We have Christmas songs aplenty, but on New Year’s Eve, there’s really only one:
“Auld Lang Syne.” Most of us join in without knowing what “auld lang syne” means,
what language it is, or what it has to do with New Year’s. Some historians
actually, call it the song nobody knows.
“Auld Lang Syne,” as most do know, is the title and key phrase of the song. It’s also the title and key phrase of the 1788 Scottish poem by Robert Burns, which the song is derived from. (The lyrics are believed to be sung to an older Scottish folk song.) The phrase itself translates to “old long since” and basically means “days gone by.”
Merriam-Webster actually defines it as “the good old times.”
So the song brings to mind thoughts of past times – but also more than that.
The original five-verse poem essentially gets people singing,
“Let’s drink to days gone by.”
Why do we watch a ‘time ball’ drop in New Year’s Eve every year?
How did “Auld Lang Syne” become so popular?
As Scots immigrated around the world, they took the song with them. Eventually, North American English-speakers translated Burns’ dialect into the common lyrics we know today. The song was later popularized in part by Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians band, who performed the song on New Year’s Eve from 1929 until about 1977. It’s his version that plays after the ball drops in Times Square every year.
And who was the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Before entering politics, Donald Trump was an investor in real estate and television personality. In this motivational speech of Donald Trump, he shares his principles of success. I’ve spent a lot of time creating this motivational speech for Donald Trump, hope you will like it.
Part 1 Donald Trump’s Speech Will Change YOUR LIFE | Donald Trump Motivation
If you liked this video of Donald, check Part 2
Donald Trump’s SPEECH will leave you SPEECHLESS | One of the most eye opening speeches ever – YouTube
Part 3 President Trump “Never Give Up!” MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO (ORIGINAL)

Don’t waste your time watching useless videos, watch these: “NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP” – Donald Trump Motivational Speech 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPZNQ…
THIS SPEECH WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE – JOE ROGAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yu6c…
Sugar Ray Leonard’s Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WbXb…
I don’t understand how anyone can listen to the honesty and the passion in this man’s voice and think him disingenuous, of bad intent, or anything other than a sincere patriot,
a loving father and a smart, good, Christian man. So, he’s N’Y’C’ brash and plain spoken?
So, he doesn’t take a punch and lay down? Damn right, he hits back.
So, he cuts through the bull shit to get a job done?
It’s called being efficient & getting results…BEING SUCCESSFUL.
It was a period in American History that we had a President who genuinely loves
America and had the courage and the skills to drag us out of the valley we were
trapped in, make the world respect us again and show us the path to success.
He did nothing but protect our freedom, protect our rights, grow our economy, defend
our reputation, secure our borders, and define what must be done to get our country back on the path to greatness again. And what he got for his trouble was nonstop lies, slander, unsupported allegations of crimes he did not commit, failings he didn’t have, beliefs he didn’t have, motives that he never possessed, and alliances with our enemies which had
no basis in fact. The Democrats made TRUMP out to be what they are: He was criticized, maligned, attacked, and degraded and ridiculed in the press and when his enemies couldn’t find any dirt to use against him, they manufactured some.
We all saw it in the impeachment hearings.
We all were shown the irrefutable proof of his innocence and of the guilt of his accusers. He was tried and convicted by a totally dishonest and biased media each and every day, had his accomplishments denied or ignored, had his intellect and qualifications questioned, his sanity and patriotism denied, and his honor assaulted and was accused of every single criminal act that his enemies could concoct in their petty, small, vindictive and sociopathic narcissist willful brains for the entirety of his term in office.
And still, he got up each and every morning, smiled and got back to work. He identified
the job at hand and accomplished what needed to be done for Americans. Other nations stopped taking advantage of us. They began paying the debts they owed us. World leaders across the globe may not have liked him but they respected him and by association, they respected us.
He took everything that was thrown at him, with more dignity than I would have, and looked at it roll off, staying focused on what was best for the country. He showed strength where it was necessary to remove all doubt that the USA wouldn’t bow down but saw that, just as in the business world, the best path to success is usually in retaining cordiality and mutual cooperation rather than in threats and insults. It’s better to just “be nice” until it’s time to “not be nice’ But we, collectively, did not appreciate what we had and allowed him to be robbed of the reelection he earned, deserved and fairly won.
The truth is Biden has 16.2 million fake bots on Twitter presently.
While TRUMPs had 88.7 million real people when he was suspended. Congratulations, my fellow citizens, look what we ended up with. A pretender to the office who was installed to be a pawn of the group who is only out for themselves and are seeking power. And when that isn’t even enough, they attack his lovely, graceful, intelligent wife who was focused on doing good works and being a credit to our nation in the midst of a tornado of undue criticism…. for everything from her books… to her accent to her very relationship with her family. She held her head up, stood her ground, and her dignity.
His family was attacked right down to the youngest one who has not yet had time to be guilty of any behavior unbecoming, and attempted to assassinate the character of his older Siblings who are gifted, intelligent, and successful American citizens in their own right, who sacrificed business responsibilities, time with their own families, their privacy, and willingly put their every action on display, to serve our country and assist their father with the most demanding job on the planet. This family, who has not got a throwaway in the bunch, is the best evidence of the values and character of their patriarch. His business empire is a testament to his intellect, his toughness and his ability to succeed.
The fact that he didn’t walk away from the job and say “I don’t need this…. given the treatment he received is evidence of his determination and love of country. You could make a case for his prior difficulties with women but that’s none of our business. You can say he isn’t a seasoned politician and that’s true but that is a positive.
You can’t even say that he has a lot of money and hasn’t paid a huge amount of taxes on it, but he didn’t write the tax code and took advantage of the provisions as written the same as every other business can do, within the law and completely ethically. If you don’t like the laws, they let people and give them a mandate to change them.
We the people had a champion and we allowed him to slip away from us.
We turn to blind eye to those who would use every dirty trick in the book to remove him from office by underhanded and dishonest means. We watched helplessly as our more conservative leaders attempted to stop the insanity, some to their own detriment but we withheld the amount of support they required to turn the tide. It was uncharted waters. We didn’t expect to ever be in that position. But it was not alien in concept or our founding fathers would not have foreseen the possibility that sometime in the future, we might need an avenue to correct our route or prevent an evil plot, and they built into our governing documents the methods for righting the wrongs. We were just too timid or stupid to trust what we saw.. shame on us. Maybe if we apologize sincerely, he’ll come back and give us another chance. Amy Connally Streeter
When someone tells you what they expect of you, you go forward to meet those expectations. And when you fall short of those expectations something inside you
feel the disappointment and you want to do better to meet those expectations.
I will always RESPECT President Trump. He is the only president that has done what
he said he was going to do for the American People and the United States of America.

