SPIRITS OF THIS WORLD: THE SPIRIT OF WATER (der geist der welt.blogspot.com)
Germans turned off by tap water.
Thanks, Giorgia Boschetto
Germans love their bottled water. Tap water largely plays second fiddle, and public drinking fountains are a rarity. But some Germans are trying to wean their countrymen and women off the bottle – and onto the tap. Germans turned off by tap water | Germany | News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 20.08.2013
Water fountains or any water sources are not that popular in Europe for many reasons:
Local governments do not want to take responsibility for possible group poisoning.
Europeans do pay attention to their water.
It is common knowledge to not drink water from unknown sources.
Water fountain is such a source.
People in Europe are overprotective about their comfort – sharing the same
tap with strangers – even if they didn’t touch it, seems like breaking this zone.
Water in outdoor fountains, ponds and wishing wells are often contaminated by food thrown for water birds, coins and litter making it undrinkable. Rome turns off its public drinking fountains to cope with drought (the local.it)
The Water Fountains of Germany – Bing
The Gospel of water and the spirit – Bing
The Spirit of Water: The Hidden Message for All of Us
Holy Spirit | Holy Spirit Wikipedia: The dove. When Christ c… | Flickr
READ MORE: Everything is Electricity | Cancer Quick Facts (solitarius.org)
A powerful book which teaches us the effect of positive thought on our material world. Nature becomes a sublime reflection, a mirror for our positive intent. This is a must read for those interested in helping to heal the world through consciousness. — Brandon Bays, author of The Journey
Anyone wishing to penetrate the aesthetic, sacred, yet practical dimensions of water should read this book. — Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing
Power of Ordinary Things
The Spirit of Water is a beautiful proof of the interconnectedness of everything and from that, the profound influence each of us has. — Gangaji, author of The Diamond in your Pocket
The Spirit of Water is a must read for anyone interested in our mind’s ability to influence one another and our environment. This is a timely message for all of us. — Marci Shimoff, co-author, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul
We are awakened to the fact that we are interconnected with water for not only our physical survival but for wellbeing on every level of body, heart and soul. A fabulous and inspiring book! — Diane and Kerry Riley authors Sexual Secrets for Men and Sexual Secrets for Women.
From the Publisher
What is the Spirit of Water? What hidden message does it carry for all of us?
The answer lies in the emerging research of Masaru Emoto and his innovative discovery revealed through ice crystal photography. For over a decade, Masaru Emoto and the team at IHM in Tokyo, Japan (the International Health Medical Research Institute, established in 1986 by Masaru Emoto), have been photographing ice crystals from water that has been exposed to outer stimuli such as words, music, images and thoughts. These images reveal how water stores and transmits information, revealing how our consciousness manifests through this liquid medium.
This illustrates the ability of our minds to manifest consciousness in physical form.
Ice crystal photography reveals a message for all of us, uniquely depicted in the stunning images presented within this book. The essential message from water is that we are more powerful than we realize. What we do, say and even think has a dramatic effect upon water. After all, our bodies are mostly water (roughly 70 percent). Imagine how our thoughts, words and actions affect our body.
Our mind works the same way.
Water is a mirror which reflects back to us the very nature of our mind.
What Masaru Emoto was able to discover through his research is that everything has an underlying vibration. When water is exposed to outer stimuli it absorbs this information which is later observed under the microscope when frozen.
Beautiful ice crystals form when exposed to positive vibration whereas a negative stimulus creates distorted formations. At the smallest subatomic level, everything is in a constant state of vibration. Ice crystal photography points to this.
The title of this book, The Spirit of Water, does not suggest that there are ‘spirits’ per say, in our water. Rather, it is that our consciousness or spirit can be imbued and carried by water.
You might think of water much like an artist’s canvas.
Paint it with words, thoughts and actions and you will get a picture.
The question is, what kind of pictures are we painting? In our troubled world, Emoto’s message is timely, perhaps now more than ever. That message is “with our thoughts we create our world.” This message is nothing new.
The sages throughout time have all taught this truth. What is new is that we can now observe this process in physical form and experiment with it. For many people their
view is “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Through Masaru Emoto’s images, `seeing is now believing’.
We co-create our world and it starts with each one of us. Can one person make
a difference to themselves and our world through their thoughts and feelings?
The answer is certainly yes. In our modern times, water has lost its significance to many people. The sacredness of water was always acknowledged by ancient civilizations. They treated water as something sacred. It was revered and cherished as a divine substance of life and purity. In today’s world we have forgotten these things. Water is mostly neglected and seen as nothing more than a cheap commodity. Since water is fundamental to all life, valuing it properly will lead to valuing other things too – it is not possible to value water and not to value ourselves. Like a stone dropped into a still pond, the ripples touch every part of our being and ultimately our fragile world.
