” WORD of TRUTH Lighthouse “: ” GOD’s Purpose in Creation and in Re-Creation “
I’m made from sunshine & thunder, rain & lightning, ice storms and snow – the weather goes on & on & on. “The Soul is a stranger trying to find a Home somewhere that is not a place.” Rumi
Understanding the Spirit Soul
As far as the identity of the living being as spirit soul is concerned, there are a number of speculations and misgivings.
The materialist does not believe in the existence of the spirit self, and empiric philosophers believe in the impersonal feature of the whole spirit without individuality of the living beings. Ignorant of the souls real constitution, people generally concoct their own philosophies and engage in mental speculations.
To drive away such ignorance, the Lord Himself is teaching the knowledge of the soul in Bhagavad-gita for the enlightenment of all living entities all times.
Chapter two of Bhagavad-gita explains that the symptom of the soul’s presence in a physical body is perceived as individual consciousness.
Anyone can understand what is spread all over the body: it is consciousness. Everyone is conscious of the pains and pleasures of the body in part or as a whole. This spreading of consciousness is limited within one’s own body. The pains and pleasures of one body are unknown to another. Therefore, each and every body is the embodiment of an individual soul, and the symptom of the soul’s presence is perceived as individual consciousness.
In the Puranas as well as the Upanishads this soul is described as a spiritual atom of the size of one ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of the hair point.
“When the upper point of a hair is divided into one hundred parts and again each of such parts is further divided into one hundred parts, each such part is the measurement of the dimension of the spirit soul.” [Svet. 5.9]
“There are innumerable particles of spiritual atoms, which are measured as one ten-thousandth of the upper portion of the hair.” [SB ]
Therefore, the individual particle of spirit soul is a spiritual atom smaller than the material atoms, and such atoms are innumerable. This very small spiritual spark is the basic principle of the material body, and the influence of such a spiritual spark is spread all over the body as the active principle of consciousness.
In the same way as medicine influences a person by spreading throughout the whole body although administered locally; similarly this current of the spirit soul is felt all over the body as consciousness, and that is the proof of the presence of the soul.
Any layman can understand that the material body minus consciousness is a dead body, and this consciousness cannot be revived in the body by any means of material administration. Therefore, consciousness is not due to any amount of material combination, but to the spirit soul.
In the Mundaka Upanishad the measurement of the atomic spirit soul is further explained:
“The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air [prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana], is situated within the heart, and spreads its influence all over the body of the embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited.” (Mundaka 3.1.9)
The hatha-yoga system is meant for controlling the five kinds of air encircling the pure soul by different kinds of sitting postures–not for any material profit, but for liberation of the minute soul from the entanglement of the material atmosphere.
So the constitution of the atomic soul is admitted in all Vedic literatures, and it is also actually felt in the practical experience of any sane man. Only the insane man can think of this atomic soul as all-pervading Vishnu-tattva.
The influence of the atomic soul can be spread all over a particular body. According to the Mundaka Upanisad, this atomic soul is situated in the heart of every living entity, and because the measurement of the atomic soul is beyond the power of appreciation of the material scientists, some of them assert foolishly that there is no soul. The individual atomic soul is definitely there in the heart along with the Supersoul, and thus all the energies of bodily movement are emanating from this part of the body. The corpuscles which carry the oxygen from the lungs gather energy from the soul. When the soul passes away from this position, activity of the blood, generating fusion, ceases. Medical science accepts the importance of the red corpuscles, but it cannot ascertain that the source of the energy is the soul. Medical science, however, does admit that the heart is the seat of all energies of the body.
Such atomic particles of the spirit whole are compared to the sunshine molecules.
In the sunshine there are innumerable radiant molecules. Similarly, the fragmental parts of the Supreme Lord are atomic sparks of the rays of the Supreme Lord, called by the name Prabha or superior energy. Neither Vedic knowledge nor modern science denies the existence of the spirit soul in the body, and the science of the soul is explicitly described in the Bhagavad-Gita by the Personality of Godhead Himself.
“The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect intelligence.
