The Clinton’s are evil on so many levels and issues.
On September 11th, 2012, an American diplomatic mission in Benghazi (Libya) was attacked by over 150 armed gunmen. As a result, four Americans were killed, and several others injured. With a presidential election only 2 months away, this became the basis for political attacks, spawning names like “Benghazi Gate” and rumors that included alleged stand down orders that prevented reinforcements from intervening; some even stating that Obama and few others watched live feeds of the attack unfolding.
Both of these were based on unconfirmed hearsay yet was repeated across right-leaning news sources as fact, leaving many on the right to claim that the “MSM”
(News sources generally avoid broadcasting unverified rumors as fact) was assisting in a cover-up. Since these events occurred, several independent investigations have clarified the events that took place that night.
While these reports conclude that the State Department could have been far more proactive in beefing up the thin and questionable security at the Benghazi embassy,
the various conspiracy rumors have been answered and quelled.
Nevertheless, the idea that the Benghazi event is the source of a grand cover-up persists along predictable partisan lines in part due to the continuing publication of arguments that have long been addressed in the various Benghazi investigations.
Republicans leaked altered versions of actual quotes, leaving many to believe that the White House was covering up the facts
Fox News editorialized an unverified and anonymous statement that stand down orders were given (this was proven to be false, once it was known that CIA operatives arrived on the scene in less than 30 minutes.
As recently as November 2013, CBS interviewed a now-discredited “eye witness”
(Dylan Davies–who so happened to be in process of publishing a book on the incident) whose claims contradicted those he gave the FBI prior to this interview
(he subsequently admitted he was lying)
The closest thing to a “stand down” order was an order to await more intelligence before allowing Paronto and his team to depart (this is largely the basis for the 13 Hours movie, whose narrative is at odds with the findings of the various Benghazi investigations.)
“Hillary Clinton said “What difference does it make?””
This misquote had become an internet meme in itself. To anyone watching the Benghazi hearings the (actual) quote “What difference at this point does it make?” was rather benign, given that Clinton was addressing the wider and more important issue of the dead Americans, and suggesting that the focus on the reason for the attack was a misallocation of priorities. Nevertheless, this misquote has been passed around (along with other leading “Hillary Benghazi fact”) as if Hillary Clinton was asking,
“What difference does [the Benghazi incident] make?” and this is clearly not the case.
“With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d go kill some Americans?
What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly,
I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people are trying in real time to get the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how the…”
You can watch a larger version of the exchange here: ‘What Difference, At This Point,
Does it Make?’ – Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing – YouTube
Benghazi Myths
“The Benghazi attack represents a rare occurrence and/or precedent in attacks on US embassies.” While this incident should not be downplayed by any means, it is not the first of its kind. Over the last 20 years there have been many such attacks, some with even worse outcomes than the Benghazi incident. Why has Benghazi been so publicized while others (11 of which happened under George W Bush) have gained very little attention? Probably because this one was 2 months before a presidential election (one in which many members of the opposition party had no qualm with publicizing rumors and misquotes). Again, the events that happened on 9/11/12 should be downplayed, but at the same time, they should not be treated as a once-in-a-lifetime anomaly. Attacks like these have been more frequent than most people seem to realize.
“A stand down order prevented help from arriving.”
This claim (made by an anonymous source and publicized by Fox News)
has been debunked since the early reports from the CIA (which arrived on the scene
within 30 minutes). It has also been debunked by the various independent reports.
Report: Marine commander says no stand-down order in Benghazi attack
House Committee Report Is Latest To Refute Key Element Of Benghazi Hoax:
No Stand Down Order Given |
Lawmakers: No ‘stand down’ order given in Benghazi attack
“Nothing was done to suppress the attack in Benghazi (and available assets were not deployed).” This has been disproved by the fact that assets were deployed.
A CIA rescue team was on the scene within half an hour of being contacted.
According to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report (PDF),
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta ordered two Marine Fleet Antiterrorism Security Teams (or “FAST platoons”) to deploy from their base in Rota, Spain, to Libya, as well as two teams of special operations forces to Benghazi. But these forces arrived too late, as Americans had already been evacuated by previously deployed the CIA teams.
There are also a number of claims that certain assets (mostly warplanes)
were not sent in. But most of these were out of range and/or not combat-ready.
According to the House Armed Services Committee Report (PDF):
As unfortunate as his incident was, the “Benghazi scandal” appears to be one of the latest of many attacks on American diplomatic outposts. The conspiracy/cover-up claims have been debunked, though stronger security measures would have been a help.
The proponents of the idea that this was some intentionally negligent or outright ignored problem have yet to explain the upside to “allowing” this attack to take place. Predictably, this has obviously been a losing scenario for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
The idea that they would intentionally allow this to happen makes little sense.
Curious Motives
The argument that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would intentionally stifle an effective response seems at odds with their future goals. Barack Obama was in what appeared to be a tight race for reelection and Hillary Clinton was likely contemplating her eventual presidential bid. Neither had anything to gain and both had much to lose from this tragic event. There was also the interesting “Benghazi Watchdogs” group which stirred controversy for fundraising off of the incident.
Benghazi Attack Timeline: Facts & Myths – Fact and Myth
On September 11th of 2012, the United States diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya came under attack.
At 9:40 p.m., gunmen stormed the compound, pushing back both U.S. and Libyan security forces and trapping U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens in the main building. The U.S. staff became divided. Some were pinned down for several hours in one building until a CIA team, collaborating with Libyan soldiers, pushed the militia back.
At 10:30 p.m., the militants set the main building of the compound on fire, trapping Stevens and State Department administrator Sean Smith in intense heat and smoke.
At 11 p.m., President Obama met with then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey as an American military drone reached the air above the compound.
At 1 a.m., approximately thirty Americans were rescued from the compound by a U.S. force based out of Tripoli. Stevens was rushed to Benghazi Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. According to the Associated Press news and a doctor on the scene, the likely cause of Steven’s death was asphyxiation from the smoke.
At 1:45 a.m., AP news reported the death of at least one American in the assault.
At 4 a.m., the Libya CIA annex came under mortar attack, resulting in the deaths of former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods. Two additional service members received injuries.
At 4:08 a.m., then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton condemned the attack
“In the strongest terms,” adding that “there is never any justification for violent acts
of this kind.”
The next day, Sept. 12, 2012, President Obama announced the deaths of four Americans in the attack, including Ambassador Stevens. Like Secretary Clinton, the President reasserted America’s commitments both to peace and to respect for different religions.
“While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants,” he said in a statement delivered from the White House Rose Garden.
In October of 2012, Ahmed Abu Khattala, believed to be a major figure in the Libyan militia Ansar al-Sharia was identified as one of those responsible for the attack.
Watch 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi For Free Online 123movies.com (0123movies.com)
Further Reading
1. GOP Acknowledges That the U.S. Military
Couldn’t Have Changed Benghazi Outcome
2. A guide to GOP’s Benghazi obsession
3. Explainer: A Year of Benghazi Myths
4. Benghazi: A Comprehensive Guide
5. Snopes: Benghazi Bungle
6. Benghazi Timeline