The pandemic caused an unprecedented rollback of democratic freedoms in 2020 Global democracy continued its decline in 2020, according to the latest edition of the Democracy Index from our sister company, The Economist Intelligence Unit. The annual survey, which rates the state of democracy across 167 countries based on five measures—electoral process and pluralism, the functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—finds that just 8.4% of the world’s population live in a full democracy while more than a third live under authoritarian rule. The global score of 5.37 out of ten is the lowest recorded since the index began in 2006.
Government-imposed lockdowns and other pandemic-control measures led to a huge rollback of civil liberties in 2020, causing downgrades across the majority of countries. Confronted by a new, deadly disease to which humans had no natural immunity, most people concluded that preventing a catastrophic loss of life justified some temporary loss of freedom. The ranking penalized countries that withdrew civil liberties, failed to allow proper scrutiny of emergency powers or denied freedom of expression—regardless of whether there was public support for government measures. In France for example, severe lockdowns and national curfews led to a small but significant decrease in its overall score and the country dropped into the “flawed democracy” category.
The pandemic did not put a stop to rising levels of political engagement. Turnout in the American presidential election in November was the highest for 120 years and the country recorded its best political participation score since the index began. But public trust in the democratic process was dealt a blow by the refusal of Donald Trump and many of his supporters to accept the election result, and the United States remains in the “flawed democracy” category. The star performer, measured by the change in both its score and rank, was Taiwan, which was upgraded to a “full democracy” after rising 20 places in the global ranking from 31st to 11th.
Taiwan went to the polls in January 2020, and a strong voter turnout, including among young people, demonstrated the resilience of its democracy. Elections do not always lead to democratic progress. Although Mali held parliamentary elections in March 2020 that were broadly free and fair, the results were nullified when the country suffered a coup in August by military officers aggrieved by a lack of progress against jihadist insurgents. Mali’s drop of 11 places down the rankings is typical of sub-Saharan Africa as a whole, which suffered a terrible year for democracy. This year is not off to a promising start, with an insurrection in America’s Capitol and a military coup in Myanmar. Democrats will hope that a gradual loosening of covid-19 restrictions will give them more reason to cheer. #Donald Trump Trump# #COVID-19 #Covid
Everything should have gone back to normal once we knew what we were dealing with, which was pretty clear in may 2020. Focused protection would have saved many more lives than blanket restrictions. So much collateral damage that we probably will never be able to quantify it all. I disagree!
Check for example New Zealand! Less local restrictions and a better economy!

Very few countries can sufficiently seal their borders to do what NZ did.
Absolutely! You can tackle a virus without: creating spiraling inflation that will keep billions of people in poverty for the next decade. Creating divisive vitriolic hatred between two opposing viewpoints in every country on Earth.
Pathetic handling by most world leaders. My favorite thing is when my liberal friends tell me that canceling culture is not real. I’ve experienced a version of it myself on Facebook, and experiences like yours are undeniable.
And it will be. It will be studied and lessons will be learned… …right up to the start of the next one.
Yeah, if we had a functioning political system, there are a lot of lessons to learn. Britain however, will learn no lessons, because the politicians will be far too busy protecting themselves from being blamed for anything, oh and conducting their usual schemes.
Are there costs to using pressure to increase COVID-19 vaccinations?
COVID symptoms: Top 98 side effects from coronavirus – Deseret News
When caring for public health as well as the health of the individual, empathy will get you further than coercion. I think anyone having done clinical care will intuitively get that. They are now trying to use the same virus by calling it an “African Variant”. Which, I may add according to Democrats was racist when President Trump tried calling it the “Chyna Virus” to slow the spread. Everything they accused Trump of, they’ve done 1,000,000×’s worse. Hypocrisy all the way around

Warns against vaccinating healthy children (rumble.com)
More omicron cases pop up as world scrambles to learn more about latest COVID strain. Are there costs to society using pressure to increase COVID-19… https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1463036582345248768.html…
Balloon POP!! – .

Holographic Medical Pods.
Besides the psychology of coercion, it’s not really a secret that these vaccines can be quite dangerous for healthy people. Every day the awareness of AEs grows.
