New York City May Be at Start of Winter Surge of Covid-19 (msn.com)
Benjamin Franklin’s Life Virtues: A Step-By-Step Guide (iulianionescu.com)
As Americans celebrate the 225th anniversary of the United States, Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence will, once again, command center stage. It will be quoted and read in its entirety at small-town gatherings, picnics and dedication ceremonies across the nation. But one truth that is not so self-evident to the American people is that it was the words of another Thomas — Thomas Paine — that served to mobilize the masses for revolution and inspired Jefferson’s Declaration itself. Paine, the 39-year-old author of “Common Sense” — the 47-page pamphlet that served as a lightning rod for the cause of American independence — was more instrumental than Jefferson in mobilizing public support for the Revolution.
A self-educated Englishman known for his failures as a corset-maker, tax collector and husband, Paine immigrated to the American colonies in 1774. Settling in Philadelphia, he took a job as editor of the Pennsylvania Magazine, where he wrote inflammatory essays against slavery, the inferior political and social status of women and, of course, England’s rule.
While Jefferson sat through the proceedings of the Second Continental Congress, Paine was out circulating among the highest and lowest orders of society. He worked hard to determine the political temper of the colonies, reading newspapers and frequenting the taverns and coffeehouses of Philadelphia, buttonholing anyone with an opinion.
By the autumn of 1775, Paine’s writings had captured the attention of
Benjamin Franklin, who enlisted his support to test public opinion before making a definitive commitment to independence himself. Paine obliged Franklin by writing “Common Sense,” which appeared on January 10, 1776. Using exciting and irreverent imagery — “simple facts, plain arguments and common sense” — Paine launched a frontal attack on the British monarchy.
Benjamin Franklin’s ‘Struggle for Writing Common Sense’
If the institution were truly useful, he asked his readers, “why would nature ridicule it by giving mankind an ass for a lion [the symbol of the British monarchy] on the throne?” Depicting King George III as a tyrant, as a co-conspirator with Parliament in an attempt to destroy the natural rights of the American colonists, Paine likened the monarch to a “father-king” who relished his children, the Americans, as his main meal. “Americans should not feel any obligation to a crowned ruffian who sanctions war against them,” he concluded.
Of course, Jefferson later made the same point in the Declaration, but with much greater respect for George III. Charging the king with “repeated injuries and usurpations” against the colonies, Jefferson went on to list 27 specific grievances against him. Jefferson concluded that a “Prince whose character is marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” The author of the Declaration was careful to distinguish between the king’s behavior and a personal attack.
Assuming the role of victim for the colonies, Jefferson also solemnly
declared: “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved.” Jefferson’s careful, calculated and felicitous language was designed to appeal to the political elite of the colonies as well as of Europe, who might be persuaded to aid the American cause.
Paine’s audience was less refined: They were the common people who eventually took up the musket and fought for American independence. Not only did he appeal to their reason, but to their emotions as well. Paine exhorted his readers to “cease negotiating for a repeal of Parliamentary acts and separate from England.” By declaring its independence, America would ensure a strong, lasting commerce, the happiness of its people and protection from a hopelessly corrupt Europe. Like a preacher urging his congregation to embark on a divinely-inspired mission, Paine reminded his readers of the American blood already shed at Lexington and Concord with the words: “O! Ye that love mankind!
The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries ‘Tis time to part!
” The brilliance of Paine’s work was that it expressed the ideas of revolution in language that the masses could understand. “Common Sense” aroused public opinion in America in an unprecedented way. It quickly became a bestseller, with 120,000 copies sold in the first year after publication. It found its way into bookstores, private libraries and taverns in both Europe and America. “Common Sense” also instigated hundreds of responses, pro and con, in the form of pamphlets, broadsides and newspaper editorials.
Everyone was talking about the pamphlet except Thomas Jefferson. The Virginia delegate certainly read but made no known public comment about Paine’s work, though it is clear to historians that “Common Sense” anticipated the Declaration in its attack on monarchy and its elevation of the colonists’ grievances from a dispute over English freedoms to a struggle of universal dimensions.
