Expect nothing from anyone and want to do what is right. Knows The truth hurts and
will tell it like it is!
Time Heals ~ HARD Feelings.

Inflation has yet to peak, CFOs say, recession already here or soon to hit (cnbc.com)
DIOGENES THE ELDER – Search (bing.com)
If Biden was honest, you would hear him say, “I did that.” Slo-Joe should… But won’t.
Surprise! The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Thought (breitbart.com)
However, Biden Warns of a New ‘Threat to Democracy’ in Italy (townhall.com)

I have to say, I’m concerned seeing my auto insurance bill t0day.
Nobody Likes You #FJB Song Official Video – YouTube
GOP Must Fight Continuing Resolution Funding of Biden-Pelosi Priorities.
The next big fight is not in November. It is next week when Congress votes on another Continuing Resolution to fund a Communist agenda. From open borders and student debt amnesty to skyrocketing inflation, climate radicalism, and our public education system, there’s a lot on the ballot this November. But even if conservatives prevail in the midterm elections, Pelosi and Schumer might still get their way for another year unless Republican Members of Congress fight harder to stop them.
Previous to this, the grocery bill went up 30%.
$500 every 3 months homeowner property taxes. Wait until winter heating costs start
to hit, this is unreal! – Wisconsin Residents Notified to Expect 34% Natural Gas Home Heating Increase This Winter, 15% Propane and 13% Heating Oil – The Last Refuge
DON”T Get Used 2 It, GET PISSED: Democrats Did IT!!! REALITY is Democrats
Did IT < It Didn’t have 2 By this way!!! Democrats Did IT!!! Don’t shrug it Off,
Get Pissed, Democrats Did It!!!!
We are in the third quarter of this recession. It is in no way peaking.
The fallout of the housing crisis has yet to manifest itself or the coming layoffs.
I think these CFO’s have lost contact with the common man.
Even a blind person can see that all that is happening to the United States of America
is a result of the beginning of the rule of communism.
Nobody paid for all the fraud in 2008 so this time they fucked things up even worse. Outsourced jobs, needing to go in debt to supplement low wages, usury interest rates which gave untold money and power to the financiers who fund all the elections and
who are the ones responsible for every economic debacle.
That’s the story of America for the last 40 years (since Clintons.)
If the North American friends don’t move in time, they will soon find themselves submissive to this damn communist government regime. The greatest evil to liberal elitists is to say no I will not accept that! To them that is deplorable. It’s much like having a lake of freshwater and not allowing polluted water to run into it while the liberal elitists hate you forgiving them healthy waters.
Liberal elitists must sample everything and that is why they all become so corrupt and perverts. They deceitfully bring in polluted water destroying lifesaving waters corrupting
a whole nation. They believe they are a god not affected by any thought or corruption,
they need no one but their intellect to protect them they indulge into every perversion.
But soon they fear the light of truth, which says: No that is not acceptable!
And that is why they cling to power to control society accountability!
Stuck In the Middle with You – YouTube

Hang On, Bill Gates Just Predicted WHAT? – YouTube
Bill Gates says polarization is leading to civil war – but how has he contributed to this,
and are he and other rich elites benefitting from it? #billgates #farming #civilwar
#WTF is Microbe Farming
Boy now isn’t that the truth.
Clowns to the left of me and jokers to the right. Here I am Stuck in the middle with you!!
0n Dec 31, at exactly 12:00:01, Don’t you think it would be good if every single patriot with a gun SHOULD go out and fire a single shot in the air, then run back inside, and hope they hit DUMBOCRATS. We’re already in a recession. The White House and ALSO fake news rewriting the dictionary. Depression anyone?
The plot is very clear, this recession comes with hyperinflation. They are gearing
up once again in vain to ruin our holiday season. How many does this make now?
Great now the CFO’s and wall street are getting what they deserve.
None of these CFOs obviously do their own shopping. None have to work paycheck to paycheck to feed and take care of their families. They are spoiled and corrupt to the core, and I don’t need those idiots to tell me that we are in a recession.
Do Liberate American people from corporate slavery by sadistic monopoly: report Verizon Internet on all social media as a “terrorist organization” Do it every day. I am NOT able to post my art #educational content. These CFOs will be the first to be investigated by the 87,000 new IRS agents. How dare they tell the negative truth about Biden’s economy.
1970s all over again. Now as of then. The President and Congress and Senate were controlled by Democrats and did nothing by Republicans. Our government in Washington was corrupt and dishonest then. Our government in Washington is corrupt and dishonest politicians now. Same problem. Same corrupt politicians. Not “recession”. It will be a full-blown depression that rivals or exceeds the 1930’s. This is already being talked about.
You can put lipstick on this pig, Fake News but, it’s still a PIG!
Wall Street again showing something seriously wrong and hidden as
a 500-point gain after huge losses…. the $1.9 trillion went where?
I’ve posted for months that we entered into a recession, roughly around the middle of March 2022, or early April 2022, but you still have individuals going on business channels stating, and we’re close to a recession, but not there yet. To be free in America — we must accept the realities of corporatism versus capitalism.
