Love is creative and redemptive. Love builds up and unites; hate tears down and destroys.
In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the relationship between mass and energy
in a system’s rest frame, where the two values differ only by a constant and the units
of measurement. The principle is described by the physicist Albert Einstein’s famous formula: E=mc². The formula defines the energy E of a particle in its rest frame as the product of mass (m) with the speed of light squared (c²).
Because the speed of light is a large number in everyday units (approximately
300000 km/s or 186000 mi/s), the formula implies that a small amount of “rest mass”, measured when the system is at rest, corresponds to an enormous amount of energy, which is independent of the composition of the matter. E=mc2 – Search (bing.com)
In Human Life and in Physics when I think of E=mc². I think of TCM²
because 0f Trina Christine Mason all out-kinetic-energy level that overcomes
her slight 5’0″ 100# frame and her inability to STOP Moving.
I hope some of these thoughts help. It’s just about putting your thoughts
into words that gives you a better understanding of your inner being.
Within your eyes
If you have people in your life that give you negative feelings.
Ignore them and they will go away. And talk to those in your walk of life that smile
at you and welcome you into their life. That alone will provide you with positive vibes
and an uplifted spirit
amongst all the thorns of life, Love N’ Light
All our decisions or lack of it shape who we are today and who we are becoming.
It is a skill to breach the boundaries of who we think and feel we are.
And it takes curiosity, dreaming and taking action one step at the time.
Hey Ken, Sometimes The aftermath of the ‘fight fire with fire’ method.
Which is suggested the bitterness and chaos of the world today versus the aftermath
of the love method which is reconciliation and creation of the beloved community.
Physical force can repress, restrain, coerce, destroy, but it cannot create and organize anything permanent; only love can do that. Yes, love—which means understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill, even for one’s enemies—is solution to the race problem.
There are certain things we can say about this method that seeks justice without
violence. It does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent but to win his friendship
and understanding. I think that this is one of the points, one of
the basic points, one of the basic distinguishing points between violence and non-violence. The ultimate end of violence is to defeat the opponent. The ultimate end of non-violence is to win the friendship of the opponent. It is necessary to boycott sometimes but the nonviolent resister realized that boycott is never an end within itself, but merely a means to awaken a sense of shame within the oppressor; that the end is reconciliation; the end is redemption. And so, the aftermath of violence is bitterness; the aftermath of non-violence is the creation of the beloved community; the aftermath of non-violence is redemption and reconciliation. This is a method that seeks to transform and to redeem, and win the friendship of the opponent, and make it possible for men to live together as brothers in a community, and not continually live with bitterness and friction.
Every genuine expression of love grows out of consistent &
total surrender to God. ~ Martin Luther King Jr ~
At the end of last year, I made a prayer to God after falling deeply in love ♥️
I said if I am meant to be with this man, please I am going to need some serious signs,
if I am meant to go make me lose my job in Cassadaga & have the homeowner increase
the rent & within two weeks later both things had occurred.
I never thought it would happen
I am in the process of surrendering while remaining disciplined in my practice of mindfulness
& I will be serving
Trina Christine Mason (@trinamason) • Instagram
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
“We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice.
Not in love with publicity but in love with humanity. Leaders who can subject
their particular egos to the pressing urgencies of the great cause of freedom….
a time like this demands great leaders.” – Martin Luther King JR
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing,
There is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”- RUMI
There’s light and dark, day and night, good and evil, yin and yang.
We are both.
Yin-yang refers to a concept originating in ancient Chinese philosophy ~
where opposite forces are seen as interconnected and counterbalancing.
All groups are the 95% Rule,
95% are good while 5% evil.
People are the 95% Rule.
I bet you have done something 5% of the time you are ashamed of.
Embrace the dark and the light.
Love is the opposite of Fear…
We are both.
I found myself in my silence
~It is a skill to breach the boundaries of who we think and feel we are.
You can see the light inside their eyes.
All our decisions or lack of it shape who we are today and who we are becoming.
And it takes curiosity, dreaming and taking action one step at the time.
You never leave yourself as an impression upon the world.
The world always leaves its impression upon your silence.
This is how we travel as seers, upon this feather-light touch.