Paine’s actions mirrored his beliefs. In July 1776 he joined the Continental Army and worked to maintain its morale by writing a series of 13 essays, later published as “The American Crisis.” Jefferson, on the other hand, believing that his national service had been completed with the writing of the Declaration, returned home to his family in Virginia. He repeatedly refused to answer Washington’s call to serve in the army. Today, “Common Sense” may not be as highly regarded as the Declaration of Independence, but it is still a powerful expression of the American mind and a testament to the will of the common people — an audience to which Jefferson, for all his brilliance as a writer, simply could not relate.
What happens to electric cars if our electrical grid is compromised??
Democrats NEVER think of the unintended consequences.
The Grid Will Be Useless. Especially concerning the hurricane belt.
No, it doesn’t make sense especially in Florida with all the hurricanes and
stuff, sometimes the electric is out for like 2-3 weeks, lol, no generators??
America is “awake” but Biden & his Twitter handlers are away on their Delaware beach weekend break while Americans are suffering! Chinese & Russian hackers, at minimum, get a two’fer. U.S. transportation & energy but more likely economy and health will take a bolo punch. Forget compromise, if the government wants to control you they will just shut it down. You can only store as much power as 300 mile capacities in the battery, unlike gas you can put in cans. When your battery is dead there’s nothing you can do… So they do what California did and ban gas engines so you can’t charge your car if your power is out.
Well… remember Texas last winter? Do the math- exactly what they want to happen. There is a larger picture here- supply chain, food, fuel, -along other ‘critical’ supplies designed whole heartedly to cripple a population. Biden already is.. pushing for “green energy” when we don’t have the infrastructure NOW, to barely handle the handful of electric vehicles on the road.
This will hurt the poor the most. Do you realize how many never in their life could afford a new car? They buy only used forever, very used! Gas will be a fortune b/c of the low usage. Car parts eventually phased out.
Where are all the compacted cars going to go? Millions?
I live in California where they routinely shut off our power. They even ask people not to charge their cars when we’re short on power in the summer months and threaten rolling brownouts. Here, gas would be more reliable. The electricity grid in California is unreliable and fails frequently yet our brilliant Governor has “ordered” all of the new cars in our enormous state
to be electric within the next fifteen years. Something’s gotta give.
This Country Is the Worst Polluter in the World
There’ve been institutions that accomplished great things in 15 yrs.
The CA state government 100 yrs ago was such an institution.
No longer. Unless the present CA state gov’t is completely transformed somehow it will accomplish nothing in that time just as it has in the past 15.
The carbon footprint just to mine the lithium is a lot higher than driving –
an ICE vehicle, so really not helping the environment.

While putting words in my mouth might make you feel good but it won’t
lead you to the truth. There are ways to power a Diesel engine without diesel, actually …. with water. So, when we get tired of paying out the wazoo and the hydrogen car comes back, it’ll be fine.
What happens when there is limited electricity due to inability to provide the grid once the coal and gas power stations are mothballed? When an electric car runs out of power it has to be towed. A Petrol car can receive fuel in a can and be able to drive away. I’ll explain it, the same folks that can’t manage the post office, the economy, the Supply Chain & current immigration law are going to magically ensure adequate electricity supply by 2035? W/O nuclear power?
That’s like asking what happens to gas automobiles if we run out of gasoline.
If there’s a problem, let’s fix it. President Trump had us energy independent for the first time in my lifetime. Innovation is a good thing and should be fostered in our country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x0owTTbuUQ&feature=emb_title
We’re screwed and you know it.
Hey man people have to start at level 1 they’re just trying to think self-sustaining is a good movement. Prof Meyl Konstantin … is a great place
to start for proven in your tech knowledge. Stanley A Meyer is just as
good sadly he was assassinated but youTube him.
Exactly. At some point I think there will be a pivot to hydrogen-based engines.
Makes much more sense:
What if you’re in Cal. and you need to flee a wildfire, but your car isn’t charged?
We will call them all Nova. In Spanish no~va means “it doesn’t go”
They are doing it backwards, shutting down oil and natural gas first, instead of getting the green grid working first. Like Afghanistan, it will be disastrous. Which they want, shut down will be massive in CA because of the green policies.
