The Democrats in Washington are doing another one of their zillion-dollar smash-and-grabs. This time, it’s Joe Biden’s scheme to forgive $10,000 in student debt for about
43 million Americans who’ve borrowed hundreds of billions of federal dollars to pay for college.
Of course, old rich Joe’s not giving his own money away.
It’s the taxpayers’ money — $330 billion or so. And its ordinary Joes who’ll ultimately have to repay it. And as Nancy Pelosi knows — or at least used to last year — the president doesn’t have the power to forgive the federal school loans. Only Congress does.
But Joe and Nancy don’t care. They’re vote-pandering Democrats.
And Democrats are so desperate to prevent Republicans from flushing them
down the congressional drain in November, they’ll pass anything to attract more votes.
They know that by the time the Supreme Court decides that Biden’s immoral and fiscally irresponsible debt forgiveness plan is also unconstitutional — which it will — the midterms will be long over. Maybe Biden’s blatant attempt to buy votes will backfire this fall.
After all, you don’t need a degree in ethics from Harvard to know that forcing plumbers, truckers and baristas to subsidize someone’s college loans is unfair.
But on top of benefiting college grads at the expense of the working class, the country’s already rich college industrial complex will benefit greatly from Biden’s fake generosity.
College administrators will do what they have always done whenever more government money or cheaper loans was given to prospective students: They’ll jack up their prices.
It’s a great scam, a total racket, that for decades has made colleges and their employees rich. But companies fatten up their bottom lines the same way.
For example, when Biden’s fraudulently named Inflation Reduction Act passed the
other day, it included tax credits of up to $7,500 if you buy a $60,000 electric car.
Ford and GM both denied there was a connection to the new tax credits, and they
blamed inflation, but coincidentally they each hiked the price on their new e-vehicles between $3,000 and $8,000.
So, who actually got the government e-subsidy – the car buyer or the car maker?
Out here in California, the Democrats who’ve been destroying this state for decades
are passing a regulation that will outlaw the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035.
How this state will import enough affordable electricity from renewable energy sources to charge tens of millions of electric vehicles every day will be fun for my kids and grandkids to watch.
Nuclear and fossil fuel-powered power plants are almost extinct here already.
So, unless half the state moves to Texas, which actually might happen, charging everybody’s electric cars is going to take a million wind turbines or some really
long extension cords from Nevada and Arizona.
California’s zero-emissions madness and Biden’s school loan relief bill are both
straight out of the Democrat Party’s founding playbook.
Forcing other people to pay for the government freebies they dole out to their
constituents in return for political support is how they operate — and get elected.
I wish more voters understood what was going on with Biden’s debt relief scheme and voted accordingly. While we wait — and pray — for the midterms to put an end to the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer war against our country, what’s the answer?
First, Americans need to wake up. We need someone ringing the bell, a Paul Revere type who can warn us and also lead us. Donald Trump is OK on policy, but he’s toxic because every issue always becomes about Trump.
Plus, Trump talks only to Trump people. We need someone who can talk to everyone.
Ron DeSantis isn’t it. He’s Trump lite, and he’s already been branded by the mainstream media as a mean and dangerous guy.
But I don’t know if Republicans have a spokesman other than Trump, and that’s what puts the fear of God in me. Where is my dad when we need him?
Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant,
and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). Send comments to Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) / Twitter
His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board
or AIM Media, owner of the newspaper.
This is a map of the world, and the brown bubbly line is the Asian Brown Cloud.
You can see it is spreading to the United States of America.
A 2011 study found that the Asian Brown Cloud has been making Arabian Sea cyclones more intense since the Asian Brown Cloud has been producing weakening wind patterns. These wind patterns used to prevent wind shear patterns that historically have prohibited cyclones in the Arabian Sea from becoming major storms. Asian Brown Cloud was found responsible for the formation of stronger storms in 2007 and 2010 that were the first recorded storms to enter the Gulf of Oman.
