Buy a New Energy-Efficient Refrigerator (VIDEO)
Exact Same Playbook As With Gas Prices:
“Buy An Electric Car for $55,000!!
That Will Solve the Crisis!!”
Is It Demonic – or Democratic? | Awakenings (seaclearly.com)
He is Correct, Because of what HE DID! Not to mention, Open Borders High Crime and Fentanyl Deaths in every City/Town USA. Notice also as DemocRATS and Media ramp
up the Police Killing in TN, they will get further and further away from the Documents Scandal, while we still wait for the Paul Pelosi tapes to be released.
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing
over and over again and expect different results!
When I look at democrats all I see are extremely corrupt stupid, greedy little cock roaches! So, self-absorbed that those who suffer around them are nothing more than an annoyance and something to receive the vaccines and be removed from their planet. We have God on our side where they only have Satan and he’s already lost!
Biden is a worse divider than even Obama was. He’s constantly attacking his opponents with lies and vilifying them. Making America Great is antithetical to him for some odd reason. He is doing a great job at Making America Decline (MAD). While families are struggling to put food on the table, they sure cannot afford to buy a new fridge The man has no clue what his policies have done to the working-class
Families don’t have enough money to buy the basics and he’s telling them to buy a energy efficient fridge. I’m really sick of this guy. Please somebody step up and put him out to pasture. He’s illegitimated, crook, liar, cheat and stupid.
This should be enough. We are struggling to put a decent president in the White House,
how about putting energy independent Trump back in!
Let’s Go Brandon! You caused this hellacious inflation,
Hi there,
On April 5, 1933, President Roosevelt signed
Executive Order 6102 — changing the U.S. dollar forever…
On March 9, 2022, President Biden signed
Executive Order 14067 — could change the dollar again,
into something much worse…
Go here now to see the potentially sinister outcome of Biden’s new executive order.
Jim Rickards
Editor, Paradigm Press
RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary) – YouTube
And the way inflation is now calculated has changed a lot to make it look much less than
it really is. In MHU you are a crooked as hell and are enriching your family at the expense
of the hard-working taxpayers. Your son also was paying you $50,000 rent a month for a
room in your home but he can’t afford to pay child support for his child.
Yea right! When are they going to investigate all your finances dealing with China, Ukraine, and Russia? Who suffers the most with the high price of gasoline and the eggs?
The poor obviously! Who is the poorest society in America? Black Americans, the people that Democrats constantly day in and day out play the hero too!!
Democrats are the definition of-full of crap!
Here is the real deal= all the union mice that were led by their Pied Piper union bosses in order to vote of or this moron, own this. Yes, they voted for this and will continue because they are incapable of figuring out what caused so many of them to lose their jobs= Here is a clue= look in the mirror, you people United to; vote blue no matter who they run, yes, so, it’s your fault, you voted for him. Go buy refrigerator. your Mafia Boss Joe said it will help you save a thousand while he takes billions from you in wages. Look, noting up his sleeve. Presto how does that ensure the affordability of putting food in the new energy efficient refrigerator?
According to this web site https://www.texaselectricityexaminer.com
you can save a “huge” $50/year in electricity by buying a new refrigerator.
But only if your old one is 15 — 20 years old–or, older. Of course, these
new more efficient refrigerators cost from $1500 -= $3800 to purchase.
So, that’s not a very big return on investment. Kinda like buying an electric
car–which brain-dead Biden & his fellow Dems are also promoting.
After signing on the dotted line & getting a car loan at current high rates,
you could be raising your electric bill by almost as much as you can save on
gasoline!! When you add in the car payment it becomes clear that you must
have a very long commute to financially justify these expenditures!!
Biden to Families,
” We are going to spend all our debt money in Ukraine and many other places
in the world so we can Destabilize it.” Only to make the world a better place for us.
Just another distraction, Joe says something ignorant, so people won’t think about
the real problems that you liberals have created …. We don’t have …. the unlimited
source of taking USA funds as well as other countries $$ for our personal purchases.
This entire administration is an embarrassment at best and most likely Criminal.
Bidone with his ill-gotten millions from his families’ crimes doesn’t have a clue
about how AMERICANS are struggling. He is a pimple on the ass of mankind!
I give up my wrath to GOD. Because he is BETTER AT IT THAN I AM. (rumble.com)
My prayer, per Jerimiah 33:3. All these jailers of humanity God, all the clots shot pushing.
go along with genocide murderers, and all the eugenics believing, degenerate pedophiles.
in power / world economic forum attendees and their puppet masters we don’t even know
about. God I am asking you to swiftly administer JUSTICE to them all. Call unto me:; also
I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou know Est not.
