Numerological day analysis of 22-2-2022 Master number, Genius or Madness/ Duality; Intuition or Doubt?

GLOBAL AWARENESS 101 – Let your VOICE be heard and get involved. OUR future depends on it! Today Is 2.22.2022.
Inspired by Insight, this inner rising Sun of awareness, you want to achieve Mastery today. The Mastery lies in discovering what remains of you when you let go of all physical, emotional and mental attachments. Insight – Mastery – Duality
On February 22nd, 2022, we are blessed with the numerology code of 2222022 –
a day where the number 2 is significantly amplified. Number 2 is usually associated
with harmony, balance, consideration, and love. When amplified, it serves as a powerful manifestation tool to align both our inner and outer worlds.
22:2:2022 DIVINE PORTAL | Insight Timer
World ‘always in danger’ with weak American presidents.
George Washington (February 22, 1732[b] – December 14, 1799) was an American soldier, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797.
Appointed by the Continental Congress as commander of the Continental Army, Washington led the Patriot forces to victory in the American Revolutionary War,
and presided at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which also established the Constitution of the United States and a federal government.
Washington has been called the “Father of the Nation” for his
manifold leadership in the formative days of the country.
Also it was 222 years from Washington’s death to 2/22/2022
Inspired by your Mysticism, first you want to create Perfection as an expression of your Will to Change, at the same time you want to physically realize the Mystic in you and last but not least – you will want to become the Co-Creator of your Own Life through Self-Awareness. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when.
Simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening Mystic –
Perfection -Mystic- Self-Awareness
Twosday 22/2/2022: The date was a palindrome and an ambigram
There are only a few dates on the calendar that are numerically very rare. The occurrence of such dates usually comes after a long wait. 22/02/2022 was not just rare, it’s doubly rare the date is both a palindrome and an ambigram.
This means one can read it the same way forward, backward, and upside down.
If written in the British format 22//02/2022, the date becomes a palindrome and an ambigram, a pattern that is special and very rare.
It’s not uncommon for dates to be a palindrome. For example, 20th February 2022
can also become one if written in the American format – 2/20/2022.
The oddity of the day is being celebrated in many ways. While brands and companies are offering deals on food and products, many have said on social media that it is a good day to propose marriage or start something new in life.
In numerology, the number 2 represents duality, working together with others, and creating harmony between the relationship with our inner world and outer world.
Aziz S. Inan, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Portland, said that palindrome days tend to occur only in the first few centuries of each millennium in the mm-dd-yyy British format. “In the mm-dd-yyyy format, the first of 36 Palindrome Days
in the current millennium (January 1, 2001, to December 31, 3000) was October 2, 2001
(10-02-2001) and the last such day will be September 22, 2290 (09-22-2290),” he noted.
He said that today’s date is a “ubiquitous palindrome date” because it’s short-hand version is a palindrome, irrespective of the date system. In the short-hand British format, the date appears to be 22-2-22. And in the shorthand US format, the date appears to be 2-22-22.
He said ubiquitous palindrome dates like Feb 2, 2022 (2-2-22) occur every 11 years.
The next one will be March 3, 2033 (3-3-33) and subsequently, April 4, 2044 (4-4-44).
“Secondly, Feb 22, 2022, is also a full eight-digit palindrome date (22-02-2022) and there will be a seven-digit palindrome date again after 200 years on Feb 22, 2222 (22-2-2222),” he was quoted as saying by The Strait Times.
Attack on Ukraine is ‘shaking Russian society’ 2/22/2022
Inspired by Spiritual Insight, you want to bring Goodness, Humility and Beauty into
the world, with the Feminine principle of Eros, Yin, Art, Growth and Decay as essence.
Spiritual Insight – Goodness – Feminine principle
22-2–2022 Goodness, Benevolence, Humility & Beauty/ Feminine principle
Numbers hold the key to the creation of the Universe. When we find ourselves drawn to certain numbers or constantly seeing the same number patterns, it can be used as a way
to connect with the Universe and to dive deeper into understanding its mysteries and
our role in it all.
In numerology, the number 2 represents duality, working together with others, and creating harmony between the relationship with our inner world and outer world.
We are co-creators, which means that it is not only our personal vibration that creates the world that we live in, but the collective vibration too. We are all in this together, and each one of us is like a paintbrush that adds to the reality that we all live in. We, of course, can’t control what others draw, we can only take responsibility for our contribution and the energy that we are putting out into the world.
The number 2 reminds us that we are all part of the Universe, and each one of us has an important role to play. It is a reminder that what we do, think, feel, can be a ripple that radiates out into the collective.
As co-creators, we are also working in harmony with Spirit, with the Universe, and with our Higher Self. Sometimes, events come our way not because we attracted them, but because they are part of the collective energies that our soul has chosen to move through in order to bring healing or to bring our attention to something. Events can also come our way because they are part of our soul contract, or part of a vision that extends beyond this lifetime.
Sometimes, it is hard to find the reason why things happen in our lives.
Not everything is our fault or can be rationalized using our human mind.
Sometimes, the only way to find meaning is to step beyond this reality into our higher mind. This takes practice and patience, but if we see the number 2 frequently, it could
be a sign that it’s time to expand into this way of thinking.
Seeing the Number 2 or Number Patterns 22, 222, 2222
Inspired by healing and salvation, you want to Persevere in whatever you are doing, in order to reach a higher level of Self-Awareness.