When we look upon the beauty of ice crystals, water is providing us an opportunity to see the world through a different lens. To thank water before we drink it and to feel gratitude for its life-giving properties is an attitude, we all can share. It is from this place that we can once again honor water and likewise ourselves. It is this attitude of gratitude which can create an impetus for change. Ice crystal photography reveals that we are so much more than our physical forms. What we experience in our daily lives is but the tip of an iceberg compared with the potential of our minds. Ice crystal photography reveals that the mind is an array of endless possibilities dancing in the free play of space.
When we focus our minds, this unlimited potential concentrates into one place and can be imprinted in water.
Masaru Emoto’s work shows us a way to measure the effects of our minds and the quality of our thoughts.
It reveals how positive or harmful words, thoughts and actions impact on our wellbeing and our environment.
In the coming chapters, I will elaborate on how we can make use of the understanding that water can give us, offering an insider’s perspective of this magnificent microcosmic world.
The Spirit of Water will take you deeper into the inner meaning of ice crystal photography as well as some of the practical applications of Hado in everyday life. We will explore the following topics: * An overview of ice crystal photography, including some frequently asked questions regarding how ice crystals form; * A scientific experiment conducted on ice crystal formation utilizing double-blind conditions; * The eight classifications of ice crystals, the unique properties of water, its structure and how it bonds, as well as its chemical properties; * The origin of water and current problems facing the world’s water.*
The chemical quality of water as well as different methods of water filtration and purification, and also what constitutes positively charged water; * The microcosmic world of water’s hexagonal structure and the significance of the hexagon in relation to physical and vibrational purity. This will illustrate some of the primary methods for generating a hexagonal structure in water as well as the health benefits of drinking hexagonally structured water; * The hexagonal structure found in nature, as in snowflakes and the hexagonal wax structure of beehives. We shall look at sacred geometry, numerology and mathematics in relation to the hexagon.
* The origins of healing water and wells around the world where water is reported to have miraculous healing effects; * How our consciousness, words, images, music and prayer are reflected in water; * The world of Hado, the law of sympathetic resonance, and the Hado of emotions, the senses and how we can relate to our world through the lens of Hado; * The Hado of illness and wellness, and what causes health imbalances; * The Hado of cooking and what constitutes positively-charged food.
* A series of practical exercises demonstrating how to use the principles of Hado in our daily life, including practical meditations and exercises.
Hado is a Japanese word meaning wave motion or vibration.
In the context of this book, it refers to the subtle energy that exists in the universe.
My personal journey with ice crystals Many people ask me how I came into contact with Masaru Emoto’s work. More than ten years ago I came across a Japanese version of his book The Messages from Water, Volume 1 on the desk of my local naturopath. It was in Japanese, and I couldn’t speak the language. But the ice crystal images spoke volumes.
I pored over them with the curiosity of a child. After several fruitless attempts to get the book into Australia, I resigned myself to the fact that it was `not to be’.
It would be a few years until the message from water would once again tap me on my shoulder. The second time I encountered this work was through my Buddhist meditation teacher. During a public lecture the spoke of Emoto’s work with a suitable blend of interest and skepticism. I felt that if Emoto’s work had caught his attention, there must be something to it.
A few years passed and it was not until the screening of worldwide hit What the Bleep do, we know?!, which featured his images of ice crystals, that I was tapped a third time. Although the movie presented just a glimpse of these images, it struck me how widely his message had now traveled.
By a strange coincidence, some weeks later a friend of mine rang me to say that he
was taking a flight to Los Angeles in one week’s time to attend Masaru Emoto’s Hado Instructor School and asked if I would like to come along. Well, I prize myself on being spontaneous, but one week’s notice was a little too spontaneous. I was nonetheless curious to hear about his trip and eagerly awaited news of his return. A couple of weeks passed, and my friend returned with his eyes wider than ever before. Upon hearing of his experiences, I was determined to attend the next instructors’ training, wherever it would be.
In 2005, Masaru Emoto had begun to offer Hado instructor training to Westerners
outside Japan and the third Hado Instructors’ Training was on Big Island, Hawaii. Armed with several questions about the intricate details of the experiments as well as a healthy curiosity, I made the journey to Hawaii. As it turned out I was able to get all my questions answered, despite a series of `lost in translation’ episodes involving a great number of hand gestures and second-hand interpretations through Emoto’s translators. Following my time in training with Masaru Emoto I began to have some interesting experiences in my daily meditations.
