While witch doctors are found in the uncivilized parts of the world, do you think such a voodoo culture is not found in the civilized countries?
Let us analyze the following two liver cancer cases.
Hepatoma – He Refused Chemotherapy | CANCER STORY (cancercaremalaysia.com)
Story 1: Gan was a 62-year-old male.
He had fevers with vomiting and diarrhoea for about two weeks. He was admitted to a private hospital. A CT scan done showed a 9 x 10.5 x 9 cm mass in segments 4 and 8 of the liver. The mass was seen to extend towards the porta hepatis. The intrahepatic ducts were not dilated.
The doctor said Gan had hepatocellular carcinoma. Subsequently, he was referred to a university hospital for further treatment but he did not follow up with that. He came to see us on 6 August 2000 and opted for herbs instead. His condition was then fairly alright. He did not have any discomforts except that he had mild midnight fevers. Gan was started on our liver herbs.
Gan responded well to the herbs. After a week, his appetite increased. He slept well throughout the night while previously he had disturbed sleep and woke up every hour of the night. He felt more alert. His facial expression showed that he looked much better than before. The midnight fevers had also disappeared.
On 10 September 2000, Gan told us that he had more energy and was able to go jogging. On 21 September 2001, i.e., after one year and two months on the herbs, I met up with Gan again. He told me that he was not going to do any more blood tests since the alpha fetoprotein levels had increased from 179 in August 2000 (before taking the herbs) to 88,917 in June 2001 (after taking the herbs). He did not see any point knowing about it anymore. However, he was doing fine and had gone back to work as a mechanic.
He had no symptoms or discomforts.
Gan obtained amazing relief from all his symptoms after taking the herbs for about only one week. He was able to sleep, eat and work. After three months on the herbs, the results of his liver function went back to normal. However, the rising AFP level pointed to the fact that something was not right with him. We did not know what else to do to help him. Perhaps, this is a case of ‘live and let live’ and hope for the best. Of course, Gan had the option of going for surgery or other medical interventions which he had declined from the very beginning. Looking at it from a positive viewpoint, Gan did not fare that badly compared to those who opted for medical treatments. Many who had surgery died soon afterwards, while others developed more tumors in their liver. There is no certainty in cancer. What is certain about the outcome of such cases is its uncertainty.
Story 2: Danny was a 55-year-old man.
In September 2001, he had a sudden abdominal pain. Investigations done in a hospital showed multiple liver masses with ascites. He was then referred to a hospital in Kuala Lumpur. A CT scan of the abdomen indicated “multiple enhancing nodules throughout the liver. The largest of these measure 12 cm across and lies in Segment 5. This particular nodule shows a mixed density with areas of reduced density in its centre. It hangs down to below the inferior border of the liver and appears to be surrounded by fairly dense fluid. Dense fluid is also seen surrounding the liver. Appearances are probably due to a multicentric hepatoma with bleeding from the largest tumour. Multiple secondaries is another consideration.”
A tru-cut biopsy confirmed a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. The chest X-ray indicated the heart appears enlarged. The right hemidiaphragm was elevated and mild left pleural effusion was noted. Surgery was not indicated in this case. Subsequently, Danny underwent transarterial chemoembolization. After this treatment the blood test results were not encouraging. The doctor told the family members that Danny had only three to twelve months to live.
Danny and his family came to see us on 30 September 2001. He was not in pain but was unable to sleep. He had been on tranquillisers for the previous three or four nights. He was unable to sleep. He had dry coughs and was a bit breathless. Every day starting from 4 or 5 p.m. he had fevers. We prescribed our liver herbs.
After one week on the herbs, Danny reported that he had mild pains. He was able to sleep without having to take the tranquilliser anymore. He lost his appetite. But his breathing was better. The evening fevers had lessened. Before taking the herbs the evening fevers usually lasted for three to four hours and his temperature was around 39 degrees C. After taking the herbs, the fevers lasted for one or two hours only and the temperature was around 37.5 degrees C.
After two weeks on the herbs, Danny reported further improvements. He had no more pain. His breathing had improved, and he also slept well. He felt more alert. On some evenings, he either had no fever or when he had them, his temperature was only about
37 degrees C. (Fahrenheit is: [°F] = 37 × 9⁄5 + 32 = 98.6°F.).