According to Hinduism, are souls atomic in size? – Quora
“The soul is atomic in size and can be perceived by perfect intelligence. This atomic soul is floating in the five kinds of air [prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana]. The soul is situated within the region of the heart, and it spreads its influence all over the body of the embodied living entities. When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited.” — Mundaka Upanishad, 3.1.9
Since the soul is the source of life in a material body, evidence of it being in the heart and not the head is borne out by the curious case of Mike the headless chicken, who lived for 18 months without a head. Mike the Headless Chicken – Wikipedia
If you are wondering about heart transplants, the soul is in the region of the heart, not embedded in it. If you replace a defective heart with a new one, the soul continues to act through the new heart.
It’s similar to sitting in a room on a chair, and someone comes in and replaces the old chair with a new one. You get up for a moment and then sit down again. From shastra, the examples are of Daksya and Ganesh who were the same people after changing heads.
One with a goat and the other an elephant.
It is impossible to describe where the soul is in the body because, in our world we have only an animate soul, and not a spiritual soul.
The animate soul is a force that sustains us at the animate level, i.e. in desires for food, sex, family, money, honor, control and knowledge. No organ in our body is capable of feeling the soul.
Many people believe that the soul is somehow connected to the body or to the brain, ascribing brain activity to the soul, and it is because they lack a clear perception and sensation of the soul.
What is the soul, i.e. the spiritual soul?
The soul is the desire that perceives and senses the Creator, i.e. the upper force of love, bestowal and connection. In other words, it is a desire that enjoys with the intention to bestow.
You can replace everything in the physical body, but that has no influence whatsoever on spirituality. Spirituality means unity with the quality of love and bestowal.
It is nonexistent in our flesh and blood bodies, but needs to be developed while we’re alive in these bodies until it reveals as a new sense, one with which we can feel the spiritual world.
Related questions:
What is a soul? Does it exist? Is it scientifically possible to prove that souls exist? What do all the religions say about souls?
What do we even need all this human experience for? I understand that all of this is to become a better soul, but why? Why does something of someone need these perfect souls?
Where is the soul located in the body? In the brain? In the heart?
How do souls get trapped on the Earth plane? Why do some souls never make it into the light to free their soul?
Is it possible that the human soul can travel to galaxies?
Is the soul connected to the body or the brain?
Where is the soul located?
Soul is located in your heart. You can do this small exercise.
Touch your hand and ask yourself whose hand is this? Similarly, do it for your nose, eyes, legs, stomach and so on. Now look at the mirror and ask whose body is this? You will get an answer: it is my body. Thus you can make out that you are not the body.
Now ask yourself who is the ‘me ‘ in my body. Or rephrase it to ‘Who am I really if I am not the body?’ ‘Am I the mind?’ You can even feel that my mind is different from myself like ‘my mind has gone crazy’.
So you can conclude you are not the mind. Now with this understanding that you are not the mind or body try to find the origin of ‘I’ where it is coming from. Try to touch the ‘I” with your fingers in your body. You will see that you will touch your heart/chest region. But in spite of touching the heart you know that you have not touched yourself. You are deep below your heart. That you are the soul who is situated in the heart of this body.
This body is a machine you are using for moving around and enjoying the world.
Now that you have figured out you are the Atma, or soul then enjoy the happiness of this self-realization that you are not this body :))
This is the first step in the process of self-realization. Congratulations you have made it
Soul is just a point in your body. It resides in one of the following seven places in your body called as energy chakras:
Soul in the 1st chakra (Root chakra)- People like criminals, beggars, terrorists who are nuisance to the society, their soul resides here. They are like parasites. They are mere takers and they do not contribute anything to this world.
Soul in the 2nd chakra (sacral) – Normally these people won’t do any harm to others, but will do it when provoked. Then, they will rationalize their act by blaming other people or circumstances. They are not of much use to the world. They have a lot of thoughts of negativity, fear, anger, etc.
Soul in the 3rd chakra (solar plexus).. These people live only for themself. Will not trouble anyone. They are independent. But are selfish. They will always want themselves to be on the priority list. They feel they can succeed only when somebody fails.
