Emotions and consciousness vibrate at a higher frequency than objects.
How can the universe hear your thoughts?.
You are not IN the Universe, Your Mind IS a Universe
Imagine losing your phone right now and all your pics & contacts!
Would that come back to haunt you?
This technology revolution was intentionally scheduled to happen at this very moment in time, to stop us from reaching the mental ascension boost about to take place.
The Mayans never thought the world would end, that’s a misinterpretation. Nouns don’t end. The “END” their calendar refers to is the end of an age of vanity and the beginning of a new age of higher consciousness. According to the macrocosmic Equinox cycle in the universe, the Age of Pieces has come to an end and the new age of Aquarius has begun.
This new age is: SELF AWARENESS. Yet, not a physical self-awareness.
Your SELF is not your body. Your body is a portal your spirit must wear like clothes to travel in this earth zone.
Your SELF is your mind.
Your mind IS a universe. You are not IN the universe. You were taught that to limit your thoughts. You ARE a universe.
Every thought you have travels at the speed of light. How is it you can remember things you’ve never experienced yet? It’s not” déjà vu”. It’s a memory of an experience your spirit had before you were imprisoned in this body, to live on this planet. Some are even memories of an experience you have yet to experience yet on earth, because your spirit experienced it somewhere in the universe in the future, while you were asleep, because TIME does not exist in the universe.
Stop reading. If you are still plugged into the matrix and still prisoner to technology, stop reading this right now, because you will not understand nor comprehend such high mental stimulation. Only keep reading if your chakras are aligned. It’s about to get really deep.
The NEW Crisis in Cosmology
Race is an illusion. Gender is an illusion. Spirits have no race. spirits have no gender.
These are human characteristics used to keep our minds prisoner to fear so we won’t remember who we are, a universe. You are not a human being, you are a spirit, being human for a short time, as your spirit and soul vacation in this dream called “life”. How silly for people to think their God has a gender or a race. Those are HUMAN characteristics. How could your God be a human, if your God created humans? How could your God be a he, she, man or woman if your God had to CREATE man and woman into existence? Let it marinate. Think.
Anything you want, or want to KNOW, you can attract to you, with just a thought. Our thoughts are not something only we can hear. Our thoughts are energy, forms of matter, vibration. Powerful forces of energy that can be heard through sound, vibrating to the depths of the universe.
This is called “the law of attraction”. Everything in our life, we have subconsciously attracted to us, through our thoughts. Anything that is not YET in our lives, we have repelled from us, through our thoughts. This power cannot be used or controlled if we are not in tune with our SELF.
Now you can clearly see why your opposition keeps feeding you the latest form of technology, app, Smart Phone, Computer, Tablet, iOS update, Video game, YouTube clip, TV show, Song, Movie, Car, Plasma, to keep you distracted & too mentally unaware to KNOW YOURSELF. The 1% of the population that owns 99% of the wealth acquired such wealth by monopolizing 99% of the KNOWLEDGE. That 1% withholds the keys to the great secrets of knowledge, distracting us with vain forms of technology and entertainment, to keep us mentally sleep, while we give amazing forms of technology and entertainment our full, undivided attention while our brain is on auto-pilot. We have become sleep walkers without a bed.
The mental walking dead.
You will not stop using your app to take a phone call, or have an in-person-conversation, yet you will stop an in-person-conversation to adhere to an app notification.
Technology is a tool. Use it. Don’t let it use you. We cannot live without our phones. We are prisoners to anything we cannot live without. Practice leaving your phone home one day a week. You just thought, “no, I cannot do that.” See, not only does technology have you programmed to automatically refute anything that frees you from it, technology also makes your thoughts predictable. Thoughts are things. You cannot do something, because you keep telling yourself with your thoughts, “I can’t.” I can’t is the mantra of a mental prisoner.
Prove to yourSELF, keyword SELF, you are not a prisoner to anything. Stop just following your favorite celeb gossip and start following your purpose. Communicate with it like it’s your soul mate, because in reality it is. Say “You’re the first thing I pray for when I awake & last thing I think of at night.
You make my heart throb; mind soar & pineal gland take flight

You’re have your own purpose.”
Men: Challenge yourself to approach ONE beautiful woman a day.
Respectfully & confidently approach her, look her in her eyes & say, “Excuse me, my name is ____, may I ask your name?” Make her laugh, call her, get to know her, then take her OUT on a real date. Not just to your house for sex. Call her and say,
“I would like to take you out on a date this Friday to hear live music after an Italian dinner, a deep conversation and a walk on the boardwalk; what time are you available?”