Insider Trading: 3 EV Stocks to Invest in with $100
The first company they’re calling “The Million Mile Battery” – Search (bing.com)
This tiny startup is trading for just $6 and is backed by one of Tesla’s senior battery engineers who helped create the original lithium-ion battery.
The 2nd company controls a whole new “nano powder” battery tech that could end Tesla.
The EV community is calling it the “12-million-mile battery.” – Search (bing.com)
The 3rd company, the “Tesla Killer” – Search (bing.com) launches a 90,900% market surge, Bloomberg projects it to “skyrocket 1,000 times over.”
And best of all…the tiny, little-known stock behind it trade’s for just a few bucks!
This report is completely free to access. Simply enter your email below and we’ll
send a copy straight to your inbox. You can’t afford to wait on these companies.
Checkout This Link: The Forever Battery (banyanhill.com)
They pushed for the Green Woke New Deal, and they are getting it….
We here in the USA are fighting against the extraction of energy resources, at the same time, becoming dependent on Chinese energy. https://youtu.be/7iZFH-W4sq8
Have we forgotten the democrats changed the official definition of inflation?
The traditional definition says we’ve been in recession for quite some time now.
The bad news is that the changeover did not happen fast enough and now the normal citizens are getting to see what and how socialism feels, and most don’t like it.
We will see how they vote in November…. Wait until October reports come out!
Inflation will not hit its peak until February 2023!
How can anyone think inflation has peaked when Congress just passed a massive spending resolution because they all wanted to get out of town. Congress is still following the Pelosi Rule, we will have to pass it to find out what is in it. Nobody reads the bill, and you can bet the money going out is greater than the money coming in. This is inflationary spending. Everyone who seems to know what they’re talking about agrees it’s bad, getting worse, and when it will end seems to be up in the air. That it will be a “hard landing” doesn’t seem to be disputed.
The Era of 0.5% Interest is Over!!
Very droll…. there is NO inflation just ask the dementia affected ……(fill in the blank!)
In the WH and the Stupid Idiot who also speaks for this impaired 25th Amendment candidate… AND the horse of course AOC This can’t be true! Joe Biden and the rest of the Dems just passed the “The Inflation Reduction Act” costing taxpayers only $790 billion. We’ve been in a recession since Q2. Don’t let them redefine a recession like they tried with inflation. Sudden multiple interest rate hikes will kill growth and shut down supply.
The Printing Press of M1 and FED M2 balance Quantitative easing has DESTROYED Capital Markets Across the Globe. Wake Up to the Big steal from you!! Stocks and Bonds are crashing Pensions devalued The FOOLS are just rearranging chairs on the Titanic. THEIRS! Great News the bigger problem for the Midwest winter is coming, %30 increases in heating cost! Again, November 8th its Time to vote this inept leadership O.U.T.
** CONTROLLING HURRICANE IAN? – YouTube ** Please view and share.
Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? This 3+ minute report reveals critically important puzzle pieces. A category “HAARP” just hit Florida and Cuba, etc. Hope they send to prison the guilty weather manipulators trying to mandate a global climate change tax. #WeatherControl
#HAARP #BlockChain #AuditTheFed #SaveTheChildren #FBIcorruption #Truth #DefundTheFBI #Faith #Guns #inittogether #Q #SwampDrain #FakeNews #DiedSuddenly #DeathJab #pureblood #Soros #WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAUK #TruthSocial #Trump #TrumpTruths #TrumpWon #AmericaFirst #GodWins
Vote! Vote! Vote! Got it! Jesus!
That Orwell wrote “1984” all those years ago is astounding.
I’ll tell you…. #Democrat voters must be really STUPID.
Recessions have a silver lining – The Washington Post
So basically, they have no fucking idea about anything.
Six Republican-led states SUE Biden to stop massive student loan forgiveness | Daily Mail
The Biden government is buckling under pressure from Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan.
US senators gave ‘positive’ feedback on F-16 fighters: Erdoğan | Daily Sabah
Cartels’ Primary Focus In El Paso Is Complete Control Of The Drug And Sex Trafficking Across Border (rumble.com)
This Time, Germans Can Prevent a World War if They Want (thegatewaypundit.com)
The cost to charge your EV in UK is as expensive as gasoline – Louder With Crowder
‘Looks Like Atom Bomb Dropped’: Hurricane Ian Levels Neighborhoods In Southwest Florida | ZeroHedge
Hurricane Ian Couldn’t Stop This Patriot!! (Video).
LOVE THE FLAG, FLORIDA MAN!!! (rumble.com)
Source Steve Bannon on Gettr: The CFOs are @ the front lines of fighting Inflation —
they give a reality check to where we are with the economy https://www.cnbc…
The Crash Just Won’t Stop But Today Something Changed | ZeroHedge
Google “Zimbabwe $100 trillion bill” this will be the United States Dollar.
Who is the Deep State – Search (bing.com)
That’s where Biden and his 81 million fraudulent votes are bringing us.
