By Faith We Understand

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God ~John 1


Here’s a word the Republican Party needs to get comfortable using: Communism. That’s the Democrat agenda and Republicans must have
a plan to stop it. Watch my full interview with @ElijahSchaffer :

Democrats are the root of all satanism, racism, hatred & troubles!!!!!

And that’s just scratching the surface of their evil ways…  

Although There are plenty of rino republicans out there.

 Every last fucking one of them … there only to divide…

it’s the only way they can stay in power.

Spot on. So, Preach it Folded handsFolded handsFlag of United StatesFlag of United States  

The Supreme Court Is Spitting in Our Faces.

Renowned Physicist finds proof God exists: The universe was
created by design in huge Matrix | Ancient Code (
A world-renowned theoretical physicist claims that he has found evidence
that GOD exists through theoretical particles. The universe was CREATED by intelligent design in a huge ‘matrix.’ He said of his research: “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by intelligence. Michio Kaku the world-renowned theoretical physicist, highly regarded in the scientific community thanks to his incredible work in popularizing the String Theory, has come up with a brand new theory which he says proves god is real, or an intelligent designer for the universe.  

Michio Kaku a professor of theoretical physics at the City College of New York has said he has come to this conclusion after studying the so-called “primitive semi – radius tachyons.” Professor Kaku explains that these Tachyons are theoretical particles that have the ability to unstick matter in the vacuum (universe) between particles, and leave everything free from the influence of the universe. This study has led Professor Kaku to conclude that our universe was created through elaborate design, and not random chaos as previously believed and that we could be living in a type of MATRIX.

“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by intelligence. ”
“Believe me, everything that we call chance, today won’t make sense anymore.
To me, it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.” Furthermore, Professor Kaku states that with all of the calculation implied into creating a successful universe, God must surely be a mathematician –which could imply that we are in fact living in a sort of simulation. In a YouTube video, Professors Kaku has said: The final solution could be that God is a mathematician.

“The mind of God, we believe, is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11-dimensional hyperspace.” However, Professor Natan Aviezer of the Bar Ilan University does not agree with Professor Kaku. “This is an old idea, that the universe is intentionally designed so there must be a God,” said the physicist. “William Paley, an 18th-century Christian theologian, gave the watchmaker argument. This is typical of circular thinking that tries to get around a fundamental ‘inconvenient’ truth. Of course William Paleys
‘watch in the forest’ principle remains true. You will realize it had a designer.

The Bible says ‘every house has a builder’.
 So in fact it is a very ‘old’ idea, one that as with all fundamental truths can stand the test of time. Prof Natan Aviezer’s argument is the one that is flawed. Crystals like everything else are made of molecules far more complex than anything man-made & so in fact bursting with evidence of design & crystals follow physical laws as do atoms & molecules of the periodic tables which intelligent scientists were able to predict and discover as they had come to understand the designers protocol.

These laws even allow for infinite variety of snowflakes. Who made these laws?
If you find a watch in the forest, then you can assume there is a watchmaker, because complicated things do not occur by themselves. In the same way, the universe proves the existence of its maker.” The watch analogy works precisely and only because we know that watches are not natural and do not arise on their own in nature. If design were truly responsible for everything, there would be no fundamental difference between a stone and a watch because both would have been designed by an intelligent creator. 

When we first observed & predicted the exact ‘ fit’ of hitherto unknown elements in the periodic tables we understood the mind behind them. Everything created works in unison and is symbiotic. It cannot be chance, it’s part of the same design from the same mind. All of science relies on such laws. To my mind the atheistic argument is like standing in a forest and saying I don’t believe in trees. The evidence surrounding us is obvious,overwhelming.
Thus, we would not be able to recognize design from non-design, and the terms would be obsolete. Design exists purely in contrast to naturally- occurring phenomena. “This argument is wrong. Complicated items do form by themselves. Crystals and chemical reactions are the most complicated things, and they happen by themselves. My favorite example is snowflakes, which each form uniquely by themselves. But that is not proof there is a God.”

Full Video AMAZING Jim Carrey (Law of Attraction) Graduation Speech!


