Today, the United States faces a seemingly impossible set of global challenges: a dwindling clock on climate change; persistent nuclear proliferation; and democracies under threat from populism and authoritarianism. At home, the situation is no less challenging as inflation, white nationalist extremism, political polarization, and an unending pandemic cloud the future. Rarely has the Republic seemed so fraught and in jeopardy. Now is the time for clear headed analysis and prescription.
Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama is an American political scientist, political economist, and writer of Japanese descent.
The Economist on Twitter: “The American era is over, says Francis Fukuyama.
Francis Fukuyama is wrong (as usual) in terms of scope. The era of America has ended…is it now an era of Western Hemispheric power?
Or… vague economic & political overlapping interests?
Haven’t Fukuyama’s theories caused enough bloodshed?
Pinko revolution: there’s no democracy in tyranny:
When I hear “values” I feel sick. Socialist profoundly devalued them.
There are no democratic values, what is left – is tyranny disguised as a
“fight” with the virus, as if it was the first time in history such a case.
Next will be to fight with climate etc. etc.
People, study Thomas Sowell: I can understand why he would be seeking redemption. Aside from a radical misunderstanding of markets, which are mechanism designs that couldn’t care less about liberalism, Fukuyama is entertaining. “The triumph of the West…is evident first of all in the total exhaustion of viable systematic alternatives to Western liberalism.”
The “American Era” sounds like an accusation or promotion of imperialism.
He argues that the country must instead sustain a world order that is “friendly to democratic values” in the #WorldAhead 2022, I got bad news for Time Magazine. You will live forever. But where you live that’s the question.
Most are headed to Eternity in Hell.
The new “worst-ever super-mutant” variant is now hitting South Africa …
just in time for the midterms. More mail-in voting will be needed, to be sure.
That’s exactly why US Postal Service employees — are exempt from Biden’s vaccination mandate “decree.” Need them on the job to deliver all the ballots needed to cheat… Mail-in voting is the new democracy.
One cheater gets many votes.
The Next 10 months will be hell – democrats will amp up everything they can to make such a tangled mess it will never get unraveled; I call it the midterm variant. The “election infection” It’s not going to work this time. Just saying. See as we have already found cure for covid 19 …. finding vaccine for these —
new #covid variants won’t be that concerning…and more over fatality rate of covid is very less about 1-3 % i.e 1-3 people die out of 100 infected patients.
WHO controls the Medical Aide in Africa:
THEM: it’s the worsteds EVER super virus…the most virusy virus we have EVER manufactured…all other viruses bow down to the superset and killerest vaccines needing virus OF ALL TIME!
Me: Yes, as was said during the presidential campaign, the most elaborate voter fraud strategy ever developed.
How convenient. A new super doper variant.
Fear and masks to keep the great unwashed in their quarters until 2022.
So why in the world would We Trust any(body)thing ….
They need a New Variant to justify the Fixes to the Current Formula.
From a place with only 6% vaccinated yet among the lowest deaths, do not
talk about cases because that is only used to inflate the numbers / risk. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. -John 10:1
Complete Bull

Yesterday’s Conspiracy Is Today’s Medical Journal Headline: NEJM Explains How COVID Vaccines May Produce Spike Proteins that Lead to Myocarditis.

Muller’s Ratchet is widely accepted/known 40+ year,
I’m a virologist for 30+ years so I know a thing or two about viruses… Dammit RNA viruses don’t “evolve”, they DEVOLVE! Causing decrease in fitness over time due to deleterious mutations. Ever worried about nasty flu bug from a couple years ago mutating into something worse?

Well, at least the world isn’t getting ready to send its elite athletes to the
source of the virus for a couple of weeks. That would surely be a way to spread a variant (or a whole new virus) really quick. Sounds convenient…. doesn’t it? The UK has already banned travelers from South Africa. Which country will follow? @LivePDDave1
Will Joe also ban all travelers from Africa or close the United States.
9 Reasons Rep. Dan Crenshaw Is a Globalist Shill:
A Warning to American Patriots – American Faith
Since all of the liberals are crying about “stolen land” on Thanksgiving,
I guess we can all expect that they will be first in line to give up their homes and their property, you know, since it’s stolen and all. We didn’t steal anything. Our ancestors fought and died for this land and unfortunately for the Natives, they lost that battle. Life isn’t fair. Too bad. The liberals act as if the native Americans were living in peace and harmony prior to immigration to the New World.

