For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. (Romans 1:18.)
I am actually concerned that people will again not take him as seriously as we should. Biden is an old man, a segregationist… I just think that we are and that we have underestimated him. Liberation and Liberté. Blessed by God! Life’s / we weather together!
Voluntarily committed to being the voice of reason.
The Left is losing. With no more talk of herd immunity. Odd, now I’m hearing from this or that person about colds and flu, but no one is talking about getting tested for COVID. Sounds like virus fatigue to me. Being healthy helps but it’s estimated that up to 50% of cases are asymptomatic and the virus is highly contagious.
It’s protecting the vulnerable. That would have been a good argument if the vaccines we have so far hadn’t turned out to be so leaky. Look at the surges happening in Israel, Gibraltar, some of the most highly vaccinated countries.
Public ‘health’ could acknowledge that healthier lifestyles are, well, healthier lifestyles; if every doctor was honest with their patients, it would be a different world; in fact, if everyone was honest with only their direct charges for starters it would immensely improve society. The vaccine is keeping severe outcomes low but not stopping transmission. I think it’s pretty obvious to most people that a healthier lifestyle reduces your risk for serious Covid infections. Obviously, we do. How is it we get told that “poor people just don’t know any better” but then also get told “doctors shouldn’t have to state the obvious”.
Do we need public health officials to state the obvious?
Apparently, it is not obvious. Examine the data instead of your predetermined theory, because clearly your theory doesn’t work out in practice. Just because people are fat doesn’t mean they don’t know what healthy food is. That’s like saying an alcoholic shouldn’t have any alcohol if it’s bad for you. They told us to sit home, to drink and watch Netflix. So probably they need to tell people those things were actually terrible advice. You would think it’d be obvious but sadly most people don’t look like they have a clue how to keep their body healthy.
How is it obvious? Most think putting their life at risk and getting jabbed
with a faulty experiment is being proactive with their health. When in fact:
it’s the complete opposite and is reactionary due to their poor lifestyle past & present. Yes, we do and no it’s not obvious to so many in the population, don’t assume people know what contributes to a healthy lifestyle!! Strange how they don’t… It’s not obvious to most…obviously. What’s obvious to you clearly isn’t obvious to nearly half of Americans. They seem to state everything else.
We’re the fattest country in the world, looking at the obesity problem
in this country, it looks like it needs to be mandated more so than the vax.
They preach everything else except health. That is the problem. Last time I checked the US is one of the world’s most obese countries. So, what do you think, do we need public health officials to state the “obvious” Sad but true?
Yes, we do. The Majority of the country lacks any kind of common sense.
I would rather them state the obvious than continue to lie to us.
The TRUTH would be better than the other bullshit they’ve been ramming down our throats… I Don’t think you know how advertising and psychology works. And as “obvious” as it may be, you can look up obesity rates over the last 20 months. That’s LITERALLY their job.
Encourage public health. Not pass mandates.
We learn complex behaviors most efficiently & effectively through repetitive modeling. Familiar faces on the big screen have tremendous influence and power. Lockdown, vaccines, mask. Never once have I heard them talking about how being unhealthy is not healthy… MSM has largely suppressed the fact that the #1 comorbidity in 78% of Covid cases is obesity. They keep praising Tess Holliday’s and Ashley Grahams as “brave.”
Empire of Deceit – by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek – Break Free with Karen Hunt (substack.com)
Tried to have a paper published about nutrient deficits in the elderly in LTC & the implications it played in COVID. Was turned down as recommendations weren’t ‘realistic’ despite 2/3 positive peer reviews.
No one wants to acknowledge a simpler helpful solution. And you won’t. Because eating real food, exercise and increasing vitamin D are BASIC ass things to fuel this thing called an immune system. Some two thousand years ago the father of Medicine coined a really cool term “Let food be thy medicine.” If you follow the excellent Zoe study, you’ll find this discussed alongside many other evidenced based findings on the nature of Covid. Eating a plant rich diet reduces risk of developing COVID-19 (kcl.ac.uk)
People are more stupid now than any time in history. They’ve lied about pretty much everything. So yeah, a little honestly might give them some credibility. They’re telling you to take two injections a year. Many of us won’t do it because they keep lying. About everything. I get what you’re saying but Vit D is a big one they say isn’t really proven blah blah but I think it’s 70ish % of Americans are deficient. Vitamins D3 (normally acquired from sunlight) and K2 are essential compounds toward optimizing the human immune system. They’re cheap and widely available. It is weird that nobody is talking about that. Esp. a significant % of the pop. has shown to present vitamin D deficiency.
I had been on vitamin d3 and zinc when I got covid in January. Lasted a week and a half. No hospital. Had a great recovery. I still take my vitamins. I also ate berries, quercetin transports zinc to the cells. Most think it’s vitamin C…. So even IF it didn’t help with immune function which it does (& a bunch of other things), why not at least address widespread deficiency? The vaccine and eating healthy/getting more vitamin D/exercise are not mutually exclusive.
No matter what else you do, the vaccine is by far the best way to avoid serious COVID and death especially if you’re over 50.
And the safety level of the vaccine is incredibly high.
Well, they recommend and mandate everything else, so would it hurt for them to talk a bit about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle?
I think it’s pretty obvious the vaccines are free and easily available and yet we are still bombarded with the propaganda?
These clot shots are not working especially when you have vaccinated people still getting sick and ending up on a ventilator. My friend just died the other day. 2 shots and a booster later still landed her in the ground.
Just stop

