Biden stole the election and look what he has done.
There was no insurrection on Jan 6th pure and simple. There will be no civil war by Maga pure and simple. We are in a propaganda warfare that is super powerful from globalists that own the Biden regime. This needs to be said. There is no organized group among Maga that is going to war with the Biden regime by military force. The organized war machine is the Biden regime that is warring against Maga. There is no group being formed to take up arms against the Biden regime in America, how do we know that?
They have tied Maga hands on every front if they did not, we would not be in the worst shape in the history of America. We should Issue a re-vote for president, install the people’s choice for Trump and he’ll turn this thing around on a dime – including ending this money laundering war which is really just a ruse to destroy the western economy
and by doing so make everyone totally dependent.
If any Maga member even hints at an organized insurrection, they are terrorist and will be jail just like Jan 6. OK! We are not talking about your manhood to fight; we are speaking the truth that we won’t because they have organization worldwide, we don’t have power that why we are always losing.
They are manipulating the world by doing exactly what they claim the other side is doing, that gives them the power of owning every government world-wide corporate news media to control and destroy us. The WEF/CCP seems to be orchestrating a worldwide depression similar to the one that was a key factor in Hitler’s rise to power.
The US border is open and the WEF is implementing their FORCED MIGRATION PLAN.
Look it up. When you make life unaffordable for the majority of Americans, I don’t think the word recession even makes a difference. Wait till the heating season begins and people complain they can’t pay their heating bills. What the Democrat response will be to suspend payment for heating expenditures indefinitely. Things are going to be far worse than just the economy. The economy is a big problem, but that was done on purpose, due to all the Covid mandates and the fraud in the White House ‘s policies.
We have a health problem on our hands caused by these injections that we had better start facing.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab •In their own words• World Economic Forum •dystopian future• (rumble.com)
World Economic Forum’s vision for the future. digital IDS, forced inoculations, mind control, food shortages, civil unrest and Tyranny. WEF leaders describe their dark vision of a dystopian planet. Unemployment numbers will be a lot higher than 5%. Businesses will be forced to close. Manufacturing will crawl to a stop. Depression is not out of the question??
If We continue on the current path; the Biden regime will bankrupt the country.
And I don’t know of any time in our history of another country coming to our aid. We will be on our own!! …a major economic depression is planned, don’t kid yourself, Biden’s handlers hate americans…Everything old Brandon is doing he is doing on purpose…. Obama will finish what he started in 2008….. destroying this Country…….FJB and BHO.
I won’t live in fear. Civil war doesn’t frighten me either. I’m an American and won’t give
up MY freedoms without a fight. Reply: EU Faces Decade of ‘Terrible’ Winters Thanks to Russian Gas Addictions (breitbart.com)
Truth is not fear, it sets you free.
So, if you missed the point hard to make in 700 words.
The next push is the total crushing wake up movement of The Great Reset throughout the world. They have been exposed, now they must act to crush the opposition or go to prison. The lying rhetoric propaganda is to create a civil war to give them the excuse to crush the opposition they have no other choice, and nothing left, that was the point in a continuum of evil. No one’s talking about manhood!
They will start a false civil war causing violence and blaming it on M.A.G.A. They’ve done that and will do it more in the next 70-days. It is midterms and they have been exposed so they must crush us. That all that being said, not if America will fight, we have a history of that. The question is, do we understand this is a real war already?
Worldwide economic collapse and social chaos is all being engineered by radical Marxist globalists who want to force everyone into a new world order void of property, Rights and freedoms. They will pay for their wickedness. They’re giving away all this free money but try taking any money out of your 401k before age 62. Even if you’re willing to take the penalty, they won’t let you touch it unless it’s an emergency.
I wish JUST ONE famous “pro-freedom” media personality or politician would promote
an action plan to encourage simple, peaceful actions to counter all the censorship and corruption, which would be SO EASY TO DO.
But they won’t, so I will, and I hope others will too. You can vote with your
wallet and attention every day by boycotting twitter, google, apple, Facebook, Microsoft, CNN, MSNBC, MSM and other big tech/media/finance/pharma (including not owning their stocks/funds) to counter their censorship and corruption.
ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption and
censorship by media/tech/finance/pharma giants and politicians:
Suggested Action Plan for immediate change to counter the… | Minds
[From the article] “Roach, a Yale University senior fellow and former Federal Reserve economist, suggests Fed Chair Jerome Powell has no choice but to take a Paul Volcker approach to tightening.”. But Volcker had the strength of Ronald Reagan as President to support his move. Powell is weak and Biden is worse. Plus, we are not the same economy that we were in 1980. So, comparisons are useless.
Don’t Try to Paint a Rosy Picture We Are Not Stupid.
Consumer Confidence Jumps as Inflationary Pressures Build Despite Fed Rate Hikes (breitbart.com)
How to resist the Great Reset #warning
1. Avoid accepting any form of digital ID
2. Only use untraceable currencies and privacy crypto
3. Grow your own food and barter with neighbors
4. Watch this video: WATCH OUT!! What The WEF Is Planning!! How To RESIST!?
The Push: Democrats have outlawed Maga, now they are pushing for a civil war, the rhetoric propaganda is being spewed by the devil’s hive mind by Rhino’s and communist. They wanted the excuse to make it illegal to be an opposing party.