Do not pay attention to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial — Panic.
It’s all. A game. To Them. They are determined to flip this country.
China and Asia’s time is coming…
It is disappointing when the media makes the general appearances of somewhere so easy to criticize but despite present woes, THE (USA) is
a nation where one can still benefit financially even if one is “broke” 🙂
(I hope). It’s a bit of a no-brainer. Everything runs in cycles.
The power shift between east and west runs every 400 years or so.
We just want decentralization and freedom (when I say we I mean me…)
Stop: predicting in the End of Times — that democracy would rule the world after the fall of the USSR. Look where we are now after 30 years of democratic hegemony.
I have circumnavigated the entire USA and I completely agree. This country needs to hold its melting pot title, I said this some in The Clinton Years with NAFTA… As I see the pieces of the empire being removed one at a time on a daily basis. The collapse will be self-engineered …whether by miscalculation
or design… I don’t yet know.

Begs the question: if history ended around 1992, then how did we get here?
Clinton Foundation Hedge Fund – Bing video
Bill Clinton’s tenure as the 42nd president of the United States began with
his first inauguration on January 20, 1993, and ended on January 20, 2001. Clinton, a Democrat from Arkansas, took office following a decisive victory over Republican incumbent president George H. W. Bush and independent businessman Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election. Four years later,
in the 1996 presidential election, he defeated Republican nominee Bob Dole and Reform Party businessman Ross Perot to win re-election. Clinton was succeeded by Republican George W. Bush, who won the 2000 presidential election.
The nation experienced an extended period of economic prosperity during
the Clinton presidency. While the economy remained strong, his presidency oscillated dramatically from high to low and back again, which historian Gil Troy characterized in six Acts. Act I in early 1993 was “Bush League” with amateurish distractions.
By mid-1993 Clinton had recovered to Act II, passing a balanced budget and the NAFTA trade deal. Act III, 1994, saw the Republicans “mobilizing” under Newt Gingrich, defeating his healthcare reforms, and taking control of the House of Representatives for the first time in forty years. 1995-1997 saw the comeback in Act IV, with a triumphant reelection landslide. However, Act V, the Lewinsky scandal and impeachment made 1998 a lost year. Clinton concluded happily with Act VI by deregulating the banking system in 1999.[1]
As Joe Biden’s Polling Flounders, Hillary Clinton Comes Out to Bat for Him.
Months into his first term, he signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which raised taxes and set the stage for future budget surpluses.
Clinton signed the bipartisan Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and won ratification of the North American Free Trade Agreement, despite opposition from trade unions and environmentalists. Clinton’s most ambitious legislative initiative, a plan to provide universal health care, faltered—it never had majority support in Congress.
In the 1994 elections, the Republican Revolution swept the country.
Clinton vetoed many of the Republican policies such as abortion restrictions. He assembled a bipartisan coalition to pass welfare reform and the health insurance for children.
We must reject this idea of “World Government”!
Whatever the globalists say the benefits will be, it will simply be a way to consolidate global power, influence and greed into even fewer hands. A country where the legislative capture by corporate capitalism is practically complete.
Its a guise for World Socialism…meaning fewer freedoms for average people. To all who said I couldn’t, I did
Yeah, at minimum he’s a couple decades behind, non? This has already been discussed and hashed out in geopolitical and IA circles for a long while now, even undergrad PoliSci majors.

