
Go to trade school, or go get a CDL. You’ll always have a steady job, and income with that. Besides; all colleges and universities do now, is “indoctrinate” and “brainwash” kids, to hate their own country, and play the “victim.” Go to work, work hard, and save and invest your money. Hustle, hustle, hustle!

Each state needs to support our community colleges and work with industries to give them the skilled labor they need. Each state needs to work with colleges so we have Computer experts, Educators, Doctors etc. Go back to supporting local and state level and get the federal government out of all of the schools.

Get NIH out of Colleges like UNC and Penn
Went to a high-level university (MBA) and I can say it was a complete waste of effort and time. I wrote checks for tuition, so I wasn’t saddled with debt but ultimately it did nothing for me (other than warp my expectations in my 20s).

WRONG. We don’t call them Institutions of Indoctrination for nuthin’.

If you are the parents of teens, keep this little FACT in the back of your mind.
The richest guy in my small ‘deplorable’ town is a plumber.
The 2nd richest guy is a diesel mechanic.

College = Fascist indoctrination centers run by and for Oligarchs!

Nobody wants their kids indoctrinated…that could be part of it too.

Colleges are the number one source for brainwashing students into believing in communism and no religion as an ideal way of life for the U.S. Corrupt Democratic professors are destroying our country one classroom at a time.

OurAmericanWay @OurAmericanWay · Feb 4
Replying to @DailyCaller

Maybe enrollment is down because people are waking up to the scam that college is.
It is an indoctrination program to socialism. Funny how secular college enrollment is growing, which helps prove my point. Young people are also catching on that American colleges are an indoctrination and financial scam. They have told me so.

It’s called WOKE. Vaccine mandates. Masks.
And the lack of preparation for the “real world” in employment. The lack of free speech
on campus. The authoritarianism of professors and one-sided curriculum. Who needs a college diploma to take 6 weeks to complete a task that takes five minutes of actual work!?

Plus, that is four-six years less of DEI/CRT classes!?
It’s no accident that those who believe everything the government tells them, like open borders, transgenderism, climate change BS and globalism are about 30% of the public. That’s the same percentage that’s college educated. How many dollars does it take for the educational establishment to lower one’s IQ by 10 points?

And the cost keeps going up About $25,000 to $40,000 and going up. It’s a lot cheaper and quicker if you just pick up a “College for Dummies manual” at the local book store.
All of the BS of equality and inclusiveness that teaches discrimination in reality.
The racism being exploited as BLM. The LGBTQ+ and their cries for attention and
exclusivity. The indoctrination of students has put this country last in the world.
Ask Miguel Cardona he is the secretary of education for the US.
Doubt he will answer anything, since he’s a Democrat.

VAMama @VAMama · Feb 4
Replying to @DailyCaller
If you’re going to send your kids to college, choose online universities.
Most colleges have full-time curriculums. My kids went full-time, all 4 years online. There’s less pressure from peers and less interaction/brainwashing from professors. Granted a lot of the curriculum is still liberal leaning, it’s a lot less influential.
Plus, it’s cheaper and your kids can stay home, and you can monitor them.

sallee_uncensored @the1sallee · Feb 4
Replying to @DailyCaller
My son, who is currently a sophomore in high school, was invited to be part of a 9-day engineering experience at many of the nation’s top schools like Duke, Columbia or Yale. We declined once we got to the last page of forms and saw that he would have to be vaccinated to step on any of these campuses. I mean, we all know they are pushing this sh*t because they rely on Fauci-bucks (now Auchincloss-bucks) to fund their labs. But it’s insane that they truly don’t care if kids die or suffer as long as they get those NIH grants. patriot strong on Gettr: New York Times and Twitter are on schedule to spread info on another more deadly virus pandemic coming.

The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer… #scamdemic
Side Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharma-Insider

How about asking “Did many kids die from the mandated poison injections?”
As they began to re-open, students were expected to comply with mandates demanding they wear face masks, be fully vaccinated and social distance or quarantine to mitigate spread of the virus. Some schools, including Yale, Fordham and Harvard University, still update their vaccine mandates to reflect the latest booster. Other schools, like Rhode Island College, require students to wear masks in certain on-campus settings.

Young People are turning away from what they know is a poor investment.

College decline causes consideration
1) The dumbing down of students.
2) The awareness that technical skills like electrician, plumber, auto mechanics,
mean more than fluffy degrees in gender stuff and BS in art studies…etc.
3) the increase in school administrators (Harvard has just a bit fewer than professors),
4) The use of poorly paid and treated adjunct teachers Etc.

Only STEM fields (plus medicine and law) require advanced degrees and anybody with half a brain understands that a worthless degree which smothers a young person with debt is just plain stupid. In years gone by, a liberal arts degree proved to employers that the person possessing it is reliable and has an IQ in the triple digits at least, those where the days before colleges became ridiculously expensive theme parks.
Those institutions deserve to fade away as do the so-called professors who are hired because of their politics and not their ability. Everyone who has the ability to learn and is conscientious is valuable. Going to college no longer means anything, it was the colleges themselves that made this true. Bring back apprenticeships and trade schools for manufacturing/engineering and we can become a self-sufficient nation again.

TheSportsJab @TheSportsJab · Feb 4
Replying to @DailyCaller
I hold a B.S. and an M.S., and I should have gone to trade school 30 yrs. ago!
GO LEARN A TRADE(S)! And get a B.S. online if you so desire as well… Now, welding, there are some dangers but strides in safety over the years have made the trade much safer! And an electrician, you will get zapped here and there…HVAC, you will be on a roof (in particular if you go the industrial route) during the dog days of summer…

PatriotGranny @195170 · Feb 3
Replying to @DailyCaller
Knowing what I know now…I wouldn’t recommend college to anyone at this point.
These Universities take federal money and are beholden to the government. Therefore, Leftist Professors teach their Liberal crap and when your kid makes it out of there. You don’t even know who they are! Plus, the fact that either they’re in debt or the parents are. Not one of my kids utilizes the degree that they graduated with and 2 out of the 3 were Liberals when they came out.
College Enrollment Decline is Due To Insane College Tuition & Due to The Woke Culture!
No Longer Are Colleges Educational Learning Centers, Rather Indoctrination Centers! Students Would Be Much Further Ahead Getting A Technical Degree Making 6 figure salaries & Much Less Debt!

We have a Shortage of Skilled People!

Yes, this is why the left has gotten so aggressive in pushing their cultural
poison in K-12 schools. Fewer kids are going to college, and I can see Why?
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