Calling Maga semi-fascist there is no such thing, either you’re a fascist or you’re not!
That’s the Democrat Party slogan “The Worst is yet to come”. Obama and Biden and Rice want this to happen. They are pushing for soup lines without the soup. They know as the worse it gets more democratic voters will depend on them. So, they can rob us blind. Media, globalists push for tax on meat consumption | America’s Frontline News (americasfrontlinenews.com)
Trump being indicted to stop a threat to freedom, the blue wall is going to illegally crush the red wave in all local elections by unelected hive mind woke communist making it illegal to vote for Maga. This time they stop the election by an all-out civil war against anyone that is opposed to their regime.
Complete control just like they made mask intimation real, where people lived in fear of not wearing one but a few. If these assholes ever get re-elected this November, kiss this country goodbye. If you can’t see that our country’s been taken over by Marxist, socialist saboteurs then there’s no future for our children and grandchildren.
The USA does need a miracle and God is a miracle worker.
We all need to pray to God in Jesus’ name. The Bible says “if my people which are called
by my name shall humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. And the hits just keep on coming. We haven’t even recovered from the economic devastation caused by global COVID lockdowns. The Elites really are trying to crush the middle class.
Appears the Communists are winning!
How long are the RINOs going to sit on their ass and do nothing?
Aren’t we already IN a recession?
If Trump were President during this debacle, the Leftists would be screaming
that the current situation ” is worse than the Great Depression!”
The miracle is this, decertify election, call constitutional convention, state house reps
to vote 26 – 24 to reinstate trump, release explode energy production explorations…economy, inflation back in check in 6 months…why is no one suggesting this, Cuz they don’t want America to succeed, they are globalists…they’re still hoping for a managed decline recession…democrats have one chance to avoid economic depression disaster, reinstate all trump policies, renounce anti America stands and Maga, by another name
if they have to…
The Left is telling us that the Right is pissing on our heads and telling us it’s raining.
Lots of Blackrock cronies in Biden’s cabinet. Blackrock wants every home on the market
We are being buried by a deluge of Leftist BS, with the extended forecast of nothing but more of the same until at least into November.
The Right rank and file recognize this for what it is, Leftist hypocrisy and evil lies.
The Leftist sheep, they swallow the BIG LIE that it really is raining, look down in petrified disbelief at the ever-deepening volume of BS threatening to engulf them, and exclaim,
“Oh, no! NOT Climate change!!!!” This is why we don’t need electric vehicles: Cape Coral man received $30k estimate for electric car battery replacement – NBC2 News (nbc-2.com)
It’s worse in the UK with predictions that Sterling will collapse by the end of the year and the usual idiots are arguing about climate change…. if the Sterling collapses – the climate change loons will get a good fucking look up close at what an emergency really looks like!
As I have stated with evidence to you over & over again, but I get ignored @stevebannon the ultimate barometer for the economy is trucking. I get it what do I know just a dumb old trucker that owns trucks with no college degree right. Well as I have stated over and over this is the slowest summer I can ever remember in trucking, and I have been in this industry for over 20 years. ~Anonymous
I have no problems with a recession coming. Yes. It will hurt.
However, it serves to weed out the inefficiencies in the market.
And, man, there are ALOT of things that need to be weeded out.
I’m more concerned that instead of letting the market correct itself, our politicians are going to start meddling with it again, propping up people and companies that SHOULD
go bankrupt and kicking the can down the road, yet again.
The plan is a recession, followed by chaos, violence and the theft of our nation!
They screwed the pooch for the last time!
Now they are armed with the new and improved version of their Jewish Bolshevism 2.0… “Critical Theory!”
The all-Jewish Frankfurt School took Jewish Karl Marx’s plan and made improvements.
We are living it much like they did back then:
The Jerusalem Post – Israel News Jerusalem Post Diaspora.
Published: NOVEMBER 15, 2017
“Was the Russian Revolution Jewish?” – Search (bing.com) A hundred years after the Bolsheviks swept to power, historians and contemporaries still struggle to understand the prominent role played by Jews.
— Better wake up!
Zionist Jews: Soros and Zuckerberg funded the steal.
U.S. needs miracle to avoid recession, economist Stephen Roach warns (cnbc.com)
A year late prediction and the numbers are still too conservative. We are at a 40 year
high on inflation, and the jobs market is really shaky. One major war and another about
to start. Food supplies destroyed earlier in the year won’t help either. Prepare and plan. There is no magic bullet. #paincoming #inflationcrisis #fossilfuelcrisis @LetsgoJoeBiden @BidenNeedsToGo YOU’RE PREACHING TO THE WRONG CHOIR, STEPHEN. YOU WANT GRETA DULLBERG, AOC, TLAIB, OMAR, PRESSLEY & BUSH AND DEMORATS


I could go on and on and give examples in my industry alone that proves it.
These bankers with these big fancy degrees that are all braindead in my opinion are just slow on the uptake. The reason for that is that recession hits bankers and investors last. The last person you want to turn to for how the economy is doing is these morons….
can somebody please explain the difference between a “recession” and also
HYPER INFLATION for everybody?!

A way Out: Oliver Wendel Douglas Buys a Farm | Full Episode S01E01| Green Acres.
Mark Zuckerberg’s shocking revelation to Joe Rogan – YouTube
We didn’t censor factual information, we just “reduced its distribution”. -Zuckerberg