It is over when the Chinese military forces the United States to back down.
And will be the end of … the end of the story;)
Francis Fukuyama ceased to be relevant in the 90s after he penned his weak sauce. @FukuyamaFrancis
Would that be the end of the end of history then?
Just out of curiosity, first time hearing about Francis Fukuyama. Read his story on wiki but can anyone elaborate on his importance? He is probably the one Asian who failed upwards with bad predictions time after time. A guy with a name that starts with a pejorative phrase might just have a pessimistic attitude.
Cheap shot, I know but odd to present considerations of hubris with so little reflection. The End of History and the Last Man. Not much else to say about his “critical thinking” but it’s great coffee table fodder.
How did this guy get another 15 minutes? Can’t make any more predictions after you predict the End of History. This is the end of your 15 minutes.
Wait, isn’t this the same guy who told us that history had ended, and liberal democracy had conquered everywhere?
The end of history was Fukuyama spiking the ball in the end zone after the collapse of Soviet communism. Capitalism had not yet exhausted its ability to create wealth that could (unequally) benefit all of society. But he mistakenly believed the triumph of capitalism went hand in hand with US style liberal democracy. China proved this assumption wrong. Trumpism proved that, even in the US, liberal democracy retains only a tenuous grip on society. Capitalism doesn’t require democracy
A ‘World Government’ will be a monopoly.
What could possibly go wrong?
The political factions in the US that once plotted for power in the world are now focused on judgeships and school board elections, spewing virulent propaganda, and keeping an increasingly uneducated populace in a state of constant rage and mutual distrust.
Biden is slow, and maybe soon, he is going to be like Reagan, when Nancy was doing everything behind the scene. I think it’s only fair to also list all of Biden’s accomplishments. https://t.co/hoENioZE7O” / Twitter
It is not a funny situation to be in for a Superpower. Instability in society translates into political instability. With Trump, everything is possible.
Let’s remember this is the same guy who once claimed that history itself was over because western style liberal democracy had achieved hegemony. Whoops! So maybe we should take his (kind of opposite) proclamation of the end of American hegemony with a grain of salt. Without U.S.A. involvement – The World as we know it would cease to exist!!!!
What democratic values?
We’re headed for a world order run by globalist psychos.
Empire’s end & arrogance, greed and corruption of entitled upper ranks are the cause. Leave behind the masses you invite terminal decline. Greater the inequality the weaker the society. Politicians fawning to industry before the people is not democracy. Not at this current time will that happen. The Boomers are holding onto out-of-date ideologies.
Climate in the United States | USA Facts/
The USA was an economic empire. Says the guy who announced The End of History.
I Can’t believe they are giving him a say. I always liked Huntington better.
So, what does Samuel Huntington think?
A NeW WoRld DiSOrDeR?
With China and Russia playing interference? And SO MANY Authoritarians in power? Not to mention the Pro-Authoritarian Trumpian GOP always waiting in the wings to grab power once again? America is going to come back stronger than ever. When we audit the books of our government, we are going to confiscate all assets of those who did this. We are coming for you all.
We will regain power and we transform this country to its previous status before entitled globalism. We want no part of a One World Order. We are free Americans and the Biden’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s who sold us us will face retribution in the courts.
THIS may be difficult.
Because you can’t starve us out and you can’t make us run. Cause we’re them old boys raised on shotguns and we say “grace” and we say “Ma’am” And if you aren’t into that we don’t give a damn. We’re from little towns all around this land.
Globalist world order schemes are never friendly to individual human creative purposes. Persons are not mass nor Nation’s globalist Petri dishes for social engineering experimentation that leads to one ordered system of contained existence.
The ‘new world order’ doesn’t require democracy but can be friendly to their own totalitarian values/dystopian ideas. World order implies world control. World control leads to the suppression of individual freedoms. World order only functions with a compliant society. Orwell said it best, “Big Brother wants to watch you.” Not sure America should sustain an oxymoronic “democratic world order.”
I agree with the peak of American hubris being the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, where it was thought that American military power would be enough to force changes of cultures in our own image. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks…. The economic fundamentals no longer apply, because any asset price can be manipulated using the leveraging power of the $2.3 Quadrillion Derivatives Market. Creating artificial supply & demand.
” He argues that the country must instead sustain…” Sorry but this will not be our problem. This will be the problem for the new hegemon.
“What are you still doing here? I thought I told you to go Fukuyama” Joe Pescie
Just what the Economist wants to hear, no? Just like what happens in churches – preachers tell people what they want to hear. Francis Fukuyama tells the Economist PRECISELY what it wants to hear, no?
Fukuyama is always wrong. But even blind hens sometimes get grain every once in a while
Why does everybody pretend that it is a surprise?
Klaus Shwab’s dream coming to reality. Marxist World Economic Forum year after pushing this agenda.
Democracy is a farce. After you vote it’s time for the corporate masters to seize control of the government narrative through media outlets, educational institutions and the law. We are governed by the business model but this is relentlessly disguised by redirecting our attention. Nothing has ever made me more bullish on America’s future than the Economist saying it’s finished.
Not the end of history. Not the end of “the American era.” Just the end of Fukuyama’s credibility and pop history. What thing he predicted to end doesn’t end next?
Satanic elite have a funny name #AssSouls
Don’t they mean sociopathic values (i.e. the absence of values, ethics, and morals)? I should create a game from all this propaganda.
Why not laugh at the ridiculousness of humanity’s follies?
If this isn’t a call for Marxist Communism IE slavery for all but the elites then I don’t know what is. You’re paid off by the blood drinkers… you’ve just blatantly shown it.
May the guilt torture your souls until you repent and retract.
‘Economist’ Failed to Disclose Lucrative Beijing Ties – Washington Free Beacon
The Economist is an unregistered foreign disinformation agency for the Chinese Communist Party that advances China’s unrestricted warfare against the US: Hi, desperate wumao bot who just gave me many notifications
by stalking me everywhere I made a comment this week!

For anyone reading this, you can witness the CCP’s pathetic #nonsense. Chihuahua Warrior Diplomacy campaign in all my
recent replies and tweets. Enjoy the show!

Pinko revolution: there’s no democracy in tyranny: What would’ve happened had we collectively said NO to masks, lockdowns, and closing our businesses? What would our country look like today had people trusted real science instead of the fear-peddling media and rejected the narrative of serial liars like Dr. Fauci?
Something is really wrong in

Nothing lasts forever bit*hez!