How can the universe hear your thoughts?.
Our thoughts are energy, forms of matter, vibration. Powerful forces of energy that can be heard through sound, vibrating to the depths of the universe.
This is called “the law of attraction”. Everything in our life, we have subconsciously attracted to us, through our thoughts.
The universe responds and sends you messages all the time. Everything you see “out there” is a response to what you are thinking, feeling and believing.
But here is the really exciting news—you can make your world change within hours.
That’s right. You can do a technique and watch your world respond—immediately!

The universe responds, and will give you a sign (within hours) that you are creating your desire.
Now, if this doesn’t excite you, you don’t understand how this works.
You don’t have to wait for days, weeks, months, or years to find out if you’re getting your dream. You don’t have to wonder if the law of attraction is working for you. (I know—it always works—but you know what I mean.)
Even though a creation may take longer to fully manifest, we can know we are on the right track, simply by paying attention.
We constantly receive signs that our magic is working, but the problem is, most people don’t respond to the signs—because they don’t realize they are signs.
Or worse, they respond negatively—which flows energy towards what they don’t want.
So, the first step towards understanding signs and responding to them positively, is to recognize…
What a sign looks like.
A sign is something that changes in your world around the issue you are trying to create differently. Signs will show up within a few days after completing any powerful technique.
Here are some examples of signs:
If your desire is to create a job you love with a company you believe in and one that values their employees, a sign might be:
• You open your Facebook page and see a post on an article entitled, “The Top 100 Best Companies to Work For.”
• Your brother calls to tell you about his new job.
• The company you currently work for decides to implement a new “employee friendly” dress code.
If your desire is to create elegant and easy weight loss while feeling full, satisfied and beautiful, a sign might be:
• While watching the news, a segment comes on about women healing their body issues.
• A friend calls—excited to tell you about the new Zumba class she is taking.
• You notice an article at a newsstand about a famous actress—formerly overweight—who has lost 50 pounds.
If your desire is to create a vibrant and fun new friendship with someone you love to hang out with, a sign might be:
• You meet a stranger in line and a conversation ignites about a book you are both reading. She suggests coffee to discuss it further—although you are pretty certain she is not someone you want to become friends with.
• While channel surfing you become engrossed in a movie about two best friends who are there for each other their entire lives.
• You receive a postcard in the mail from a local spa with the headline: “Bring a Friend – Get 25% Off!”
Now the problem is, not everyone notices these little changes and even if they do notice them, they don’t see them as signs. And if you miss the sign, you miss knowing that you are a powerful reality creator and that you are shifting your world and creating your dream.
And worse, if you respond in a negative way towards these signs, you’ll literally stop the creation. Ouch!
How you respond to a sign from the universe is critical. But the first thing to understand is how you are likely to respond, and how you could improve your response.
Typical responses and “flow strengthening” responses:
Take a look at the same “signs” described above, with both a typical (negative) response and a response that will strengthen the flow of energy—thereby manifesting your dream even faster:
Desire: To create a job you love with a company you believe in and one that values their employees.
Sign: You open your Facebook page and see a post on an article entitled, “The Top 100 Best Companies to Work For.”
Typical Response: “Lucky bastards. I wish I could work for a company like that.”
Flow Strengthening Response: “Whoa—just yesterday I did a technique to create a job I love, and look at this! I am getting excited about my new job already!”
Sign: Your brother calls to tell you about his new job.
Typical Response: “Geez, why did he get the new job when I’m the one who wanted one?”
Flow Strengthening Response: “I can barely believe this—someone close to me getting what I am consciously creating is a HUGE sign that it’s just around the corner for me too!”
Sign: The company you currently work for decides to implement a new “employee friendly” dress code.
Typical Response: “How sad is this company? Too little, too late. I can’t wait to get out of here.”
Flow Strengthening Response: “Wow—I started programming for a better place to work and my current place becomes a better place! A sign if there ever was one.”
Desire: To create elegant and easy weight loss while feeling full, satisfied and beautiful.
Sign: While watching the news a segment comes on about women healing their body issues.
Typical Response: “This makes me feel depressed. What if my issue is more than skin deep? I’ll never lose this extra weight.”
Flow Strengthening Response: “Hey, that felt like a little sign. Those women healed, and no matter what the underlying cause, I can too.”
Sign: A friend calls—excited to tell you about the new Zumba class she is taking.
Typical Response: “Exercise classes come and go—and I never, ever find something I stick with—neither will she.”
Flow Strengthening Response: “Hey—maybe this is a sign? I’m creating healthy, fun weight loss and she found exercise she adores! I’m going to try a class—maybe I’ll love it too!”
Sign: You notice an article at a newsstand about a famous actress—formerly overweight—who has lost 50 pounds.
Typical Response: “Yeah, she probably had a trainer, chef and personal coach to pull that one off. I wish I had that kind of support…”
Flow Strengthening Response: “Ha ha…everywhere I look, I see signs. I had better start imagining my body skinny—because it looks like that is what I’m already starting to create!”
Desire: To create a vibrant and fun new friendship with someone you love to hang out with.
Sign: You meet a stranger in line and a conversation ignites about a book you are both reading—she suggests coffee to discuss it further—although you are pretty certain she is not someone you want to become friends with.
Typical Response: “Damn. I want to draw new exciting friends to me—not clingy, complainers. Where did I go wrong in creating this?”
Flow Strengthening Response: “SO cool! I put out the vibe for friends and they come out of the woodwork. It won’t be long now before someone perfect for me shows up.”
Sign: You are channel surfing and become engrossed in a movie about two best friends who have been there for each other their entire lives.
Typical Response: “Oh this movie makes me feel so sad. I really want a friend like that—and now, with half my life behind me, I know I’ll never have that.”
Flow Strengthening Response: “This movie is beautiful, and a perfect sign that I’m on track in creating the friendship I desire. I think I’ll go do another technique.”
Sign: You receive a postcard in the mail from a local spa with the headline: “Bring a Friend – Get 25% Off!”
Typical Response: “That figures. You only get discounts when you have a ‘friend’. Way to rub it in that I’m alone and lonely. Stupid spa.”
Flow Strengthening Response: “Hey, I’m holding onto this. It’s another sign that new friends are on their way to me. I must be pretty powerful if I can simply choose and imagine for a while and then see my world reflect a sign back within hours, letting me know it’s on the way.”
You see, it’s not difficult to learn to recognize the signs and to respond positively. It just takes some practice.
If you are super excited, you DO understand.
It only takes one little (yet powerful) technique to shift your reality. A sign will show up within hours (generally within 2 to 72).
Start looking for signs that your resonance is shifting and your dreams are coming true. Respond to them in ways that strengthens the flow of your dream. And begin to prepare for your new life.