Day one of the illegitimate Biden regime, signing all those executive orders resending all Trump economic policies. WTH did you expect would happen? When the price of energy doubled overnight that affects the cost of absolutely everything. This is what happens when politicians, not people with business sense run the govt economy. Prepare now and buy you a wheelbarrow to haul money to the store to pay for your groceries. The days of actually being able to fill a grocery cart are over. 3 plastic bags $100 pay attention and watch everyone with full shopping carts pay with EBT cards.
Indeed, they do. Their employers colluded with and profited from the Frankenstein “public-private partnerships” that brought us modern monetary theory, machines and 2000 mules, an invasion at our border, the great ruse of a pandemic and implementation of a bioweapon delivery system, unnecessary divisive cultural upheaval, unparalleled transfer of wealth, and dangerous senseless ruinous international conflict. Wow now it’s real because CFO’s say so. Come on people. We’ve been in a MAJOR recession for a year.
It doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to see that Inflation is probably closer to 17% based on 1980 Inflation calculations.
I won’t bash these individuals, and why? They have skin in the game, and they’re protecting their companies, banks, and Wall Street. Point, and everything is manipulated for the purpose of profit, and greed. From the very beginning, and anyone who has a brain in their head, knew that this inflation wasn’t transitory, but the truth would have equated to profit losses. I’m a firm believer in capitalism, but corporatism is about profit, GREED.
The CFOs are fighting My a$$!
The CFOs are not only part of the problem as ENABLERS, but they are still profiting
as we lose all of our savings trying to keep afloat! Until we ALL make a stand & tell the greedy, lying gov’t that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, they’ll keep spending our money like its leaves on trees, & LYING about why their programs (which, historically, were doomed to failure) don’t work! Just saying — The dollar is about to crash, most people know it, but nobody wants to accept it. The choice is yours but when it happens, you were warned.
DEEP STATE: George H.W. Bush worked for the CIA.
They know, as the dollar collapses, we become Argentina.
How lovely, central banks will be the root cause of a hyperinflationary depression on an epic scale. This is exactly why we need to permanently eliminate the Federal Reserve and return to Constitutional money backed by gold and silver. JFK Kennedy’s EO caused his assassination. – Search (bing.com)
JFK signs executive order 1110 – Search (bing.com)
You’re not going to control inflation, as long as you continue to spend, and “print,” more money. This is a fucking joke; they’ll trash this economy, give us high unemployment, and then we’ll have “hyperinflation.” We could be in a recession, maybe even depression, for YEARS…By doing so, there will be no inflation, minimal taxation and prosperity for all people, not just the .001%.
The Kennedy versus Bush Family Feud – Search (bing.com)
Bold lies told boldly are simply lefty opinions or allegations NOT evidence … it doesn’t matter who or how many times it is repeated … they are not evidence as the MarxOcrats think! …grocery inflation will be 50% month to month until jan 2023…depression will hit 30% unemployment…Seriously, Biden should look at Brazil’s economic policy. Seems like it is getting the inflation rates down. the GOP house will force Biden to open up all energy spectrums…Are these guys insane. we have been in a recession for three months it took a while for the effects to be felt. The next stop is depression and if this administration doesn’t quit the flagrant spending and restore the oil industry.
The Depression WiLL be locked in:
The government paying people not to work is the direct cause of inflation. People working creating goods and services so that working people earning money can buy those same goods and services keeps inflation down. When the government pays people not to work, goods and services aren’t being produced but the government pays the people who aren’t working so they can buy goods and services that aren’t being produced puts more money in the economy chasing less goods and services = inflation.
Stop pumping what amounts to fake money into the economy that isn’t being earned
by working people. People working and earning a paycheck are creating real money.
People not working but being paid by the government not to work, that money is fake. Who doesn’t understand facts? Meanwhile, Joe has created another trillion-sized slush fund for pay-offs and spending sprees for his supporters. Cynical and contradictory.

that supported and cheated for Dementia Joe Biden in 2020 are going to be the first victims of his STUPID Wasteful Spending, Open Borders, Green New Deal, Weakness on Crime, Defund the Police & War on American Energy policies. Many of these IDIOTS will go broke and become homeless. In this world, IDIOTS and especially the Media idiots get what they deserve. Many will NOT survive the test of time.
BOTTOMLINE: The unavoidable result of the Marxism/Communism Movement.
The CCP is the root. Greedy and corrupt Western elites are strong helpers.
The deplorables, especially Chinese Laobaixing, are the cost.
“The Brief” LINK HERE: | Gregg Jarrett (thegreggjarrett.com)
Clinton Bush Obama Biden Pelosi Crime Families
– Search (bing.com)
Vice President Kamala Harris accidentally commended “the Republic of North Korea”
while visiting the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in South Korea?
Pelosi Feinstein California High Speed Rail Grant Scheme
Pelosi Relationship with Stockbroker Jim Jones
Pelosi was a Haight Ashbury Vietnam War Protestor
Kamala Harris Parents Were Communist