Are the Amish onto something BIG?
Why Don’t the Amish Get Cancer? (shgamishcancer.blogspot.com)
Here’s Why the Amish RARELY Get Cancer (dailyhealthpost.com)
Amish Have Lower Rates Of Cancer, Ohio State Study Shows – Schwartzreport
When Scientists Studied The Amish, They Were Amazed That This Was Significantly Lower.
We are always looking for the cure for cancer. What we don’t seem to pay attention to are the people who don’t seem to have the massive rates of cancer that the rest of the population has.
That is finally being studied as a Cancer Causes and Control study is saying that cancer rates in Amish people are significantly lower than any other group in the United States! The Ohio State University researchers had a typical bias that many have when they started the study. Naturally, they thought, the Amish were going to have an increased risk of illness due to not having access to all those wonderful pharmaceuticals and modern medicines, right? Wrong. The Amish cancer rate was very low.
The researchers then dialed into their lifestyle, which includes many staying away from drinking and smoking, while not living promiscuously due to their beliefs. Thus lifestyle was a big factor. But they also are engaged in physical work every day involving construction and agriculture. No TV’s either.
Food has to play a huge role as well, as they grow their own and the fruits and veggies are organic. And their dairy is unprocessed.
While many mock the Amish from time to time, these are the people who are actually holding the keys to high health, and cancer-free lifestyles.

Is it possible to cure just about any cancer the Amish way? Is it true that many Amish people get rid of cancer the easy way in just three or four weeks?

Word-Of-Mouth Advertising Keeps
The Amish Coming Back for the Cure.
Word-of-mouth advertising explains why hundreds of Amish cancer patients continue to travel long distances by train for the natural cancer cure. If it didn’t work, the Amish would quit making that journey!
Recently, at Union Station in Chicago, I introduced myself to a young Amish man from Pennsylvania. I asked him, “When Amish people get cancer, where do they go for a cure?”

Perhaps The Strongest Proof
That The Amish Cancer Cure Works
The Amish who lives in far-flung communities throughout America’s heartland know where to go to cure cancer because they talk to each other. This word-of-mouth advertising is perhaps the strongest proof that the Amish cancer cure actually works!
“Terminal” Cancer Case “CURED” Donald Factor Obituary (1934 – 2017) –
Palm Springs, CA – The Desert Sun (Legacy.Com)
‘My Unorthodox Battle With Cancer’ | Daily Mail Online
Actual Cases Of Cancer Victors – Welcome To Cancer Cure Foundation (Cancure.Org)
Lung Cancer Healed with Integrative Therapies (Donald Factor) – Cancer Compass an Alternate Route (Cancercompassalternateroute.Com)
Let me tell you about another spectacular cancer cure at one of the clinics that sees many Amish patients.
You’ve probably heard of Max Factor, the creator of the cosmetics empire. But you may not have heard that the heir to the Max Factor fortune cured his “terminal” cancer the Amish way. As a multi-millionaire, he could have afforded the Mayo Clinic or any other American hospital — or any hospital in the world for that matter.
This tycoon didn’t seek alternative treatments to save money but to SAVE HIS LIFE.
Here’s what happened.
Max Factor’s son Donald came down with one of the deadliest, most aggressive forms
of cancer: carcinoma of the lung that had already metastasized to his liver and spine.

