Praying the Lord’s Prayer “YOUR WILL BE DONE”

When they cast you down, and you say, ‘Exaltation will come!’ Then He will save the humble person. Job 22;29
We The People, have to unite & demand a proper investigation and remedy, or be divided.
You can either vote and be proactive in your community/state, or cry about it online.
Really the only two options. I vote and encourage my friends to vote.
I interact with my elected officials. I let my voice be heard.
Clearly we are a divided nation. The question is, will you give in, and surrender to Democrats? Be a slave to Democrat Masters, or will you be vocal, organized, push back on the Democrat Masters whom own their slaves for life? Will you vote for change? Will you denounce the lies and propaganda of the Democrats? Because either we take this country back for 2023, or we become slaves to the system.
The probability for President Trump to come back in 24 is very, very small. Remember what they’ve done to keep him away. The only chance for him to come back would be to fix the 2020 election, that’s what I believe and moving forward with midterms without fixing the last election is very naive. President Trump has given us many clues but most people are focusing on the midterm “election”

Biden signed an executive order 14067 for digital currency that may go into effect on
12/13 and we may lose our freedom that day

How many registered voters in us 2020.
There were just 133 million registered voters in the United States for the November 2020 presidential election. Despite COVID-19 concerns, 155 million people turned out for the 2020 presidential election. However, 4% (552,500) of registered nonvoters reported not voting due to their concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.
We did vote but remember they still have the dominion machines still and EO title 14067 on 12/13, also executive order 14019, and mail in ballots and mules, open borders and everything else. The thing I worry about, is Biden and Democrats are selling a lot of our weapons and equipment, to other countries, to enrich their donors, while leaving us with less stuff to fight with. Democrats are getting rich, and America is getting weak.

The Pentagon has published the text of the US National Defense Strategy (NDS). The document clearly states that, “given the growing threats to national security,” Washington reserves the right to be the first to strike with the use of nuclear weapons “to prevent even non-nuclear attacks.” The introduction of a clause on “allowing yourself” to use nuclear weapons at will, read: if you suddenly do not like something cannot but frighten, since the United States remains the only country that has ever used nuclear weapons against another country – atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, when there was absolutely no military need for it.
For the other side of the war in Ukraine, visit www.warnews247.gr and right click for your browser menu to translate to English, you will be shocked to see how many European nations are mobilizing their armies for an all-out attack. Even our 101st airborne screaming eagles are poised for it. War is now inevitable. God help our troops, they will need backup. As soon as it starts, China will move on Taiwan.
But it is interesting to see European countries spending so much on their Militaries now.
That’s exactly what they’re doing, leaving us with NOTHING. He’s depleting the strategic oil reserve, he’s emptying the federal reserve, has given billions of dollars in ammunition to the Taliban’s, and Ukraine, sending our soldiers to fight a war that it’s not our war to begin with.
They’re making sure we have nothing
My current job is a Government Contractor for FMS (Foreign Military Sales). I work with foreign and US military soldiers, on the weapons and optics side. Our military is getting weaker, and we are selling/exporting a lot of things we should be building up. Sadly, it’s like Democrats want to make our country weak and poor. CAVCOP @CavCop
He has a PhD in International Relations. I share his and Trump’s opinion that the USA should be neutral in this conflict that might turn into WW3. Pray for peace!
Just continue to raise Interest Rates and do nothing as all corporations
continue Price Gouging.
Remember the 2008 Crash? And just continue to send $Billions for WWIII. I, as a believer, and who have a disposition in my heart, manage to keep myself holy, to please God, for knowing that by doing so, I will be preserving my soul from eternal fire, many, not few, but many times, encountering certain moments, suddenly with girls, women and even girls in skimpy clothes, designed by people who stimulate malice, for a few moments, my eyes are attracted and I almost start to have a production of thoughts that is not suitable for any creature created by God.
If someone uses pages from pornographic magazines for clothing, it can lead others to stray in their thoughts. Judgment people, sex is only for reproduction, in the crack of the nightgown, and that’s it. Don’t imitate watery people.