Major cities in China and India such as Beijing and New Delhi are slowly becoming dimmer. Glaciers from important mountains like the Himalayas are rapidly melting which could cause an overflow in rivers created by the mountain range such as the Ganges River. Brown Clouds are so thick that they may be masking the climate change by 20 percent. Some researchers even claim that the brown clouds could be masking the climate change by up to 80 percent!
The weather and air are very dry and air pollution is hardly washed away.
This is from a dust storm in Beijing.
According to the International Energy Agency, worldwide coal usage is at an All-time high. Of the 8 billion tons used, China uses 56% of that total. The United States uses 8.5% and according to a report by the National Public Radio in 2019, “Scientists found Asia air pollution contributed as much as 65% of the increase in Western Ozone in recent years,” NPR reported. “China and India, where many consumer products are manufactured, are the worst offenders.” A number of studies have come to similar conclusions, with one study finding “29% of particulates in the San Francisco Bay area came from coal power plants in China.
Fast forward to 2022, and Biden’s Democrats “Inflation Reduction Act.” Where $375 billion is earmarked for climate initiatives, including increased wind, solar and $7,500 credits for electric vehicles. Democrats are going to raise your taxes to pay for China’s continued use of fossil fuels and at the same time rely upon technology decades down
the road to make us less energy dependent and forced to deal with countries to reduce inflation.
(What happened to ‘we’re all in this together’?)
Convenient hypocrisy: Americans pay global warming tax while China pollutes,
much like the Covid vax is mandatory for US citizens while the border is wide open.
A brown haze of soot, particles and chemicals that hangs over parts of Asia is darkening cities, melting glaciers in the Himalayas and making weather systems more extreme, the United Nations said Thursday.
Scientists who have studied the thick brown clouds, which they estimate to be more than three kilometres thick, said the haze stretches from the Arabian Peninsula to China and the Western Pacific Ocean. It is officially known as atmospheric brown clouds.
The scientists, who come from China, India, Europe and the U.S., said in a new report commissioned by the UN Environment Program that the brown clouds are aggravating
the impact of climate change caused by greenhouse gases in some regions.
They said they are issuing the warning now about the brown haze because it is
a “Serious and significant” environmental challenge facing the planet that poses
a threat to human health and food production.
“Imagine for a moment a three-kilometer-thick band of soot, particles, a cocktail
of chemicals that stretches from the Arabic Peninsula to Asia,” Achim Steiner, UN undersecretary general and executive director of the program, said during a news conference on the findings.
“All of this points to an even greater and urgent need to look at emissions across the planet, because this is where the stories are linked in terms of greenhouse emissions and particle emissions and the impact that they’re having on our global climate,” he said.
The brown clouds have darkened 13 cities in Asia, including Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Cairo, Mumbai, New Delhi and Tehran, “dimming” sunlight in some places by as much as 25 per cent. The brown clouds, produced by the burning of fossil fuels, wood and plants, form particles like black carbon and soot that absorb sunlight and warm the air, enhancing the greenhouse effect.
Scientists, however, said the brown clouds also “mask” the warming impacts of climate change by an average of 40 per cent because they contain particles that reflect sunlight and cool the earth’s surface.
According to the report, the phenomenon has been studied closely in Asia, but it is not unique to the region, with brown clouds seen over parts of North America, Europe, southern Africa and the Amazon Basin.
The scientists said the brown clouds are having a negative impact on air quality and agricultural production in Asia with risks to human health increasing. Health problems associated with the brown clouds include cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Veerabhadran Ramanathan, head of the scientific panel that is carrying out the research and a professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California in San Diego, said the huge cloud masses can cross continents in the space of three to four days.
It’s not a regional issue, but a global one, he said.
“The main message is that it’s a global problem. This is not a problem where we point fingers at our neighbours. Everyone is in someone else’s backyard,” Ramanathan said.
