45 Alarming Statistics on America’s Sugar Consumption and the Effects of Sugar on Americans’ Health – TheDiabetesCouncil.com
Sugar Consumption and Home glucose monitoring has been
an integral part of managing diabetes for the past half-century.
~But more people without diabetes are seeking out CGMs to understand
how food

– CGM measures the amount of glucose in the interstitial fluid just under your skin
(it’s a close proxy for glucose in your blood

– And, through intelligent software

is reacting to diet and lifestyle choices in near real-time.
– This trend toward opening access to personalized data, along with tools

to help make that data actionable, is crucial to solving the metabolic health crisis.

– Today, more than a third of Americans are living with prediabetes.
– Prediabetes increases the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease

– However, this kind of metabolic dysfunction can progress for years before people realize they have a problem. And More than 80% of people with prediabetes are unaware that they have it.

– The kind of closed-loop feedback CGM provides can empower

– Many legitimate questions remain about the impact of CGM use in people without diagnosed metabolic impairment, but anecdotal evidence suggests that it could be genuinely transformative.

– Advocating for more visibility on one’s own data and adopting a diet that aims
for stable blood sugar doesn’t mean obsessing over data or diet in unhealthy ways.
– Instead, the goal of increased visibility into our body’s functioning is to learn what
promotes long-term health for you.
– A glucose spike

or anxiety but rather a learning opportunity.
– Did the spike leave you feeling fatigued

because it was followed by crash, for example?

#MetabolicHealth #Metabolism #CGM #Levels #Health
#Wellness #WomensHealth #Microbiome #FoodisMedicine
Dr Erica Berger Thanks for sharing. As an integrative psychiatrist,
I patiently await studies that look at impacts of CGM use on mental health symptoms.
Quite a few patients are asking about this now.
Dr Casey’s kitchen
Verified @drericaburger just read Brain Energy by @chrispalmermd and
it is amazing – all about metabolic health and mental health and relevant to this!!
dr erica berger @dr casey’s dr casey’s kitchen thanks for sharing!
I’ve been meaning to check out his work and this is the reminder I need!
Yes! They’re so helpful. Everyone should wear one at least once.
Casey- if I can’t get Levels but want to start monitoring my blood sugars,
can you suggest an easy, affordable monitor to begin with?
Dr. Casey’s kitchen
Verified @follymillscreek
I like keto mojo glucose and ketone monitors from Amazon! – Search (bing.com)
Roseanne Galvin Dr Casey … have you done a podcast (or Youtube talk) on CGM comparisons? If not, it would be so helpful. So many bright doctors and professionals
offer great information but so often with conflicting beliefs, information & guidance. It is tough to make a decision with a ginormous sea of choices.
dr casey’s kitchen Verified @roseannegalvin yes,
just did an episode with @bengreenfieldfitness on this:
Continuous Glucose Monitors & Your Blood Sugar (bengreenfieldlife.com)
Any updates on when Levels CGM will be available for purchase?
Last I checked there was a very long waitlist. I’d buy one now if I could.

Dr Casey’s kitchen Verified @annmarietrione it’s available now!
CGM Levelshealth.com – Search (bing.com)
Angie Angie The sad part is that CGM are not affordable at all.
The monthly cost is high.

I would love to have one of these, but they are way overpriced for the average person!
Once again, many times it is for those who have higher incomes to be able to utilize this new technology

cass olmstead
Agreed. The only CGMs that I can find are part of a costly monthly membership program. I cannot find any companies that just sell them to individuals without making them join their monthly membership. If these companies really wanted to help people, they would give them the option of having the CGM with the app to track our own data and not have to pay them a monthly service fee to do something we can do all on our own.
Everything seemed to spike my glucose that was frustrating. I need help with foods that can satisfy my hunger and not spike it. WHILE considering my heart health issue of no cholesterol, salt etc. Help. Pls advice.
It’s a great idea but doctors won’t prescribe diabetes supplies until you have diabetes and many people can’t afford to buy CGMs from the companies that are offering them to non-diabetics.
I have been urging my personal physician for 9 months now.
No CGM because he wants to use the Fasting Blood Glucose tests.

Just about ready to change physicians.
I have a love/hate relationship with my @levels CGM and app.
It’s only been 2 months and I’ve learned a lot, but it’s also messed with my head quite a bit. I’m struggling with understanding why my body reacts to the same exact foods in such drastic ways on different days. It’s making it hard to choose the right foods to remain stable. My nutrition is pretty darn clean. I rarely eat anything processed.
I sleep well and exercise daily.
I make all my own salad dressings in order to avoid sugar.
Yet a large salad can still cause a spike on certain days. If someone can help@me understand why that might be, I’d greatly appreciate it. Lastly, Dr. Casey, could you maybe do some articles/podcasts on how genetic variants can/may cause glucose issues in our bodies and what we may do to hack ourselves?
When You Eat Only Salad Every day, This Is What Happens to Your Body (thelist.com)
I ate a salad every day for 30 days. Here’s what happened. (suzanneschaper.com)
Yet a large salad can still cause a spike on certain days. – Bing video
Ken Goubeaux
Research this product for regulating glucose levels:
Balance Protocol & Biotransformation with Dr. Anthony G. Beck (bengreenfieldlife.com)
Dr. Casey Means – Unlocking Your Optimal Metabolic Health – Levels (levelshealth.com)
#182 – Epidemic levels of metabolic dysfunction with Dr. Casey Means – YouTube
Dr Casey’s kitchen episode with @bengreenfieldfitness – Search (bing.com)
Casey Means, MD (@drcaseyskitchen) • Instagram photos and videos
Creation can’t be the creator

Don’t become attached to anything, nothing in this world belongs to you, we are all going to leave this place one day but when it’s the right time for us to leave, we are literally not going to take anything with us. Not even our bodies, so the most important thing in this life is to seek the truth and the truth is always to seek GOD which is the ultimate truth & become devotees and servants to The Inner God in this life. A Faith Story | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Katie Couric Fed Up Sugar Documentary – Search (bing.com)
Super Sizing Sugar Consumption – Search (bing.com)
Sugar Stacks – How Much Sugar Is in That?
Sugar Documentary – Search (bing.com)
Sugar consumption and life expectancy
Sugar consumption and inflammation
Sugar consumption and joint pain
Sugar consumption and diabetes
Sugar consumption and mental health
Sugar consumption and depression
Sugar consumption and dementia
Sugar consumption and the heart
Sugar consumption and obesity
Sugar consumption and cancer