What a disgrace this administration truly is.
Kamala is only polling at 2% for president for 2024.
So, Joe isn’t going anywhere before his term is up (unless he has a stroke, etc.).
But it is highly doubtful he’ll be the 2024 candidate. Nope. Obama’s Corvette-gate
has made sure of that. But I wonder if Obama is beginning to realize that he is not
in charge of Joe & China is calling Joe’s shots? Obama may not be happy with th0.
(Some have suggested Eric Adams is moving into position for 2024.)
They’re trying to destroy this country before Trump comes back and imprisons them!
Stand up America, it’s time to take this disgusting party down once and for all.
They are our domestic enemy along with their disgusting fake news!!
AMERICANS MUST STAND! And call these scumbags out!
62 years of fake civil rights, and now this.
THE OBAMA-CLINTON-Pelosi PLAN: Goodbye Joe. Biden will be forced to resign from office. Kamala D. Harris will then become POTUS. This will happen BEFORE Donald J. Trump can be re-elected in 2024. LAWFARE – 101: This DOUBLES the insurance that PROTECTS and pardon all of the INNER CIRCLE that have been covertly running the country.
On the way-out Joe will pardon his family and friends; Kamala will then PARDON Joe and any other persons that the OLIGARCHY of Obama and the Clintons direct. THEREFORE, it will be interesting to see who Obama picks to be Kamala’s replacement as Vice POTUS. Stand by! You’re killing the working class who pays as the rich get richer!
There is No way he is President…. The Worst Fake President Everrrrr
And I MEAN…Everrrrr
For Manhattanite Josh Spodek, the next step in exploring the frontiers of sustainable
living has meant going without a refrigerator, which he identified as the biggest source
of electrical use in his Greenwich Village apartment. #noimpactman
Watch No Impact Man Documentary (2009) | Tubi (tubitv.com)
No Impact Man presents an intimate emotional portrait of a couple struggling through a severe and protracted change in their way of life. The filmmakers document what happens to a couple’s emotional life when they alter their entire lifestyle over the course of a year. How do they cope with the constant stress and intermittent crises of such a rigorous way of living? Or, perhaps, when life is pared down, do some things become unexpectedly better and even easier? -This is the official film description from the film’s website, ImpactPartnerFilm.com. Photo source above is also from ImpactPartnerFilm.com
Author Colin Beavan and his family were a perfect example of SUV driving, fast food eating New Yorkers who would assuage their guilt with the rest of us at the mall for some good old American retail therapy. Then Colin turned things upside down—he came home and announced that for his next book he would become No Impact Man.
For starters that would mean no trash, no electricity, no cars, no toilet paper, no TV, and no buying anything new for an entire year. The hitch was that he wanted his wife and their two-year-old daughter Isabella to join him for this year-long experiment.
This is what you get from a career politician that’s never had a private sector job.
Another reason to lay off millions of federal employees to battle the debt ceiling.
Biden’s out of touch with reality because he’s sucked the tit of big government.
his entire life. CLUELESS… TOTALLY CLUELESS. Time to gather them all and
put them on the platform & let them SWING & DANCE one last time.
Yes, this should solve all problems with the refrigerator and an electric car, this is a
real crew of idiots. Joe Biden, why don’t you buy us all the people of this nation a New Refrigerator with the money you got from China from the Chinese. It’s easy to buy a new refrigerator when you’re rich because you are compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
Compromised & CORRUPTED!
Lying to the American People You are a Traitor Joe Biden
Betraying this country: This POS said the same thing about high gas prices
(Which BTW have gone up 60 cents a gallon since the holidays).
Buy an electric vehicle. What a fracking scumbag.
Hey Joey, you stumbled up AF1 to travel from Andrews to HAGERSTOWN, MD!! “Climate crisis”. What, Marine One wouldn’t have done the job?! Yes, still BIG $$$ to operate per hr., but damn, AF1 a mere 85 mi. or so… Now, I-270, is a real bitch, but The MOPE in Chief, would of course have a train of gas guzzling SUV’s loaded w/ handlers, Secret Service etc… clearing out said 270 front and back of The Beast!
HOW ABOUT BOXes of food delivered to people’s door.
