My Highlight and My Person of the Year: Krysten Rodriguez and her S P I R I T!!!
Botanic Body Yoga (@botanicbodyoga)
Krysten ✧ Yogi
✧ Here to illuminate your Sovereignty
Returning to eternal love

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✧ Practice with me @botanicbodyoga

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I practice yoga for a handful of different reasons, mainly for my mental well-being ~
but the shapes that we’re capable of making with our bodies has always captivated me.
With years and years of practice it’s fascinating that we can create so many shapes & expressions with just our bare vessel ~ it feels like creating art.
Tell me your favorite pose to express (aesthetically)

Who knows, who really knows how the winds will blow freedom lies in giving up the need to force and fix in flowing with the direction of the winds because sometimes the greatest transformation comes through trusting the unknown and simply letting go.

Being a busy bee planting seeds & watching them begin to bloom.
The last few months have been anything but sunshine & rainbows~
Surviving Hurricane Ian (growth isn’t meant to be comfortable though, is it?

Above all I’m grateful for the abundance of love & opportunity that continues to grow & surround me.
Sometimes Ya just got to throw your hands up, and say,
fuck it – I’m just going to show up exactly as I am.
Too often we spend so much of our energy putting together these masks that hide
our struggles or challenges, but what’s incredible to me is that even on our worst days,
we have the power to share words or energy that can uplift someone’s entire day, simply by channeling through whatever we’re experiencing within. It’s incredible to me that I can be in such a low state of being or feeling a mess inside before / while teaching yoga – and still on those days students will tell me how wonderful it was for them, sometimes even giving me better feedback than the days when I’m in my highest states of being.
This year I learned how to say no.

This year I learned how to choose me.
It sounds pretty simple in logistics right?
But I’ll encourage you to seriously ask yourself:
Can you unconditionally choose what’s going to be best for you in any given moment-
Even when there are forces asking you to do the opposite?
Even if it feels uncomfortable to say no?
Even if, by you saying no, it strikes a reaction or a let down of someone else’s wants?

I’m sure all of you have found yourself in circumstances where there’s pressure applied by family, or friends to show up in a certain way, or perform certain duties that are just not in alignment with what you actually need, or are capable of providing.
Am I right?

Pretty shitty right?
Drained? Exhausted? Overwhelmed?

Pretty damn liberated, right?

This is where our power to BE the creator of our lives is.
In the Sovereignty of saying no to what we don’t want.
No to overextending yourself
No to being uncomfortable
And choose what feels right for you instead.
Life is a Kaleidoscope – Search (bing.com)

Even if the rest of the world is asking you to do something else?
And is choosing your peace worth causing some waves, to say no when you want to say no?

I had a really intentional caption for this post, but I deleted it because y’all are just here for the aesthetics apparently
and personally I don’t think I have the energy to blow into trying to engage uplifting energy through social media any longer.
So today I’m saying goodbye to things that do not serve me on my highest path,
and that includes the energy wasted through this silly little portal of illusion.
If anyone even reads this shit anyways,
you can reach out to me if you wish to connect through my passions for yoga & wellness-
otherwise I’ll be investing that energy into the physical community around me,
where it is received in abundance. much love.

Dear Younger, Me | MercyMe – YouTube
In the humblest way… never in a thousand dreams could the 18-year-old version
of me have believed that this is the woman I would grow to become.

It’s taken the death of many layers of myself to continue revealing &
becoming the woman that I am today.

I am proud of who I am today, and that is because I have stood in the place of a woman who did not love herself many times before.
I stand now in the deepest gratitude for this journey that continues to nourish me
with opportunities to give, love, grow & receive.

Click Link to read

I shared a quote yesterday that said:
“At 25, I’m the woman my 15-year-old
self would’ve loved to be in the company of.
The same woman my 20-year-old self-felt intimidated by.
And the very woman my 23-year-old self nearly gave up on,
thinking she was too farfetched to reach.
Growth is a strange and wondrous journey. “

She has learned to accept the failures as lessons that show her the way to better.

living in the purest excitement for the path that she has created.
the path that continues to unfold for her now as she has planted the seeds of intention & trust in the universe that holds her:
– the path of her truth, the path of greatest abundance, clarity and joy.

I will come to know that i am supposed to feel good struggle will be a part of my past
and ease and flow will be a part of my eternally unfolding future experience
I will come to expect that good things are supposed to come to me
I will come to know that life is supposed to be fun
I will be a shining light unto the world
I will live such ease and grace and joy
– because we chose this life, and the struggles do not have to be struggles when we realize that the challenges are meant to guide us home, to align us with our soul’s purpose. and so, I surrender to the divine support of the One, and I embrace the unknown with trust – It is what it is…Unless it isn’t

Suppose I’ll check in

𝕄𝔸ℕ𝕌𝔼𝕃 𝔸ℕ𝕋𝕆ℕ𝕀𝕆 ℕ𝔸𝕋𝕀𝕆ℕ𝔸𝕃 ℙ𝔸ℝ𝕂 (@manuel_antonio_national_park) •
soon for the rest of my time in Costa Rica.

Contact: Botanic Body Yoga | Saint Petersburg FL | Facebook