Don’t let your only form of approaching a woman be, send a friend request, then send an inbox message or DM, “Hey sexy”. Young king, that is not approaching. That’s computer love *Zapp & Roger voice* Don’t let yourSELF be a prisoner to technology. Please don’t waste several weeks and months texting a woman without asking her out. Don’t depend too heavily on technology to get to know a woman, she’s so much more than her texts and her two-dimensional pictures.
Ladies: Challenge yourSELF to get all dressed up, hair done, eyebrows on point, outfit fierce, heel game vicious and go out on a REAL date or with your girls once a weekend. It does not have to be “out” to a club. Live music, comedy club, musical, fancy dinner and art murmur are just a few of many options for going out. Don’t let the only time you get all dolled up be to take a picture, post it to Instagram, await the likes & attention, feel pretty.
That’s not a man giving you attention, that’s males using your pictures for jack-off material. Yep. And if you didn’t know, now you do. Don’t allow yourSELF be a prisoner to technology. You feel insecure so much, because you rarely go out on REAL DATES. You can get 1,000s of likes on your pictures and all the mentions in the world on Instagram, but how many men have taken you out on a REAL DATE where he plans and pays for everything without you having to tell him what you would like to do?
Queen, please don’t think you are crazy for being a hopeless romantic and insane for expecting a man to be chivalrously romantic to you without you having to first ask him to. Besides, sanity is unattractive on a woman. If the ways of this world do not make sense to you, it is because your mind is above
it and your spirit is not from it.
Log off social networks, and log into SELF.
I promise you, once you do, you will begin to mentally awaken and spiritually ascend. Remember, you are a universe. I don’t want you to allow your trust issues, the complaints people have of the way you live your life, nor the selfish way people treat you to stress you or consume you. That is the only purpose of stress. To try & make you doubt your strength. People will constantly bring up old mistakes you made in your past, but you are NOT your past. You are not your pain. You are NOT the mistakes you’ve made. You are unbreakable. One small crack flaw does not ruin the masterpiece. It only makes you value that work of art more, because it survived that crack. Don’t let any pain or stress rob you of your happiness.
I know you get tired of being so patient, giving, considerate & loyal to others only to be used & NEVER getting the same in return from them. But I want you to promise yourself you will STOP allowing how people TREAT you to dictate your level of happiness or stress. I mos def pray people stop taking all you do for them for granted & start acknowledging your caring nature & all the energy, time & effort you put into doing for others is reciprocated back to you.
Why ALL MEN CHEAT on Loyal Women | Real News (real newspaper.me)
Why All Men Cheat on Loyal Woman Ebrahim Aseem – Bing video
Why All men Cheat on Loyal Women – Bing
Sometimes it’s easy to hear the universe:
If there is one thing in life, I know to be true it is that life is constantly teaching us lessons and sending us signs. These lessons are not the sort you find in a book or on a YouTube video. They are messages or signs if you like from the universe that if you do notice them and listen will guide you on the right path in life.
Another thing I know to be true is the universe doesn’t always make it easy to find these lessons. The universe/life works in mysterious ways. There is no universal translator. As the universe talks in experience not in words like we do.
Think about where you are in life right now.
Try and focus on one point in your life. Maybe your work, your relationship or even reading this article. Now how did you get there? Trace the story back through the events that led to you being in this situation. Somewhere along that journey you will find a pattern. Something that keeps popping up again and again. That there is what I am talking about.
That is the sign or the lesson that guided you to where you are.
If you are still unsure what I mean let me give you an example from my own life. 5 years ago, I was feeling lonely living in another country and missing my spiritual community. I was also feeling unsatisfied with my work. Whilst visiting a friend I met a girl and we had one of those deep life conversations that you can only ever have with a stranger that you click with straight away. She mentioned to me a spiritual fitness center that had opened up near where I lived. So, I looked into it. Became a member and made friends with the project manager. Through that friendship he asked me to teach the community about my spiritual beliefs, from those sessions my Walking the Wheel of the Year program and book were born. Which I have now been teaching for 5 years and the book will be published in March 2020 this year. I needed a life change. I vocalized it. And by following my instincts, I found my path to be a life coach, writer and spiritual guide.