~ Lujan Matus
Who are you without the story?
When I was a little girl, I used to see ghosts & I turned away from my gifts.
I shattered my ankle when I first realized I was an empath. I grew older & became a mermaid / entertainer & lived inside a super dark cool museum called wolf’s museum of mystery & during filming our movie I started to experience the ghost stuff again. Being around all the ancient artifacts & touching everything had me realize my psychometry gift.
I had always been so sensitive & connected to animals & nature easily. There was a girl who would do tarot card readings on the front porch of the museum & one day she had to go to Italy, she totally encouraged me to study the cards & provide readings because she knew I had the gift.
Little did I know how great I would be & what I would learn along the way.
The cards allowed me to get comfortable talking about my “feelings” & “gifts”.
I believe we all have these gifts & they are muscles that can be exercised, trained & developed. Later on, I got to become a worker in the largest psychic community in the world as a reader at @thepurplerosetradingco where I no longer needed the cards & there was a deeper level of respect, trust & acceptance of communicating with the unseen realms & to do the shamanic healing work that I do. I have never been so grateful to be alive. I’m in my happiest healthiest state when I can be serving & staying true to my authenticity.
I’m not someone doing this more for the money as much as I genuinely enjoy my
purpose. I specialize is working with those who are in the process of dying, spiritually ill
or disbelieving in a higher power, suicidal or not knowing their purpose why they’re here. Working with me we are connecting to sources & facing your own honest reflection. Tools not mandatory. Other specialties include self-love, lightening the heart load (Anubis style), facing fears & shadow work.
How they shine the light of god’s love within them, the delighting experience of being seen by them. You can see the light in their eyes when they remember their deeds and who they chose to be. How they praise God. Some have found God by being willfully ignorant to God’s existence & challenging God’s authority. Some have had a veil over their eyes & ears & they could not see or hear God. There is living water inside the eyes of those who have been delivered from their transgressions after seeking and looking for God.
You can see who is starving and hungry in their eyes.
Thirsty for peace & freedom from great suffering that is burning them deep inside their soul. You can see those who are dead in the eyes & have flames of desire within their soul that can never be satisfied. The curse of the flesh. Hypnotized, mentally hijacked, mind control, selfishness, brain machine interfaces, neural interfaces, project monarch
Are we really operating from a conscious state of being loving awareness
instead of being fearfully driven. Are we willing to admit & accept our prerogatives?
we remember why we chose our name & what today was written long ago?
Do we choose to make a conscious change, or do we continue our habitual
instincts we have adopted from our ancestors. What is…
“No (wo)man ever steps in the same river twice,
for it’s not the same river and (s)he’s not the same (wo)man.”
Because everything changes with time, things are never
exactly the same when you revisit them. ― Heraclitus
I went to Colombia to meet with Taita Querubin
I was sitting there practicing with Ayahuasca again, having Kambo
0rtiga, plant baths, yoga, meditation & more shamanic training.
The last time I sat with ayahuasca was on my birthday February 26 (1990) this year.
where I worked with Yopo & had my intentional prayers answered. On December 27th
in 2018 I sat with Ayahuasca for the first time in Peru with my father who suggested the medicine for the sake of my healing after he had experienced it many times before.
In the jungle of Peru, they called ayahuasca the great grandmother. In my personal experience after ingesting it. I had begun to receive messages from the medicine.
First it told me that I had to puke because it was my offering and I have to be the
first to purge in the circle in order for everyone & myself to “get high”. So, I purged first.
Then I began to take notes on my phone of what the medicine said to me. Then it said, “you hate yourself because you don’t know who you are or understand the whole you”.
Shortly after I began to receive other beautiful messages about how when I have children, we are an offering to the planet & how IT was my mother’s offering to the planet.
How everything was an offering, we were all offerings to the planet & our energy
kept the world going. How each child on a soul level planned to come to earth &
how every moment that I was alone was a blessed gift to me.
Later on the shamans began to sing their Icaros & use their sound healing instruments which continued to make me release more or as I’ve been taught now; they call this process getting well instead of puking. I remember being extremely fearful that I would lose control over my bowels & have to poop.
“The shamanic Quechuan word for empath is “Qawaq” which means “One Who Sees”.