Soul in the 4th chakra (heart) – These people live for themself and then, if possible they live for the benefit of others also. After their wants are fulfilled, they will take efforts for fulfill other people’s needs. They share their excess resources with others.
5th chakra ( throat) These people give importance to other people. But also give a lot of importance to themself. They work in a win win situation where they do such acts for others, wherein they are also directly or indirectly benefited at the same time. They are contributors to the world.
6th chakra ( third eye) These people live only for others. They sacrifice their desires for the desire of others. They play the role of a parent to everyone by spreading love. They often experience miracles and most of their needs are met because of their alignment with the source.
7th chakra ( crown) These people are saints. They heal others. Their presence influences people to take action. They have a positive aura. They are role models like Prophet Mohammed, Jesus Christ, etc who changed the world. They serve the masses.
Their life is a blessing for this world.
Identify where your soul is standing in your body. Your purpose throughout this
lifetime should be to raise the position of your soul, wherever it may be right now.
Endeavor to take your soul to the next level from where it is right now.
THE SOUL WITHIN (speakingtree.in)
If by soul is meant our alter-ego, then, it does not exist.
Neither is there any soul as a visual and a physical entity, in a humanoid form, existing after the human being dies. It is just a fantasy, a concept and a fable. It is only believed
in and propagated by isms and cults which have utterly, badly failed to advance enough metaphysically to get the Ultimate Reality as is.
However if by soul means the cosmic principle and presence which is the source and substratum of the life within us all, well then, it exists.
Since you have asked me this question specifically, I shall answer it as I personally, from self-experience know it. It is not easy to do. But I will try to put it in words as simply as
I can, without compromising with the truth. I will not do so, tell you about the what-how-why of the soul, from any inherited or assimilated knowledge from somewhere.
Neither will I talk about it from the belief of my own ancestrally handed down faith,
nor from any stone age superstitious lore of other isms. Or as gathered and gained from some kind of traditional bookish sources. And especially not from the imagined, mind-made hallucinogenic process of the mambo-jumbo of any ‘spirit channeling’ as such.
I have no use for this kind of secondhand knowledge. One must not credit the same,
the handed down notions of mystical matters, with much.
The ultimate metaphysical reality which the ascetics, seekers, yogis and free mystics etc. of the world have throughout the ages sought and self-realized, it is a very, very personal self-experience. From this first-hand knowledge of the Beginning and the End is henceforth laid down the unchangeable comic principle and precept.
And what is this unchanging, perpetual First Principle of Things That Be?
It is that each and everything that you see or do not visually witness, in Essence all of it is but an indivisible whole of an infinite unity and eternity. This is to say that in every which way, in spirit and in substratum, all existence is forever one.Therefore the self-experienced and metaphysically confirmed permanent, primordial first principle of the Absolute is that there Whatsoever Is, it is an infinite, eternally unified, indivisible Oneness of the Whole.
This is-ness of One Whole, by virtue of the very fact that it exists, just because
‘It’ is, it sires the quintessential substratum of All That Is. As say fire, by merely existing, will generate and birth the phenomenon of smoke and heat.
From the above said original fathering source and mothering substance
of the Cosmos is each and everything born or brought into existence. It is the ‘make’ and ‘matter’ of whole existence. It is the god particle, so to say.
In all simplicity the same may be termed the Universal Soul. Its continuous, eternal and indivisible core and crux also exists within us. One may call it our soul. That is, if one so insists on calling this knowingness or it-ness as that.
‘It’, the universal is-ness or soul and spirit, is the ‘That’ of All-ness.
So, where does this so-termed soul lie within our body?
Before we get to it let us be clear that what we refer to as soul is neither an entity nor a thing of this or that kind.
Know also that after the bodily death of a human being, it, the so-called spirit
or soul, does not continue to exist as a human-like resemblance akin our own.
This kind of assumption and assertion is only made by people of those isms and faiths which throughout centuries have not been able to get out of the quagmire of the silly superstitions handed down to them by their simple-minded ancestors.