Evolution has programmed the human race to judge by appearances, and women are judged more than men (who are generally judged on wealth and status). It’s evolution in action, and it will never go away.  I don’t understand why people- men or women, post selfies on Twitter anyway, but hey…. that’s just me.

Stop being so affected… It’s not cute.  

Shitty people key on irrelevant differences.

Dr. David Jeremiah Sermons 2021 –
Where Do We Go From Here David Jeremiah

The Final Prophecy: The Triumph of the Gospel

There are those who choose to uplift others and there are those that can only feel good about themselves by tearing down another. All Shitty people don’t give a shit about others. don’t pay attention to the shits of the world, they do it on purpose to get under your skin…..f’em.
I’d put any amount of money these are liberals who are trying to deflect their own insecurities. It sucks that they do that, but in today’s society…

I don’t see this changing soon Slightly frowning face
You know how you prevent that petty, vain, shit? don’t post selfies. I would think you would want people to like your thoughts and ideas, which matter, and not a resource that disappears with age.

Post proudly…”imperfections” and all Grinning faceGrinning face with smiling eyes  

“The faults we find in other ppl are the faults we find in ourselves”.
Well adjusted ppl have no need to inflate their own ego, much less by the deliberate attempt of diminishing the self esteem of another. 

This is something I don’t understand… When I was working in the corporate world (Top 50), whenever a woman advanced to a senior position in the company, you’d think she’d use her position to promote and pull up other women… however, the majority of times, it was the opposite.
Because nothing feeds a carnivorous ego more than knocking down someone else’s self- image.

The Brady 6: Journey of the Legend NO ONE Wanted!

It’s like gourmet truffles to weak insecure people’s vampiric nature.
People today want to reach by stepping on the next guy’s shoulders or boost themselves by draining you. New Human nature.

You appear to be a very attractive person, so don’t let them win. You shouldn’t define yourself or be defined by your looks alone, but feeling good about yourself is far more important than anyone’s opinion. My wife suffers from this dysmorphic self opinion and she is gorgeous.

I don’t criticize them..I just ignore them. But to be honest I don’t understand needing to get confirmation from strangers on the internet. Selfies seem trifling…even when men do it. We should be discussing issues without all the gratuitous attention seeking. I agree, too. People do it because they are only too aware of their own faults and tearing other people down is how they feel better about themselves. To your point, women seem to rip other women an awful lot. I’ve always wondered about why. You’re stronger in numbers.  

Basic Human instinct. Humans are obnoxious. Only pretence !  
I’ve noticed whenever I post a selfie (and when other women do too), someone, (usually female) has to point out imperfections? Why are people so willing, ready and excited to do this?? Build fellow queens up! Stop tearing eachother down. We have enough $h!

Doing that…If you’re fishing for compliments, you’re likely to hook some stinkers, too.

Tropical fishFishDolphinWhaleBlowfishShark   

They can only see the flaws in themselves.
Strong solid women support other strong solid women. You can say another woman is intelligent/beautiful and by no means does it take away from you. Which is understandable but at the same time F them. Don’t let them try to take you down. Nope but people are so insecure they just want to tear each other down to make them feel better about themselves.

It’s because you all are constantly pointing out your own imperfections to yourself….so the same you do to others. Self-love will quiet that…start there Smiling face with smiling eyes 
“The faults we find in other ppl are the faults we find in ourselves”. Well-adjusted people have no need to inflate their own ego, much less by the deliberate attempt of diminishing the self- esteem of another. Seriously!
Whatever happened to “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
Just saying.   I think everyone is beautiful in their own way. DANG, build each other up. I remember some good advice. “Do no harm!” I personally think that those that are critical of others are actually miserable themselves and it makes them feel better when they’re cutting someone else down. Some people are territorial and do this. You can’t change them.

Been going on since the beginning of time.
Just try to ignore them. They are probably jealous that you’re more attractive than them. None of us are perfect, but we all have praiseworthy features. They themselves have imperfections but can’t admit it. So, they bag on someone else. To make them feel better, see it thousands of times. There will always be those types in every camp. Let’s face it most people are jealous of those —

who are happy, attractive, well off, etc. all they can do is spew hate. Woman shrugging  

Yeah people have issues Ignore them.
Everyone has imperfections so don’t waste energy on the ones calling out people’s selfies.
Too many good people in the world to worry about comments from miserable folks. This is something I don’t understand… When I was working in the corporate world (Top 50), whenever a woman advanced to a senior position in the company, you’d think she’d use her position to promote and pull up other women… however, the majority of times, it was the opposite. Insecure people build themselves up by diminishing others.

