That’s the Third Eye Chakra

The Ultimate Guide to Third Eye Chakra Healing for Complete Beginners
by Aletheia 

The third eye chakra is also the energy center in our body responsible for reality, perception, manifesting, thought, and intuition. According to yogic philosophy, the third eye is connected to duality which is a type of perception that opposes reality and is created solely by the mind. Once the third eye chakra is in harmony with the rest of the chakras,
it is said that a doorway towards spiritual enlightenment is opened.

When our third eye chakra is clean and balanced, we see life with clarity and possess strong intuition, insight, self-awareness, and emotional balance. On the other hand, when our third eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we tend to struggle with problems such as closed-mindedness, cynicism, anxiety, depression, paranoia, and various other mental illnesses and mood disorders.
If you think you might have a blocked third eye chakra, think back to your childhood. Were you raised in a closed-minded family? Was freethinking encouraged in your childhood, or were you conditioned to “obey without questioning”? Was your early life environment emotionally stable? Did you parents or caretakers value your insights and perspectives? 
If not, you probably struggle with third eye chakra issues as a result of your childhood conditioning. Don’t worry, this guide will help you initiate your own unique process of third eye chakra healing.

Table of contents
What is the Third Eye Chakra?
What is Third Eye Chakra Healing?
24 Signs of an Unhealthy Third Eye Chakra
Do You Have a Deficient or Excessive Third Eye Chakra Blockage?
22 Third Eye Chakra Healing Practices
N, N-dimethyltryptamine, – Search (

Final Advice
Have you ever wished you had a sixth sense?
Some say to look no farther than between your eyes. The chakras are believed to be wheel-like energy centers distributed throughout your body that affect well-being and perception. The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, is considered to be the sixth chakra in the body. This chakra is said to be located in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows.
It’s believed to be linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication.
Some say that when open, the third eye chakra can provide wisdom and insight, as well
as deepen your spiritual connection. While there’s no scientific evidence to support these claims, many traditions and cultures emphasize the importance of the third eye chakra.

Let’s dive deeper into what the third eye is, what it can do, and how to open it.

Tell me, do you have any other third eye chakra healing tips? Please share below!
To read more about chakra healing, check out my other articles & test in this series:

Root Chakra Healing Guide
Sacral Chakra Healing Guide
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Guide
Heart Chakra Healing Guide
Throat Chakra Healing Guide
Crown Chakra Healing Guide

Free Chakra Test – How Balanced Are You?

Spiritual Journey
Spiritual Calling
Resisting The Path
Finding Guidance
Starting The Journey
Turning Inwards
Facing The Darkness
Traps & Pitfalls

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Too many sheep to fight 💪🏽💪🏽 20/20 Vision in hindsight 👀

They cheated and took the house and senate then…. 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸

It’s sedition for the dims and Rinos and high Treason for Brandon.

Their time is short 👉🏻How many days until 8th November?👇

America, what do we intend to do about this?

You’re paying $100 to fill your gas tank and the Biden regime just sold our strategic
oil reserves to the same country that helped launch a plandemic that cost you more
than 2 years of your life.
If that doesn’t tell you how much these people truly hate and want to destroy America, nothing ever will. And Biden sold it to a company in China owned by the CCP AND that’s
his degenerate crackhead son had large investments in!

Can you say impeachable offense and treason?

Nets Bury Biden Selling Oil to Chinese Company Tied to Hunter Biden | Newsbusters 
Replace Hunter with Trump jr. in this article and it would be the top story 24/7 in every news outlet in the country. And here I sit wondering How much longer do we have?
Nobody in government, on either side of the aisle, is doing anything. Government is not the solution; it’s the problem. We The People need to take things into our own hands!!! Organize and rise up!!! Replace Hunter with Trump jr. in this article and it would be the top story 24/7 in every news outlet in the country.

When is the time for action?