Healing and Salvation – Perseverance – Self-Awareness
When we see the number 2 in a repeated number pattern like 222 or even 2222, this can strengthen the message that the Universe is asking us to think about how our inner world and outer world are connected, and our role as a co-creator. It can also be a sign that it’s time to create a deeper connection in our relationships and in our connection to the Universe around us.
When you see 2, 22, 222 or even 2222 frequently, here are some questions
you can ask yourself – What three words describe how I am feeling right now?
These words can give you clues as to your current energetic vibration and what
is going on in your inner world.
Don’t judge, just observe and connect with your inner world.
How can I create a more harmonious relationship with my outer world?
How can I bring peace and acceptance to what is going on in my life right now?
How can I align my inner world with what I wish to see or attract in my outer world? Think about what feeling states you wish to attract and then embody those feelings.
How can I expand my awareness out of self and into other?
How can I feel the “we consciousness” that surrounds me?
What do I desire in my life? How can I live like my desires are already here?
What can I do to create a greater sense of belonging and connection with others?
How can I create more harmony, trust, and friendship in my relationships?
Numerology of February 22, 2022
Inspired by Inner Happiness you want to create Balance and Cross-Fertilization in
your Life, resulting in feeling the great Life Force and Power in you and around you.
Inner Happiness – Balance – Drive
February 22 gives us the numerology code of 222, making it a day that strengthens the energy of the number 2.
222 is a power number code that can be used for manifestation work and to align both our inner and outer worlds.
If we work together using the power of this date, we can not only create waves in our personal reality but in our collective reality too.
Think of February 22, as a day where we have some of the strongest influence around what our paintbrush is drawing on our collective reality. In 2022, February 22 gives us the number code of 2222022.
The energy of number 2 is strong! But we also cannot ignore the zero. Zero represents infinite potential and is a creative force that allows all things to become possible. On this day, we can tap into the numerology of the day to manifest, to align, to deepen our relationships, and to remember that all things are possible!
2022 is also the number 6 year in numerology, so combined the energy of February 22, 2022, also holds the vibration of 3. (2+2+2+2+0+2+2= 12, 1+2=3).
The number 3 is about connecting with mind, body, and spirit in order to feel a sense
of wholeness. This combines with the powerful 2 energy to create a day where we can manifest, connect with spirit, and bring healing to our entire being.
A New Scientific American article explains a new interpretation of quantum mechanics:
“Subjective experience is the foundation of reality”. : law of attraction (reddit.com)
In other words, what we believe about the world creates the world around us.
Sound familiar? Does Quantum Mechanics Reveal That Life Is But a Dream?
Inspired by your ability to go through the darkness to see the light of a new day,
you want to be charitable today – loving the other like you love yourself.
Light and Dark – Charity – Order
I’m new to this whole ‘law of attraction’ bonanza – barely even scratched the surface. I’m already completely mind blown. I’m normally quite cynical about lots of things, and tend to believe in logic and reasoning… hell, I’m a research scientist for a living. I also suffer quite a lot with anxiety and an inability to switch my brain off.
Anyway, I’ve spent a week trying this ‘law of attraction’, positive thoughts, putting a positive spin on any and every life situation, and even the whole manifesting thing…
and holy cow, I’m mind blown!
I’m experiencing one of the most stressful periods of my life right now, and for the past week I’ve had absolutely no fear or anxiety over anything, just peace, calm, and enjoyment. I’ve felt completely untouchable for a week.
When you ask the universe for something you have to learn to be happy in your current situation as If it has arrived. The reason is once you ask for it the universe has already sent it to you on a vibrational level but it hasn’t manifested in the physical yet so if you continue to be sad the universe will take it away. You have to be happy until it arrives. Now this doesn’t just mean be happy all the time and things will work out. Here’s an example of what I did.
I had a really important appointment I had to make and in the middle of the night my power went out, so my alarm didn’t go off and I missed it. I was PISSED. I thought about what she said, and I decided to put some uplifting tunes on and tell myself “Thank you universe for getting me a last-minute appointment” and once I felt better. I got a call twenty minutes later saying they could fit me in (which has never happened, they’re booked three months in advance) .
Here are some ways to embody all of this energy –
Set an intention for what you wish to manifest into your life
Set an intention for what you wish to manifest for the planet
Take responsibility for the energy you are putting out into the world
Find your own truth in this idea that we are all connected and creating reality together
Bring balance to your mind, body, and soul
Focus on your relationships and lead with compassion
Release any insecurities that are preventing you from creating deeper connections with others
Think about how you can deepen your connection to the world around you
Feel at one with nature and all of life
Know you are never alone and connected to all
Deepen your relationship with Spirit/ your guides/ the Universe
Connect with like-minded souls to foster a sense of community!
Prayer for Peace:

Please let’s send a quick prayer out to the universe together. Daily.
If you ever use affirmations for yourself and loved ones, please include a couple of affirmations and visualizations for peace and resolution of the Ukraine-Russia situation.
Make it a 222 Blessing, at least.
Psilocybin – magic mushrooms as a cure for depression.
Can we move on from Prozac et al….? page 1 (abovetopsecret.com)
2022 Predictions – NOSTRADAMUS AND THE NEW PROPHECY ALMANACS 2 (weebly.com)
5 Things You Need to Know About the Powerful 2222 Portal on February 2, 2020 – Spirituality
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