Darryl Anne Mooney

I wish to remember Darryl Anne Theresa Mooney, who died on November 22, 2018 

Shine Your Inner Divine | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Darryl was always upbeat and passionate about sharing her message of how important self-love and self-worth is for children and to understand everyone has a guardian angel. Darryl was inspired by her own life journey and the powerful lessons she had learned.

Through experiencing many challenges, she transformed her life from sadness and
low self-esteem to a life filled with positivity, love and Joy. She enjoyed mentioning and inspiring children and adults to do the same through the power of love and self-belief.  Darryl was so proud to help children through her books & stories and wished to bring
love and healing to children all over the world.

💕 Cherish Your Life 💕
By Darryl Anne Mooney

If you were told …
In three months, you will die!
Why would you cry?
Afraid to face your truth?
Or ashamed of your lies?
Because one day you are going to die!
How would you feel?
Could you accept it’s real?
Because you haven’t truly lived?
Maybe it’s time now to forgive?
Would you feel that you were not ready?
Have you lived in fear and always played it steady?
Haven’t you had your epic moment already?
Feel that you were cheated in some way?
Would you panic! turn to God to bargain, beg and pray?

Would you have any regrets?
Hide your head in shame and wish to forget?
Your darkness, your sad times?
Your unforgivable despicable crimes?
Or would you choose to go back?
Unload your sinful, heavy sack?
Would you have time to get your life back on track?
Wishing to change things before you die?
Would you be brave or be a victim? give up and just cry?
What would you say to the people you love? You hurt?
Would you be loving or still dish out the dirt?
What would you say to the people who hurt you?
Time to live and let live and forgive them too?

Would you be a better person if you could?
Or wallow in yourself pity?
Stay stuck in the mud?
What would you realise in the grand scheme of things?
That fear is an illusion and love are truly real?
What are the words of the last song you would sing?
Just in time to claim your Angel wings?
What were the things that were truly deeply important in your day?
Did you ever pray?
Who did you truly love and tell?
Did you create a day of heaven or hell?
Were you able to openly say?
Now and again…. Or each and every day?
I love you to everyone with an open heart?
If not, it’s time to start!

Do you hide your emotions away in a cage?
Did you know you are a prisoner to your feelings a frightened slave?
Are you an ice king or ice queen?
Controlling your love in doses conscious you are mean!
Do you feel it’s weak to cry and show emotion?
Afraid to cry in a river or a big healing ocean?
To say how you feel to the people you love.
Are you hiding through your ego or wounded past?
Afraid to commit, you sabotage your happiness,
Unable to make things last?

Is it Yes to all of the above?
It’s time to learn to embrace it, not run away from love!
What things would you want to change?
It’s always your choice if you wish to re-arrange!
Anything that does not feel right
It’s now time to inspire and shine your light
What things would you be so proud of?
You ask yourself?

How would people truly remember me?
Now is the time to create your legacy!
But news flash! Guess what? Imagine that!
You don’t have to wait till you are dying to really live!!
It’s not about what you can take but what you can give!
So be amazing! inspirational too
In this moment of shock can you dig deep, discover the authentic you?
Whether you have a day, a month, a year, Or five.

Each day I wake up grateful to be alive!
On this planet we are mere guests
So be thankful for everything and always feel blessed!
Life is a gift! Not meant to last forever!
So, start to see its value and the hidden treasures
Remember it’s not money that you’re here to measure
But how far you have travelled has it been a pleasure?
Has your scale been blown away?
Each day …

Have you made yourself proud? 
Something you could shout aloud.
Death is not the moment to analyse your life
It’s with each heartbeat you take
So, each day when you wake
Make your life better than the rest
The very best
Be true, be kind, be you,
Be high as a kite on love too
So, when the day does arrive for you to return home

You won’t be panicking, crying, or feeling all alone
You will know in your heart that God is with you
You won’t feel cheated now or moan too!
As you will have lived your life with love known to so few
You will close your eyes, smile and say Toodle loo 💕

Emotional healing is vital with cancer!
This place is incredible and so are the special people here!
A beautiful new day to open up your eyes and feel so much love
for yourself for others for God for our planet! It’s a wonderful life!

Feel those words resonate deeply in your soul!
Remember why you’re here, remember that love is only real!
Whatever you fear in your thoughts allow the deep unconditional love
in your heart to wash over it and let it flow all over your body in all your

cells and let love heal you from the inside out❤️

RiP My Friend Darryl RiP 🙁

MercyMe – Then Christ Came (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube

Angelique Magnifisique: Meets her Guardian Angel – Author Support Services

Olivia Dvorak – Search (bing.com)

Olivia Dvorak – YouTube
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