My mind was all over the place. I experienced a tremendous bout of creativity and began writing down a series of meditations and practices relating to the application of Hado and ice crystal photography. It was as if something other than myself was writing through me. I had experienced this sort of thing before, but nothing this strong. Over the months that followed, a complete system of practices evolved. I would also receive inspiration in dreams and before going to sleep and waking up. I would keep a notepad and pen beside my bed so I could scribble my inspirations down in the dark, and then I tried to decipher these the following morning.
Following the Hado Instructor School in Hawaii (and having been certified as a Hado Instructor) I was officially granted permission to share the work of Masaru Emoto.
I teamed up with my friend, who had completed the second Hado Instructors’ School
and we decided to form an Australian Institute dedicated to sharing Emoto’s work.
We decided to call it Hado Institute Australia (HIA). What followed was an intensive period of formulating seminar presentations, writing the content for a website and establishing just what we were about.
In April of 2006 I made arrangements to visit IHM in Tokyo with a group of students,
so that we could see the offices and laboratory firsthand.
After navigating our way through the subways of Tokyo, we managed to find Emoto’s office. What followed was a tour of the facility and an official welcome from IHM’s president Mr. Hazaka. Our main aim for visiting IHM was to conduct an experiment on how Reiki affects the tap water of Tokyo. This hadn’t been done before.
The results and full description of this experiment is detailed in Chapter 6.
The results were positive, and we had the opportunity to see how IHM functions.
Following my return to Australia, we embarked on a series of seminar presentations in Australia on ice crystal photography and Hado and we received an encouragingly positive response. We ran workshops on applying the principles of Hado in daily life and shared the Emoto teachings on water. In July 2006 Masaru Emoto commenced an Australian tour and I was invited to be his driver during the west coast leg of his tour. After picking him up from the airport we had several hours to pass until his wife arrived early that morning.
We discussed Hado and his vision for a global shift for humanity.
It was at this meeting that he suggested that I write the first Hado book from a western perspective. Embracing his suggestion, the result is this book you are now reading. Since the first ice crystal photograph was taken in September 1994, a small ripple started. This ripple has spread out across the world and has now touched the lives of millions of people. The majority of the ice crystal images presented in this book have been published for the very first time and I would like to thank Masaru Emoto and his team of researchers for entrusting me with the job of sharing this important message.
As you turn the pages, I invite you to let the images speak directly to you.
Allow some time to reflect. Sink into the vibrational quality of each image. Let the hidden qualities of water speak to you. These natural mandalas are part of you. They represent the potential for peace in our time. I invite you to share them, to make them your own. It is a fascinating and complex topic and I hope you will experience, as I have, the magic of the hidden message of water.
Let me finish this introduction with a traditional Japanese invocation:
moshimo machigaega gozaimashitara arakajime owabi moushi agemasu.
Translated: If you make a mistake, we apologize in advance.
“Please forgive me if I’ve made a mistake.” ~ Lawrence Ellyard Fremantle, Western Australia, November 2006
From the Back Cover
‘The Spirit of Water’ illustrates the world of water in a unique fashion. It takes the reader into the world of ‘Hado’, the universal law of vibration and resonance. Following the international success of Masaru Emoto’s books, this book goes deeper into explaining how to utilize our mind and awareness to use Hado principals in our daily lives not only to benefit ourselves but those around us, and ultimately our world.
The book covers every aspect of water from its worldwide use and current problems of pollution and supply, down to the microscopic world of its hexagonal structure. It looks at its healing properties, health imbalances, its use in food and diet, and features a series of practices and meditations on how to use the principles of Hado in daily life. It includes a world first scientific ‘double-blind’ experiment on the effects of consciousness on water and ice crystal results.
Lawrence Ellyard is a Certified Hado Instructor personally trained by Masar Emoto, author of the New York Times bestseller ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’ and the first Western author to publish on this topic from a Western perspective.
‘A must read for anyone interested in our mind’s ability to influence one another and our environment. This is a timely message for all of us.’ Marci Shimoff, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul.
‘A beautiful proof of the interconnectedness of everything and, from that, the profound influence each of us has.’ Gangaji, author of The Diamond in Your Pocket.
Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things.
‘Anyone wishing to penetrate the aesthetic, sacred, yet practical dimensions of water should read this book.
These water protection campaigns have a strong message for all of us | Hydrotech (hydrotech-group.com)
BONUS: Emotional Spirit Separation Relationship Thing.
The spirit of water – Bing video