It Will Happen Again: Desperate Man Commits Suicide After Shocking Foreclosure Mistreatment: “Here’s the shocker: right at the start the Rousseaus came up with proof that the bank had received the payment and had cashed the check.” Re: Wells Fargo Has Blood On Its Hands | Awakenings (seaclearly.com)
What did America expect when Wall Street Blackrock bought 55, 000 houses so Arizona couldn’t afford the bid war, and now declaring Chapter 11 (in Louisiana) bankruptcy so they can get a cheaper price and put the banks to default like in 2008? Blackrock/Larry Fink wants Americans to pay rent to them(edited)
With high interest rates, the government will collapse the real estate market so real estate investors can pay cash for any decent houses that are left to use as rental properties……What about the American dream ?
U.S. GDP accelerated at 2.6% pace in Q3, better than expected growth turns positive increase in real GDP reflected increases in exports, consumer spending, nonresidential fixed investment, federal spending, state and local government spending, decreases in residential fixed investment and private inventory investment.
The increase in exports reflected increases in both goods and services exports of goods, notably petroleum. A sharp pullback in housing subtracted from the number, part of a broader decline in private investment Consumer spending decelerated, increasing at
just a 1.4% pace in the quarter, down from 2% in Q2.
All we are supposed to focus on as Drug Kingpin Biden said that we are
moving Sept thru Jan 2023 Retailers Golden Goose To be Cooked in 1/23
A society of renters is a way to control the masses. We need an affordable path to home ownership with the construction of good solid starter homes. The irony of it all: a few thousand dollars in stimulus checks sent out to the sheeple at a cost of many thousands lost to inflation, energy costs and a significant loss in home equity.
Really they handled that Pandemic perfectly, NOT!!!
My first home in1977 had an 8.5% interest rate.
I paid it off in 11 years working 60+ hours a week.
God, I love this country. MAGA
No one has owned me since.
Well of course this all really depends on the area of the country and what state people are selling or buying property.
Houses all around the neighborhood with for-sale signs in the yard have been like that for the past 6months.
Nobody can afford a home loan with interest rates this high! And even if you could afford it, it makes no sense to spend that much $$ in interest. Now IS NOT the time to get a home loan.
Wait until Geriatric Joe and his crack crew of morons are gone!
These leftists are on a mission to destroy our country’s folks. We need to take ownership back of them for future generations. The American voter has finally got their chance & this will have a flow on effect all across the World if it goes the way so many of us want it to go. God bless America! I’m still attracted to the idea of making our man Trump speaker of the House until ’24 just to stick to everyone who’s tried to undermine him.
Well, Inflation raises interest rates and so people have to lose their equity in their home price to adjust for the increasing interest rate. With Biden inflation, most Americans are struggling to buy food, gas, heating oil because inflation is caused by bad gov policies. C’mon Man, don’t worry, you may not need them….
Thanks Joe. What is surprising is this happening in the midst of a severe housing shortage.
Of course, new home building is gutted by the interest rates.
This is going to hurt a lot of people. Maybe that is the Democrat plan!
When things corrupt so badly it putrefied into a sinking swamp very few things can live there, but there are many scum-eating parasites that thrive off the putrefied sinking swamps that make people flee from not wanting to up-chuck! It will devour itself, not unless there is a source of corruption that keeps feeding it sewer waste. The maggots and parasites won’t leave they love the environment and will fight for their lives. When you see these people that live in DC forever, thrive and fight for it, they love the maggot infested sewer waste. They can’t exist in a clean house; nobody wants them in the real world.
Their world is small although they are making America very sick with polluted water.
Stop the trillions and the maggots die and world corporations.
Anything collapsing is Communist active measures. Not surprised by this. But I am surprised it took so long, the crash was inevitable. The fed will raise interest rates 2 twice more.
#Housing will move from collapsed to a lifeless market because inflation shows no sign of stopping and this compresses the market from another angle. We are 6 months away from seeing the #carnage.
HEY! Don’t worry. The Leftists repeatedly say that such signs are definitely NOT any part of the Great Depression of 2022-23 — meaning not until after the RED WAVE, of course! Then, the Dems will freely announce the Depression’s start, of course. Now Black Rock and corporate interests can come in and buy up whole sub divisions. A home is too much of an asset for the peasant class to have according to the WEF and “elites”. No car either.
ZeroHedge on Gettr: US Pending Home Sales Collapsed In October, Weakest Since 2010
US Pending Home Sales Collapsed In October, Weakest Since 2010 | ZeroHedge
These graphs leave a lot to be interpreted. Home buying demand has dropped significantly in the last 6 months due to the interest rate going from less than 3% to over 8%. Additionally, people pulling their homes off the market or refusing low-ball offers could also explain the drop. This could very well be a supply correction to the reduced demand as well. What Needs to happen. The money from the Fed has been too easy for too long.