It comes from the verb “Qaway” which means “to see” the living energy. The Incas believe that people born with the ability to experience the energy of others have a great blessing as they are able to connect to their Souls and the Spirit of existence much more easily than others. “ – Mateo Sol
Be gentle & kind with yourself until you can relax.
Relax as long as you can, giving yourself permission to heal.
When you feel the tickle or itch to move, simply notice it &
bring yourself back to the center of your awareness.
See if you can relax a little deeper & a little longer.
Tune in to your body & pay attention & give serving energy to yourself.
Know that you can do this at any time & any interferences are highlighters
for the valuable need to do this.
release yourself from thinking & doing & enter feeling & being.
If relaxing is the hardest thing to do then that is your medicine, release yourself
from your attachment to your phone, your television, your sounds, your stimulations,
your ideas, & all other attachments. Set yourself up in a sacred space to sit in silence
& Go within stillness. Stop all doing & thinking & allow feeling. Set yourself up to just be.
See if you can allow yourself to be with you in this way of surrender. Close your eyes and really listen to your cells & feelings. Trust yourself & care for yourself by truly allowing yourself to be heard by yourself. Be with what comes up & honor it.
Once you have integrated & processed what has needed to be released & no longer repressed you will have room for new growth
take yourself in nature
foods designed by the creator. Be mindful of what you consume through your eyes &
ears & emotional field body. Honor your toroidal field & embodiment.
You are not alone. You are heard. You are seen. You are feeling.
You are held. You are loved! Never give up!
Aho! Ho’oponoopono! Haux! Haux!
No matter what you’re going through, Trina has medicine for you in her heart.” –
Madison Carr
A intense detox can be a j o u r n e y within itself.
This process feels like a long #Kambo purge as my body and emotions ride waves that alter between anger, agony, grief, fear & anxiety to pure bliss and euphoria.
He said “You started your day with a kidney and liver flush.
Remember the emotions that are stored there.”
Our organs house different emotions.
Our livers are associated with our anger, our kidneys with our fears/anxiety.
Our lungs with our grief and so on. When we make a decision to start #purging
& #clearing these parts of our body- the #emotions associated with them will
arise so that they can also be cleared as well.
When he gently reminded me to remember this, I cried softly in relief and gratitude.
This moment allowed for me to come back into my heart space and become an #observer of my thoughts and emotions. I laughed at the irony of something I always share with each of my clients but had somehow forgotten in the moment of being caught in old wounds and triggers.

It created a space to give myself grace. That was only day 1!
There is so much more to share but for now, I just want to say to
anyone that is struggling, suffering or in pain — that I see you.
Don’t give up. You are loved and you are enough.
I have only recently come to the realization & awareness of the impact of my
childhood rape & other developmental traumas. In the past I had blackout /
suppressed the memories & held a narrative that it wasn’t a big deal.
Meanwhile there were behaviors & forms of expressing myself or “acting out”.
Since making them conscious I have been able to work on the side effects through
therapy, mindfulness, meditation & many other processes of inner work to heal.
Many thanks to the many individuals who have deeply contributed to my healing.
The side effects of the trauma have included many egotistical forms of masking,
an inability to have closeness & boundaries, codependency, fears of abandonment,
improper judgments, anger, controlling behaviors & negative self-image, escapism
through addictions to marijuana, bloodletting, sex & people, places & things, etc.
I was addicted to “this makes me feel good, I need more”.
It wasn’t until I began my process of becoming a reiki master that I started to really wake up to my unborn divine potential. Up until that point I was constantly running & staying busy. Reiki 2 was when I became aware of #shadowwork & really began to unravel all of who I am. This year I also have begun to really accept and say to myself all of me is welcome here. I am finally loving myself & in a place of surrender. Don’t get me wrong.
I am still in my process & still in the trajectory, mapping & attempting to go away that
I choose to go from this point forward.
I will have peace. I will have trust. I will have respect & kindness.
I will resolve all wounds. I will enjoy my life and I will have everything I need to support my future. I will continue to heal myself & help anyone who is on the road where I have lived.I don’t live there anymore & I know the way home from here. God has never left,
and I will persevere. I am thankful. I am willing to have humility. I will grow from this.