Thus the soul in the human entity may be said to be kind of a sublime mystical and metaphysical code to What Is. Again, it is not some ‘thing’ or identifiable entity as such. Alternatively, it is the quintessential cosmic key, in Essence, to the Infinite Unity and Eternal Oneness of the Universal Is-ness. In a manner of speaking, this eternally gifted is-ness in each of us is just a cosmic code. Call it soul if you like.
It may be said to be the unrecognized and unrealized ‘son of God’ present within us all.
The yogis call it kundalini. It is said to be sleeping or lying dormant, unless awakened,
in a serpentine form at the base of the spine.
Is kundalini the soul?
No. But it, kundalini, when fully awakened, is that which finally reveals the
‘That’ of Which Is – the Universal Soul: God in common parlance. It is through this yogic ‘son of God’ that the Father (First Principle of All That Is) is known.
It, kundalini, this mystical serpent or son of God when ‘lifted up’, is seen to rise up through the ‘narrow gate’, along the spinal cord, in a serpentine or snake-like form.
It is creamish-yellow in colour. As indeed is also the colour of the spinal fluid within the human spine.
This it-ness of soulfulness, as time passes, is actually and physically seen by the awakening consciousness of a yogi or Buddha-to-be, to sort of disassociate itself from the human body at near about the place where our heart is.
So, does the soul lie at the heart center?
Well, not exactly.
The it-ness of life which ‘comes out’ from the human body, after kundalini has awakened, is not seen to be centered in or emanating from the heart. It is but merely observed to separate itself from the human entity near about here.
Once out, it, is a kind of a reference point in the air as if. It looks at the meditating form of the yogi. And scrutinizing and comprehending the situation thus, it realizes that it is outside of the body, as something else. And hence, is not the body.
Thereupon, the meditating seeker, if karmically blessed, after withering many a mystical astral traveling as though, will in time reach the ‘That’ of What Is. That is, it, the is-ness of that-ness finally meets its fathering principle. Hereof the Buddha-to-be realizes that ALL is IT.
That is to say that in its Fundamental Cosmic Essence, it is realized by a worthy yogi or a ‘chosen’ devotee that “I and my Father are One!” And “I am in the Father, and the Father in me!”
In other words, in this supra real happening, the Son meets the Father. Herein each and everything in and of the Cosmos is physically and personally seen and self-realized by the Awakened One (Buddha, so to say) as the Self of the Whole.
When the blessed yogi, this Enlightened One, having been thus truly blessed and fully ‘awakened’ to the Ultimate Reality, ‘comes back’ to the point of origin – of the earthly human entity mediating – the following process is observed:-
Firstly, consciousness returns, from ‘That’ to ‘this’.
Then life-energy reverberates, sort of coming along with it.
Thereof is seen the ‘breath of life’ coming back, at the throat center.
Lastly, is seen the physically ‘born again’ bodily form of the mystic.
Hence, there is no physical soul as such.
What exists within us humans is just the seed or ‘son’ of God, or the ‘first born’ pf the Alpha and Omega. It exists within us, as say the wave does so within the ocean. The separation of the wave from the ocean is just observed as a visual phenomenon. It is not actually happening. t is an illusion. Just a play, so to say. It is because in reality nothing is happening to the essence of both the wave and the ocean. For they both remain forever one, as water i.e. H2O.
Therefore it may be said that all that exists is but One Whole.
Call it God. Or Universal Soul. And the Absolute: as a Divine Oneness of an Inseparable Infinity and Eternity.
We, and the seen world, are but a mirage within the Whole!
The visible universe, akin the out-pouring heat from the fire, is merely a divine play of the cosmic energy with and within its own Source. At no point in time is there a separation of the sired from the source. Of this from that! Of Creation from Creator. Of the Son of God from the Father.
Of the Soul from the Universal Soul. In short of you from God!
With this pristine metaphysical knowledge or ‘Virgin Mother’ of the ‘Son of God’, may we all find the ‘Heavenly Father’. Within. For the within and without are One.
In conclusion: Sorry! You and I are not a soul. We are the Whole. ~_~
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Born April 10, 1936 · Austin, Minnesota
Died December 28, 2021 (aged 85) · Pleasanton, California
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