The price of homes are way over the income of the buyers who are intended to live in them. When people talk of a “correction”, what exactly is the market correcting? There wasn’t any market fraud like there was in 2008 with subprime loans and we’re not seeing a massive wave of foreclosures. Now, that could change once job layoffs start picking up steam later this year, but overall I don’t see prices coming down just because they went up so fast.(edited) The Housing Market supports almost everything else. Didn’t the economic downturn in September 2008 under Bush teach them anything?
Well like I have been saying pa, one of these days we all gonna wake up and get our cup of joe and open the new york timmee and see we just lost all the equity that was given over the last 3 years. It’s just another Biden robbery. Criminal agencies gave lenders a 300% raise on their loan interest. You lose home equity with a sale or purchase a much smaller home and Biden’s crooked friends get richer. A few months ago the total interest on a 30 year- $300,000 loan was $140,000, now it’s $425,000 and monthly payments are $800 more each month.
thepatriotsmarket on Gettr: Get your patriot doormat and make sure to weep your
feet before entering your home! https://thepatriotsmarket.com/products/pat…
Just another distraction to shield their true evil plans.
And the plan is simple. Control & destroy all of humanity. Read my sub stack.
Elon Musk’s plan to save humanity by merging with machines (substack.com)
Elon Musk and The Elites Plan to Control Humanity – Search (bing.com)
Elon Musk – My Plan To Save Humanity – YouTube
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed) (georgegammon.com)
Within the last 13 months, Mark Zuckerberg has a net worth of $113.5 billion. It is a 108 percent increase compared to his net worth during the first quarter of 2020. These are just a few elites in the US with substantial wealth and do not include the global elites. Once more countries pilot central bank digital currencies around the world, the international wealthy, including Americans, will influence control of your money.
We see that today, the richer getting richer during the pandemic and the poorer are getting poorer.
Somewhere the middle class is in between, subject to more tax liabilities, compared to the wealthy elites.
For centuries, the banking systems failed miserably for the average working-class people and economically deprived citizens. It happened in the 1920s and throughout history to the present day.
1 Domhoff, G.W. (2017, April). Wealth, Income, and Power. The University of California at
Santa Cruz. Retrieved from https://whorulesamerica.ucsc.edu/power/wealth.html
2 Atlantic Council. (2021, April 20). The Rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Retrieved from https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/econographics/the-rise-of-
central-bank-digital-currencies/ – Search (bing.com)
3 Collins, C. (2021, April 15). Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and
Pandemic Profiteers. Inequality Org. Retrieved from https://inequality.org/great-
Elon Musk, the brilliant founder of Tesla, SpaceX, and a host of other revolutionary companies, announced what he believes is the greatest threat to humanity. No, it’s not nuclear weapons or a deadly virus. The greatest risk, Musk says, is declining birth rates.
“I think one of the biggest risks to civilization is the low birth rate and the rapidly declining birthrate,” Musk told the Wall Street Journal’s annual CEO Council.
“And yet, so many people, including smart people, think that there are too many people in the world and think that the population is growing out of control,” Musk continued. “It’s completely the opposite. Please look at the numbers — if people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble, mark my words.” Analysts have attributed declining birth rates to people’s fears about climate change.
The “movement to not have children owing to fears over climate change is growing and impacting fertility rates quicker than any preceding trend in the field of fertility decline,” Morgan Stanley analysts said.
That graph looks like a steep drop off a cliff, how symbolic of what’s to come.
Biden and the Demonrats strike again. We got to get everyone dependent on us for
welfare and food stamps. That is how we control the masses. So that’s why we have so many homeless in The United States…This just signals a recession in 2023.
But Mafia Joe …. says the economy is strong.
While robbing from Peter and Mary to pay Paul.
1. Hmm I wonder why… higher prices and tripling interest
rates from two years ago could be the reason.
2. Oh, Janet Yellen says there is no recession in sight.
And this Moron is the chair of the Federal reserve.
3. She’s a total fraud and should be arrested with
the rest of this illegitimate OBAMA 3RD term regime.
American Experience | Part 1 | The Vote | American Experience
American Experience | Part 2 | The Vote | American Experience