Falling economy, rising anger.
Biden said Americans will pay the price: Gabbard – Search
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (usdebtclock.org)
Oil prices head toward a 2-week high as supply
worries fester and U.S. inventories decline.
If FY23 average oil price rises to USD 100 a barrel, it will pull down growth to around
7.6 per cent from 8 per cent estimated earlier, inflation will rise to 5 per cent from 4.5 per cent, and the current account gap will jump to USD 86.6 billion or 2.5 percent of GDP and can soar to 3.5 per cent if oil prices average at USD 130 billion.
The current U.S. stock market turbulence and the accompanying GDP show in what altered states the U.S. economy is currently operating. One would usually expect that
these two economic forces move in tandem, not in opposite directions.
The almost grotesque divergence between the U.S. stock market and the country’s real economy underscore dramatically just how unequal the country has become.
The United States is now a country where, according to the Fed, more than 50% of all U.S. households together own less than 1% of the nation’s wealth with poverty rates moving upward. Historical footnotes: The day that didn’t make the history books:
We remember the crashes:
• “Black Thursday” on October 24, 1929 – the first of several days that produced
the Wall Street Crash.
• The “Black Monday” of October 19, 1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average
(DJIA) plunged 22.6%
• September 15, 2008, when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy and so triggered
what came to be known as the “Great Recession.”
• March 23, 2020, under Trump saved America and could have been such a day,
but it wasn’t. Before long, we may all come to understand that this was the day
when the Fed saved the global financial system.
Where is the darkest spot-on Earth?
Your question may need to get more specific on what you mean by “on Earth” and “dark”. That said, I can provide a few answers to the best of my knowledge as a science enthusiast. The obvious is that any space on Earth blocked off from direct and ambient light is the darkest spot, ie. caves. You could build a box in your home or seal off a room and shut out all the light, and it would be just as dark as any other darkest place on Earth for practical purposes.
If you mean among the darkest places on the terrestrial surface that is still exposed to ambient light, then you’re probably looking at a natural depression somewhere in the north or south pole in winter, where sunlight is absent due to the Earth’s tilt. This makes such depressions able to remain quite cold, and appear to be able to preserve ice in polar craters on planets like Mercury, right next to the sun! (Virtually no atmosphere there prevents atmospheric conductive melting of said ice).
Viewed from space, the darkest regions on Earth are likely the oceans.
They absorb much of the sunlight and are reflected back as very dark blue. Deep below the surface, no sunlight penetrates and a place like the Challenger Deep at 10,902 to 10,929 m (35,768 to 35,856 ft) below the surface is likely among the top darkest spots on Earth.
Finally, if “dark” pertains to more than just the visible light spectrum, you’re probably looking at an Antarctic polar ice cave in winter. Remember that light is much broader than what we see with our eyes and is just a function of specific wavelengths of electromagnetic energy.
Why not a deep cave in Earth’s crust?
Well, the deeper you go, the hotter it gets as you approach the mantle and the Earth’s core. That’s more light energy in the form of heat, albeit invisible to us until it’s hot enough to glow.
Why not the Challenger Deep?
It’s actually above freezing down there; around 35 degrees F.
Said ice cave, or just a spot in the ice sheet for that matter, where no sunlight penetrates, but also is cold enough (down to -60C) to maintain very little ambient infrared or heat energy, and is shielded enough by frozen water and rock to prevent most radiation except for cosmic rays and neutrinos — That place is possibly the “darkest spot” on Earth.
According to popular belief, darkness is especially deep before dawn.
What’s the origin of the phrase ‘The darkest hour is just before dawn’?
This is one of those improving proverbs that are the stock in trade of the contemporary glut of self-help manuals and talking therapies. The darkest hour has long been used figuratively to mean ‘the lowest ebb’ and there are many such examples of it in print
dating from the late 1700s.
The English theologian and historian Thomas Fuller.
Appears to be the first person to commit the notion that ‘the darkest hour is just before
the dawn’ to print. His religious travelogue A Pisgah-Sight of Palestine and The Confines Thereof, 1650, contains this view:
It is always darkest just before the Day Dawneth.
The meaning and origin of the expression: The darkest hour is just before the dawn
The source of the proverb isn’t known. It may be Fuller himself, or he may have been recording a piece of folk wisdom.