For free I’m not a democrat but it’s a nice suggestion for democracy what does Kamala have to offer us also the national debt should be abolished poor Pitbull Puppy he came in my yard I petted him I hope he wasn’t hit by a car it’s not Biden fault for inflation they see an old man and they want out of their jobs.
Like the scarecrow in the Wizard 0f Oz,
Biden keeps searching for a brain, unfortunately the search goes on this Buffoon in a speech yesterday told citizens who are struggling to put food on the table to go out and buy new energy efficient refrigerators and electric vehicles so they can save money with tax breaks. Biden truly is suffering from dementia and it’s more apparent every day he must replace.
He has no common sense.
Is he looking at consumer debt levels, and what the credit card spending has been on?
Savings is running dry – and he’s egging the consumer on to spend more money?
Food, gas, energy bills etc.
Asking a serious question? Do people actually believe, Crap ~ crap
the unadulterated bullshit this imbecile spews?? Please enlighten me!!!
After that, he went back to the W.H. Cranked up the thermostat to 75, and
had his Chef cook him a Killer dinner on that 65K Btu gas stove in his Kitchen.
And the people trying to put food on the table paid for it!
Who Understand Dumbass DemocRAT Voters?
The Real BIDEN Economy!
The definition of INSANITY!!!
Me : I Can’t afford bread Mr. Biden!
Him : Eat cake!
Joe’s Completely Out of Touch. $10 EGGS $16 ALMOND BUTTER!
Take A Trip through the Grocery Store Here: >>> FOOD PRICES SOARING!
Steve Forbes National Fair Tax
Republicans Are Giving Democrats A Belated But Huge Christmas Present
I’m sick to death of Biden blaming Maga Republicans and everybody else for his disasters!
Biden is delusional if he thinks the Goebbels technique will work! How DARE Biden tell Americans to spend money to fix a problem he caused! #impeachbiden NOW!
All Americans left and right want is for the government to drop there woke political bias toward one another and come together to help the American people .. republicans are trying democrats don’t seem to care at all.
Trump was right again we are the stupid people.
We and that means everyone with a heart must DESTROY the power elites within the Democrat party as people are dying and getting raped assualted and more both citizens and non-Americans. The Democrats have no bullets left on any of the issues that matter to everyone but they stick together for power as their left wing is rich and powerful and control the media so we must dismantle it and return the mainstream Democrats back into the fold. The left is a cancer for all of us and we must treat it harshly and with conviction (yes, we are tired, but we must win as they MUST lose).
THE WAR BETWEEN GLOBALIST UKRAINE (Biden’s loyal but corrupt and very expensive puppet) AND ANTI–GLOBALIST RUSSIA.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump mocked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as he demanded long-range missiles and fighter jets from U.S.-led West after securing tanks aid. Taking to his social media website Truth Social. Donald Trump said that Zelensky might ask for nukes next, Soon, ‘Ukraine to Putin’ started trending on social media, with some users calling out the West for handing over the war-torn nation to the Russian President. This comes as Canada also agreed to send four combat-ready Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine in the coming weeks and train soldiers to handle them.
The Biden crime family made millions in #Ukraine performing nefarious and criminal activities including espionage.
And yet nothing will happen to them. EXCLUSIVE: THIRD Hunter Biden Email from Laptop with Classified Information Uncovered – Classified WH Conference Call Shared with Hunter’s Ukrainian Business Partners – And SEVERAL More Are Coming (thegatewaypundit.com)
Because of the Weaponization, Targeting, and Unprecedented Harassment, I believe that I have more lawyers working for me on this Corrupt Law Enforcement induced Bull…. than any human being in the history of our Country, including even the late great gangster, Alphonse Capone! This is all being done for POLITICAL REASONS in that I am leading everybody, Republicans & Democrats, by big numbers in the Polls. The Disinformation Specialists are at it again, full time. The Fake News is their TOOL! ~Donald J. Trump
Yes, Sir!!! You will be back!!!

WE need President Trump 2024!

Watch this video for more details.
‘Then come nukes’: Trump mocks as Zelensky demands missiles,
jets from U.S.-led West after tanks – YouTube
The German Government Just Officially Declared War on Russia …
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock bluntly stated to attendees that Germany
is now at war with Russia German Government Just Officially Declared War on Russia..
Bill Gates on the importance of the Global Pentecostal movement
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If you are a child in public care in Norway the chance of being killed is 27 times
higher than in the rest of the population. The Face of Shame – Search (bing.com)