to them, do you think maybe they could say something helpful?
How Did The Government Get The Food Pyramid So Terribly Wrong? (healthyway.com)
They did a horrible job with the food pyramid!
Generations were taught the backwards way. So maybe they do need to.
You can’t assume most people live Healthy lifestyles when fast food joints are busy every day. Also, they promote free fast food just to get a covid vaccine.
It’s really not about health anymore. I see individuals at the grocery store all masked up buying a case of Coke, a dozen donuts and a bottle of Bourbon all the time. But we endlessly have to hear about social distancing and masks which don’t do squat. There’s a paid CDC ad somewhere that literally says “being healthy is hard so just get vaccinated”.
Their official opinion is #stayfatgetvaxxed
There are a lot of misinformed and uninformed people.
How many people are getting monoclonal antibodies after testing positive?
By the number of hospitalizations in liberal states, I’d say not many.
There are signs stating that employees must wash hands before returning to work in the bathrooms of restaurants…. just saying, the Gov is good at wasting $ to state the obvious. I’ve never understood those signs. To me it should say everyone must wash their hands after using the toilet. Why do only employees have to wash their hands?
South Korea followed the textbook principles of epidemiology.
Kept deaths 40 times lower all the way till 75% of the population fully vaccinated.
This would be success. It’s because these “Public Officials” don’t know anything about what a healthy lifestyle is. They’re only here to spoon feed the narrative that complies with their handlers. Increasing Vitamin D could have saved thousands of people. There is a direct correlation of vitamin D levels and covid outcome. Lower vitamin D turned into severe covid. Higher vitamin D levels showed mild cases… The effect of not enough sleep on the immune system is staggering. I’ve not heard one peep from governments on this.
Balancing Food and Activity for Healthy Weight | Healthy Weight | DNPAO | CDC Our local parks were all shut during LD, while sweet shops were open late in the name of “essential services”. One of the problems that goes along with lifestyle changes to fight COVID-19 is the almost epidemic amount of people with Type 2 Diabetes. This is 1 of the biggest killers where COVID-19 is concerned. Estimated by 2025 20 million in the US will have diabetes. Many people with diabetes syndromes are not aware until the contract COVID.
People should take care of themselves not depending on any systems.
All systems are there to make money or power, not about health and well-being. Eat Right, Move Right and Think Right. Stop consuming Junk food, media, sickness care. life is real so live life real. Medical professionals have been touting exercise and healthy diet for years. Nobody wants to hear it. I believe controlling stress is a big factor in managing illness. You don’t think meditation would be part of that too? Nobody listens to reasons.
Right, I have never heard that underlying health conditions make COVID worse. It’s like déjà vu all over again. Government can’t directly charge you money for those things. Where would the monetary gain be found in publicizing something like that? I mean, the doctor tells me that every year. Isn’t it just common sense…do people really need to be told to be healthy… They can’t make money off that nor control other people’s lives. That advice
is true regardless of a pandemic. Natural immunity is a conspiracy theory.

I was in VT once and wound up in a small town grocery store. It was disorienting. Barely any produce. Wildly colorful packages of processed foods
I didn’t recognize. Brands I didn’t know. I actually took photos, it was bizarre.
I left & asked someone… if there was another grocery store in the area, and they said nearest was a 45- to 50-minute drive away. Virtually everyone I saw in the town was morbidly obese. It was heartbreaking to think it was because they had little access to healthy food.