These kinds of signs or lessons are easy to spot. When you are clear about what you want and what you need. You begin to look for it. You pay attention. And the law of attraction kicks into action and quickly you follow on track. In these cases, you just have to follow your gut, and of course take action. (Very rarely does the universe give massive, easy handouts).
Sometimes it’s harder to hear the messages:
However, some lessons or signs can be harder to see or understand than others. And if we are not looking for the teachings or signs in these situations it can be so easy to miss them.
Feeling unsatisfied constantly can be the universe trying to tell you something. A chronic pain, not from an injury but from stress. Repeatedly ending up in what seems like the same relationship situations even though the partners change. All of these are the universe saying ‘Hey-o I am trying to tell you something!’
The key here is to look for the patterns. If you see repeated patterns this is probably a good indication that this is what you need to work on to learn and move on from a situation. Look for the pattern. See what it is teaching you and then work on that. It means you have to take a step back from the why is this happening to me feeling and look past the negative emotions.
But remember what Max Planck said,
“When you change the way, you look at things, the things you look at change”
So, if negative things keep happening then change the way you look and look for the lesson.
And Sometimes the Universe shouts at you:
Actually, you might have noticed that if you don’t pay attention to what the universe is trying to tell you it will shout louder. That is when you get the lessons that come with great traumas, horrible even catastrophic events.
Again, to give you an example from my own life. I have been homeless 4 times in my life over the course of 15 years. Each time I was made homeless it came from a bad break up and I was left penniless and homeless. The first time I managed to quickly get out of it after a few weeks. The next time is a few months. Then longer again. And then I was homeless, hospitalized for a kidney operation and I lost my job, in a foreign country. Talk about escalation. After the last time I decided that was enough. I drew a line in the sand and said this stops here. Instead of wallowing in the pain of the break up and my situation (oh and believe me I wanted to) I looked instead for the answer to a really hard question. In fact, it is probably the most powerful question I have found in my personal development journey. And that is:
“Why have I created this?”
It’s a hard question to ask yourself whilst living on the streets. Trust me. However, it forced me to look at the actions that I had taken in my journey to that point. To look back at the signs I missed. And to understand the lesson the universe had been trying to tell me all along. Which in my case was a lot about trusting myself for my own security, not other people and much, much more. We’ll go into that another day. This question makes you look at why you attract that situation. You attracted it to teach you something. Big trauma events often hold the deepest teachings we need to learn in life. Some people believe it is from past life lessons that haven’t been learnt. I am on the fence about that one. However, what I do believe as I said before is big trauma is the universe shouting at you to listen and look.
All the messages are there if we look for them. And the great thing is
that the more aware we are the less shouting happens and we can spot
the opportunities right away.
4 important things to remember are:
Do not look for signs in EVERYTHING. I don’t recommend that at all.
But if you find a pattern popping up then take notice.
Whether that be a flowing easy lesson like a DeJa’Vu or a long-lost friend being mentioned 3 times in one day or one that is harder to spot like a chronic but twitch.
Signs and teachings are not good or bad. They just are. If a sign pops up that you don’t like. Don’t ignore it and work with what you have got.
Do not look for signs in EVERYTHING. I don’t recommend that at all.
But if you find a pattern popping up then take notice.
If you want to be more proactive in looking for signs I would highly recommend talking or writing to the universe. However, you like to do that.
I use free writing to help me unlock my unconscious observations. And I often use the why have I created this question in my journaling. However, I have met people that prefer to pray, draw, meditate and even shout at the universe when they are in need of understanding. You will find your own way.
The important thing is that you begin to look!!!
What lesson is the universe trying to teach you at the moment?
Brian Kelly’s Record vs. Top-Ranked Teams

Expanding it further, Kelly is 3-8 against opponents ranked in the top 10 at Notre Dame. Five of the eight losses were by 14 points or more, including that 28-point loss to Alabama in 2012 — the last time Notre Dame played for a national championship.
How the frick are people spinning this as a great hire for L.S.U. Of course,
the guy has a lot of wins when he’s padding his stats against the likes of FSU, Virginia Tech and UVA

Not to mention, just THIS YEAR Brian Kelly needed overtime to beat a god-awful FSU team that lost to JACKSONVILLE STATE!! And then the very NEXT GAME he followed up by barely beating Toledo 32-29!! Bahahaha

Can Brian Kelly reverse Notre Dame’s awful record against top-ranked teams?
Though Notre Dame is 52-42-5 in matchups of two AP top-10 teams all time,
it’s 4-16 in such games since 1994!!!!!