To Help Them Last Longer, according to an Egg Farmer.
By Nathalie Alonso – Bing video
Putting away the groceries can be a real chore, and you might be reluctant to add yet another step to an already tedious process. But the next time you bring a dozen eggs
home from the supermarket, it might be worth taking a few seconds to turn each of the egg’s upside down inside the carton—that is, with the pointy end down—before storing them in the refrigerator. It’s especially helpful to take this extra step if you expect that
you won’t be using the eggs for a while.
If your jaw is on the floor, we can relate. But storing eggs upside down helps them last longer by preventing the air inside an egg’s shell from coming into contact with the yolks, explains egg farmer Lisa Steele, a fifth-generation chicken keeper from Maine and the author of the blog and the Fresh Eggs Daily Cookbook.
This is important, because that air pocket may harbor potentially harmful forms of bacteria (such as salmonella) that can cause an egg to spoil faster. By turning the egg upside down, you’re introducing more separation between the yolk and the air pocket.
“If there are bacteria inside the air pocket, that can obviously make an egg go bad—plus, the air is going to dry it all up,” says Steel.
Understanding the anatomy of an egg helps explain why this trick works.
Knowing what’s inside an egg’s shell and how the components are arranged inside it makes it easy to see why it is best to store eggs upside down. You already know that inside every egg there is a yolk surrounded by egg whites. The egg whites also keep bacteria away from the nutrient-rich yolk. “The whites of an egg are alkaline versus acidic, so bacteria is not as readily able to form or grow inside the egg whites,” says Steele. “But if they get to the yolk where all the nutrients are, bacteria can certainly thrive and grow.”
What you may not realize, however, is that at the blunt end of the egg, there is an air sac. This air sac grows bigger and bigger as the egg gets older; Steele explains. This is because even though an eggshell may appear pretty solid, it actually has hundreds of thousands of tiny pores that allow air to seep inside. (This is how an unborn chick would be able to breathe inside the egg. It’s also the reason why a fresh egg will sink to the bottom of a glass of water, while an older egg will float.)
Air, of course, is lighter than the other contents of an egg.
Therefore, if you store an egg with the blunt side down, the air sac will be at the bottom, where it will push up against the egg whites and the yolk as it tries to rise to the top.
As an egg gets older, the strands of proteins that tether the yolk to the egg whites begin to break down, making it easier for air to push the yolk around.
If you keep eggs pointy-end down, however, you limit the effects of gravity, because the
air sac is already on top. “You always want the blunt end air sac to be at the top so the air stays where it belongs, and the yolk is safely down below encased in the egg white,” says Steele.
Benefits of proper egg storage.
Because storing eggs upside down helps keep bacteria away from the yolk, the logic
is that if you keep eggs upside down, you are less likely to get sick from eating them.
This is especially important if you like your eggs runny rather than cooked all the way through, or if you are whipping up a batch of homemade mayonnaise or egg nog, both of which call for raw eggs.
(Keep in mind that thoroughly cooking eggs is recommended by the FDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, because heat will kill most bacteria that are present.)
“You’re reducing your chance of getting salmonella probably or other foodborne illnesses, because that bacteria has not had as much chance to get to the yolk,” Steele says.
While Steele says the way you store eggs won’t necessarily affect their taste or nutritional value—eggs are not only a great source of protein, but also vitamins A, B12, D, and E—there is also an aesthetic reason for keeping eggs pointy side down.
By limiting air movement inside the egg, you are also making sure that the yolk stays centered rather than being displaced by air.
The position of the yolk won’t matter if you plan to scramble the eggs or bake with them, but if you’re looking to nail a perfect-looking boiled egg (who hasn’t been there?), it can make all the difference. “If you are hard-boiling eggs or making deviled eggs, they’re not gonna be all wonky,” says Steele. Talk about food for thought.
Here’s what a registered dietitian has to say about eggs, aka nature’s multivitamin: there was a physician on the Doctors Tv show who said there was a study that 2 1/2 eggs per week increased risk of diabetes? I think the findings were related to having too much choline. I eat one a day and now I’m not waiting for a boulder to drop
out of the sky. Life is GOOD (and so are EGGS)!
Eggs have a lot of cholesterol, it’s not so much cholesterol but saturated fat is the first cause of heart disease in occidental countries. When you eat eggs you create atheroma plaque in your arteries and increase significantly your risk of premature death.
I continued to eat eggs all day for vitamins, it’s not like I couldn’t digest it.
It is not just eggs; it is the animal products consumption in general that is problematic.