There is no money to be made if you’re healthy .. There’s no indication that those messages have ever resonated with the cupcakes watching TV and eating chocolate bonbons. It’s like why waste the breath? How would big pharma & the govt make money if we all just ran/exercised in the sun for free?!?! Ah, another attempt to cash in on the Joe Rogan COVID controversy, I see… This

A healthy lifestyle + vaccination > a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle + vaccination > vaccination. Do both for a win-win.
So true! Went wholefoods diet in July 2020 and I have NEVER been healthier.
Because the companies that make real food, are in the exercise industry or produce vitamin D products don’t pay them. That would be counterproductive to the Cabal depopulation agenda. The objective is to keep us week and stupid. Healthy strong people that have high IQ could totally undermine their control over us. My opinion: Literally everyone has been talking about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for…oh…I don’t know… MY ENTIRE LIFE! I have had the same doctor for 25 years and he has never asked me what I eat or if I exercise. Doctors are just drug dealers and Try to walk out of a doctor’s office without a prescription.

Absolutely no one has hid that having a healthy lifestyle will help you fight off the virus, in fact it’s assumed. However, you’re still not invulnerable, plenty of otherwise healthy people have gotten covid & suffered from it. We can’t get people to wear a stupid mask. What makes you think that anyone will make meaningful lifestyle changes. The easy way out …Apparently all the benefits of public health are in one “vaccine. ” Everyone must take the vaccine. It’s the only way out of this pandemic. Science also says we must inoculate everyone on earth to protect the most vulnerable. Follow Dr Fauci and trust the experts.

As a doctor advising people to take a vitamin D3 pill daily would be risky
and open you to liability, as it doesn’t reduce the risk of infection simply your chances of beating the virus. Masks are a much safer message in our litigious society. Because then many companies like McDonald’s would lose money! Here on the suburban side — I’m still amazed to see drive thru lines wrapped around the building at dinner time at all the fast-food joints.
Because there’s no way to copyright a burpee or push-up. If people just ran or swam a couple of miles per day and didn’t eat junk, covid would be far less of a problem.
Although – As Rogan proved you can eat free range elk, supplements,
work out daily, and still get it. The only thing that will prevent it is a vaccine and monoclonal antibodies for treatment. Stop talking sense, James DiNicolantonio; you’re cutting into the jab profits! #isthereapillforthat. When tagging comedian @joerogan, please put a warning – or explanation why – on each tweet? I love that knucklehead and listen to his 4-hour podcasts in their entirety. But adding the self-proclaimed “moron” delegitimizes and dumbs down your helpful, awesome, informative tweets.

Dr. Roger Seheult’s MedCram youtube channel has been talking about this from the beginning. He has over a million subscribers, and seems to be a great source of covid related info…gotta look beyond the routine sources of info… https://youtu.be/DnvdUAiTw54 @MedCramVideos @RogerSeheult Been doing this since Sep 2020. With the exception of a recent sinus infection, I have not been sick since then. I-MASK+ Prophylaxis & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 [v18 – updated October 12, 2021] (covid19criticalcare.com)
Been saying same since summer of 2020 By then, we already knew major risk factors: Age, health/fitness, D deficiency By then, I had already been on a course to strengthen our immune system for 3 months: vitamins, sleep, less alcohol, more sunshine, more water, exercise.
Not only has the Task Force not talked about getting in the sun, eating right, exercise, etc., but by deliberate action are discounting the safest therapies we have. Look how many Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID.
Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol!

Don’t forget HCQ, Ivermectin, & Chlorine Dioxide…ALL suppressed by
the NWO Globalist Luciferian depopulation agenda. PROOF? RIGHT here: Advancing Christ’s Kingdom | “But you have come forward to Mt. Zion…Therefore receiving an unshakable Kingdom- let us have grace, through
which we may serve GOD with holiness and Godly fear; for our GOD is also a consuming Fire.” (Hebrews 12:22-29) (wordpress.com)
Can you imagine the positive impact on society if the government went all in on health, nutrition, diet, exercise and hugs … instead of vaccinating everyone with untested poison jabs? They shun this like vampires shun the …TRUTH
Transcript Quote – Interview: Mark Levin Interviews Donald Trump on The Mark Levin Show – April 26, 2019 | Fact base
Chinese tennis star calls Olympics chief amid fear for her safety (msn.com)
U.S. added to list of “backsliding” democracies for 1st time (msn.com)
What Taking Aspirin Every Day Does to Your Body (msn.com)
Science confirms these parts of the Bible are true (msn.com)
US COVID-19 cases and deaths by state | USA Facts
Stress causes cancer to spread – Bing