After about one month on the herbs, Danny told us that he has declined to go for further chemoembolization because his condition had improved tremendously. He had no more pains, could sleep, was more alert and his breathing was normal. His appetite had improved. He had fevers only on two evenings and his temperature was around 37.5 degrees C. He told us that his blood pressure was a bit low, at — 100/70.
In November 2001, Danny came and told us that he had no more fevers in the evenings. That was after he had taken the herbs for about six weeks. In late November 2001, Danny reported that his blood pressure had gone back to normal, 110/80. He looked radiant and healthy!
It was indeed most amazing to see Danny doing so well. We had a VCD recording all Danny’s visits. On his first visit, he was wearing a jacket. He looked sick. His movements were stiff, slow and lifeless. He was breathless when he talked. One week afterwards, Danny was different. He had more energy. He walked with much energy.
Again, we would like to pose some questions: This is a man who suffered bleeding due to a ruptured tumour in the liver. He stopped taking chemoembolization after only one treatment and opted for the herbs instead. Why was he getting better? Why were there no more fevers? Why did his blood pressure return to normal? In this case, no drugs or medical procedures were involved. In fact he suffered bad side effects when he was on medical treatment! This is indeed a miraculous healing.
On 20 January 2002, Danny and his family came to see us.
He was in perfect health. Then, barely a month later, Danny came again and was feeling rather down. He had spent time surfing the Internet and learnt that his cancer was a fatal disease. He was depressed and this new information made him feel dejected the whole week. To understand why this is happening, let us go back a little more at the time before Danny came to see us. Danny’s doctor wrote on 17 September 2001: “the prognosis is guarded and his family has been informed.” And according to the family, Danny was given only three to twelve months to live!
We could predict that the outcome of Danny’s and Gan’s healing would be different, although they suffered similar incurable liver cancers. As William Oslo said, survival largely depends on what is going on in the head. I suspected that Danny is under a voodoo curse. He knew that his cancer was serious and he only had three to twelve months to live. Though he benefited from the consumption of the herbs, he still felt hopeless and unsure of the outcome.
He once told me: “I am alright and feel great on the outside, but I don’t know what is happening inside me.” His family members also told me that Danny worried too much. In spite of all the improvements he experienced from taking the herbs, his daughter told me that Danny was just hoping that he could live for another two months, by which time his son would have finished college. He looked forward to his successful graduation and then he was ready to die. No matter how much I assured him that he was going to be alright, he still remained skeptical.
On the other hand, Gan was not under a voodoo curse. His doctor did not have a chance to tell him how long he could live. He opted for herbs and declined further medical attention. He knew that his cancer was serious, but he left it at that! When the blood test showed an elevated AFP, he simply stopped going for the test.
When I talked to Gan, he did not make any remarks of doubt as Danny did. To me, the prognosis for both the cases were extremely poor. Gan survived for two years but Danny died much earlier — not only because of his cancer but also his mindset.
Liver Cancer Part 1: Tumour Shrunk After Chemoembolization (TACE) and Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
But New Growths After Six Months. What has gone wrong? | CANCER STORY (cancercaremalaysia.com)
Liver Cancer Part 2: After chemoembolization and Radiofrequency Failed, He Turned to Herbs and e-Therapy.
For more information: http://www.cacare.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beng_Im_Teo/55719
Beng Im Teo – Search (bing.com)
Spell To Cure Cancer: Is It Even Possible? | Spells Of Magic (powerfulspellsofmagic.com)
A Natural Cure for Cancer:
God does not give people cancer. Cancer happens because of toxic overload in the system messing with body cells to pervert them into cancer. Toxicity is caused by environmental factors, poor diet, smoking, bad thinking and bad attitudes – such as bitterness and unforgiveness. Demons can get involved also.
The supernatural way of dealing with cancer is to command it to die and to cast the spirits of cancer out in the name of Jesus. That is great if you have the faith to do that, and the Lord is leading you so. You can speak to the mountain of cancer and command it to move. However it should be noted that asking God to heal you of cancer when you refuse to detoxify and properly feed the body could be a form of tempting God.
God doesn’t want people to die of cancer. There’s an interesting book called “The Breuss Cancer Cure” that my wife has been reading. Apparently this guy helped 45,000 people to get healed of cancer.
The guts of the treatment is as follows. If you have cancer, stop eating protein for 6 weeks, because cancers need protein to grow. Instead, give the body all the nutrients it needs to survive through vegetable juices and certain teas – such as Sage Tea.