But the egg is one of the worst, all people who die of heart disease die because of the Western diet. As I explained earlier, the problem is the atheromatous plaque created by cholesterol. In a country like India, we do not see in the vegan population any problems with arteries with people of the same age range and physical form.
So yes, I see a lot of people dying from eating eggs, in fact most of the death is about heart disease. You can’t just blame it on eggs.
If you’re a healthy person and you exercise daily, which not many Americans don’t, you’ll be fine. Of course, you can reduce the damage created by cholesterol with sports or heart bypass, but it’s just healthier and less risky to have a good diet.
Less chance of cancer, heart attack or Alzheimer.
The fact is that your grandma can probably be much healthier than now.
I’m not interested in rare exceptions; I’m interested in large scale study.
The video has no link to studies, it’s total bullshit for cholesterol and for nutrition,
it’s misleading. If you want some good video on eggs.
Eggs: Healthful or Harmful?
Are eggs healthy? A dietitian explains | You Versus Food
By Tracy Lockwood Beckerman
Miguel Angel Ruiz, we have for 50 years every morning 3fried eggs and dr. checkups 3 times a year never been healthier. Yes, blood pressure is fine, so since I can still run 5 miles every morning after breakfast, fried eggs are definitely the way to a longer healthier life. If I’m eating a McDonald burger and running 5miles all morning, is a McDonald burger healthy? The fact is that you cannot properly absorb all the nutrients from the eggs.
The fact is that 4 eggs exceed 4 times the recommended intake of cholesterol per day. The fact is that eggs have way too much saturated fat. If you want to convince me that eggs and meat are healthy, give me a good study that justifies the astronomical rise of heart disease without animal products or your ”good” result of LDL concentration. The video has no link to studies, it’s total bullshit for cholesterol and for nutrition, it’s misleading. If you want some good video on eggs. 50 years of fried eggs and running every day is not enough evidence for you, or the fact that the world’s best athletes and runners love meat and eggs.
That’s not evidence at all, you can be relatively healthy with a bad diet if you do a lot of sports.
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You have such a good scientist method to determine what is a good diet..
The Argument in the comment section from this video.
Bro ..really? Atheroma plaque? Eggs are healthy when taken in moderate amount 2whole eggs per day don’t do anything…. if you go full on war mode by taking dozen eggs per day. Then what you are saying might be true….and cholesterol is not all bad. Cholesterol increases fluidity of the membrane….and eggs have good fats (HDL) which are actually good for heart and rich in vitamins. And the thing u are saying atheroma or atherosclerosis happens if you are a sedentary person with no physical activity at all….do u know net protein ratio is 1 free egg white (highest among all proteins) ….so which makes it rich source of protein with less money compared to red meat or chicken…
I’m a doctor and i recommend eggs in a meal…
@Gopi Chand Yes, really, atherosclerotic plaque… blood pressure, the second leading cause of illness after dieting, 2 eggs a day is REALLY NOT moderate. LDL cholesterol is very bad and, as I say, the number one killer in western countries. HDL is easily found in many products that do not harm your kidney. You undoubtedly have arterial plaque with two eggs a day this is retarded. I don’t care about protein, it’s all over the place and you don’t need to take 3 times your daily dose.
I don’t know where you see great protein deficiency in the population. The largest country in the world with a heart attack eats less than an egg a day. It’s all about the right and wrong balance, you have nutrients like protein vitamins b2 b12 vitamin D (which you can easily get from another product) but you damage your kidneys, you have atrophied arteries, too much fat, salmonella and this can lead to prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and diabetes. I don’t call it a good and healthy product…
1) What is the protein requirement for adults? @poiro _T
2) What is the normal caloric requirement for a sedentary worker per day?
3) How much can u get from 2 eggs? ..LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol …
What’s the normal limit and how much are u getting from an egg? atrophied arteries?
(Atrophy is a term used for muscles, when they lose muscle cells)..salmonella infection through eggs?
Ya it might be if you are eating half cooked or raw eggs which are contaminated (0.00005% chances.)
Which country are you referring to the largest country… India?
If so, u must be knowing about 90% prevalence of anemia in females, and u must be knowing about health programmes to promote nutrition which includes eggs btw) …
i like to know what’s your input about these. please don’t tell me by eating eggs u damage kidneys..lol…. don’t take me wrong but u put link to some YouTube channel as a proof to say eggs are bad that itself is a very bad proof. It’s like saying earth is flat bcoz there are some YouTube channels and researchs suggesting it….and stop spreading misinformation. ur saying protein is everywhere.