In 1858, much later than Fuller of course, Samuel Lover attributed the notion to the Irish, in Songs and Ballads:
There is a beautiful saying amongst the Irish peasantry to inspire hope under adverse circumstances:- “Remember,” they say, “that the darkest hour of all. is the hour before day.” Another such similar proverb is – Every cloud has a silver lining!
Things always seem at their worst just before they begin to improve.
This proverb is often used to give hope to someone who is experiencing
a time of trouble or difficulty:
What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘The darkest hour is just before the dawn’?
There is hope, even in the worst of circumstances.
Proverb Similar to The darkest hour is just before the dawn in meaning is-
After a storm comes a calm.
See also: the List of Proverbs.
In reality, it depends mainly on the Moon and the lights of the city.
According to a popular Israeli song, written and composed by Shalom Chanoch,
“It’s always darkest just before dawn.”
But is this accurate? The answer is unequivocally no. The brightness of the night sky
varies depending on the Moon’s appearance, as well as on artificial lighting on the ground. Without moonlight or light from artificial sources, the light produced from stars does not change at all during the night.
The zodiacal light is a weak light resulting from particles of interplanetary dust that is visible on very dark nights. It can be seen mainly in the western sky after sunset and in the eastern sky before sunrise, making the sky look a little brighter than the midnight sky.
The difference is barely noticeable when viewed from an urban setting, where light pollution from streetlights, house lights, billboards, etc., affects the sky’s brightness.
Rather, it is the Moon that particularly affects the brightness of the night sky.
During the two weeks following a new moon, it can be seen after sunset – but not before sunrise. At such time, it is darker before dawn simply because the moon cannot be seen. After the middle of the lunar month, the moon will also be seen in the sky before sunrise, so that the hours just after sunset will be the darkest.
Therefore, believing it is darkest before dawn isn’t really based on anything. What can be said with certainty is that it is coldest before sunrise. This is because the Earth’s surface – heats up during the day and then gradually cools during the night. Just before sunrise the ground has cooled for the longest period possible, so the temperature will then feel coldest compared to the beginning or middle of the night.
Why does the morning low temperature sometimes occur after sunrise?
By The Weather Guys (wisc.edu)
Those who keep a particularly vigilant eye on the weather might have noticed that
on certain mornings, in all seasons, the lowest temperature is often recorded just after sunrise. One of us had a morning paper route as a boy and was puzzled for years about
this seemingly counterintuitive phenomena.
How could the temperature continue to fall for the few minutes after sunrise on a cold winter morning?
The answer lies in the fact that the Earth and the sun radiate different kinds of energy
and one needs to consider the budget of this energy to make sense of this recurring observation. On a clear, calm winter night the Earth’s surface radiates infra-red energy upward towards space.
With the sun already down, there is no shortwave solar radiation (and only a very little infra-red energy from the overlying atmosphere) directed downward toward the surface. Consequently, with each passing second, the surface emits more energy than it receives, and the surface temperature drops.
This continues all through the night with the accumulated loss of infra-red energy from the surface accounting for the continued decrease in the surface temperature. When the sun finally rises above the horizon and spreads the first faint rays of solar energy across the surface, there is finally some incoming radiation.
However, for several minutes the meager amount of incoming radiation is not sufficiently large to counter the amount of infra-red energy still being emitted from the surface.
As a result, the surface temperature continues to drop even in the face of the newly risen sun. There is a saying “the dawn dip” and it’s based on reasonable principles in physics.
Because the argument goes, as you speculate — where does the energy on the Earth come from and the temperature it comes from the Sun’s radiation warming the Earth.
When has the earth not had any heat coming in for the longest?
By definition that must be just before dawn because that’s when it’s been dark for the longest, therefore, it’s going to be coolest then. But there is the observation that, certainly under certain circumstances, it can get colder just ahead of the Sun coming up and as the Sun rises.
It’s darkest as long as the sun is more than 18º below the horizon. What time that happens depends on your latitude and the date. The period of darkness is distributed equally either side of midnight, so it’s not darkest before dawn really. It’s much lighter when the moon’s above the horizon; the time that happens varies during the month.
And what time’s midnight?
Time zones are complicated, so forget them; ignore the local time.
To find the very middle of the night, set your clock to GMT, note your longitude,
then turn the clock back 4 minutes for every degree West of the prime meridian,
or forward 4 minutes for every degree East. Your clock will be likely to be way out
of sync with your local time, but it’ll be midnight when it reads 12:00.
