@GoddessLayla’s post | Truth Social
What parts of the Bible were removed?

This is true. It’s written in the Bible and much of the Bible was removed to keep us from waking to who we truly are. There is the creator God, Alpha/Omega but he created us in his image, and he lives within us.
I don’t argue with you, but God tells us to this day to get in his word. So the Bible
as we know it must be what he wants us to know. I can’t take it any other way.
I’m not going to argue with you either. Those who save space for God’s truth will be successful in their awakening. The Bible was intentionally changed and my friend Terry @TNT17 has been helping to correctly translate from the original Hebrew word.
Here’s a link to some of his work. His time and dedication to the truth is incredible.
God is absolutely

Yes. There are 777 books in the complete Bible. – Search (bing.com)
Adding to God’s word or taking away, is a sin. Have you ever considered it to be this way? The holy spirit told man what to write. God decided what books to be in the Bible to convey his word. Nothing else matters. If they took it away in our past?
How does returning God’s word work?
Remember that religion is of man, but faith is from God. Our Heavenly Father
wants a personal and deep relationship with each of us. How wonderful is that
Exploring that knowledge in the Nag Hammadi for 16 years now
Texts represent what our minds were capable of in early Christianity
before the Canaanites banned & robbed us of Divine Feminine concept,
They became the Vatican Promoting a patriotically
focused religion doomed to fail by being out of balance…
The Moloch/satanic agenda started back in 367ad with the Letter of Athanasius
But Finally, being exposed now as we battle the largest Cult the world has ever seen.
With full use of mob tactics
Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to
Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy – CNN
China has a bigger problem than covid, they may have caught the Freedom virus.
What radical ideologues don’t realize is, the most dangerous person you will ever
confront is somebody who has Nothing left to lose.
OK….So to those that pay attention…. WHO IS GONNA WIN, A KRAUT OR A CHINK???? If I was a bettin man, (and I am), my money is on freedom…THE U.S. AND ENGLAND… (freedom and liberty are always clear winners) And when it’s over hopefully the Chinese people…along with the other two (edited)
The only way to defeat tyranny is by noncompliance. 1.5 billion Chinese should be able to topple this tyrant!
Revolution, revolution, revolution the world will be fixed when the Chinese people throw off communism.
If the demonstration is ‘peaceful’, it literally means nothing to the CCP… Throughout their history, those ‘regime changes’ have been quite bloody (riot, civil war, big war) …never any ‘peaceful demonstration anything’…If they stand their ground and are willing to die for a cause SO great, it might just come to that. Without anyone alive to rule over and control, Xi’s rule is over. Sad circumstance…but true. Tiananmen Square was just the beginning. It’s now their “do or die” moment. God bless them…they’ve already been through a living HELL!! They are already dying inside. Between lockdown measures, tracking, forced organ harvesting or just standing up for basic rights, they’ve had enough. There is no future for them or their children. Time to take down the CCP!!
Why doesn’t anyone ever say take down the Anglo-American establishment?
They own the CCP Last time this happened it did not turn out well for the people…
Yemen Square. Yes… two pronged attacks… attacks from within coupled with pressure
from other countries… The CCP can indeed be taken down. None deserve it more…
Luciferins go back further to time when angels cast down to earth sorry but Satan got followers at that time. it’s what has been erased from our knowledge that is written wrong. Narrative is the game we see in our world now. So as far back as you know it started by the only written theories presented to you. What was erased from our history is the question,
I guess. Evil hides and is secretive erases history tearing down statues creating chaos to rewrite our past or hide facts about the past.
I’ve heard it goes back to Caine.
Elite Luciferins do worship the bloodline of Cain.
Maybe the Shekhinah (all mother) is a clue. – Search (bing.com)
♡ Life has no coincidences. Everything Happens for A Reason ♡
Giovanni Armani takes over the Vatican – Search (bing.com)
The REAL Christianity before Canaanites assumed control had
women in high positions because of their influence!
Why Did Pope Benedict Retire – Search (bing.com)
Patristic bishops were so threatened by this they had to ensure that scripture like the Gospel of Mary didn’t survive (only have 1/2 of it). To ensure a Patristic mind prison
they restricted the true breadth of Christianity from the public
It blows my mind to think about what we were capable of then. Every aspect of such exploration has been inverted onto us as some kind of evil.
Vatican realized the success of early Christian Women
Reminds me of Q posts about Follow the Wives &
The Wing witch Coven Hillary joined —
Covens set up all over the country…
Attracting affluent women to control their husband politically…
“For the Cause” Francis is the first Jesuit Pope – Search (bing.com)
The dark side took what they learned from what was possible with female dominance in early Christianity… & Have used it to promote evil purposes in the shadows ever since/
The misogynistic Vatican created Christian world in play against our minds
We’re not here to convince or control what others believe.
Truth will be revealed in God’s timing.

Trump is the last President.
Nothing is what it seems. God’s in control.
There is still much darkness that needs to be cleansed by the light.
Truly a pleasure & honor to serve with fellow Patriots in
This Spiritual War to Save Humanity.

What a time to be alive!

Meme Trunk is not about memes, but you can find some there.

It’s where you find the #TRUTH
Home – Patriot memes – wisdom memes and more memes (memetrunk.com)
Look into these pins.


Deep State Mapping.pdf (wasabisys.com)

Deep State Mapping.pdf (wasabisys.com)

Mapping Project.pdf (wasabisys.com)
Jesus Saves

October 20, 2021 – The DLHC has received Heaven’s High Court approval to charge the Defendants as a whole body and of all crimes in the O.S. Indictment DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2
Oral Sealed Indictment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fWohMa-9udgRr1L-2CY9-8aRDEgMTM_3/view?usp=sharing
January 6-17, 2022 – Trial Petition:
Addendum C:
Addendum D:
Addendum E:
Addendum F:
@SpaceForceGalacticFederation in ALLIANCE with @DUMBSandUNDERGROUND
Intergalactic SpaceForce – Galactic Federation –Special Command
Cryptologists crack 500-year-old secret code used by the Holy Roman Emperor.
Historians have been puzzling over it ever since. The code was finally broken by researchers from the Loria research lab in Lorraine, eastern France. Cryptographer Cecile Pierrot ran the ten-page document through a statistical analysis program. The first results suggested the computer would need a period of time greater than the age of the universe to unravel the code! (Credit: AFP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen)
Open your heart & your mind

Don’t hold grudges and forgive yourself for your mistakes

Being stuck in a loop of anger, hatred and resentment is not going to help you achieve anything except a lower vibrational state which restricts growth. Divert those energies to focus on your accomplishments and the things and people you love, and watch your heart and life expand as a result. Toxic People who talk about you behind your back are exactly where they belong. Behind you ! Leave them and move on.

Out with the old & in with the NEW

Little changes in our daily routine can make massive difference
Change your self-care routine, change how accessible you are to certain people, change your diet, change your habits, change what you say yes to, change your perspective – whatever it is, if you’re feeling stuck and in a loop which isn’t getting you closer to achieving your goals and living the life you desire, then something needs to change.

This is Your Day, No Other! | The University of Michigan PSA – YouTube