Well, it could also be a consequence of increased research publications I note this week’s Harvard pre-print that clearly concludes: -NO vaccine protection against breakthrough infections -But natural immunity prevents 100% breakthrough #VaccineRegret #Covid19dk #Dkpol
This is correct, I not only have distrust in Government, I actually started
to cross red lights in protest and anger. My respect for society has vanished.
I wish no part of it anymore. I was all for law and order previously. The magnitude of the storm does not excuse the futility of the rain dance.
I’m with you because he’s been presented with an immoral forced dilemma and is attempting to make a moral decision. My understanding is that this is the product of a Superintendent trying to keep unvaccinated kids in school in light of San Diego County & CA’s asinine mandates. I hope we can both applaud his subversive efforts & abhor the deplorable discrimination that necessitates them… I remember vividly reading this article nearly 2 years ago, in which CDC official Nancy Messonier told Americans to prepare for “significant disruption” in their lives.
My first thought was “no.”
After conducting some research, I became more dubious as I learned that “significant disruption” was actually NOT how public health officials previously advised managing pandemics. The skepticism intensified when I saw Sweden take a different approach, and read an article in The NY Times in March 2020 by David Katz arguing that shutting society down would cause more harm than covid. But no one around me agreed, and it quickly became evident that one was not allowed to have a different opinion on the subject – I was dismissed, ostracized, and attacked personally for expressing my views.
My relationship could not survive the strain (even though he agreed with me – it was the pressure from outside that did us in). I had been extremely close with his family, especially his little niece, and I lost all of those important relationships. Most of my friends & colleagues turned on me. Indeed, I received a call about a year ago in which a colleague informed me that my Twitter account had been discovered and people wanted my boss to fire me. I ended up finding another job, moving to DC, and basically starting from scratch.
The point of all of this is that the public health professionals and MDs who used their degrees & titles to inflict repressive, divisive policies on us, to suppress debate, who used the authority of their positions to abuse the trust of the public by denying that 6/ there could be other valid approaches, must all be held to account for the lives they destroyed. I’m relatively lucky, as I’m doing fine despite the magnitude of the losses I experienced. Many have permanently lost their lives, their sanity, and their livelihoods. So when this is all said and done, let’s make sure that all of the people who did this to us – from @EpiEllie
and David Gorski to Rochelle Walensky, Nancy Messionier and Anthony Fauci – pay both personally and professionally, & are never in a position to do this to us again. It’s become clear to me that no matter what the evidence – damage to children, overdose, economic mayhem and perpetual spread of Covid ANYWAY – there may never be a reckoning (in my lifetime). The pp who supported disruption just kept weaving new stories about how it was necessary. That’s the most darkly hilarious part: it didn’t stop the spread. I’m currently quarantined in Seattle with my fam, we all have covid. All vaccinated, masked, socially distanced. Even in the most covid tyrannical place we are sick. Because you can’t control an airborne virus. Coronavirus: Americans Warned To Start Planning For Spread In U.S. : Shots – Health News: NPR GAME OVER! Medical Proof the Jab is Murder (bitchute.com)

I hope you’re surrounded by love over the holiday season.
Truth is treason in an empire of lies.
This is very interesting – and so far, only visible in Japan: According to a potentially revolutionary theory proposed by Ituro Inoue, a professor at the National Institute of Genetics, the delta variant in Japan accumulated too many mutations to the virus’s error … correcting, non-structural protein called nsp14. First Autopsy of COVID Vaccinated Patient Finds Every Organ of Body Infested with Spike Proteins (eutimes.net)
As a result, the virus struggled to repair the errors in time, ultimately leading to “self-destruction.” This article quotes directly from the Japan Times: Japan Says the Delta Variant Is Rapidly Disappearing, Attributed To ‘Self-Extinction’ – winepressnews.com
So basically, they messed with nature and that caused the virus to kill itself if I am understanding it correctly. I’m not an expert. Which usually happens over a longer period of time naturally. Viruses mutate in nature all the time. I’m not sure there’s a “they” here. He’s saying the virus did it to itself, but it doesn’t really matter. The nature of viruses is to replicate causing mutations that are more or less adapted. If one of the spin offs is better adapted than Delta, it begins to dominate.
