the Boston Strangler and Bill Buckner error 1986.
Outrageous! Boston University Just Created 80% Mortality Covid Strain!
Have We Learned NOTHING!? – YouTube
Is Boston University subtly trying to threaten the American people before
the midterm elections? HOW IS THIS BEING ALLOWED?
Oh yeah… our CORRUPT Federal government.
They should go back to developing a better BEAN. Like Wuhan and other select
locations around the world, Boston is likely just another new distribution center
for the World Headquarters on Plum Island.
Boston University and NIH funding at DuckDuckGo
Funded by none other than NIH. Fauci strikes with a vengeance
Now ask yourself some questions:
1. Why would they make this public?
2. Why would they make it public three weeks pre-election?
In 1969, President Richard Nixon issued an executive order unilaterally and unconditionally ending America’s bioweapons program, and all U.S. stockpiles were destroyed by 1972. That same year, 160 nations signed a treaty banning all use of biological and chemical weapons. And 143 countries eventually ratified the treaty, including the United States, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Libya and North Korea.
Fifty-two nations have not signed on, including Israel, Egypt and Somalia.
Failed treaty Despite its noble intentions, says Block, the 1972 treaty lacks any
significant provisions for enforcement or verification. As a result, a number of
signatories to the treaty have maintained active bioweapons programs.
Everyone involved with this research should be sent to Gitmo.
Bullshit, as all the others. They want tô rinse and repeat the massive Mail ballots and
the FRAUD that got Biden “elected”. this is why UMass is better than Boston University.
WTF? Why is an American university creating deadly viruses? Whomever is behind it needs to be fired and investigated. They should be working on cures! And this isn’t the lead story on all the mainstream media? Really? And what about congress, where are they?
Too busy campaigning. This has to be illegal, where’s the oversite?
Are they calling it the “Make sure Trump can’t get reelected by shutting the world
down again and rigging the rules against Republicans for the 2024 election cycle strain?”
WhO would file a patent for Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of the Nervous System,
and WHY?
Knowing this, are we sure Covid came from China? I know folks are always creating this crap. I want to know what type of precautions are taken while coming up with crap like this. Why would we or anyone make something so dangerous? To what end did they make something to kill 80% of people? Are they going to drop it on China? North Korea? Iran? I’d feel better about it if it was created offshore someplace.
Another sign that we’re suicidal as a country. The other signs are Fauci is walking
around as a free man, Echo Health is still getting millions from NIH and (obviously)
gain-of-function is still a thing.
America’s worry at present isn’t Covid. It’s the Kosher Coup of 2020 that installed the regime presently working on taking us down!
Better wake up! They hide a whole lot of evil behind their veil of anti-Semitism!
…let this sink in,
Say the word. Co-vid. Say it again. Co-vid. Keep saying it. Co-vid. Repeat it. Co-vid.
Again, and again. Co-vid. Don’t stop saying it. Co-vid. Day in and also day out 24/7
coverage of the… “virus”. The “Co-vid”. They put a spell on you.
Remember the most contagious, dangerous, deadly Covid-Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta-Epsilon-Zeta-Eta-Theta-Iota-Kappa-Lambda-Mu-Omicron-Deltacron-Flurona-Variants! They’ll have you spinning your brain cells for decades.
Parkinson’s and CANCER can be picked up in your VOICE with new app under development | Daily Mail Online
Read more: www.biorxiv.org/…
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Outrage as Boston University CREATES Covid
…. strain that has an 80% kill rate
Obviously, the US didn’t learn anything from the Wuhan Covid bioweapon debacle …… they are playing with fire and bragging about it…. sounds like an accident waiting to happen! They need to shut down all of these labs worldwide
From outsourcing to Wuhan China, the administration of lawlessness has now weaponized our universities in the development of a Biological Agent whose purpose is WARFARE
Now, that’s a true depopulation weapon, especially given it’s possible to configure
the virus for infectivity affinity for specific races and ethnicities. Can you imagine the diabolical power of being able to engineer a virus that’s targeted against a particular racial or ethnic group? What a horrific weapon. It seems there’s a quiet biological arms race going on and it’s far more dangerous than a nuclear weapons arms race. Interesting times. (edited) You look at this and go why the hell are humans messing with Viruses, the only thing more dangerous than viruses in the hands of nature it’s viruses in the hands of man. Sadly, omicron is now available to every bioweapon project in the world.
Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity. Who is funding this research & why?
Is the injectability not enough to comply with the WEF fascist mission to depopulate the world.
…. the depopulation elites believe the globe can sustainably support only 500 million humans (roughly 7% of todays population), and if you are beholden and committed to
this dogma, to save the planet for human species, then mass murder of 7.5 million souls
is within its twisted logic, and of course those who manage the depopulation effort will
be the ones who are allowed to survive to see the panacea…so, a virus that kills 80% of
the world’s population is just a good beginning…sadism is a thriving cult…
Gain-of-function research was stopped in 2014 under Obama. I don’t know how this school was able to do these experiments without government approval. Be prepared for another coronavirus release. Don’t believe it. This was not created to get “ahead” of anything. There is no reason whatsoever to create these kind of deadly viruses- none.
That is why gain of function was made illegal in our country, and also why Fauci
moved it to Wuhan.
Bill Gates Ted Talk on Depopulation – Search (bing.com)
IF scientists mutated a more deadly virus, it was to make the next pandemic they plan to release deadly, so that they can enslave and control us even more with a CRISIS THEY CREATE. These globalist owned people are devils and they need to be stopped now.
We need trials and serious punishments for those going along with them as soon as the midterms finish— and we better DEMAND them.
lucrative push all across America, they lead to widespread neurological damage.
