Our Country is in an Identity Crisis

Who here knows that the Constitution is designed with intent to keep the government in check and accountable?

The Supreme Court’s Conservatives Finally Found a Religious Objection They Don’t Like

What you have in Christ is far Greater than anything you don’t have in this world.Earth globe americas

Our country was founded on a system of checks and balances
via 3 separate branches of the government.
The judicial system was to remain non-political and rule by Constitutional law.
Our political system is broken and too politicized to do their
jobs as they are required. What now?

Think our government isn’t involved? Think 1980’s CIA drug running operations. This is just my opinion but based on all we know,
I think the Biden plan to pay illegals who “lost” children could be a cover to
pay the cartels who are trafficking them. Drugs & human trafficking are big $.
Not to beat the hell out of the citizens (humans with power).
That’s when 2A comes on to protection mode.

Early Japanese Visitor Describes “Baffling” American Culture // (1872) T… https://youtu.be/kfpeq4kak3g via @YouTube

Remdesivir is what caused my friend’s organs to shut down. Started with his kidneys. Passed after spending 34 days in ICU with COVID despite being double vaxxed! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Ivermectin is not authorized by the CDC. My late auntie’s doc told us this as we pleaded to give it to her. Instead, Baylor hospital gave her Remdesivir, circumventing her POA, her son, a prominent surgeon who never never approved it. She passed four hours later. We are suing  Didn’t Trump have a Remdesiver. Regeneron antibody cocktail given to Trump cleared for general use – The Washington Post 

WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients

Broken heart I am so angry! This shouldn’t be happening! We should be told the TRUTH! The damage they’ve done to their credibility will have long lasting effects! They’re damaging their credibility worse than MSM at this point! I know 9 ppl who’ve had the virus & the only one that passed was fully vaxxed, the other 8 recovered at home. This is federal government directed protocol – no treatment until the patient is hosed, then Remdesivir to cause renal failure, intubate and kill.

The ugliest part is that the hospitals that follow this protocol have liability protection from the federal government.  That’s exactly what happened to my friend Kel. He also got what they called C0VID pneumonia & a staph infection, vented him, he did come off of it for a few days but back on it & they did a medically induced coma & he never regained consciousness again. Makes me so angry!  I’m sorry to hear about your friend. My 64y/o father shared this story. No signs of organ failure, once Remdesivir was administered he went into extreme renal failure. He died 8 hours later.  Dr. Zelenko: Ich bin ein Verschwörungsrealist – uncut-news.ch (uncutnews.ch)

A partisan gap in COVID-19 deaths is rapidly expanding as the question of whether to be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus becomes increasingly politicized.
There was no discernible difference in the rate of people who died of COVID-19 in areas that voted for President Biden and those who voted for former President Trump at the end of 2020, but that changed once vaccines were made available, and residents of red states are now dying at an alarmingly faster rate, the New York Times reported.
Americans in heavily Trump-supporting counties were more than three times as likely to die from COVID-19 in October than those in heavily Biden-supporting counties, with death rates of 25 per 100,000 people and 7.8 per 100,000 people, respectively, according to the New York Times report. Alaska and Washington, D.C. were excluded from the analysis because data was not available.

Our country is in a historic fight against the coronavirus.
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As of mid-September, roughly 53 percent of people in counties that had voted for Biden were fully vaccinated compared to 40 percent of people in counties that had voted for Trump, the health non-profit Kaiser Family Foundation reported. While the rate of vaccination has slowed in both groups, the gap between them has widened over time, and it’s not certain that a federal vaccine mandate or mandatory regular testing will be enough to narrow it.
Another recent Washington Post-ABC News poll indicated that 47 percent of Republicans were not likely to get vaccinated compared with just 6 percent of Democrats. Unvaccinated Americans were more than 11 times as likely to die from COVID-19, the White House said last month during a press briefing.

It’s possible that the partisan gap may already have peaked thanks to antiviral COVID-19 medications from Pfizer and Merck, according to the New York Times. People in hard-hit red states may have also developed a greater natural immunity to the virus, but that is still weaker than vaccinated immunity.
Though Trump has advocated for Americans to get vaccinated, and is fully vaccinated himself, other Republican leaders have made often dubious or unfounded claims about the vaccines’ effectiveness.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in July urged Americans to “just say no” to the vaccine despite praising Trump for saving lives with the speedy development of vaccines just one year earlier.

“People have a choice, they don’t need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations,” she wrote on Twitter in July, using Nazi-era imagery. “You can’t force people to be part of the human experiment.”
Others still aren’t pushing back against the vaccine itself, but against a federal mandate to make them mandatory.
“President Biden’s latest and most far-reaching COVID mandate completely ignores science. Forcibly vaccinating people who already have immunity ignores medical data and is a brazen violation of Americans’ privacy rights,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) said last month in a statement despite being vaccinated himself. “With these new mandates, President Biden and his administration have chosen to put politics over science and the rights of Americans once again.”
Just to add something…there are still Americans stuck in Afghanistan and Americans being held hostage in Haiti 
 So we’re just going to carry on like there’s no Americans still stranded in Afghanistan??? #BidenIsAFailure

Pray for the world & each other. When I see what is happening around us,

I admit sometimes: I am overwhelmed but then I look back &

remember what I have overcome because of God’s love &

I realize we got this. Stand strong.