PGE sending out notices, get ready: MAD MAX: OUT OF GAS – YouTube
My question is how the heck do you charge the battery when it goes bad?
The same thing that will happen to our gasoline supply if we don’t drill here and drill now. Will we have to run these imposters out of the white house?
That’s a good and important question. Here’s the answer: Because we have advanced way beyond the stone age, we have many ways to generate electricity:
1. Perpetual motion machines 2. solar power 3. wind power 4. dam power
5. ocean power 6. generators 7. and more Politically charged: do you know where your batteries come from? (theconversation.com)
America is dependent again on foreign countries, especially China!
We need micro grids before we go full electric and our country wouldn’t
be able to do that.
That’s the idea for the long term. Paralyze citizens

The Sole Patrol… Full Government control. That’s their plan.
Just think. If we can use solar power to charge electric cars.
They have finally invented a perpetual motion machine.
Another thought. As production ramps up, they will be trying to find a cheaper battery.
I’m sure the think tanks are stumped in #BidensClownWorld

I Have a friend with a Tesla. AOC just took it on a long road trip and said never again!
Took her twice as long to get there and back.
The plan is to take away your ability to own your own transportation; Electric cars will be a state utility; charged elsewhere and you’ll request them with an app. Charges will appear on your electric bill and you’ll be at mercy of the State. Dictators loved trains for a reason.
Does anyone remember when cell phones were catching fire all the time?
Good point! Maybe hybrid and flex fuel vehicles provide the most security. Same is true for homes to have natural gas or solar panels that don’t
rely on the grid.
What about in summer, using California as an example when they told people to use less electricity because they couldn’t handle everyone using their air-conditioning units!
If everyone has electric cars you will have to change out every transformer in your neighborhood. Ya think the truth. We won’t be going anywhere and that’s part of the control agenda of the globalists!!
This is the plan! Then the powers that be can control the grid and whether or not we can move around freely.
Photo from the Blackout of 2003… The green new deal is just like pissing into the wind!
Seemed like a good idea at the time!
And, the grid will be compromised. Electrical plants run by coal will be shut down.
Gas powered plants are not popular with these people either.
Nuclear power is out too; what will we use?
Take the time to watch this, its game changing.
The public doesn’t know about this yet.
Don’t Roll Your Eyes, Lyten’s Battery Breakthrough Could Be for Real
I don’t know if you saw that there’s an entire section in the infrastructure bill to develop large scale domestic battery manufacturing facilities along with grants for development of tech to deal with the massive issues of battery recycling and elimination. That’s the problem. The US only has 4% of the total global share of raw lithium- meaning we would need to be at the mercy of China to do those things. Sure, the US can recycle it & make batteries with it, but the raw material still wouldn’t be coming from within. That’s an issue.
PV and wind, even if the devices that operate them are foreign made, once installed are a permanent domestic energy source. Once we develop sufficient renewables (yes, using fossil fuels, why it’s called a transition), we’ll develop new renewables with previous renewables. If the technology isn’t there already to use renewable as a renewable then making any sort of transition would be foolish by anyone at this time. This nation really first only used geothermal and hydroelectric power to facilitate the later transition to coal, natural gas and direct oil burning. We’ve been in a constant state of transition, slow as it seems.
As it stands now, 2% of all vehicles on US roads are electric.
It’s a fool’s mission to continue beyond that point without domestic production of renewable material. It can’t even be lithium batteries, because the US has less than 4% share of that. The US can’t be green & sovereign. Yet most of our bulk transformers today use Japanese laminate steel & are predominantly manufactured in South Korea, China, Mexico & Columbia & are shipped in. Even if we used 100% domestic coal & gas inputs, we are still dependent on globalization.