Virus later determined to be a product of a military vaccine program.
2020: Mystery virus emerges…
Here comes the mid-term variant. Just in time. And nobody will care. The only mask wearers these days are Biden voters. Biden promised a long, cold, cruel winter with a lot of death. He missed it by a year. This winter will be the long, cold winter of death as people are forced to decide if they should eat or heat. People will either freeze to death, or starve to death Are they going to test this On Fauci?
Why are they doing function research in Boston? It was banned under Obama and is not legal now! Let us not forget how CDC and AMA Protocols were responsible for needless deaths due to Covid. Safe medications were available to treat the infected, yet they were left to die. Why are we still mandated to use worthless masks in Hospitals?
Science is Evil
Science has demonstrated the lack of protection these provide. I suggest for a better understanding of the Covid Farce you need to read RFK Jr’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci ” or see the Movie which is released for free today @ therealanthonyfaucimovie.com. Go to “TheRealAnthonyFauciMovie.com” to get the real picture of the unholy alliances that are funding these kinds of things. Collaborations and cabals galore from government to industry and how they affected the pandemic and how they affect so many things in public health. End Gain of Function research!!
Why TF are they creating these lethal viruses
Don’t forget tonight is the movie exposing Fauci based on Robert Kennedy Jr’s book.
Want to know who’s publishing books like this THEY don’t want you to see?
THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI – THE MOVIE – Digital Freedom Platform
Think about it, the entire medical industry is based on the sicker you are, the richer they get. Why trust anyone who profits from making you sick?
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warnt: Impfungen machen Virus für Geimpfte gefährlicher
The experienced Flemish immunologist and microbiologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has worked for both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI, which is funded by the Gates Foundation. He has been involved in vaccine development for years. Vanden Bossche was one of the first to warn against vaccinating into the so-called pandemic, otherwise escape mutations would develop. In an interview with Vivien Vogt, the immunologist explains in detail what he means by the chain reaction of new pandemics + epidemics + why this has unforeseeable + dramatic consequences for global Gesundheit
“New covid strain w/80% fatality rate created in Boston” Well, I will say this much,
it’s a money saver for the communist party that is trying to knock us off since they don’t have to cut the CCP in on the action. we know that Biden notified us a cpl. months ago, that a new virus was coming soon so I reckon this is it.
The fact that they are still pushing the “vaccine” shows they just want to keep the storyline going. then all that’s left is to start jabbing folks with this new killer and trying to start another panic. all they have to do then is hide the stats until it’s too late. Remember, Joe promised a new one was coming. stay away from this and protect your kids. That’s the view from “ALENA’S CORNER” @alena_barrett
How is this taking place? “Gain of Function ” research is illegal to conduct on U.S. soil?
That’s why Obooke-a-tooke-a-dooky, the NIH, and Fraudci were doing it in China!!!
The excuse “it’s so we can prepare for future pandemics” is moot when there would not
be this type of pandemic if the “too high of a risk” experiments were not conducted in the
first place. Did they learn nothing from the recent GoF research that most likely created the COVID pandemic, or did they learn too much?
Having read the book, I fully understand the corruption within the bureaucracy.
It’s all about Money and power. In your reporting what is the purpose? are they trying for a new vaccine or is this possible something different & just calling it that. After all, may-be not well now we have a Bio-lab are we preparing for something?
The world doesn’t want to.
And why is this being done? BU is the school rich Long Island kids go to because they
can’t get into Harvard. Way back, when I was at that college in Chestnut Hill, BU was the last place we would go to get laid. Obnoxious princesses. Same school that graduated from AOC. Who still hasn’t paid off her college loan debt. joe_eagle75 @joe_eagle75
New Biolab-Created ‘Covid’ Kills 80% of Mice They openly admit that they
have made a very deadly strain of ‘Covid’ in the name of ‘research’ at Boston University. “Researchers attached Omicron’s spike to the original ‘wildtype’ strain that first emerged in Wuhan at the start of the pandemic. [There was nothing ‘wild’ about the man-made Wuhan Covid 19
YEs, the strain was created by fauci and the Chinese democrats
(Obiden administration to kill us)
Who in the fuck allowed this shit to happen? Get the real crimes against
humanity trials going! We must defund the NIH before they kill all of us! #covid19
Covid shots are murder! Developing this covid shit is a war crime!
Where’s the bookie?
I want to place $1000 on them “leaking” the new variant right before the election.
That is not a wonder, by all these vaccinated people, long covid is a vaccination problem!
Anyone knows it, who doesn’t, has lost his own control over the body, spirit and soul, completely! What could possibly go wrong? What is the point?
Why in the F@#$ would they be allowed to do anything like this?
Experts slam Boston lab where scientists have created a new deadly
Covid strain with an 80% kill rate – Search (bing.com)
EXCLUSIVE: ‘This is playing with fire – it could spark a lab-generated pandemic’:
Arrest these Nazi scientists
So, you can call me a conspiracy nut if you want, but let’s look at the facts: Covid escaped from a lab in Wuhan that we funded, it killed many worldwide The Covid vaccine is killing our young people, doesn’t work effectively against Covid Now they have created a Covid vaccine that has 80% death rate, and some people think they’re not trying to kill us and depopulate the earth.
Let’s just hope the researchers catch it and die before it gets out…Wonder what the people of Boston/Wuhan think about our shiny examples of Democrat lead cities, states, federal government allowing this to happen…Wonder if Boston’s Mayor knows about this…
Fauci’s Agency Now Scrutinizing University Study Of Hybrid COVID Strain That Killed ’80 Percent’ Of Mice | ZeroHedge
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