For an excellent website that will tell you all you want:
Twilight, Dawn, and Dusk
The darkest hour of night is the middle of the night.
Anyone who has ever stayed up all night can confirm that,
Dawn becomes imminent long before it actually happens!
On certain mornings, in all seasons, the lowest temperature is often
recorded just after sunrise. (Photo credit: State Journal Archives)
Now why should this be?
Well the argument put forward is that although you are still in darkness, there’s
a patch of the Earth’s surface quite close to you that’s now being illuminated and irradiated.
So, temperatures there are going to start changing reasonably fast and because the Sun’s heat is warming the Earth’s surface this is, in turn, warming the air above the Earth’s surface this is, in turn, creating a pressure difference around the Earth’s surface, that pressure difference is going to drive winds.
And this is going to draw colder air in to replace the warm rising air which is going to include pulling air in from where you are, so somewhere colder could pull it air in over you and make you even colder than you were to start with.
So the argument goes that it does get a little bit colder, paradoxically, just as the Sun rises because you get these air movements which include movements of cooler air, which will chill you out a little bit. Reason: This happens when energy from Earth’s surface and the air above it radiates into the upper atmosphere, causing cooling at and in the air near the surface. The longer the night is, the more intense this effect is, so that’s one reason the temperature will drop right before sunrise (as the night goes on).
Why does it always get coldest and darkest right before dawn.
It’s always darkest before the dawn: Unsent Music (reddit.com)
Meteorology: Why is it coldest just before dawn? – Quora
The true meaning of “It’s always Darkest before the Dawn”
By Barbara “B.B.” Berg
See all Articles by BB Berg See BB Berg’s Expert Page
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The true meaning of “It’s always Darkest before the Dawn”
This famous quote is truly rooted in energy healing. (Quantum physics)
It is a Universal concept of cleansing of the “Self” and ascending to a higher
level of consciousness.
Energy Healing ~ IT’S ALWAYS DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN | Bbberg’s Blog (wordpress.com)
In his lecture on Nichiren Daishonin’s teaching
(*A Buddhist monk who lived in thirteenth-century Japan) in the May-June issue of Living Buddhism: President Ikeda states, that the devilish function in life, known as The King Devil, works to disrupt our practice and erode our faith.
This Devil “can work in extremely subtle and insidious ways and freely manipulate others”.
From the Gosho: (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin) The Three Obstacles and Four Devils.
There is definitely something extraordinary in the ebb and flow of the tide,
the rising and setting of the moon, and the way in which summer, autumn, winter, and spring give way to each other. Something uncommon also occurs when an ordinary person attains Buddhahood. At such a time, the three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat.
From the book “Living with Joy” by: Sanaya Roman: pg. 183
Manifesting is a matter of trusting and believing in yourself and holding that vision in front of you. There are many reasons to stop believing and trusting in the universe and yourself, but there are also many reasons to continue. You are often tested by the universe to see how much you believe in your vision.”
From page 191 of this same book by: Sanaya Roman
“Life change and transition are often preceded by confusion, by a sense of loss or pain, or by a sense that things are falling apart. And from page 192 (which in my opinion refers to what the Gosho states about the wise rejoicing). It gives you opportunities to be even more committed to your vision, even clearer on your intent.
“Honor every setback, every single challenge or difficulty, for it strengthens your purpose.
If life were too simple, most of you would be complaining of boredom.
Honor your challenges, for those spaces that you label as dark are actually there to bring you more light, to strengthen you, to firm your resolve, and to bring out the best in you.” Also, from the book “The Game of Life” by: Florence Scovel Shinn. Pg.18-19
“Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person.
The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious.
They are the “army of aliens” which must be put to flight.
This explains why it is so often “darkest before the dawn.”
A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.
Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and “error is exposed” to be put out.
This is the time one must make his affirmations of truth repeatedly and rejoice and give thanks that he has already received.
Also, on page 19 of the same book by: Florence Scovel Shinn,
“Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding a vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.”
And from page 50
“One of my students asked me to explain the “Darkness before the Dawn.”
I referred in a preceding chapter to the fact that often, before a big demonstration “everything seems to go wrong”, and deep depression clouds the consciousness.
It means that out of the subconscious are rising the doubts and fears of the ages.
These old derelicts of the subconscious rise to the surface, to be put out.
