The sea changes its color, but the sea doesn’t, we should understand that we are from the sea and resemble it. Accept that we all change, but still remain the same at the core. What we know is we know nothing, all theories not 1 empiric fact of nothing, and no way.
Humans consider themselves unique so they’ve rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness. One is their unit of measure, but it’s not. All social systems we’ve put into place are a mere sketch. One plus one equals two. That’s all we’ve learned, but one plus one has never equaled two. There are, in fact, no numbers and no letters. We’ve codified our existence to bring it down to human size to make it comprehensible. We’ve created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale. p.s. scientists are not able to explain things happening right now, please lets do not talk about a huge gas cloud a trillion years ago or ‘big bang’. My theory – a trillion years ago there was huge ape and this ape stirred her morning coffee with her pinky – and this is how life has began. Please, prove it wrong.
All creatures living in the universe move with sound, giving energy to the moon and sun. There is no such thing as coincidence in the universe

Im sorry moon expert – your theories did not include God’s creation of the moon – Genesis 1:14-19
Faith is the evidence of things unseen

Where did our Moon come from? Photo by Larry Slawson on Adobe Express.
How did our Moon form? Where did it come from? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, what clues does the Moon hold in regard to the formation of our solar system? These are just a few of the questions that both present and past astronomers have struggled to understand throughout the course of human history. This article addresses these questions through an analysis of four theories pertaining to the Moon’s formation. Although these theories remain to be unproven by the scientific community, they offer a unique perspective on our Moon’s formative years that is both plausible and credible given our current understanding of the solar system at large.
Impact Theory of the Moon’s Formation Photo by NASA on Unsplash
The most prominent theory pertaining to the Moon’s formation is known as the “Impact Theory.” This hypothesis argues that the Moon likely formed from a massive object hitting the Earth during its early years. Scientists believe that the early solar system was full of drifting debris that was left over from the cloud of dust (and gas) that surrounded our early Sun. As a result, scientists believe that an impact between our future Earth and a massive object was not only plausible, but inevitable given the chaotic conditions surrounding our planet at the time (Chaisson and McMillan, 52).
According to scientists, the object that struck Earth (known as “Theia”) was likely the size of Mars. After colliding with the Earth, the massive collision threw large chunks of Earth’s vaporized crust into space, which then became bound to one another through the effects of gravity. This hypothesis helps to explain why the Moon is composed of lighter elements, as its materials came solely from the Earth’s crust rather than its inner core (space.com).
According to this theory, scientists also believe that the core of “Theia” remained largely intact from the impact, and served as the gravitational basis for the crust-like debris to form around its center. Scientific models indicate that the impact between Theia and Earth was nearly 100 million times stronger than the latter event that is believed to have destroyed the dinosaurs.
The impact theory remains full of contradictions and problems, however. If the impact theory was completely true, for example, then-current models suggest that the Moon should be composed of primarily sixty percent of the material that originated from Theia (NASA.gov). However, rock samples from the Apollo missions indicate that the Earth and Moon are nearly identical in their composition, differing in composition by only a few parts per million. As a result, researchers in Israel have recently proposed that multiple impacts may have resulted in the formation of the Moon, rather than a single “Giant Impact,” as previously argued.
Co-Formation Theory Photo by Luca on Unsplash
Another theory pertaining to the Moon’s formation is the “co-formation” hypothesis. This theory suggests that our Moon may have formed at the same time as Earth. According to the researcher, Robin Canup (an advocate of the co-formation theory), the Moon and Earth likely formed after the collision of two similar-sized bodies, both of which were approximately five times the size of Mars. After colliding and re-colliding with one another, this theory argues that the Earth would have been “surrounded by a disk of material that [later] combined to form the moon” (space.com). By colliding and partially merging with one another, this theory helps to explain the similarity of the Earth and Moon’s chemical compositions.
One major problem with this theory, however, is that the Moon’s overall density is quite different from the Earth. This, in turn, calls into question the idea that both the Earth and Moon formed from the same pre-planetary material. This hypothesis, which was once favored by many astronomers, therefore, is difficult to follow and has been relegated by the scientific community in more recent years (Slawson, 23).
“You cannot look up at the night sky on Planet Earth and not wonder what it’s like to be up there amongst the stars. And I always look up at the moon and see it as the single most romantic place within the cosmos.” — Tom Hanks
Capture Theory Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash
Another scientific theory for the Moon’s formation is the “Capture Theory” which suggests that the Moon may have been snagged by the gravitational pull of the Earth at one point in its early history. Similar to the moons “Phobos and Deimos” that surround Mars, this theory suggests that the Moon may have formed outside of the solar system and eventually drifted towards Earth, where it was then drawn into the planet’s orbit. Other scientists have also hypothesized that the Moon may have been snagged from Venus’s orbit, which would explain the absence of moons around Venus. Such theories remain only speculative at this time (NASA.gov).
A major problem with this theory, however, is that captured moons often exhibit highly elliptical orbits. Moreover, captured moons are often oddly shaped (such as Phobos and Deimos) rather than the spherical dimensions of our current moon. According to other mathematical models, the capture of such a large moon (relative to the Earth’s size and mass) is also implausible, if not impossible (Owlcation.com). For such an event to occur, mathematical models demonstrate that the capture would have only had a small window of opportunity, requiring an extraordinarily precise location for the capture to occur. Given the similarities between the Moon and Earth’s mantle, it is also unlikely that the two bodies formed independently from one another.
Theory Photo by NASA on Unsplash“Daughter”
A fourth and final theory pertaining to the Moon’s formation is known as the “Daughter Theory.” This theory, which is far older and less-accepted by the scientific community posits that the Moon developed from the Earth itself. Advocates of this hypothesis suggest that the Moon may have originated from the Pacific Ocean basin. Scientists suggest that such a scenario would have occurred during the early years of Earth’s formation, when it was still a molten world and locked in a rapid rotational cycle (NASA.gov). This rapid rotation, they argue, may have resulted in the ejection of a massive object from the current Pacific Ocean basin, resulting in our current Moon.
Problems with this theory are numerous, as scientists remain unsure as to how the Earth could have been spinning so fast that a Moon-sized object was ejected from its exterior. Moreover, the possibility of a Moon-sized object being ejected from the Earth and following a stable orbit, afterwards, is also unlikely given that current mathematical models simply do no support the probabilities (space.com).
Conclusion Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash
In closing, scientists continue to debate the origins of the Moon as no single model can account entirely for its overall formation. As with any scientific study, additional information will eventually shed greater light on the Moon’s formation. Although lunar expeditions from the Sixties and Seventies provided vital clues to the composition of the Moon’s surface and interior, further investigation of its surface is needed as the Moon’s chemical and physical composition is still poorly understood by the scientific community. With advances in technology, future expeditions to the lunar surface may be extremely beneficial to understanding the Moon’s formation. Only time will tell what new information arises about Earth’s closest neighbor.
Over the years, there have been several theories, but the one most scientists agree on is a collision theory. It’s likely that a Mars-sized object smashed into the Earth, creating what we now see in the sky. NASA scientist Caitlin Ahrens shines a light on the Moon’s mysterious origins. In the beginning NASA was a scientific government agency
with no hint of WOKEness politically motivated socialism