You can see the exact recipe you need to see http://www.fasting.ws and contact Tom. A Canadian friend of mine, the author of the above website, is helping poor cancer sufferers in the Philippines get better through these methods. It has been working extremely well. People given up to die have been recovering totally.
Don’t expect the traditional medical profession or the pharmaceutical industry to be too positive about all this – not when they can make millions of dollars poisoning people to death in the name of fighting cancer. You have to realise that the whole world, including the medical world, lies in the evil one (1 John 5:19). Don’t trust in men. Trust in God. Actually God has already given us everything necessary for life and godliness. It’s a pity we’ve been so brainwashed that we believe in cancer more than in God’s goodness.
Does Witchcraft cure cancer – Search (bing.com)
THIS Diet Literally Starves Cancerous Cells And Cured Over 45,000 Cancer (juicing-for-health.com)
Read Download The Breuss Cancer Cure PDF – PDF Download (bibleandbookcenter.com)
Can This Magic Bush Cure Cancer and Cast Spells? | OZY
Read Download The Breuss Cancer Cure PDF – PDF Download (bibleandbookcenter.com)
The Breuss Cancer Cure PDF Ebook Free Download – Rudolf Breuss | PDF | Cure | Cancer (scribd.com)
In 2001 Jürgen H.R. Thomar, who was born in 1938, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In 2002, after undergoing conventional medical treatment at a university hospital, he was diagnosed with recurrent cancer. After numerous tests and examinations, he was offered a therapy that had not been scientifically documented, so J. Thomar was to become a “guinea pig”. Realizing this, the author of the book lost faith in conventional medicine and turned to naturopathy. He found assistance and advice in the book “Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases” by Rudolf Breuss, a well-known healer, naturopath and folk medicine expert from the city of Bludenz (Austria).
R. Breuss, who died in 1990 at the age of 91, developed “The Breuss Cancer Cure” a remarkably effective treatment method based on therapeutic fasting and consumption of vegetable juices. Using this method, which has already been practiced for decades, many cancer patients manage to regain their health. Undertaking the Breuss cancer cure requires from patients’ determination, endurance and self-discipline. Although this method of treatment cannot guarantee complete success, it is viewed as a supportive therapy with prospects in treating a wide variety of cancers.
In spring 2004 the author himself completed this course of treatment, which had been repeatedly and successfully used by Breuss; this resulted in complete recovery, which was confirmed by all subsequent tests and examinations.
After completing the course of treatment Jürgen Thomar, as a mark of gratitude to Rudolf Breuss, created the website www.breuss-kur.de, which has generated immense interest worldwide: so far, this site has received over 300,000 visitors. That started Mr. Thomar’s literary activity.Mr. Thomar, with his book “Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure Correctly Applied”, deserves credit for providing a practical and reader-friendly systemic description of the Breuss treatment, thus developing a guide to the Breuss Cancer Cure.
This book should be seen as a fundamental manual to successful application of the Breuss cancer cure. Mr. Thomar is the author of several other books, including: “Heilfasten nach Rudolf Breuss … einfach genial” (“Rudolf Breuss Fasting Therapy – Simply Ingenious” – in German), “Pratique de la Cure Breuss: Expériences, conseils et recommandations” (“The Practice of the Breuss Cancer Cure: Experience, Advice and Recommendations” – in French), and his autobiography “Das war’s” («How it was” – in German) in pocket book size format, covering the same topic of defeating cancer using the Breuss cancer cure.
Fasting has long been used in Europe both as a preventative measure and as a cure, particularly for degenerative conditions, and to purge the body of impurities or toxins. Knowledgeable in this tradition, Rudolf Breuss, a naturopathic practitioner, developed a 42-day juice fasting programme to nourish the body but starve cancer. Although fasting seems irrational when the body is already wasting away, Breuss’s patients felt more alert and energetic as soon as they began the treatment.
They continued to feel well throughout the fast. Unlike radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, the Breuss fast leaves the body strengthened and healthy. Breuss also provides naturopathic and sometimes unusual treatment suggestions for a wide range of conditions from leukaemia to rheumatism, infertility to cramps. Translated from the original German, this book will give hope to many who previously have not had access to Breuss’s simple, effective cures.
