Because Biden somehow thinks he’s healthy.
While all the other crazies think they are sane in that party.
Everyone posts encouraging & powerful scripture!
I’d love to start a new hashtag
A security firm called Strider Technologies published a report this week that
said #China paid leading #scientists at America’s #LosAlamosNationalLaboratory
hefty sums of money to conduct research for the #CCP, including research
with military applications that could threaten U.S. national security.
Let’s see……………….
China is buying land, our National Debt, Hollywood Executives, Sports Celebrities, our Congress. our President, and now Military personnel and scientists from a Nuclear Lab. Did I miss anything??? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG???????????
Because Biden somehow thinks he’s healthy.
While all the other crazies think they are sane in that party.
The party of obfuscations and deflections.
I’d love to start a new hashtag
Everyone posts encouraging & powerful scripture!
Let’s go on the OFFENSE against the enemy!
The Word of God is a POWERFUL WEAPON against evil &
Satan is about to ramp up the attacks against us!
““Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
Proverbs 30:5 NIV #ScriptureSunday
Praytriots, our Spotlight Saturday prayers are focused on our election candidates today. Request that God gives us discernment to know not only who is for us, but who is for Him. Petition Him to encourage our candidates & give them courage. Ask Him to appoint fighters that will uphold justice once elected & request that He give them the desire to work together in unity to bring restoration for our nation.
Thanks for praying w/ us!

Let’s go on the OFFENSE against the enemy!

The party of obfuscations and deflections.
I’d love to start a new hashtag
While all the other crazies think they are sane in that party.
The party of obfuscations and deflections. #ScriptureSunday
Everyone posts encouraging & powerful scripture!
The Word of God is a POWERFUL WEAPON against evil &
Satan is about to ramp up the attacks against us!
Let’s go on the OFFENSE against the enemy!

““Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
Proverbs 30:5 NIV #ScriptureSunday

more so than anything that He is on the throne and in charge and we will win.
I thank Him that Biden and the democrats really aren’t and leave it up to Him this will
all be over soon! Knowing this, keep faith and don’t ever give up on the Patriots!!
Psalm 23 (Jimmy’s “Dance Like David Video Mix) by DJ Ziggybeats – Bing video
Dr. Paul Marik Reveals How “Dr. Death” Fauci Manipulated Studies to Approve Remdesivir (redvoicemedia.com)

For all y’all who lost loved ones who were murdered with REMDESIVIR…
Dr. Paul Marik Explains How Fauci Manipulated the Remdesivir Study to
Get it Authorized Congress must investigate! Hold Fauci, Medical Doctors,
& Hospitals accountable!
Dr. Paul Marik Explains How Fauci Manipulated the Remdesivir Study
to Get it Authorized – Bing video
They realized the study would fail, so what did they do? They changed the endpoint to some nebulous endpoint of time to recovery. And since they knew which patients were unblinded they discharged them early. (reddit.com)
This is why, even though the WHO looked at the aggregated clinical evidence and concluded that remdesivir was useless, Fauci used a fraudulently manipulated study to
get it approved, and then “the standard of care” in the US became to force hospitalized patients to take this expensive and potentially deadly drug.
Ironically, remdesivir in tablet form administered early in COVID likely would have proved useful, as it has anti-viral activity against COVID. Pushing the i.v. form for later stage COVID is and always was imbecilic. But of course all that matters to our regulatory “authorities” is $$$.
The moment anyone criticizes democrats, the Supreme God of Evil – El PUTIN-CABRA – sends a magical spirit bolt that makes you “turn Russian”. That is, it’s a form of magical eugenics that literally rewrites your DNA to make you russian. But wait, there’s more. The greatest champions of sins against The Democrats(tm) get instantly teleported to Russia. Don’t ask me how it works -it’s probably UFOs or some shit. Tinder is the world’s worst MMO. Every time Vin Diesel kills God, a kitten…you know the thing. 2 + 5 = 2
Anyone that can’t see that…
1: The 2 parties are designed to promote a single agenda
that pits one side against the other, based on which ‘cult’ they are dedicated to.
2: At this point, assuming that the 2 parties weren’t two sides of the same coin, any level-headed citizen would vote (R) 10 times out of 10, because (D)s are legitimately mentally ill, and their nonsensical issues will soon be replaced by even more nonsense.
3: The only solution will not be provided by either of the 2 parties.
4. The OP can’t counter any of my points…
The important question is: do they care about economic classes, corporatism, war and imperialism or are they cosplaying and talking about American centered identity politics?
That’s the difference between the left and “the left”.
I have never seen anything right wing here but rather genuine criticism to the powers mentioned above; I have, however, seen warmongering and imperialism on other
“leftist” subs on reddit, which is probably why people come here.
I wanted to really push the envelope on how ridiculous I could make
a parody post and see how many users would still be unaware that it’s a parody.
The title implies I’m talking about right wingers but instead I go on this unhinged
rant about Russia, never mentioning anything remotely related to the right wing!!
We are the 49.5% and the working-class right wing public enemy #1 scum
who is the direct cause of all of our problems are the other 49.5%.
Pay no attention to the 1% behind the curtain.
90% of the 99% would like to do away with the rampant corruption in our government.
How about if we begin our revolution there?
Sure, most right wingers have been hoodwinked into believing that the private (equity) entities that have purchased our government are somehow superior to the government agencies they have corrupted. But that ideological blind spot shouldn’t stop us from at least banding together to fight what we can both agree is clear and obvious corruption on both sides of the fake BlueAnon vs. QAnon divide.
How about anti-war, anti-censorship, anti-authoritarian, anti-oligopoly, anti-Big Pharma, anti-Big tech, anti-security state, anti-Total Information awareness, anti-billionaire, anti-Wall Street, anti-pedophile, pro-bodily autonomy, pro-civil liberties, pro-free speech, pro-Assange, pro-Wikileaks, and especially pro-working class?
What I believe politically used to be characterized as “progressive.” And I never changed.
They only thing that changed was the corporate media, COVID fear, professional managerial class solidarity, and especially the allure of a sense of self-righteous moral superiority filled my former political home with authority loving, war mongering, Big Pharma worshipping, censorship craving bio fascists who pledge infinite allegiance to our misleaders (as long as they wear blue) and sincerely believe that the biggest threat to our way of life is their next door neighbor who watches the other, totally evil rather than totally righteous 24-7 news network.
Right. I would rather be governed by any honest, poor people of any cultural persuasion than the corrupt, insider trading, lobbyist fellating, billionaire bootlickers of both parties who are currently doing their damnedest to funnel everything the 99.99% has into the pockets of the top 0.01% they serve while driving all the rest of us off the cliff.
Ukrainians in Lviv made Jews crawl on hands & knees cleaning up broken glass, bare handed. And much worse: https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/
And Israel helps some Nazis.
http://archive.is/OIbXl “Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer says he turns to Israel “for guidance””
http://archive.is/fGUrK “German neo-Nazi lawmaker charged with hate speech”
http://archive.is/xISHT “Austria’s neo-Nazis find friends in Israel”
These battles are, BTW, raging in full force in Israel. There you have descendants and family members of the Bandera Nazis (even the Germans put him in jail for a while).
Yet, the establishment in Israel, their MSM’s are in full obedience to the Empire’s dictates. Indeed, the behavior of the Israeli IDF is very reminiscent of the Nazi behavior – the only difference being that they can’t quite get away with the full genocide they’d happily visit upon the Palestinians.

