They’ve lost us and they know it.
Trust the Science

Due to the Seriousness of the New Omicron COVID Variant the Biden Admin Has Decided to Leave the US Southern Border Completely Open. Because Biden is a certified idiot, he has no comprehension of what he is doing, period. Congress should go over his head. What is wrong with them is they are all blind to the facts OPEN BORDERS IS making our country sicker. Until he closes the Border, Biden does NOT care about getting COVID under control. Ask yourself: If any of this so-called virus is so bad, deadly, why are our borders open the whole damn time? WHY are illegals exempt?
Is it because China wants it this way?
#Byden goes to #Rubensteins for Thanksgiving to discuss the upcoming Epstein Trial – They have decided to cook up another variant to deter our attention once again – Africa has NO COVID at all and they have only been vaxed 6% – The shots are spreading it! They’re saying this variant is worse for younger people-so they’re going to use the kids angle to gain back control.
Are Viral Mutations Beneficial For Human Health? – Alternative Health – WHAT THEY WON’T TELL YOU BUT I HAVE MENTIONED MULTIPLE TIMES NOW. STUDIES SEEM TO PROVE THAT I AM CORRECT BASED ON THE MULTIPLE STUDIES THAT I’VE READ REGARDING VIRUSES IN GENERAL. Are Viral Mutations Beneficial For Human Health? – Alternative Health (alternative-health-concepts.com)
One more big distraction away from where we should be focusing our attention: The democrats will have a new variant form of virus nonstop as long as people believe their lies. The virus is long gone. Do not believe democrats lies, the democrats are the virus!!!! Is there a new scariant? I don’t even listen to the news anymore. I wonder how they test for these things … Until they shut down the border & stop all these people from coming into our country I’m not listening to anything they say. Genomic sequencing, which is 100% accurate, has been used since the start of the pandemic to identify and track variants.
More about the variant below: The New variant contains ~50 mutations, but more than 30 of these are in the spike protein, (the part of the virus that interacts with human cells prior to cell entry — and the part most vaccines target). How will the Omicron coronavirus variant affect Europe this winter? – POLITICO
New Coronavirus Variants Are Urgently Being Tracked around the World – Scientific American This test is used by researchers, not in a hospital setting, because treatment is based on the symptoms rather than the variant.
They put out a few articles and watch and see how many drooling fools follow and spread the works. Its contagious factor based on how scared ppl are
South Africa, which found the omicron variant first, sequences less than 1 percent of coronavirus samples (msn.com)
Moderna COVID booster: Details about the new omicron variant, side effects, CDC rules (msn.com)
Omicron COVID-19 variant: Pfizer, BioNTech say vaccine could be reworked in 100 days to counter strain | Fox Business
UPDATE: South African Doctor Who Discovered “Omicron” Variant Says There’s Nothing to Worry About – Only Mild Symptoms (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
Omicron, found in Europe 11 days ago, jolts markets on vaccine fears
New covid variant: Omicron is a pandemic gut check (msn.com)
It’s a great biz plan for the drug companies. Release a variant make a vax for it. repeat. I honestly believed this at first. But now — Trusting the scientists that probably made the virus with a vaccine then they admit it won’t stop infections sounds worse than covid itself. I’ll pass on this vaccine. Also, I think it’s a virus (propaganda) that will be around and everyone needs to learn how to live with it!
Treatments over vaccinations will be the key!
It’s November 2021 and we are already ahead of schedule with Omicron.
The mass vaccination with the current leaky vaccines is causing rapid evolution of the virus. It’s weird cause just the other day they were saying COVID’s virtually not an issue in Africa. Anyone believing the media at this point needs to be in LOCKDOWN!
This has to stop

It’s just the new variant of the flu we get every year. Covid is nothing but the flu. It never has been isolated so it doesn’t exist. The new variant could be very real. It should be expected with this biowarfare weapon, but it means very little to those of us who are protecting ourselves with prophylactics and access to early treatment therapeutics. As someone else has said, this pandemic will end when people decide they’re done with it. There will always be disease and virus in life. We need to return to normalcy.
Just in time for the upcoming midterms. #TheKenyan needs a new playbook. It’s a distraction. There is a very important Trial coming up. They must draw attention away from it. They got to keep the chaos for the midterms. They need something big to fight Christmas.
This will be the Ultra-Instinct Variant.

A new forced demand for all to receive boosters. The markets are in shambles today, all except Big Pharma. Since its all a lie, just follow who gains money or power (the power that be) since its not about your health. Fear not. Try not. #DoNotComply It’s going to be the excuse for all the #VAXXED dying. It’s the excuse for #ADE, #myocarditis, #pericarditis, #heartattacks, #VaccineInjuries, #vaccinedeaths, and on and on
News of the new Nu variant, but WHO is jumping the alphabet to call it Omicron, so they can avoid Xi.