BREUSS CANCER CURE – NaturalCancerCures.org
Read Download The Breuss Cancer Cure PDF – PDF Download
The Breuss Cancer Cure PDF Ebook Free Download – Scribd
[PDF][Download] The Breuss Cancer Cure New E-Book – Google
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THIS Diet Literally Starves Cancerous Cells And Cured Over 4…
The decision to accept chemotherapy or not is a personal decision that each person needs to make. At the Budwig Center we do not offer any advice on this matter, however if someone does accept chemotherapy, we have a program in place to help remove the residual chemical toxins from the chemotherapy and at the same time rebuild the immune system.
Difference between German Quark and Cottage Cheese.
It’s important on the Budwig Protocol | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
to use English Quark and Not Cottage Cheese
We have 8 different natural ways to do that.
At our clinic we use both natural food and food supplements such as “broccoli sprouts” which is both a powerful cancer inhibitor and immune booster. In addition, we would offer “Transfer Factors” which strengthen an underachieving immune system or bring the overactive immune system into balance. When humans and other mammals are born, the first nourishment that the mother breast feeds the new-born is not milk but a clear liquid called colostrum. Transfer Factors are derived from colostrum.
You may enjoy a meal with curry, which is from turmeric or curcumin. Curcumin helps block the formation of new tumors as well as preventing cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. It helps reduce pain and inflammation and provides some detoxification benefits.
Chlorella and WheatGrass are two potent antioxidants and excellent natural foods that detox and cleanse the body of heavy metals and chemical toxins such as chemotherapy. Mushroom extracts AHCC and Astragalus in supplement form, also strengthen our immune system in order to better assimilate chemotherapy whilst also reducing the adverse effects to our body.
ryzesuperfoods RYZE is powered by functional mushrooms and adaptogens. Our creamy and delicious blend features six functional mushrooms, healthy fat from MCT oil, zero added sugar and 100% organic or non-GMO ingredients. These clean, no BS ingredients come to you sustainably from right here in the USA to provide game-changing daily immune support and long-lasting energy in every cup. Just add water for easy prep and on-the-go wellness.
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At the Budwig Center we use several therapies such as “hyperthermia” which artificially creates heat and thus initiates a fever-like state, causing an intense, sustained elevation in core body temperature, which enhances the immune system and therefore activates a natural self-healing process in the body. According to research done by Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, author of the book The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees, raising your body temp by just one degree can boost your immune system by 40%.
Hydrogen inhalation therapy is used extensively at our clinic, we actually have 3 machines working continuously and offer 2 hours of inhalation per patient per day. Hydrogen seems to work at the nuclear gene transcription level, telling our cells to start pumping out more powerful free radical scavengers, removing and destroying dangerous cancer cells and turning them into H20 (water) which is then naturally eliminated by the body. Hydrogen anti-oxidation is much more powerful than common antioxidants such as vitamin C, carrot, lecithin etc. 200ml hydrogen Water has the same antioxidant level as 100 fresh lemons. | Cerra Water, Alkaline Antioxidant Hydrogen Water
Finally, after a deep 2- or 3-week detox regime, we encourage all our cancer patients to follow a 3-to-6-week fruit and vegetable juice program, along with soup broth, selected liver and kidney cleansing teas and pure water.
Fruits offer excellent cleansing and detoxification. Juices are like a ‘transfusion of health.’” Juice fasting allows your body to rest and choose what it wants to heal.
To find out more about the 8 ways to detox your body from chemotherapy
and chemical toxins and heavy metals CLICK HERE
In today’s modern age, cancer patients are given precious little choice when it comes to their care. Conventional doctors create a false sense of urgency and convince patients that they must immediately begin the “Big 3” treatment protocol: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. But this “cut, burn, and poison” method often causes more problems than solutions.
More people perish from conventional cancer treatments than from the cancer itself.
But there are many alternatives to chemotherapy available. Unfortunately, Big Pharma is working hard to ensure that you do NOT learn about them. And doctors will often tell you that anything outside of the standard western protocol is foolish and ineffective.
Medical schools are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. Aspiring doctors receive only an hour or two of nutritional training over the course of hundreds of hours of medical school. And most doctors actually profit when they prescribe chemotherapy through kickbacks and other incentives by the manufacturers.
>> Discover 32 Natural Alternatives to Chemo
To be honest, chemotherapy, which was initially based on mustard gas used in the world wars, can be construed as “experimental” medicine. And make no mistake, medical experimentation has been taking place in the USA for centuries.
We have compiled some of the sordid stories in our 59-page eBook – ‘177 Years of Medical Experimentation’ — which you can get as a FREE gift, right now.