I will conquer all fear. I will have justice. I am enjoying the process & the ride along
the red road. I wasn’t always with this attitude. I apologize to anyone I hurt along the
way during my lack of understanding myself & the world around me. I choose love.
“It’s often difficult to find a healing professional who makes you feel comfortable
and truly cared for while still practicing healthy business and personal boundaries.
Trina walks this line with magic, and the medicine of her heart is truly transformative.
She has a variety of skill sets geared towards healing and is down to earth and also
compassionate. She has been there for me during very difficult times, and I am
beyond grateful for both her talent and generosity.
Always the stunning
A Goddess born of water, a primal force emerging from the water, at home in all elements, regal beyond belief, born and raised to share Her knowledge and to rule over countless worshipers.
My life goal endeavors stretch far and beyond to be stress free infinity and beyond like places on the dark side of the moon, or the deepest oceans abyss, or the many reaches towards any destiny to be by the sparking fates.
Halo heads and guiding lights as out of the darkness and into the light…
Footsteps upon stones wellingtons higher ventures like walking on stairs
with water gushing yet we still keep walking.
Why are ocean/ sea waves so loud? Even the small ones!
I’m by a beach where the waves are minimal in height, and they don’t look like they are crashing down. But the sound carries quite far and is loud enough to not be ignored.
How does the sound get so amplified?
It isn’t being directly amplified; I think you’re underestimating the amount of energy
the wave crashes impart to the sound. Even small waves consist of a lot of water that’s all coming down and smacking into the sand/gravel. Water is quite dense and produces a very satisfying thwump when it impacts a surface at even low velocities.
As for why it carries so far: there’s not many objects to get in the way and it’s somewhat cumulative in that you don’t hear a single wave crash, you hear an entire beach’s worth of waves crashing down at roughly the same time. If you’ve ever been to a beach where the wave pattern had a significant tangential component to the shore you can hear a distinct beat pattern form as waves crash at different locations at different times.
Sound in the ocean through the “sound channel” doesn’t spread out in two dimensions, only one, so it can travel great distances. Whales communicate via the ocean sound channel for thousands of miles. We also use the sound channel to detect submarines
that are thousands of miles away. If you like to learn about sound in the ocean from reading a novel, I recommend “The Hunt for Red October”. The movie didn’t include
the physics of ocean sound, but the book is full of it.
Being a Juggalo helped me heal & step into the person I am today.
After experiencing sexual abuse, it helped me form a hard shell of protection
around my inner child. I created a character that was “hard” & ready to defend my life.
The psychopathic records shared music that helped me cope with my pain & trauma &
channel the energy into a clown way of life.
As I grew older & reading some of #BehindThePaint I had come to know that they
were sexually abused too. My sexual abuse led me to a place where I became hypersexual
& used my sexuality as a weapon & defense mechanism & a survival skill & way of feeling self-worth.
I attempted to become a model with a brainwashed dream & later on became
a webcam girl which led to even more of a messy mind & repetitive loops & cycles.
I pushed & pursued being in movies & on book covers & had all these illusions of what would bring me happiness & satisfaction in life and with myself. Later in life I discovered meditation & began a journey of mindfulness. I am still in the practice of loving awareness. Every day is an engagement with the commitment to attempt to be kind to myself & forgive myself & evolve myself. As I am growing to love & accept myself more,
I am able to serve equal loving & acceptance to the world.
One thing I am noticing in my journey is the addiction to stories.
Not just the attachment to the story but the belief in the story. Not always realizing my thoughts aren’t true. Sometimes forgetting my thoughts aren’t really my thoughts but just repeated stories & feelings & ideas of others. I am constantly having to return to my center and remember. Finding me, my heart, my soul, the witness that is still there buried after all the stories & times.
Being a #rapesurvivor or #juggalo or a #professionalmermaid or #psychic etc.
doesn’t mean that’s who I am. Those are just stories & memories & narratives.
When I close my eyes in meditation, I am genderless,
I am ageless, I am raceless, I am loving presence.
This is a lesson taught to me by #chandrakant from the Amrit Yoga Institute
Jai Bhagwan
I am making a vow to return to my innocence & free from selfishness
Let us do the work we are here to do now