Michelle ‘Chellee’ Utter

Energize-Boost Your Mitochondria and Heal Your Body at The Cellular Level

Listen to Michelle Utter tells her story:
Episode 5 Live – Absolute Healing (absolutehealingseries.com)
“I was healthy. I did Spartan races, I did CrossFit. I ran three miles every morning
before I went to work. My three sons are in the military and had the shot.”
Absolute Healing Jonathan Otto does an amazing job investigating vaccine injuries in ways to heal. I was honored to have him interview me, starting at 42 minutes and another part at the end. I thank him for sharing my story. (2) Chellee (@Michell87463246) / Twitter

(2) Florida’s Voice on Twitter: “WATCH: At a round table with Gov. Ron DeSantis on mRNA vaccines, Michelle Utter, who previously ran Spartan races and did martial arts, tells a heart-wrenching story of her experience with the vaccine.

I wanted to visit my sons, so I got the shot…”
“The morning after I woke up in intense pain.
“With Inflammation everywhere”
When I tried to get out of bed I fell down and had difficulty walking.
I was never so scared in my life.” “I knew these strange symptoms I had were from the shot…””The scandal of being ‘vaxx injured” hurt me deeply. If I talked about my vaxx injuries my coworkers texted my boss and I’d get written up…”
“HR told me there’s not enough proof you’ve been injured by the shot.
I was forced to shut up or lose my job and have my health insurance taken away…”

“I felt alone and abandoned. Working at a hospital, you’d think that the doctors
and nurses would be caring and compassionate, instead, they have ignored me.”
“When no one cares and you go from doctor, to doctor, to doctor with NO HOPE
to get any better. I’ve wanted to end my life. But I can’t do that to my kids…”
“I reached out to React19 – Search (bing.com) and they helped me. I do pray more.
I speak out in my social group, all these vaxx-injured people are my new family now.”

When Michelle finished her story, I asked her:
Do you believe that you can get better, Michelle?
“Yes, I think I can. I’ve been searching for a way to heal.
I pray I’ll run 3 miles again.” We all need to be more compassionate
when we hear someone talk about their physical and emotional pain.
They need to know that we care so they can have hope.

That’s why I am so thankful to the incredible, brave doctors and
health experts who have been giving hope to people like Michelle, every day.

In this Docuseries, top experts, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Dr. Jack Wolfson,
Dr. Brian Hooker, and Dr. Christina Parks reveal exciting news about the simple and
inexpensive ways to heal your body, that you can do easily, right at home.
Including protocols to “reboot” sick cells, simply by activating incredible
healing mechanisms inside every cell in our bodies.

Episode 5 starts off ….
with Dr. Henry Ealy, as he reveals the 3 key stages of internal healing…
“Stage 1, enhancing the elemental diet, and building up mitochondria.
Stage 2, cleansing and detoxification with new herbs.
and then Stage 3, activating the cell’s internal healing mechanism…
which tells our DNA to start repairing itself.”

You’ll also get to hear from Dr. Mark Sherwood… And he’s going into detail
about what you can do to heal chronic fatigue from spike protein shedding:
“If the mitochondria inside a cell are damaged by a spike protein,
the cell can’t create energy (ATP) so the cell starves, shrivels up, and dies, and
you feel exhausted. If you have chronic fatigue, you’ll have difficulty getting well again…
Unless you take the right supplements to help your mitochondria recover.”

Dr. Jack Wolfson is also featured in this episode, and he shares what you
should be doing to get rid of GMO poisons inside our precious energy-producing mitochondria: “When spike protein damage accumulates with heavy metal toxins and GMO poisons, the delicate tissues of our mitochondria are more difficult to repair…”

Dr. Brian Hooker is another incredible speaker you’ll hear from. He opens up
about his son’s recovery process (after he developed autism from a childhood vaxx).
He goes into detail about the highly successful detox protocols that he used to help
his son gets rid of the toxins in his body that were causing disease:
“My son has mitochondrial dysfunction and is unable to excrete heavy metals…
Autistic children often have gut issues. So, my son drinks a special health cocktail
I’ve created to keep his gut healthy. I use a methyl folate protocol to help his energy
problems with a special type of B12 because it doesn’t have cyanide.”

And, Dr. Christina Parks speaks about the fears of viral reactivation…
And what to do about it: “I know the spike protein is causing viral reactivation, whether that’s Epstein-Barr virus, or human retroviruses or even herpes, shingles and the bacteria that cause Lyme disease… If you’re deficient in (these things), your immune system can’t self-modulate, and it can’t stop viral reactivation.”

Also… Make sure you don’t miss out on the newest Bonus Episode #5 –
REBUILD: Post-COVID Treatments to Repair Cellular and DNA Damage.
During this episode, you’ll: Hear from Dr. Krishna Doniparthi as she shares insight into a special fatty acid found in a native plant that actually blocks the C0V!D virus from entering a cell. Learn from Dr. Henry Ealy as he reveals why hidden food allergies can cause an IgG delayed reaction and only 1% of people know if they have it.

Discover Sea Buckthorn Oil: Top 11 Health Benefits that has 40 vitamins and minerals, 64% more protein than steak, and is proven to stop cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, and heal leaky gut.
Find out about a 72-year-old man who had Alzheimer’s dementia. And when his wife put him on this green plant, his mental fog was gone within two days. – Search (bing.com)   

A recap of Absolute Healing Episodes 1 through 4 is below.
You can watch all eight HERE—scroll about halfway down the webpage.

Episode 1 + Bonus:
Patented-Why the Spike Protein Was Designed to Infiltrate in Your DNA
BONUS–Destruction-The Explosion of Messenger RNA Tech and Also Its
Devastation On Humanity
Episode 2 + Bonus:
Biotoxin-The Latest, Expert-Led Research Revealing COVID Bioweapons Truth
BONUS- Envenomation-Revelations About The Global Mass Bioweapon Agenda
Episode 3 + Bonus:
Suddenly-Myocarditis, Heart Attacks And Sudden Deaths In Healthy Young People
BONUS-Beating-Proven Protocols And Treatments For Post-Vaxx Heart Complications
Episode 4 + Bonus:
Repair-Top Natural Protocols To Reverse Vaxx Shedding, Long COVID And Spike Proteins
BONUS-Optimize-Restoring Your Health Post-COVID Bioweapon Exposure!!!

  Jonathan Otto: The Truth about Vaccine pdf – Search (bing.com)

Ginger: Nutrition facts, recipes, benefits, side effects, and more (msn.com)

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