By means u r saying nuts, soya, paneer, mushroom (vegetarian sources) which are also good …the reason for high prevalence of cardiovascular disease in western countries is not bcoz of eggs. its bcoz of consumption of high red meat and high calorie food (burgers, pizzas, coke) and a low physical activity. High cholesterol isn’t a result of consuming a lot of dietary cholesterol, it’s a result of hypothyroidism which comes from eating too little food which suppresses your metabolism. In fact, cholesterol is actually good for you because it’s essential for your body (I will eat poached egg and skip fried eggs.)
@Olivia Clark Okay so you have the solution to the first cause of death, it just needs some iodine pill and it’s over and obese eat well enough, so they have no thyroid problem and vegans have the same chance of dying of a heart attack, okay…
For real, look at yourself for some study on this field that isn’t financed by any meat industry I hope you know other cultures consume eggs, not just westerners. Also, you can get eggs that come from chickens that have lived in a stress-free environment, as well as eat a healthy diet, you are not that funny, but you are smart and talk very clearly.

To get notified about new video uploads, subscribe to Well + Good’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Well and good
Are eggs egg-cellent, or eggstraordinarily bad for you?
Tracy Lockwood Beckerman peeled back the truth about eggs in this episode of You Versus Food, answering the age-old question of are eggs healthy, sharing her favorite ways to cook eggs (if you haven’t heard of a WGBESA yet, you’re going to want one after you find out) and generally singing the praises of “nature’s multivitamin.”
Learn all about the nutritional magic of eggs with us — it’s no yolk! #areeggshealthy #youversusfood #iamwellandgood Subscribe to Well + Good’s channel for more tasty nutrition videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/Wellandgood
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Diane Sawyer Children of the Mountain
by Betty Dotson-Lewis
February 21, 2009
“A Hidden America: Children of the Mountains,” a special edition of “20/20”.
The show’s focus was on Central Appalachia, things you never expected to see happen here, in America.” Specifically, the part of the region that lies in correspondent Diane Sawyer’s native Kentucky. A network team spent 2-years looking at the region’s poverty and related problems and reported them largely through the lives of four children.
(ABC photo by Heidi Gurman)
Thursday’s excerpt on “Good Morning America” focused on dental problems, with emphasis on what some dentists call a regional addiction to Mountain Dew, the heavily sugared and caffeinated drink made by PepsiCo. “The biggest offender may be acid,” Sawyer reported, noting dental research that showed Mountain Dew caused “two to five times the damage of regular colas.”
Sawyer read a statement from the company calling the report “irresponsible news” and saying people should exercise more responsibility for their oral health. Friday morning, she reported “an eruption of reaction” to the report, on both sides, re-aired parts of it, and interviewed Dr. Edwin Smith of Barbourville, Ky., a dentist who spends heavily from his own pocket to provide free dental care to poor children.
“The thing that is unique about Mountain Dew drinkers is they keep a bottle handy”
and drink frequently from it, Smith said. “You’re soaking your teeth in sugar all day.” As for Pepsi’s view, he said, “I think it’s blaming the victim, People could do a better job, of course.” Asked what he would like to see Pepsi do, he said, “I’d like for them to help us educate people. … They could help fund our program to help educate kids and restore some of these problems we see.” Sawyer replied, “We’ll go back to Pepsi.”
While some in the region fear the 20/20 report will be overly negative and buttress stereotypes, the excerpts we have seen so far on the air and the ABC Website all have a dose of hope and a degree of respect for the people profiled. Promoting the full report, Sawyer said Friday morning, “You’re going to meet some extraordinary people who will rededicate your hope.”
In an interview with the main ABC affiliate that serves the region, Lexington’s WTVQ, she said she wanted to take the story beyond stereotypes and show the subjects’ “fighting spirit.” Sawyer was born in Glasgow, Ky., which is not in Appalachia but is amid some counties that Congress has designated as Appalachian. Her grandparents were from a few counties east, where the hill country of the Highland Rim or Eastern Pennyroyal region meets the Appalachian coalfield.
She told Katya Cengel of The Courier-Journal in Louisville, where she grew up,
that “she felt at home with the accents” she found a few counties still farther east, in Southeastern Kentucky. “Those are the accents I love,” she said.
“Those are my grandparents and great-grandparents. … I love this region so much,
I love these accents, I love the music; I love the mountains. I feel that this is my DNA.”
Children of the Plains on Vimeo 40:47minutes
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