Max Factor’s son Donald got a death sentence from his conventional cancer doctors. But a hospital 30 minutes from San Diego cured his cancer. And he’s been cancer-free and healthy for over 20 years!
At the time of the shocking diagnosis, Donald was 51 years old. He said, “I was told I only had six months to live. But 17 years later I’m still alive and kicking!” (He made that remark in 2003.) He credits his astounding recovery to the natural cancer treatments he received at a little-known hospital near San Diego.
Most amazingly, Donald’s doctors pronounced him “cured” — not just “in remission.”
Donald says, “I went back regularly for check-ups, and after about three years of being in remission the doctors said I was cured. I said, ‘I thought in the cancer business you were never cured.’ And they said, ‘Well, it’s silly to keep writing down “Remission” year after year. We’ll see you whenever you want to come back.’ And that was that…”
The hospital he was treated at is doing an ongoing study. So far, the results show that its treatments for breast cancer and ovarian cancer are three times more effective than conventional treatments. For lung cancer its treatments are ten times more effective.
And their treatments have no side effects! No hair loss. No nausea. No vomiting.
The healing secrets of this hospital belong to a legendary family of MDs, and these secrets have been passed on from father to son for three generations.
These Natural Therapies Knocked the Cancer Out, including:
Hyperthermia: a gentle therapy that gives the patient an artificial fever to “bake”
the cancer cells to death. Cancer cells “can’t take the heat,” but normal cells can.
Oxygen therapy: Cancer cells die by the millions when they get a blast of oxygen.
Laetrile and vitamin C by IV: These non-toxic therapies kill cancer cells and also quench free radicals. They are far more powerful when administered by IV than when taken by mouth.
A strictly organic diet to give the body the nutrition it needs
Detoxification therapies to get rid of the poisons that can cause cancer
Let me describe why people from all walks of life and from all over the world seek natural treatment at one of the little-known clinics. If you have cancer…detox – Search (bing.com)
Imagine getting rid of it in three to six weeks in a safe, secure hospital that seems more like a five-star spa resort.
Imagine having a spacious and immaculately clean private room with your own private balcony giving you a spectacular view of the ocean.

– Imagine a team of first-class doctors who focus like a laser beam on your case every day and imagine further that they never rush you but instead give you as much time as you need.
– Imagine being pain-free and prescription-drug-free while you heal under the care of your team of doctors.
– Imagine being pampered — being waited on hand and foot — with a soothing, therapeutic massage every day and other therapeutic spa services such as mineral wraps and a daily session in a far-infrared sauna.
– Imagine soaking in the mineralized healing waters of a pool by the ocean.
– Imagine being entertained in the dining room by a professional band or possibly even by pop music star Gloria Gaynor singing her signature song “I Will Survive!” in person.
– Imagine leaving this spa-like hospital cancer-free and armed with a solid plan to keep the cancer from ever sneaking back into your life.
– Imagine that this fit-for-royalty cancer treatment costs only about $1,000 a day — nowhere near the $10,000-a-day price tag of cancer treatment in an American hospital, not counting the exorbitant cost of cancer drugs.
Finally, imagine that your insurance company will probably reimburse you for most of the cost!
If you think that’s too good to be true, think again, and imagine no more.
You see, this paradise by the ocean really does exist. Celebrities and ordinary people from all over the world go there for treatment. And the pop singer Gloria Gaynor actually did sing “I Will Survive!” in person in the dining room for the cancer patients and their companions.
Incredibly, the hospital’s mineralized, healing spa pools contain ocean water that’s purified through a million-dollar filtration system and circulated back into the ocean. Soaking in ocean water has long been known to have health benefits.
The Amish Don’t Rough It
When They Get Cancer Treatment!
As you can tell from the description above, the Amish don’t rough it when they get cancer treatment. They prefer the easy way, which is also the more effective and less expensive way.
You’re probably wondering how it’s possible to get this kind of cancer treatment for the price of a minivan. Frankly, mainstream cancer treatment prices are a rip-off. Natural treatments are affordable and reasonable — and are also more effective against cancer.
Nicholas Gonzalez Cancer – Bing video
Search Results for Carl O Helvie | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Carl O Helvie Cancer Compass – Search (bing.com)
This Hospital’s Cure Rate
Leaves Conventional Cancer Doctors in The Dust
Conventional cancer doctors have a two-percent success rate for stage-four cancers. (Stage-four is the last stage before death.) In other words, five years after conventional treatment, only two patients out of 100 are still alive. Ninety-eight are dead.