What America has to lose if Russia invades Ukraine (msn.com)
The people who are in power at the White House now, are only tearing this country
down, and taking every freedom that was fought for by our Founding fathers to
give to the American people. Trump is the man… A True Man, a True President,
and a True Hero of mine…. GOD Bless TRUMP…….
TRUMP was blunt, ruthless in wit but he’s not an evil or bad man.
He’s flawed and he’s human. You can’t be dumb and do what he’s done. No one just stumbles into billions worth of assets, no one just stumbles into the presidency when facing an opponent that he faced. You don’t have to like him, but he does have great wisdom and I was honored to call him my president.
The Road Less Traveled by Robert Frost. – Bing video
This is one of my favorite quotes and also the way I have tried to live. Life is an adventure.
If we take the same path, it’s always boring AND GETS YOU TO WHERE YOU WERE IN THE PAST.
You learn and experience so much more if you take the road less traveled.

Robert Kiyosaki 2019 – The Speech That Broke the Internet!!! KEEP THEM POOR! – YouTube
It just seems Trump wants to build everyone up to accomplish their potential, Biden and the Democrats want to drag everyone down to the lowest level, so they don’t feel inferior. Donald was the best president you ever had and now you have the worst and all because of the mail in votes and who counted them. The super rich want weak people they can herd, can easily control and you cannot control strong people so easily. Cancel culture is perfect for them, it weakens everyone who takes part.
President Trump, you are awesome!!!!
Thank you for caring about the people and our country!!!! May God bless you!!!! We the people NEED YOU BACK NOW!!!!! Our country is going to hell in a handbasket and fast. People call TRUMP “a bad person”.? No, he is NOT perfect, he is human, he is a MAN!
No, I do not worship this man, l respect him! Jesus is my Savior; Trump is my President!!
One Nation under God!! Amen! Praise God! Thank you, Jesus! Someone once told me the more No’s you get the closer you are to a Yes.
Thank you, President Trump, for your inspirational words,
and all that you have and are doing for people all over the world.
May God bless you and yours along with God’s world.