The reproduction increased from around 0.6 to around 0.9 as Japan ended states of emergency despite vaccination continuing at a decent clip. It increased from around 0.9 to 1.4 in Germany. This is about the same increase; it just isn’t noticed in Japan because R is still under 1. It’s amazing how many hoops they’ll jump through to ignore the fact that Ivermectin also became encouraged in Japan prior to this wave collapsing. So, Trump was right (again)…this thing will “magically” be gone? CDC’s New ‘Best Estimate’ Implies a COVID Infection Fatality Rate Below 0.3% Rate is much lower than numbers used in the projections that shaped the government response.
Virus KILLS less than 0.3 percent of people said to have it The CDC’s New ‘Best Estimate’ Implies a COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate Below 0.3% (reason.com) Pfizer CEO Admits He Is ‘Not Certain’ Their COVID-19 Shot Will Prevent Vaccinated People from Spreading the Virus. Pfizer’s coronavirus jab may not prevent vaccinated people from spreading coronavirus, the firm’s chairman admitted this week. Pfizer CEO ‘not certain’ its Covid vaccine prevents transmission | Daily Mail Online CDC Director Now Says ‘New Data’ Shows Breakthrough Cases in Vaccinated People Can Spread as Much Virus as Unvaccinated.
Variants are going to exist. That doesn’t mean people need to freak out every time a LAB discovers one. Dr. Rochelle Walensky, says, “new data” shows cases in which vaccinated persons can spread as much virus as an unvaccinated person. I think the CDC, Fauci and Walensky, et al have launched a highly effective misinformation campaign. Absolutely! I know a number of people who believe the lie that natural immunity is inferior to the vaccines so therefore, everyone should be vaccinated. And keep wearing their masks. The amount of anti-science is frightening. Nobody should be forced against their will, period.
These “vaccines” don’t prevent you from getting, or most transmitting the RO.
them is pure evil. Recovering from covid at the moment along with my whole fam. People keep asking me when I’m getting the booster. Absolutely no brain power anymore. I’d like to believe the majority don’t, but I regularly see/ talk to people who don’t believe there’s any immunity from naturally acquired infection or believe it wanes in 3 months.
Our public health resources have done a phenomenal job…of misleading people. You and @Leftylockdowns1 are smart enough to realize if you craft the poll questions a certain way and “randomly” choose from zip codes so left, they don’t have right arms, more, the outcome will be what is wanted. Some polls once had good cred, but I’m skeptical of any of them.
No one should be forced, shamed or even excluded from society because they decide to decline an experiment Not sure if the majority believe that we should be forced against our will to vax, but my own family & friends R fearful & have said I should still get vax & have excluded me & my Covid recovered kid from indoor events w them.
Not even allowing masks or Antigen/PCR tests.
I am low risk, had both shots, and then got covid last month. I have been asked if I am getting my booster by a few and when I said I was not planning on getting it for at least 3 months it looks like *I* was crazy. Dr. Robert Malone, an internationally recognized medical doctor and scientist who assisted with inventing mRNA vaccines. Fully Vaccinated Are COVID ‘Super-Spreaders,’ Says Inventor of mRNA Technology • Children’s Health Defense (children’s health defense.org) Natural Immunity IS the only thing that will stop the virus. Big Pharma is making us dependent on the vaccine and destroying our immune systems. Don’t be surprised if the answer is not what you think. Finding the silver lining
VACCINES ARE SPREADING COVID-19 – Dr. Christina Parks “My main complaint is with our health agencies & the CDC who basically know better & are misleading the public.”
Dr. Christina Parks, Testimony for Michigan House Bill 4471 (HB4471) on Aug. 19, 2021
“VACCINES ARE SPREADING COVID-19” – Dr. Christina Parks Testimony for Michigan House Bill 4471 (rumble.com) Apocalypse Now
About innate immunity The High Wire Episode 242 EXCERPT Geert Vanden Bossche
Philippians 2:11, Philippians 2:12 KJV – And that every tongue should confess – Bible Gateway This is why #Evil hates us; because, we speak out against it, seek to remove it and replace it with The Lord’s Will. No one should be forced against their will- that is insanity in general.
Leave your mark on this earth, not on social media!
For many #Believers, #TheLord #Jesus is our #StopGate.