Yes, and there is an abundance of cheap, porous Asian steel in the US because of that policy – and now they need infrastructure bills to replace it all. The goal should be to get away from foreign dependence altogether- the PPE debacle should’ve been the wake-up call to that. Japanese steel has advanced in myriad ways, the core losses today compared to laminate steel from before are much lower. But this isn’t a new issue — we thought Japan in the 80’s was our downfall, with cheap, inferior tools flooding our markets. I recall using a Japanese open-ended wrench against a rather stubborn nut on my exhaust in the late 80s. It “yawned,” moved from a 9/16ths to a 5/8ths!
You know, I also find that Indian made goods are pretty solid today, but there just aren’t a lot of them. Yet I don’t really see this as policy — we just over time found that Korean transformers eventually matched our domestics & were less expensive. Like textiles.
Our ratepayers never knew the difference. There is no green policy that makes any sense for the US right now as long as the biggest polluters in the world like China & India remain unchecked. Especially if that plan requires the US to be dependent on China for resources.
We have to be realistic in our expectations.
Saving the planet is the narrative of the politician, not the actual concern.
I believe the technology exists to have electric cars that would be able to run on self-produced power! Look how long voyager lasted! Sadly, greed is the only reason we don’t have any of them?
The electric grid could not handle a majority of cars being electric powered!
Simple fact: The generator just needs a source to turn it. It can be built into the axle and turn when the axle and wheels turn the same as a gasoline engine would turn the generator. Cyber Truck has solar panels and so does @aptera_motors.
People have to remember that when you put a Gen on a car, not only the extra weight but now the car has to be able to have the power to overcome the force needed to generate the power. The answers you guys are looking for are at “Aaron Murakami”. – Bing video @aaronmurakami.
Another thing I wondered is why they never bothered with wind energy for cars. Anything going at a decent speed will be able to harness wind. Combine that with roof mounted solar panels (or even solar panel type paint over the entire vehicle) and it should be possible.
#California #Cali #CA does not have the ability to connect a certain amount of air conditioners in the summer, use your #CommonSense, what will happen when half of the cars turn electric?
Perpetual motion doesn’t seem to exist.
One of Biden’s early EOs gave China access to our power grid. What was the rationale for that, and why hasn’t it (and most of his 60+ EOs) been challenged in federal court?
Actually, WHY has Biden done any of the things he’s done since he’s been in office??
What happens when we get rid of coal since 40% of electric is produced by it, as the left said they would???
Our grid is already over capacity. If we’re going to outlaw ICEs for passenger cars, make charging as widespread and convenient as paying $50/20min full charge, Big Oil is going to make bank. Oil-fired pps will be at 100%24/7/365 unless we go scalable gen iv nuclear. W&S? | N F W!
I guess our grandchildren will be telling stories of how they had to walk
uphill both ways to work because the grid was down.

To a leftist, “progressive” is walking both to and from school uphill and through the snow.
They will find out soon enough!
I was thinking the other day, when the NWO regime is done with their brainwashing of the current under 35 generation, in 10 years’ time they will dutifully walk 10-20 miles to work in all weather. And back. Our grid is already maxed out (e.g., brownouts). It won’t handle millions of vehicles being plugged in every night. They don’t talk about reality.
Toyota Says Electric Cars Will Overload The Grid – Insider Car News
What happens to the fully charged electrical cars in areas that flood?
Bigger question nobody seems to want to answer when the battery life is done.
WTF do you do with that POS toxic waste

A Tesla with a V8 LS Swap?!? (Rich Rebuilds @ SEMA) – YouTube
Do they not realize the “SCIENCE” it takes to create electricity?
Do they think it’s created by green magic?
There is a larger reality beyond our comprehension. An endless reality in which we are a tiny part. Water creatures existing on this wet bit of matter floating we know not where or why. Surrounded by the soft music of the universe we accept our tiny roles. “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4 Explanation and Commentary ….
Let my wings be strengthened by God the Almighty if he wants me to fly.

Related: CA just decommissioned Diablo Canyon Nuclear generation plant ~20yrs early – it provides 19% of CA electricity. It’s cloudy and there is no wind today.
It’s not that there would be zero electricity, there would not be enough, at affordable prices, to provide for all needs so the Big Govt would ration it by their Leftist-woke standards… They have no intention of allowing energy to be
abundant & inexpensive for the middle-class.