He said one of the most serious problems noted in the report is melting of the Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Tibetan glaciers, which provide the headwaters for the major river systems including the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Mekong and Yangtze rivers.
The Ganges basin, for example, is home to more than 400 million people and holds
40 per cent of India’s irrigated croplands.
He said the melting has “serious implications for the water and food security of Asia.”
The Chinese Academy of Sciences estimates that the glaciers have shrunk five per cent since the 1950s and the volume of China’s nearly 47,000 glaciers has fallen by 3,000 square kilometres over the past quarter century.
The brown clouds also have helped decrease the monsoon season in India. The weather extremes caused by the clouds may have also helped to reduce production of crops such as rice, wheat and soybean, according to the report.
Ramanathan said he hopes the report “triggers” an international response to the problems of greenhouse gases and brown clouds and the “unsustainable development” that underlies them both.
“The new research, by identifying some of the causal factors, offers hope for taking actions to slow down this disturbing phenomenon,” he said. China now accounts for more than double the United States’ pollution emissions, but there’s no mention of that information in the mass media when they’re pushing global warming and higher taxes across the board for Americans to “save the planet.”
Meanwhile, thousands of Covid-infected illegal immigrants are crossing into America every day, without being tested or vaccinated, while Resident Biden and the CCP/CDC vaccine complex demand every American get the deadly spike protein jabs.
Even though the Covid vaccines have already scientifically been proven to be a complete failure at stopping contraction and transmission of Covid-19, the CDC wants to force-vaccinate every American (to death) or make them face starvation in the name of herd safety for the rest, yet, somehow, infected illegal immigrants don’t factor into that equation. Why not?
China’s Pollution Is So Insane You Can See It from Space
This is really bad. NASA has published an image of the pollution
haze taking all over North America… Read more

Remember when Senator Joe Biden wrote this article about how he learned to love
the New World Order?
Resident Biden says global warming is our worst enemy, but China ‘s pollution emissions are more than twice as bad as USA.
In America, the fake President is on the record saying that global warming is our nation’s greatest threat, yet China goes on polluting the world 2.5 times faster than the USA, and there’s no talk of limiting their production (although it’s caving in on itself thanks to the plandemic).
Still, Americans must ‘come together as one’ and fight this pollution and the Fauci virus
by giving up 70% of our income so we can help the government wreck our entire economy
by ending all fuel-based industries and injecting two-thirds of the populace with billions of blood-clotting prions (but don’t worry about the millions of Covid-infected illegal immigrants on their way here now or already roaming America).
The Biden Administration is responsible for 2 million or more illegal immigrants crossing into USA in 2021, and 1 in every 5 are infected with Covid-19.
Get ready for a scary statistic that Resident Biden does not want you thinking about
when he talks about Americans running out to get jabbed with deadly spike proteins. Approximately 20 percent of all illegal immigrants coming into the United States HAVE COVID-19, according to an official report that DHS prepared for our fake president. Take 20 percent of 2 million, and that’s 400,000 COVID-INFECTED illegal immigrants literally being trucked and flown to metropolitan cities across the US by the Biden Regime, while he preaches to us about saving the nation from Covid via citizens getting injected with clot shots every 6 months.
These infected illegal immigrants from the sample were tested while waiting to board buses supplied by U.S. Customs and Border “Protection” in Texas in June. To make matters worse, they were tested, tested positive, and then STILL some of them were released into our country. So, the logic is that we Americans fight Covid with all the resources we have while mixing in infected immigrants that absolutely decimate all
of our efforts daily.
And the logic is, that we Americans give every dollar we can spare to end fossil fuel production and use, while in China they do three times the damage with no efforts
to cut back or regulate their pollution whatsoever.
Where’s the logic?
That’s like policing American children swimming in one end of a pool to make sure
they’re not peeing or pooping in the water while immigrant kids at the other end of
the pool urinates and defecate all day.
Yes, America, we’re all in for clean water for the children!