Mind Body Spirit Axiom – Search (bing.com)
According to ancient Vedic wisdom, all of nature and the universe is made up of five forces of nature or five elements. These ancient Indian texts, known as the Vedas, state that the physical body of all living beings, is also made up of these five great elements, which are Air (Vayu), Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni) and Ether (Akasha). Everything in and around us is made of these building blocks or five elements of nature, they are the channels that flow throughout the universe, connecting you with everything and everyone. Once you learn how to harness and access them, you can create and manifest anything you desire through the Five Elements of Nature.
How a Cosmic Kilonova Can Create Gold | How the Universe Works – Bing video
Ayurveda also recognizes these five elements, known as Pancha Mahabhutas, as representing the most important foundational aspects of nature and as building blocks of all material existence. Ayurveda further observes that these same five elements exist within the human body and mind. A healthy mind-body is one where all the five elements are in balance, and they function in harmony both internally within our bodies and externally as in extended alignment with nature and our environment. Whenever the internal or external balance is not aligned, our entire mind-body system is disrupted, leading to disharmony and imbalances.
Ancient Rishis found that a combination of metal and gemstones against the skin counteracts adverse negative pulls and effects from out of sync elements and cosmic influences. By combining ancient Vedic wisdom and practices, the timeless science of universe and the five forces of nature, Team Sivalya created the five elements collection featuring ancient symbols and healing gemstones, with an aim to provide a deeper understanding of our elemental nature and to function as a guide towards leading a balanced and harmonious existence.

As these five elements exist in nature, they also exist within each one of us. Everything in this universe, including our life, is created with varying proportions of these five natural elements. Take a moment to observe and you will begin to notice these qualities all around you. The more you shift your attention and explore these five elements, the more you will be able to understand and relate to the entire universe.
There is an expression in Ayurveda that states, “As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.” This essentially describes humans as not separate from nature. They are intimately intertwined and when you open your heart and mind to this, you will find that the universe has been patiently waiting for you to be still, listen, and learn what you have only but forgotten.