It’s their way of trying to make up for themselves not meeting their own expectations. My honest recommendation is just be yourself and if someone can’t take it move on! I’m just trying to determine what is determined as an imperfection. I don’t get it- what would even be the point of doing that? Sometimes I just don’t understand people.
All of us are beautiful in our own way. Just Hater’s, let them hate and let your sun shine! Never build yourself up by tearing others down…. We have more important things to address than that silliness!
You know the song it goes. haters going to hate, hate, hate, hate, hate….
Baby, I’m just going to shake, shake, shake, shake, shake…

I shake it off and just keep moving forward and be you.

When we put ourselves out there; that’s the risk we run.

I never understood ANYONE, pointing out others flaws or imperfections, whether you know them or not. We don’t need “critics”, we are OUR OWN worse “critics” If people would give compliments instead & “build” people up the world would be a better place.

People suck. That is the simplest answer I can give. I never worry what others say, think or type about me. Ever. I cannot be offended, social media is nothing but funny to me.   Why do women feel the need to constantly post #selfies in the first place? Comes across as #insecure & wanting #ATTENTION and then not liking the type of attention they get. What you look like has nothing to do with who you are. #Queens don’t exist without a #King

How many times has a woman achieved something very special only to be torn down because she is of another political party; a different religion; or a different race? Success fosters more success but so many get petty and bring everyone down! It’s a shame for sure. I see that a lot. Women are mean; not all, but many are catty, jealous &/or just unhappy, so they make stupid comments.

Climbing the metaphorical ladder is tough, it’s easier to knock the one above you down so there’s less above you so you appear higher up the ladder without going anywhere.  I’ve been a pro photographer since 1982 when I was young and good-looking in Waikiki professionally as BirdManBob until just a year ago after a stroke. Only people who hate themselves feel the need to knock you down a few pegs. Don’t let them put you down. Eff em.
I don’t post pictures of myself. Problem solved. I don’t see any reason to put a picture of myself on social media. If you want to be judged by your intellect, then what you look like is irrelevant, right? The most beautiful thing is a lady that is confident and comfortable with whatever imperfection she might have, from stretch marks, to gobbling a burger like a bulldog to porridge. I have developed a scientific theory as to why people do this. I call it, people suck. Don’t be surprised when people act like people #ImperfectionsMakeYouReal 

Woozy face  

Who the heck does that?? It has to be people with low self-esteem and no happiness. Like middle school bullies.. they lash out because they feel bad about themselves.

If they are pointing out imperfections you can be damn sure you look good,
that is what my grandmother used to say. U look perfect and basically each person has a good look of their own. The only ladies I do see that look “old” are the politicians who I feel are under great stress.

My physical imperfections are so many these days, it would take hours!
When you’re older, you just realize it’s all a bunch of bullshit – and just let it go & be strong in yourself. I’ve also realized the “inside” is so much more valuable than the deteriorating outside.  (Point blank…..end of story:) The German word ‘Schadenfreude’ describes it exactly. “pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune” i notice more gals do it than men.

I try to be positive here unless I’m talking about a Democrat.

I can’t believe there’s people in America who think Biden is doing a good job.
They are either really, really stupid or being brainwashed by fake news and
I can’t see he’s literally destroying our country on purpose.

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Seems like those dark skies are following you around…
You wonder if you’ll see the light of day Behind the clouds, the sun is shining Believe me even though you can’t quite make it out You may not see the silver lining But there’s a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds I’ve heard it said that this too shall pass.
Good times or bad times, neither one lasts But thinking that your luck won’t ever change Is like thinking it won’t ever stop once it starts to rain Behind the clouds, the sun is shining Believe me even though you can’t quite make it out You may not see the silver lining.
But there’s a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds.
Yeah, there’s a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds
For non-commercial use only.

Data From: Musixmatch
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