Don’t judge dude. Everyone is free to believe with whatever.
So you’re the

For more, visit: solarsystem.nasa.gov/moons/earths-moon
Producers: Jessica Wilde, Scott Bednar
Editor: Matthew Schara
Credit: NASA
#Moon #Space #Science #Origins #NASA
I mean the real question is at any given point everything becomes very fine tuned for Earth to be a lovable planet.
The distance from Sun, the moon controlling the Ocean, and everything else! Is it just a coincidence? There is higher power! If the moon formed from the earth’s crust then it should have the same composition as earth but why is the moon’s composition different??
Exactly.. things aren’t this perfect by chance or coincidence.. We never see any unison or order being created from any explosion, so why would people think the “Big Bang” created this perfect order of nature for life to exist by coincidence.
Exactly.. things aren’t this perfect by chance or coincidence.. We never see any unison or order being created from any explosion, so why would people think the “Big Bang” created this perfect order of nature for life to exist by coincidence.
Technically speaking, that’s not a theory… it’s a hypothesis
Watch the movie moonfall: think a lot, would that be possible, because the darkness universe contains a lot of very huge dust of metals, bacteria, microbes and others that the earth itself contains, maybe this is like all the metals that the earth contains and it took this so that everyday life for our souls was born, have you ever thought about all this

Our moon was here long before the earth so actually the earth is the moon’s moon.
Both planets are habitable one is considerable colder due to no humans or fossil fuels to get caught in its atmosphere to warm it up over time so u see there’s zero difference and by this reasoning it lends supportive evidence to musk suggestion to terraform mars which initially sounds preposterous and now we know that it’s actually in the realm of possibilities thank you and good night

Fission is much more plausible. However, the reason for splitting was not fast rotation. Imagining Planets like Thea is wrong because they are ejected from the solar system completely.
Hi there! If subtitles aren’t coming through, you can also watch this video on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/nasa The Earth’s moon was in an additional order during construction.
There is a back-up Earth and Moon combo named Mk. II.
Why did the moon “ring like a bell” for almost an hour on the Apollo 12 mission? Is the moon hollow #WHATISNASANOTTELLINGUS
And all you are telling anyone here is you don’t understand science or how it derives understanding and you watch youtube con men’s videos and don’t question them. If the moon was real… it should have been destroyed long ago by fast moving impact…. there’s no atmosphere to slow down any projectile…. moon was placed by mathematical geniusesI’d wager that one of the ice moons in our solar system (possibly Europa, Titan, Enceladus, or Mimas) could explain the origins of water on the earth and moon.
Humanity has been to the moon. Get over it. (Opens NASA check, notices huge raise)
Moon came from Shri Krishna’s mouth.
He is itself the whole universe. Hare Krishna

Early on in the development of our solar system. When planet Theta collided with the young Earth. The message made. Combined over a long period of time into our moon. That used to be a lot closer than it is now. Our days and nights were much shorter. And the effect of the tide was much greater. The Moon is made of lighter matter like silica. Than the earth’s iron and other heavy metals. As time goes on the moon is moving away from us.
Eventually it will be far enough it will no longer be tidally locked with one side facing us all the time like it is now.
No. The moon does not rotate. It is in a tidally locked orbit or only one side of it faces the planet Earth No. It rotates once for every orbit it makes around the earth. Look up ‘synchronous rotation’. If it truly didn’t rotate, we would see more of the surface as it orbited.