Fire or Tejas – Search (bing.com)
Air or Vayu – Search (bing.com)
Ether or Akasha – Search (bing.com)
Earth or Prithvi – Search (bing.com)
Water or Jala – Search (bing.com)
Fire or Tejas ~ is hot, light, intense, powerful, and transformative. Externally, we see it as the sun or fire; internally, it drives digestion and cognitive processes and connects us to our inner power. It purifies our mind from doubt and untruth and guides us from darkness to light.
Air or Vayu ~ is movable, changeable, light, dry, mobile, and dynamic. It represents the capacity for motion and gives flight to ideas or goals. Externally, it is seen as wind; internally, it is the movement of breath, circulation, and nerve impulses within our bodies. The more conscious our breath is, the more conscious our life will be
Ether or Akasha ~ is the subtlest of the elements. It is expansive, empty, and has no resistance. It is the source of all matter and houses the space within which it exists. It allows for growth and change to take place. It is the space between your cells, your breath, and your thoughts. As we learn to align ourselves with nature through yoga and meditation, the Akasha will open up to us with its wealth of deep knowledge and immense abundance.
Earth or Prithvi ~ is heavy, solid, stable, constant, and rigid. It represents all solid matter and the structure of the universe. Earth gives form to the human body and to all of creation and gratitude for the earth element connects us to the understanding that life is a gift from the divine. We have everything we need to thrive provided by Gaia and are fully sustained and nurtured with her abundance.
Water or Jala ~ is smooth, flowing, cool, and movable, and can also be solid. It transports, connects, and provides protection and nourishment. It reminds us to relax and enjoy navigating through the waves of life. The more we trust and surrender, the more we feel free to openly express our creativity with joy.
Sivalya’s Natural Elements collection, with its unique combination of gemstone and Sanskrit symbols represents and enhances the property of each element, helping us achieve a harmonious lifestyle. The best way to start connecting with the five elements is to hold them, meditate with them and feel their powers. Wear a necklace or bracelet representing the element that you feel is out of sync within you on any given day. For a harmonized existence, wear all of the natural elements symbols together on a chain, till you feel an overall balanced energy return to your system.
Far beyond your intellect, far beyond your understanding, lies inexhaustible knowledge and wealth, strength and power, peace and joy. Do not use your intellect to find the answers for God and his manifestations. Everything is God and God is within you. – Swami Vishnudevananda
The Aztec worldview posited the concept of an ultimate universal energy or force called Ometeotl which can be translated as “Dual Cosmic Energy” and sought a way to live in balance with a constantly changing, “slippery” world.
Pa Qua is a special art based on Taoist philosophy on circular changes of dual cosmic forces.
Inyogogyo (the cosmic dual forces (yin and yang) and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) in Chinese cosmology) and Hakke (eight trigrams) originated from Taoism were extremely prosperous during a period from the Nara period to the Heian period. 道教由来の陰陽五行や八卦などが奈良時代から平安時代に隆盛を極めた。
Indian and Chinese cosmologies are compared, each containing five cosmic elements. The Indian elements are Akasha, Air Fire, Water, and Earth. Akasha connotes Creative energy. As depicted it is substituted by reproduction projected as creation. Hence the male and female generative organs as Lingam-Yoni, already recognized in Hinduism as symbolizing the source of creative energy, have been depicted as such. The other four elements represent creation proper. In Chinese cosmology the full term is “Yin-Yang Wu-Hshing.” Wu-Hshing signifies Five=Cosmic elements and these are Wood, Fire, Water, Earth, and Metal.
They are taken from Iran.
Since there is no element to represent creative energy this is expressed by the term Yin-Yang, or Black and White in lieu of male-female or Lingam-Yoni of Indian cosmology. The organs of reproduction have been projected as the opposites that generate creative energy. Virtually Yin-Yang=Lingam-Yoni=Creative energy generators.
Disease signifies discomfort, and hence we dislike it and want to be free from its pain and agony. Imbalance in the cosmic life force and five elements causes diseases, and these elements also cure us. In all cases it is the life energy, the cosmic electrical force, that cures.
Life force is the only supreme, invariable power by which any or all methods of healing
can be made effective. We are living because life energy sparkles in the bulb of our body –
in the brain, the senses and in all the organs. This life force is powering the life-giving functions of : –
: – Crystallization – Search (bing.com)
: – Circulation – Search (bing.com)
: – Assimilation – Search (bing.com)
: – Metabolism – Search (bing.com)
: – Elimination – Search (bing.com)
The Five Elements that are the principal source of energy for the body are Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. And the five senses and their elemental association with: –
Ether = Throat and ears
Air – Skin & Heart, Lungs
Fire – Eyes and abdomen
Water – Tongue, urinary bladder and genitals
Earth – Nose and muscular and skeleton body
In Ayurveda you will learn more about the three doshas
Vata – People with Vata-dominant prakruti are creative and free – spirited.
They have an amazing power of thought and are bent towards spirituality.
Understanding Vata: Body Type, Imbalance & Diet Recommendations (chopra.com) – Search (bing.com)
Pitta – People with pitta-dominant prakruti are intense, organized and execution oriented, with a fantastic sense of purpose. Understanding Pitta: Body Type, Imbalance & Diet Recommendations (chopra.com) – Search (bing.com)
Kapha – People with Kapha type have a slow digestion. They sleep heavily and excessively. Their pulse is sometimes slow, steady and regular. They have a pleasant appearance and voice. Those with kapha dosha dislike damp conditions. Understanding Kapha: Body Type, Imbalance & Diet Recommendations (chopra.com)
Merry Christmas Everyone!!

I hope you find joy in the little moments today.
This little guy was born on Christmas Eve day and he melts my heart.
So grateful for this life I have been given

“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:36.
#christmas #lamb
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We treat people like people because after all they are people
You have to value your people, so they help build value for you
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Guilt is a moral emotion that occurs when a person believes or realizes—accurately or not—that they have compromised their own standards of conduct or have violated universal moral standards and bear …
Guilt is what you feel when you’ve done something wrong towards someone and you know it. Guilt is meant to motivate you to repair the damage you’ve caused to an important relationship.
Guilt is a natural emotion, and can even be a good one in moderation. Guilt can help you determine when you have made a mistake and if you should make a change or take action to correct it.
Guilt and shame are two rather different negative emotions that are often confused. Both emotions keep people on the straight and narrow, avoiding socially disapproved thoughts and behaviors.
Data: Wikipedia · emotioncompass.org · lipsychologist.com · psychologytoday.com
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license
Eve’s Christmas | Full Christmas Romantic Comedy Hallmark Movie | Elisa Donovan | Family Central – 2004
A wealthy and successful career woman gets a second chance in life when a magical wish transports her back in time eight years to when she walked away from her fiance to lead a business life in New York.
Never give up on something you really want.
It’s difficult to wait, but worse to regret.

29) Ed Sheeran & Elton John – Merry Christmas [Official Video] – YouTube
(29) Ed Sheeran & Elton John – Merry Christmas – YouTube
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https://feedprojects.com/blogs/blog/impact-spotlight-food-waste-america#:~:text=Of the 63 million tons of food wasted,single largest source of trash in municipal landfills.
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