Patrick Swayze died at the young age of 57. But chemo made him look decades older.
It sickened him and caused his hair to fall out. One of the listed side effects of the popular chemo drug “5FU” is “death.” No wonder 5FU’s nickname is “Five Feet Under.”
In contrast to conventional cancer doctors’ abysmal failure rate, the doctor who cured country singer Jonathan’s throat cancer boasts a success rate of 50 to 90 percent, depending on the type of cancer. And his treatments don’t ruin his patients’ quality of life.
Actor Patrick Swayze chose conventional American cancer treatments. As you can see from the “before” and “after” photos, the high doses of chemotherapy ruined his health.
By contrast, actress and author Suzanne Somers Knockout pdf – Search (bing.com) shocked her doctors in 2001 when she refused chemo for her breast cancer. They were aghast that she wouldn’t take their advice. Instead, she chose natural treatments. And because she refused to sacrifice her beauty to chemotherapy, she looks fabulous today — much younger than her actual age. And she remains cancer free.
What’s The Problem with Conventional Cancer Doctors?
Why do conventional cancer doctors fail so often?
The main reason is that they only focus on the symptom (the tumor).
They try to cut it out, burn it out, or poison it.
What about finding the underlying cause of the cancer?
Conventional cancer doctors just aren’t interested.
What about hyperthermia and oxygen therapies?
These non-toxic therapies don’t fit the conventional doctors’
“cut-burn-poison” model of cancer treatment.

What about detoxification, nutrition, and immune-boosting therapies?
Most conventional doctors ignore them.
Why Should It Cost
Over $300,000 To Die Of Cancer?
You can get rid of your cancer the Amish way in three to six weeks for $15,000 to $35,000. Or you can spend $300,000 to $800,000 or more to die of cancer.
If you think I’m exaggerating, think again.
CNN $618,000 cancer bill only to die after seven years of agonizing, overpriced, useless treatments. – Search (bing.com)
In the year 2000, doctors diagnosed him with kidney cancer, and he was determined
to beat it. The cost of surgery to remove his kidney was $25,000, and that was just the beginning. Two years later the cancer had spread, so he took a drug called Interleukin 2
for $735 a dose.
In 2005 he had another setback: cancer was growing in his lungs.
So, he started an IV drug called Avastin. The cost: $27,360 for one dose!
(For that price, you can get rid of just about any cancer in three or four weeks the Amish way.)
He had 60 chest scans at $3,200 each. Total cost of the scans: $192,000!
The last drug he took was a chemo drug called Sutent at $200 a pill.
He took it once a day for a month. Total cost: $6,000 for the month.
Did his overpriced drugs work? Apparently not. In December of 2007 he was rushed to the hospital again, and the cancer had spread to his brain. The cancer doctors “worked on him” for four days, and then he died.
The cost of those last four days of treatment: $43,000 — more than $10,000 per day.
His wife said, “The only thing I can say for certain that we spent that money on was to confirm that he was dying.”
It bears repeating that his total cost to die of cancer in pain was $618,000!
Many Dying Cancer Patients Try Useless Treatments (webmd.com)
Follow-Up Care After Leiomyosarcoma Treatment (webmd.com)
Search Results for Leiomyosarcoma | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
The cost of medical care at one of the little-known clinics near San Diego is an astounding bargain compared to the outrageous medical bills in conventional hospitals. But the cost savings aren’t the main reason the Amish and other cancer patients go to those clinics for treatment. They go there for results!
That’s why the late actor Eddie Albert took his wife there. He was so pleased with the treatment she received that he appeared in an educational video promoting natural cancer treatments.