Light & love to you allFolded handsFlag of United StatesRoseRevolving hearts

Karma much? It’s not wise to put something in your body without proper testing and being denied all truths to the side effects.

A source close to the main, mean guy in CA, & even ABC news, are saying that he had a reaction to his Syringe death on 10/27.

Has a neurological side effect reaction called GBS (Guillain-Barre syndrome) which attacks the nervous system. Well..well…well…   John D • on Twitter: “Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are criminals. This is the same company that paid out $2.3 billion as the second largest healthcare fraud settlement in history.” / Twitter
3 ways Biden’s infrastructure bill will transform America in the next 10 years (msn.com)

Four options for Biden to lower gas prices (msn.com)


Published on Nov 08, 2021
By Paul Revere

The indictments need to include the following corrupt individuals, the Clintons, Obama’s, Biden’s, Harris Pelosi, Schumer and Nadler!!!!
Where are the Four Horsemen of the Russian Hoax? Comey, Brennan, McCabe, and Clapper have been MIA since Durham started dropping indictments.

Word is…. the new Pfizer pill is anti-malarial…. uhhhh, like hydroxychloroquine?
This is what happens to government officials in ALL moves towards socialism. It creates the political class structure necessary to oppress the masses. Jacinda Ardern’s net worth as of November 4th last year was $800,000. Her Net worth now is stated to be $25 million. This is a 3125% increase, her salary is “only” $470,000. Plus saline injections for her and her family for life.  

Who knows? Rushed to market and lacking long-term study results, it’s still a big unknown. There is proven and safe anti-viral but they’ve made stupid people believe it’s for horses…  
But it has a new NON GENERIC name = Read EXPENSIVE/MASS PROFIT! HCQ works… it’s just not profitable compared to something new that is the same thing…

Like a close copy of hydroxychloroquine but tons more expensive?
At a 3,000% mark-up.  No money in hydroxychloroquine.

Same situation when Big Pharma fought legalization of marijuana so they can sell Marinol to cancer patients. It’s crazy to think people actually still trust big pharma and the government to provide for their best interests. Man facepalming 

 Confirman partículas de óxido de grafeno en vacunas de Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna y Janssen: Informe final del Dr. Pablo Campra – https://go.shr.lc/3o0KpRH

The Travis Scott Astroworld concert disaster was yet another example of Democrat’s lawless America! Sad sad night & it never should have happened but the reality is that there is LAWLESSNESS & ILLEGAL DRUGS everywhere in the Democrat’s America!

GO TRUMP Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States   

Hydroxychloroquine got me through covid over the last 3 weeks. I beat that China bitch even though I’m immunocompromised. Yes, but slightly different so it gets a new patent number and more money can be charged. I beat it twice with Nyquil and Tylenol.


The WHO based their decision of HDQ on this study.

It was contracted out to a SCI-FI writer and a stripper.

Pfizer initiates phase 1 study Tuesday March 23 – Bing  

The Lancet retracts large study on hydroxychloroquine (nbcnews.com) 

 It’s not an antibiotic. It’s an antiviral. Just like HDQ and Ivermectin.
CDC recommends HDQ still.

Medicines for the Prevention of Malaria While Traveling – Hydroxychloroquine (cdc.gov)
So you are admitting the vaccine doesn’t work and therefore should not be forced on people. Glad we all see things the same way Antibiotics do not work against viruses —> Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 128 studies (c19ivermectin.com)

Pluralization aside right here is where we are heading.
Whether you see it or not is irrelevant to me.

When you are waiting in line for your 20th booster shot & loaf of bread remember this conversation. Soviet Media Theory (communication theory.org)

Devolution – Part 13 – by Patel Patriot – Patel Patriot’s Devolution Series (substack.com) is a very interesting read.
I’m not claiming this as fact and neither does the author but it does bring up some very interesting points. https://devolution.link

I stopped watching and got back down to the purpose of building my life to be able to be the change in this country, and fight to take back what is ours; but also to put as much ground, financially, between me and the implosion that is taking place. Radio 5 has just had Dr Sarah Jarvis on and she says it has to now be mandatory vaccination. Because it’s the only way and that the only people now refusing are those under educated from deprived areas and also the black and ethnic communities.

Now that’s nice of her isn’t it Face with symbols over mouthFace with symbols over mouthFace with symbols over mouth.

Down pointing backhand index Thinking face

Lisa Shaw: Presenter’s death due to complications of Covid vaccine.

1: A proven side effect of the vax is death. 2: They want children to have them.

Latin cross (KJV)2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Repent! Look up & ask forgiveness for all of Your sins.  

Hola! Shalom! I got kicked off Twitter for a week, just got back on earlier,
Let’s see if I can last 2 wks. this time LOL. I work as a caregiver and med aide. But here in Oregon I don’t anymore. Thanks to Xiden and our KapoGestapo Guv, Kate Brownshirt, the Stepford Nazi.

The whole W Coast is in the grip of the Cabal of Satan !!!

Geert Vanden Bossche
The recent decision to approve vaccines in the 5 – 11 year old groups has caused concern among some parents. What are the perspectives?

Hope this finds you well!!!

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