Nobody in government, on either side of the aisle, is doing anything. The lab is located in Wuhan, which is in CCP territory. China didn’t stop international travel, only their local travel. Which means they didn’t stop it from spreading. The US was part of the plandemic.. Fauci and his gang.

Even China got caught by surprise, in a sense, China was victimized by this happening, while getting set up to be the fall guy. There is a lot more to this story than what appears on the surface. Man, it makes me even more curious to know what the heck they have on the Biden Crime family.
Either the Bidens got paid an obscene amount of money or China has proof of something so nefarious even our MSM would be shocked. They are pushing EVs which they will tax the heck out of you with the mileage tax and the fake incentive to buy one is actually coming from your tax dollars which you will get more taxes taken out to fund.

All the while the politicians get richer from their money laundering. Enough is enough.
They are deliberately bleeding us dry to make us vulnerable. #Draintheswamp already!

It’s past time to #saveamerica to see how #godwins. Even China got caught by surprise,
in a sense, China was victimized by this happening, while getting set up to be the fall guy. There is a lot more to this story than what appears on the surface. He sold that oil to a country preparing to go to war with us. He is an enemy of the state and a traitor.

Those who kept bringing the onslaughts, will be treated accordingly
(I.E they were dispatched from the real world).

In today’s society, radical communists in our government have been attacking consistently for over 2yrs. Question is, are there enough patriots with any backbone left to bring our enemies to surrender?  

We need some of our retired generals to put their heads together and organize an op to arrest and detain our present government that has been nefariously forced upon us and put President Trump in the Whitehouse and get all of the installed woke a dope out of the Pentagon and get our fighting men and women back on the job that have been ousted because of refusal of the jab. If our effort isn’t a concerted one. It will fail.

We owe it to our posterity. These people are domestic enemies. Traitors Well, I think Biden DID sell reserves to China, and Hunter was in on the deal. Do you have a source
says otherwise? I know most of our media lies, but this is from alternative media, too.
All I want from any of it is the truth. They must be protected by Satan himself.

They scoff at anything that ties them to China!

They run interference and collaborate with our Chinese enemies. When you can continually work hand in hand with China in a very profitable business deal which is treasonous without ever being charged and destroy your own country in the process. Without any accountability or remorse against all of humanity actually.

Enjoy now because the Lake of Fire lies ahead!

I’d have to say most convincingly now that Joe did indeed sell our oil reserves
to China, while Hunter profited from it.

There will be investigations about it, many House Republicans are calling for them.  
 Biden sold some of Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Chinese state-owned firm linked
to Hunter Biden | Daily Mail Online

The real Republic ended with US President 18 – Search (  

I want number 19 and a new Nation’s capital for our Republic.

Washington DC is too desecrated by evil to stay as capital.

Devastating Allegation: FBI Whistleblowers Leaked Damning Details
About Agency’s Relationship with Pres. Biden (

We need to get rid of USA Inc and break away from England once again. fight, FIGHT, FIGHT….ITS SLOW PER OUR INSTANT GRATIFICATION, THAT WE HAVE BECOME SO ACCUSTOMED TO, however, slowly, but drip by ever loving drib, peeps are coming awake. honestly.
I personally approve of the cold-water dousing, just open it up. Let everyone see no matter the shock, we are a resilient people we shall overcome. it’s in our very blood. just open the dam flood gates. Let everyone see for themselves what these dastardly evil destructive self-serving corrupt people have been up to.  

Our government is nothing more than a criminal enterprise.
The criminals that have taken over our government in a political
coup that does not obey any laws.

We’re sort of in a Wild West kind of scenario, lawless.   

It’s time to take out the garbage!
DC has totally turned against America, both Democrats and Republicans they must be removed peacefully or violently. The choice is theirs! The time has come when good men must do bad things to rid America from the tyranny killing our country! We are living the very reason the 2nd Amendment was written. ORGANIZE, ARM YOURSELVES, REMOVE THEM Through Law Enforcement! WHERE LAW ENDS TYRANNY BEGINS!


I’m not a genius, but I think there’s only one way to deal with bandits……  😡

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