Because of word-of-mouth advertising about these natural cancer treatments,
other Hollywood stars have gone to the little-known clinics for cancer treatment.
Perhaps you saw actress Rebecca De Mornay with Tom Cruise in Risky Business.
She was also in Wedding Crashers and The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.
She took her mother to one of the little-known clinics near San Diego when she got cancer. Celebrities Who Go to The Cancer Clinics for Anti-Aging Treatments.
Motivational speaker Mark Victor Hansen, the author of the best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books, is a HUGE fan of the luxurious resort cancer clinic I described earlier. He’s never had cancer as far as I know. But he goes there for health tune-ups, rejuvenation, and relaxation.
So does his colleague, motivational speaker Dennis Waitley. So does Christiane Northrup, M.D., the best-selling author of books about women’s health.
These celebrities don’t mind being named. But I’m unable to tell you the names of most of the celebrities who go to little-known clinics for treatment because of medical confidentiality.
The little-known clinics also attract patients who are just plain frustrated with their health.
“What’s Wrong with Me?”
You see, a surprising number of Americans have chronic pain. They don’t feel right, and their symptoms are worrisome or alarming. They want an answer to the question: “What’s wrong with me?” But they can’t get a straight answer from their doctor.
Instead, their doctor writes a prescription for an overpriced drug and quickly moves on to the next patient.
But at the hospitals and clinics that attract the Amish, the doctors take the time to get to the bottom of the patient’s health problem — whether it’s cancer or some undiagnosed disease.
People who don’t feel well can find out what’s wrong by going to the clinics and hospitals
I recommend. The tests are non-invasive, and when the root problem is finally exposed,
a treatment plan can begin.
The holistic hospitals and clinics achieve breakthrough results not only for cancer but also for autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other degenerative diseases.
And paying for medical treatments at these clinics has never been easier.
Oasis of Hope – Bing video
CMN Cancer Mexico – Search (bing.com)
Sanoviv Medical Institute Mexico – Bing video
Cancun, Mexico | Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers
Cancer Center Merida Mexico – Search (bing.com)
Cancer Killers
Link Between Oxygen & Cancer?
Underlying Causes of Cancer
Do Amish visit doctors? (amishamerica.com)
Wisconsin country doctor treats Amish, studies genetic diseases (jsonline.com)
What Happened After I Visited an Amish Iridologist (disabilitydame.com)
99 Favorite Amish Home Remedies (harvesthousepublishers.com)
How the Amish Made Me a Better Doctor — CovenantMD
Amish doctors near me – Search (bing.com)
Contact Us | Releaf Health Clinic
Cancer Cure Guide to The 25 Most Famous Alternative Cancer Treatment Facilities Worldwide | Alive-N-Healthy (alivenhealthy.com)
Amish Girl With Cancer in Hiding to Avoid Chemotherapy; 11-Year-Old Sarah Hershberger’s Parents Disregard Appellate Court (medicaldaily.com)
MIRACLE: Amish girl ruled cancer free 2 yrs after she went into HIDING to avoid court-ordered chemo | John Hawkins’ Right Wing News
Sarah Hershberger: “Cancer-free” and proof that natural healing works? Not so much… – RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE
A Clash of Cultural Values: The Case of Sarah Hershberger – Saloma Miller Furlong (salomafurlong.com)
Top 4 Holistic Cancer Treatment Centers in Tijuana, Mexico | Alive-N-Healthy (alivenhealthy.com)
Kentucky Amish Farmer Goes on Trial Over Homemade Health Products (amishamerica.com)
10 Reasons Why the Amish People Don’t Get Cancer and Rarely Get Sick (lifeadvancer.com)
Family of Amish girl with cancer claim natural remedies have cured her | Daily Mail Online
Learn The Shocking Truth Why There Is No Cure For Cancer – Cancer Wisdom
Going to Hoxsey Clinic | Tijuana Mexico | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
How To Cure Just About Any Cancer the Amish Way – Search (bing.com)
Search Results for Shannon Knight | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
How To Cure Cancer Effectively? 5 Natural Remedies You Must Try
Sarah Hershberger Family Interview (Video) (amishamerica.com)
How-To-Cure-Almost-Any-Cancer.pdf (educate-yourself.org)
My Thoughts on Cancer | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
Cancer and the Amish | Cancer Today (cancertodaymag.org)
Medicinal Herbs Chart Plants Uses (anniesremedy.com)
Health Secrets of the Amish (organicconsumers.org)
Health secrets of the Amish | Op-eds – Gulf News
Health Secrets of the Amish – Bing video
How to Cure Cancer | The Cure Manual
CancerFightingStrategies.com – Home
Tijuana Clinic- Search (bing.com)
Sarah Hershberger (bing.com)
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