She further states something once again very akin to the above Gosho
(The wise rejoice etc.)
It is then, that man should clap his cymbals, like Jehoshaphat, and give thanks that he is saved, even though he seems surrounded by the enemy (the situation of lack or disease).
My own (the author B.B. Berg) experience is this.
When we are releasing negative energies, negative thought patterns from the subconscious; it comes up through our ROOT CHAKRAS, upwards through
our bodies and out through the CROWN CHAKRA!
That’s why when it is on its way out “All my stuff is now in my face!” so to speak.
This is the precise moment to let it go.
We can relax and let it flow out of us like the flu, but the unfortunate norm is: Wanting to avoid this discomfort, we do the nonproductive thing which is to pull it back into our lives.
Perhaps this is the reason why many times we have this wonderful opportunity to lighten our lives and we DON’T.
We are just on the verge of changing our entire vibration and we don’t because of the discomfort. We pull back into our lives this negativity because it’s familiar, it’s our “normal” comfort zone regardless of how unhealthy it truly is to our lives.
Any addict can tell you about going through withdrawal.
It’s extremely uncomfortable, it’s a deep, deep Detox.
Why should it be any different releasing toxic thoughts, toxic beliefs?
This is why it is so helpful to study. This is why I read and write,
to use this wisdom to hang on during this process.
As Florence Scovel Shinn said way back in 1925:
“This is the time one must make his affirmations of truth repeatedly
and rejoice and give thanks that he has already received.”
Here are some powerful Affirmations that have helped me. (the Author B.B. Berg)
Thank you for these obstacles for they are truly the answer to my prayer!
I am now vibrating as high as my dreams!
I am stronger than this!
The quickest way to transform these feelings or attitudes is to keep chanting/praying/affirming until you realize the cause of these uncomfortable feelings, root them out and release them.
Of course, this will be exactly when you will find it the most difficult time to affirm. You are on the edge of transforming an issue or belief system in your life that has kept you from your Joy and Bliss.
It may well feel like pulling teeth. At such times as the Gosho states: obstacles and devils arise.
Your mind will trick you into believing it’s better to just lie down and watch T.V. RATHER THAN FACE THIS DISCOMFORT AND TRANSFORM IT. This is not the truth, this is your wondrous opportunity to BREAK THROUGH THE MIRE AND REVEAL YOUR DIVINE SELF.
Source: The true meaning of “It’s always Darkest before the Dawn” (selfgrowth.com)
B.B. BERG’s Page – Powerful Intentions: Law of Attraction
Author’s Bio:
I am a professional singer, songwriter, poet and light worker/teacher and dancer.
I’ve been an S.G.I. Buddhist for more than 32 years. This philosophy is based on sound and light healing.
My life’s trials/lessons have enabled me to seek out energy healing and spirituality to change my destiny and therefore help many others with my experience, strength and hope. B.B. Berg – Bing images
Among these Victories are:
Overcoming alcohol addiction
Overcoming Codependency
Completely curing myself of Paranoid Schizophrenia
Eradicating Low Self-Esteem and building an indestructible sense of self and self confidence
Losing Weight (over 60 lbs) and overall optimum fitness
Healing a broken back
Banishing forever “Battered Woman Syndrome” from my life Trauma Releasing
And many more, which I now use to help and encourage people to do the same.
My mantra is “Nam myo ho renge kyo.”
I have traveled to Japan to study this Buddhism and practiced with members from all over the world.
I know through my studies the effect sound, music and mindset have on our systems and how wonderfully healing it is and that we are all healers.
I am also a visual artist and make healing videos set to my music. Affirmations, dream boards, healing, poetry and changing behavioral pattern videos are available on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/bbberg1
My newest healing modality is:
Wing Therapy™
To read more about this please go to:
Author: Gloria Steinem wrote about B.B. Berg
“B.B. Berg is a singer who could only happen now-tough and vulnerable, serious and funny, sensuous and strong.
She leaves her audience happier and better people than they were when they came in.”
“B.B. Berg is a singer who could only happen now | B.B. Berg’s Blog (wordpress.com)
A New Map of Life: After the Pandemic – Stanford Center on Longevity
Summertime By B.B. Berg by B.B. Berg (soundcloud.com)
Main – Powerful Intentions. A Law of Attraction Community
B.B. Berg – YouTube
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