Wow, he is quite a speaker. I remember him before he was president. I thought he was loud and pushy because he had money and was on camera. My god after he won the election and immediately started to repair the country, I was shocked. Finally, a leader who acts like a leader. Someone who puts his people before himself.
Very few in my lifetime have done this.
Usually, they are eaten up and burnt out the system long before they get to the top job.
I never believed the conspiracy garbage until Toronto elected an outsider as mayor.
But the global attack on one man because he was an outsider, confirmed what had been spoken for years.
President Trump seems to have broken the global communist takeover.
My country is NOW run by a Chinese puppet.
And all the media and politicians are part of it.
No wonder they hated him. He stands for what’s good and right in this country.
Let’s see where things go from here. And if we are lucky,
another World War won’t happen in 2022.
I believe God still loves our country despite our failure in obeying him. There still are thousands of people who pray to the Lord God Almighty every night, asking for forgiveness of our sins and help to restore the goodness of Americans and our land. President Donald J. Trump is a man of great convictions, great work ethic and loves the Lord.
TRUMP proves chivalry isn’t dead in this country. I love this man’s courage and character!
He is NO hypocrite; he practices what he preaches! Trump 2024.

Such a Good man is rare and nearly going extinct!!
No one can destroy him except himself and if he really does it at times, he sure has a valid reason
Ever listen to Jonathan Cahn….show thru scriptures how Trump was likened to King Jehu?????
It covers Jezebel…..Obama, etc. with pinpoint accuracy and likenesses.
This point in time is not political……dude, C’mon man it’s the Final scenes of good verse Evil.
A remarkable human being for others to emulate indeed…

Just saying, Donald J. Trump, was the Best President, that’s ever been,
with his Character and Strength of a Great Leader,
To Make America

From the Cabal and Deep State of Evil,
God put TRUMP in place in Time to show the US what our government has become!!!
These Are the Only 27 Kmart Stores Left in America
Thank you






We were energy independent under Trump.
That’s why gas prices were low. We were producing more oil.
Fact #1 Bidens policies are raising gas prices.
Fact #2 When Biden came into office, he put heavy restrictions on drilling.
Fact #3 Biden stopped some of our offshore drilling.
Fact #4 Biden is not releasing permits for American oil companies to drill. Now with all of that we are not producing as much oil. We have to buy from other countries. We pay more.
Fact #5 Biden is looking to OPEC to produce more oil, so gas prices go down. Now if he wants OPEC to produce more oil so prices go down then why don’t we produce it??? We have it to drill. Biden has put heavy restrictions and is not releasing permits for American oil companies to drill.
There is a short 4-minute video on the subject. I can’t post the link because it will be deleted. “Biden looking to OPEC for more oil production, industry leaders disappointed.”
Fact #6 The president doesn’t control gas prices, but their policies affect it. Biden’s policies are raising gas prices u smart ass.
Fact #7 Nobody is talking about Obama. We are talking about Trump. And we were energy independent under Trump. That’s why gas prices were lower. And I meant to say we were exporting MORE* oil than we are now. And between Obama and Trump both of their oil exports increased. The charts I saw showed we were producing more oil between 2016-2019. But when you read the Article, they wanna twist it. The charts show Trump was exporting more oil.
Fact #8 We are not talking about lower unemployment between Republicans and Democrats. We are talking about Trump and how he had a low unemployment rate and that is a fact. Since you wanna talk about Obama.
Fact #9 Obama had an average unemployment rate of 7.82% at the end of his presidency.
Fact #10 Trump had an average unemployment rate of 3.9% between Feb 2017-Dec 2019 before COVID lockdown. That cuts Obama’s unemployment rate in half. And what was Obama??? Yeah that’s right. A Democrat.
Fact #11 Average unemployment rate during democratic presidents 5.71% while Republican presidents 5.93%. Yeah democrats are doing a lot better. Lol. It’s like Biden saying he saved us 16 cents on our 4th July cookout. What a joke. Again.
Fact #12 Trump’s average unemployment was 3.9% U may want to actually read what someone writes before replying with dumb comments. Simple question.
What is Biden and the democrats doing for the American people???
U didn’t like lower gas prices??? That helps the American people. We were energy independent under Trump. America was exporting more oil. That’s good for America. That actually helps the American people. Low unemployment. That actually helps the American people. And there’s many more. U can look into it. He was helping the American people. What is Biden doing for the American people???
Brandon shutting down pipelines really helped.

You Guys messed up voting this

He can’t find his way in the White House without the secret service pointing the way or grabbing his arm. This guy is running one of the most powerful nations in the world and he can’t answer simple questions. You know it and other countries know it. Stop pretending he is this great leader. He’s not. As he would say, come on man!!!
We need our rightful President back in office.
This is the type of President who loves and cares about his fellow Americans and he proved it over and over. The time to take our country back is coming in the 2022 midterm elections, get out and vote and let’s get rid of the tyrannical officials who want to break the Constitution of The United States.
Let them know we are in charge, and they will pay for their treachery.
Donald Trump is a Man with Intelligence; he is a good Man Forever.
God bless him, his wife and family


God Bless The USA & Donald Trump – YouTube,