P.S. If you’re interested in a place to record signs and other successes in
your life, check out our Success Journal! There is nothing that motivates
like success. I would also love to hear about the signs you have created.
Tell me about them in the comments below.
What is something that drives you crazy even though most people
don’t seem to mind?
The sound of people eating.

Noise while I’m driving
I Wonder as I Wander, out under the stars, as I seek TRUTH through the STORM
with all my battle scars.

“GOING DOWN FIGHTING” https://youtu.be/mbftugUQM3Me3
Those people who can’t get off their damn cell phones when I’m visiting. Thanksgiving we had 11 people…two pulled out their phones and got involved…and yes, I politely talked about how I felt…didn’t stop right away but shortly after.
Memorial Day ISN’T Veterans day. Corporate America shouldn’t get to make good off of that “holiday” either.
Society really takes away from the true meaning. It’s unnerving.
People who merge into the bike lane onto 82 so they can beat traffic to the Yellowhead. I don’t bike but I’ve seen trucks take the bike lane AND the sidewalk just to get ahead in the line. I see sooo many people do it and it pisses me off lol. Wait your turn and zipper merge!
When on my motorcycle, at an intersection turning right, knuckle heads sometimes pull into the right of me because there is room. In effect putting it into the outside lane. I hate that.
My thoughts when people can hear them. N they get really hurt.
Way too many coincidences…
Jesus said, ‘I AM the way, the truth, & the life.

Small rattlings in a vehicle. I’ll pull over to use a screwdriver if I need to drive more than a few miles. Even in your car if I’m driving it, even if I stole it so long as the rear-view mirror is clear.
Certain foods of mine touch on the plate. I also have to eat one thing at a time. I know I’m weird! lol I had an uncle who did that thing by eating one food at a time. It *is* weird, but at least you now know there are other food-separating weirdos in the world. I used to do that when I was little (eating one food at a time) and I guess my mom was so embarrassed by it that she actually broke me of that habit. So. Yay!