FBI Raids Home of Catholic Pro-life Speaker, Author with Guns Drawn
as his Terrified Kids Watch – THE FIRST LIGHT REPORT
Alas, being Jewish is no protection from being both ignorant, and well, malfeasant.
Not saying your wife is guilty of the second, but the first —- sorry. It is what it is.
Yep, just like they were flying the red and black flags at Euromaidan.
We all have such family members.
Some history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Bandera
Look here Fat, It’s a Joe Biden Quote. C’mon jack, don’t bullshit me.
Given what ‘Left’ Inc. has become in the Corporate States of America as a wholly owned subsidiarity of Democrats Inc., with a “progressive” movement led by the Congressional Kardashian, murdered on that fateful day in January that will live in shitlib infamy, it’s not too difficult to understand that partisan idiots are incapable of blaming themselves for their idiocy.
As long as our owners’ government, uses their owners’ media conglomerates, to fool idiots into believing their red wing is to the ‘right’ of an imaginary window that separates them from their blue wing on it’s ‘left,’ partisan morans will continue to believe they’re the ‘left’ because… Duh!!
Besides, it’s already been written in stone that Putin is the reason for everything that’s wrong in this country, and with his insidious election interference that keeps Democrats from winning elections, shitlibs will always be relegated to hind tit status in our owner’s electoral system. Sucks to be a partisan idiot. This is why it’s so important to VBNMW in order to keep the Overton Window in its rightful place in the center left portion of the far right it’s been moved to.
Praytriots, our Spotlight Saturday prayers are focused on our election candidates today. Request that God gives us discernment to know not only who is for us, but who is for Him. Petition Him to encourage our candidates & give them courage. Ask Him to appoint fighters that will uphold justice once elected & request that He give them the desire to work together in unity to bring restoration for our nation.
Thanks for praying w/ us!

Because he somehow thinks he’s healthy.
While all the other crazies think they are sane in that party.
The party of obfuscations and #ScriptureSunday deflections.
I’d love to start a new hashtag

Everyone posts encouraging & powerful scripture!
Let’s go on the OFFENSE against the enemy!

““Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
I thank God every day and pray for our country more so than anything that He is on the throne and in charge and we will win. I thank Him that Biden and the democrats really aren’t and leave it up to Him this will all be over soon! Knowing this, keep faith and don’t ever give up on the Patriots!!
““Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
MercyMe – Flawless music video with Lyrics – Bing video
Proverbs 30:5 NIV #ScriptureSunday

Psalm 23 (Jimmy’s “Dance Like David Video Mix) by DJ Ziggybeats.
Dr. Paul Marik Reveals How “Dr. Death” Fauci Manipulated Studies to Approve Remdesivir (redvoicemedia.com)

For all y’all who lost loved ones who were murdered with REMDESIVIR…
Dr. Paul Marik Explains How Fauci Manipulated the Remdesivir Study to Get it Authorized Congress must investigate! Hold Fauci, Medical Doctors, & Hospitals accountable! @ROHLL5