What’s really frustrating and pisses me off is that none of you Patriots as you call yourselves. Why aren’t we taking arms as our country is amidst foreign and domestic takeover?
We the people have Got to wake up, hello? What does it take to be nuked and dead and brought back to life again and hold the line? I’m being sarcastic but I’m being serious too. You could see my frustration if you only could hear me how fucking pissed that I am.
I myself won’t live in no fucking Nazi controlled country. Or as Donald Trump said “we will end up being Venezuela on steroids and kissing the nutsacks of Nazis and communist for the rest of our fucking life. I refuse to give in to these bastards and something’s got to give. We have to fight now or die on our knees later. Our children’s minds/attention, the most valuable part of their being, is being held captive with blinking, bonking, colorful trivial & brainwashing techniques.
Children should not have smartphones or computers. They need to play outdoors with their contemporaries. Our Mum used to sit with us, cuddle us, read books to us and encourage us to read the words. They hardly play with each other – which is vital for their brain’s proper development.
Parents are allowing it because their attention is hijacked as well!
That’s because a lot of parents use tech devices as babysitters.
Parents would rather their children have their heads in devices rather than spend time with them. And as long as it keeps those pesky kids out of the parents’ way of their “me time” they are just fine with it. More electronic devices for Christmas as long as you don’t bother me kids.
Cyborg Zuckerturd will have everyone living in his metaverse fantasy world right up until a Chinese Communist soldier jams his bayonet into us! Then it’ll be back to reality for a minute or two anyway!(edited) They are not your kids, they are their consumers. give them a ball and tell them to play in the garden.
As consumers, kids will accept digital transactions designed by the One World Order Government to track our every move. No crime needs to be committed if they want to eliminate us. Jan6ers still in gulag proof. Children are brought up in a digital world for this purpose. To be tracked like animals.
The true benefit of “having nothing to say”…. “Your mind is empty like space”-(Tibetan Book of the dead. 13 century) The nature of consciousness, happiest place you’ll ever be, no desires, no needs, no thoughts, absolute clarity, no fear of dying. Only then you realize you are all one, everything, the universe. Bogoslowsky
It is why TPTB let you mature and breed. You are breeding stock to them, that is all.
When you have children for them, then you become a useless eater.

Big Tech wants your kid to be its consumer, even if it harms them
By Susannah Cahalan
“There’s a scourge on our children and it’s called ‘kid tech.’
Big Tech knows that screens and social media are making our kids sick, so why aren’t companies doing something about it? There’s a scourge on our children and it’s called “kid tech.” These two words describe how companies freely market directly to young ones in our homes and schools with addictive games and videos designed to keep kids hooked.
The numbers are staggering Children ages 5 to 8 spent an average of three hours a day in front of digital devices, while teenagers logged nearly a third of their day in front of screens. This was before the pandemic upped these numbers.
In the past two years, anxiety and depression have skyrocketed. Measures of self-confidence are in the toilet.
A new paper presented at European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology meeting last month suggests that excessive blue light from our devices may be contributing to early onset of puberty in girls. As The Post’s Karol Markowicz writes, “They’re on a drug, and everyone seems OK with it.”
And Big Tech knows that screens and social media are making our kids sick. According to author Susan Linn, digital technology is now “more pervasive, more invasive, more sophisticated, more manipulative, and more devious than ever.”
Angry yet? Just wait. There’s more.
Psychologist and child advocate Susan Linn’s new book, “Who’s Raising the Kids?” offers an impassioned indictment of tech companies making big money off exploiting the minds of our children. Linn, who has fought against direct-to-children marketing since the 1990s, provides an unvarnished look at our dystopian world where children sit slack-jawed in restaurants watching unboxing videos.
Digital technology is “more pervasive, more invasive, more sophisticated, more manipulative, and more devious than ever,” she says. Adults can model good screen etiquette for their children by declaring screen-free zones and times.
Take Aristotle, billed in 2017 as toy company Mattel’s “all-in-one nursery necessity” that would coo at a crying baby, sing songs with a toddler, and help a kindergartener do homework.
It would act as a “surrogate parent” — one that collects children’s data from birth to adolescence. Thanks to advocacy groups, the toy never hit shelves. But this story teaches us one important lesson: Big Tech has no boundaries.
There’s been a shift in American family dynamics — and advertisers are fully willing to exploit it. Millennial parents are less inclined to think of families as hierarchies. A majority of millennial parents consider their children to be among their closest friends and 74% include their children in decision-making, according to ad-agency research. “Families are more like teams,” one ad executive said, according to Linn. A marketer’s goal, with the help of child psychologists catering the message, is to push children’s “choice as consumers” and increase “child-to-parent communication” (i.e., increase nagging for games, toys, or more screen time).
Even the apps marked “educational” in the Google Play store contained ads, making parents nostalgic for good old-fashioned math on a chalkboard.
There are no safe places. Even if you’re not one of the 53% of 11-year-olds with a smartphone (19% of 8-year-olds also have them), a child is deluged with marketing from companies like Amazon, Google and Disney at school thanks to “ed tech” games and apps. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that 95% of the 135 most downloaded apps — even the apps marked “educational” in the Google Play store for children under five — contained ads.
Meanwhile the market is exploding. The K-12 ed tech market is expected to double to a $42.5 billion market in 2025. Nine out of 10 kids from third to twelfth grade already use ed tech products at least a few days a week.
While adults have the maturity and experience to handle technology, kids are far more vulnerable.
The research is stark on this, too — computers in the classroom do not improve outcomes. Schools that rely heavily on computers “do a lot worse in most learning outcomes, even after accounting for social background and student demographics,” writes Linn.
In some cases, those that use tables in “all or most” of their classes have reading scores a full grade lower than those who don’t. There are ways to fight back from the big creep of Big Tech. These two words describe how companies freely market directly to young ones in our homes and schools with addictive games and videos designed to keep kids hooked.” #TechWreck
: FK ’em all. All the Tech Billionaires, starting with Zborg, who should be the Poster child of the Tech-wreck.
Soon may be: Kicked out of his company and facing an investigation for rigging an election. (edited)
Video games an T.V. is a laziness that has hurt our children. The CCP want our Nation to be Morons. Hey, don’t allow this there. But they serve it to the USA. They want everything bad for the USA. No shit Sherlock…Is that why it is called Consumerism??
James ULTRA Freedom @WorldTvlr 80% of Americans, ALL Parties, OPPOSE #Transgender Procedures on kids. -1st, it’s Shoved down our throats by Radical
#Democrats Look we had a big bird. Now big tech is out to destroy the family unit.
-It’s NOT dress-up & acting on stage; things attractive to young kids. -It’s grooming
& Indoctrination. -It’s a mental illness. -It’s MUTILATION.
Righteousness exalts peoples, but sin is the shame of nations.
Remove the wicked from the presence of the king, and his throne
will be established in righteousness. Jesus IS the righteousness of God.
Too much screen time is turning our kids into boring beasts
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