People who talk on their cell phones whilst driving. People who don’t buckle up their kids and especially when such kids stand on the front passenger seat whilst the car is in motion. I never keep my thoughts to myself in such situations. The lack of people to recognize the sacrifice our veterans have given to our country.
Chemtrails In the Sky Saving Our Planet – Bing video
The sound of people eating. & Body Odor

Omg, I’ve broken up with someone before because of it….

It’s the worst!! My hubby eats loud, smackin’ and shit…
I’m considering divorce

I do leave the room though before I lose my mind. People are late.
Thank you! Now I don’t feel so crazy for hating that too.

Idle chit-chat…. Phones for sure. Had 2 friends that came over for a cuppa right on the demanding hour (feeding animals & bathing kids & cooking dinner) I had to make it for them, then sit there while on their phones. If I walked away and did my usual I got called on it. Thank f for lockdown
Entitled King James! If they had a bell they would use it. I felt like a slave. When lockdown was about to finish they said they couldn’t wait to come back up for a cuppa. Until I denied their welcome

I don’t like getting used to it … That’s no mate if they think they can treat you like that! I cherish my time with those I care about we all have a rule ignore the phones we are here for each other

Yeh no one sits in my seat. Some nerves. Maybe time to sit them down and tell them what’s what and see what they say, true friends can take it and the other ones can walk.

Asymmetry. Several things. Snoring like a wild animal. Smacking while chewing food, breathing through their mouth, yawning or coughing while not covering mouth, people who stare, point, drunks and ppl w mental health disorders who are abusive to others.
Communism. is like Politicians blatantly lying to us leftism that is like littering … Poor personal expression, be it spoken or written. Lack of basic manners and consideration for others. Sloppy, dirty, unkempt personal appearance and bad demeanor. Open borders killed more blacks and color then we ignored so called whites. Yet Biden & Fauci bans Africa flights. Unacceptable. Remember a friend in “friends” in Hollywood bans unvaxed? Yet months later give not a fuck how many ” friends” followers all color die by open border.
Out of control kids and parents not correcting or stopping them …. Someone putting their change away slowly in front of the cashier and taking their time as if they were living in their own world. Inconsiderate and thoughtless people. It bothers me if not every piece of garbage is put out for “garbage day” – like if someone forgets to gather the bathrooms ‘ garbage or forgets to check in the bread drawer for old bread. Just a pet peeve of mine

Bosses intentionally humiliating workers in front of other workers.
American ruling class lawlessness and greed.
Same here. When I was a teenager my boss kept doing that at Taco Bell. I got called in on a day off. Boss kept cussing at me & said What Are you going to do about it? I was supposed to be going to Daytona Beach. I stripped down to my

Pretty much anything democrat and libtard related.
Negative, energy draining language instead of uplifting language. “Don’t do this and don’t do that” instead of “let’s try it this way or let’s try that” It’s very easy to be at the receiveing end of hat. Better to take charge and teach. Let’s put it this way. I watched a special on Autism, by the end of the episode I was completely convinced I was autistic. I didn’t understand why being particular and specific is odd.
When people back their car into a parking space. Most can’t back up very well and I have to wait for them to get parked. I believe it is easier to back out than into a space.
The back up noise on the Amazon Delivery Trucks People with their heads down playing with their phones at dinner. I know I’m old but i find it so rude. Oh, and people using really bad language in public places.

My kids know not to get their phones out when shopping with me.
I hate it When people say “a hunnert” and/or “One hundred and ten.”
It’s “One hundred” and “one hundred ten.”
People that hang around near my residence. People who ‘pop’ their chewing gum. The chewing motion is bad enough, but to make it pop drives me crazy!
People that don’t do anything or they say it’s not my problem https://twitter.com/i/status/1465607109916176384
When ppl drive on the left of a highway below the speed limit. Folks chewing sunflower seeds.
Cracking knuckles. I swear I can hear these noises across a crowded room.
When I see a couple walking down the street and she’s on the outside, I know it’s stupid and old fashioned and got no place now but still. When someone goes for a meal, eats all the chips (fries) first then can’t manage all the main event. Who prioritizes a side ffs.
Someone talking on their phone at the checkout or anywhere about to be served Waiting in queues.
Only two cashiers at Walmart and 30 people waiting in line.
American culture (or lack of)
-Idle, tuneless whistling -people who don’t return their grocery carts -people who pull up to the door of a store and put their hazard lights on instead of parking -People who talk with their mouth full -telemarketers…
I’m running out of characters.

Talking during a TV show or movie.