Texas doctor suspended, banned from giving ivermectin to critically ill COVID patient – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) They need to maintain momentum or lose it all. These smells of desperation… Only the truly ignorant people believe the promoters of this scam are trying to help us, while the rest of us see the cattle cars coming for us. Biden’s approval rating is so low and the GOP is about to win both the House & Senate so liberal elite 1%ers and media got to put out fear tactics.
So, 2022 midterms can use mail in ballots so they can cheat again. Money will win via cheating again. We just have to turn off the news and it will go away. On Monday Ghislaine Maxwell trial begins, Jeffrey Epstein’s right-hand asst. Trial’s about global human sex-trafficking, pedophilia & govt blackmail involving elite & most powerful people in the world!
Now the media is pushing a new variant! Wake up, they are trying to distract us!

Definitely a big scam! Testing cannot discern between variants, they really think we are stupid, all week I’ve been reading about Africa and it’s almost non existent Covid cases with vacations!

Lions CAN’T be controlled…Only sheep can!
We must RESIST PPL this is it. We need to follow suit with the rest of the world and get in the streets. I know people are afraid to get out and use their voices because of what they are doing to the Jan 6th guys but THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. I can not stand alone. Get out here: Went down a leftist rabbit hole this morning, omg, they are freaking out, scared to death. And hating on the unvaccinated… it’s going to be another nightmare just in time for Christmas and winter months!
I am just worried that when they get desperate they will release an even worse virus. Something they think they have a handle on, but really do not. They never had me to begin with

Notice how Covid keeps mutating in response to our ability to develop resistance to authoritarianism & it’s wild how the variants are attacking exactly who they’re trying to push the

The covid tests change in Dec/Jan and will start distinguishing regular flu from covid. when that happens covid will vanish.
They didn’t scare people enough to stop them from gathering at Thanksgiving so this is the scare to stop upcoming holidays. They were reporting what a big mystery it was for Africa NOT to have the number of cases of Covid as other places in the world… well, this new extra, extra contagious variant should take care of that, by damn.
New COVID Variant B.S. – End the Mandates (rumble.com)
Ghislaine Maxwell trial, suv that drove itself into a parade, 2022 midterms, lawsuits over mandates, need more civil unrest to fill 24/7 news cycles. Take your pick, we are living in insane times. There likely is a variant…Several to be honest. This virus can go back-and-forth from bats, humans, deer and other animals such as our household pets
The virus mutates quickly and it’s going to be around for some time. Hey, we have the same strain! We do a daily regimen of healthy eating with vitamins to supplement, physical activities, turning off the tv & social media. Oh, and now Fauci says the vaccines won’t work on the variant. So now they’ll come up with a new shot. Dr. Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology says it appears to be nothing to mess around with. Blows right past any vaccine, antibodies, and T cells. Early in the Covid outbreak it was reported that all viruses mutate but historically the variants tend to be more contagious but far less severe.
Agree 100%. They know we are doing as we please without fear. They hate it so add another variant. The problem is the weak among us believe. Just went to the mall 90% had masks on. I burned all of mine. FJB Follow the science! (Note: Delta variant had no overflowing hospital photos like the original Covid did). Just More Fear Porn.
Dow Drops 800 on New COVID Variant Discovery | National Review
I like how they push the vaccine that doesn’t work on the new variants! Covid numbers are higher now than a year ago. I think it’s the Biden virus it’s time to make it go away with the President Trump cure. Yep. Distraction for the Maxwell trial? They knew about it as of July 2021. Definitely, if I don’t get the jab then I have a 100% chance of no side effects and a 99.7% chance I will survive the pandemic in the USA. Those are damn good odds. How scientists detect a new COVID variant | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
They need another source of fear to keep the populace in check. Europe is already capitalizing on the surge of cases to cancel the holidays and impose lockdowns and covid passports. The world needs to wake up NOW.
Later it will be too late. All these “new variants” surrounding us, but people are still living their lives! I’ve just chosen to tune them out. When they close the border, that’s when I might start taking them semi seriously.
READ: Election fraud report: “The Immaculate Deception”
The six dimensions of voting irregularities in the report include: outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.
All six of those voting issues were present in at least two key states, according to the report, and a total of six battleground states experienced multiple examples of the other dimensions.

Executive Summary: The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20-1.pdf (thethinkingconservative.com)
The Navarro Report – PETER NAVARRO
Part 1: The Immaculate Deception 12.15.20.pdf (wsimg.com)
Part 2: The Art of the Steal 1.5.21 FINAL.pdf (wsimg.com)
Part 3: The Navarro Report Volume III Final 1.13.21-0001.pdf (wsimg.com)
This report assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states. Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations,1 testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage. The matrix below indicates that significant irregularities occurred across all six battleground states and across all six dimensions of election irregularities. This finding lends credence to the claim that the election may well have been stolen from President Donald J. Trump.
This is way too coincidental… and there are no coincidences.
It’s becoming a little too blatant, don’t you think?!
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