Cruel Reality

Make A Ripple that starts A Wave that changes The Tide of Time.

This is the cruel reality of defunding the police. The Biden administration used black people and their issues to gain power then suddenly dropped all support once that power was attained.

Ian Prior: Democrats will face disaster in 2022 if they keep relying on identity politics to win.

What is a death cross pattern in stocks? How do they form?

“In 1933 Adolf Hitler’s handlers introduced the so-called “Der Ahnenpass” aka “genealogical passport.”

This was necessary to access museums, public buildings, theaters, schools and the workplace.    This passport confirmed that the holder was of Aryan origin. ~ Sounds familiar?

To Every Single Medical Doctor in America who violated their Hippocratic Oath by practicing therapeutic nihilism with respect to CV19, may God have mercy on your souls.

Dr Nagase ‘History Will Repeat Itself’, ‘Nuremberg 2.0’

#COVID19 has presented many opportunities for #scammers.
New #frauds are popping up everywhere, driven by scarcity (toilet paper, sanitizer), empathy (helping others), human needs (jobs, help etc.). Old #scams are dressed as new events. Here is one example #cybersecurity


What do you think this #scam would be about? E.g.

Would the #scammer ask for money for her private “treatment”?

It is purposely vague to get the conversation going, which will then foster commitment.
At first, the intended victim will be told they will be given a sum of money to distribute to the charity of their choice. They will probably be offered an incentive for this for their time. Then they will be asked to sign paperwork to make the bank transfer legal and then asked to pay some fees to facilitate this legal agreement. Then asked to pay another fee.
Often another person comes in as a lawyer. The victim thinks they will soon be paid or refunded the money. Some victims of such scams are drowned in so much paperwork to sign that unwittingly they also signed over power of attorney, allowing the scammer access to bank accounts 🙁 But the usual route is to promise a reward, then ask for fees in the process of transferring the reward. Dr. Martina Dove

Kash Patel: Durham Is Building a Bigger Conspiracy Case.

“I think he’s building a bigger conspiracy case, and it’s just going to take time and that’s where he’s going,” Patel said Durham’s indictment suggests that Dolan introduced Danchenko to his Russian acquaintances as Danchenko was reporting information to Steele. Those Russian acquaintances then allegedly provided some information Danchenko gave to Steele. “[Christopher] Steele’s number one source … is indicted for lying to the FBI five times over, and he’s shown to be a total fraud and in bed with another Clinton ally that’s named in the indictment,” Patel said.
“It shows, full circle, that John Durham is building conspiracy cases outlining the likes of Fusion GPS, Comey, McCabe, Jake Sullivan — all these people are in trouble, and finally the American people are getting some accountability,” he added. Patel said the length of the indictment suggests there is a bigger conspiracy case.

“Thirty-nine pages just this week just to introduce Americans to all the characters we’re now talking about and that’s how you speak publicly in a federal prosecution is through an indictment,” he said. Patel said he did not see any chance of Hillary Clinton or James Comey actually being indicted, but added, “What I tell people is these three indictments are examples where he’s starting at the lower levels because you go and charge those guys and then they flip.” We can’t wait for Durham to get there, we already tried that and Democrats stole the House, Senate and Presidency while we waited. They even just ran against Trump in Virginia and other places but this time got shellacked.
I saw a video on how he is obliterating Biden in head to head polling for 2024, and you can check it out in the crawler link top of page at Whatfinger News. The pollster is left of center too, so hopefully Dims ignores it. While it is great that John Durham looks to finally be accomplishing something his results are coming at least a year too late. That’s what she said. We need to volunteer to work elections from now on too, so our eyes are on the prize as well (legally there are to be an equal number of R’s and D’s in the room at every stage from voting to counting).

Exclusive — Kash Patel: Durham Is Building a Bigger Conspiracy Case (

Doug Cameron: “I woke up at 2 am paralyzed from the diaphragm down. My life as I knew it was gone.” (

Don’t let people label you. They can’t stop what God has ordained for your life.

The only person who can stop you is you.
If you believe the lies from the accuser of the brethren, that will keep you from your  destiny. You may have failed, but you’re not a failure. That was a moment in your life, that was one season, and it doesn’t determine your future. You can’t stop others from putting a negative label on you, but you can take it right  off. “I’m not defined by my mistakes. Some people will try to define you by your mistakes. They’ll stick labels on you, reminding you of the times you failed, the times you compromised, the times you didn’t measure up.

When you go through one bad season, don’t be surprised if people say,
“God’s not going to bless you. You gave into temptation. You’re divorced. Your business failed.” I’m defined by what God says about me. I am forgiven. I am redeemed. My failures are from yesterday.” I think sometimes as part of human nature we start listening to others and that can bring us down, that can make us feel bad, that can make us think less of ourselves. The only one that matters is God.  I speak directly to god so what others say has no meaning in my life.

Winking face

You ask [God for something] and do not receive it, because you ask with wrong motives [out of selfishness or with an unrighteous agenda], so that [when you get what you want] you may spend it on your [hedonistic] desires. — James 4:3 AMP Lord, forgive us for our selfishness. We know our prayers have reflected this. We have come to You in prayer day after day asking for a new list of wants—like You are just our Santa in the sky. We are so ashamed of that now, and We ask You to help us change. Help us to pray as a soldier for the cross of Christ, anxious to accomplish Your list instead of my own. Use us, our talents, our resources, and our abilities to fulfill YOUR agenda each day.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. Enjoy your day Revolving heartsSmiling face with smiling eyesFolded hands

Sun with faceSun with face Anne Pate

So true! Sometimes it is so hard to hold your tongue when there are totally false, evil things people are purporting. We just have to be confident that our God takes care of evil in eternity.  What helps me is trying to remember that my words end up affecting me more than whoever I’m spitting them at. Woman shrugging

It takes practice but you’re a powerful human, you got this shit!  Suspension not expected, but Aaron Rodgers, Packers facing fines for COVID protocol transgressions (  

Natural immunity is 27X more effective, lasts longer (lifetime) & negates the need for an experimental vaxx or drug, which today has 837,593 adverse events recorded. Why would I want to take an exp drug, when at least 3 safe, proven, effectual drugs are readily available?

No, It’s Not ‘Racist’ to Oppose Critical Race Theory | Opinion (  

cRt iSn’T rEaL | aNtIfA iS jUsT a CoNcEpT |
iNfLaTiOn iS jUsT tRaNsiToRy SpEnDiNg & LoWeRs tHe dEfiCit.

Look on DuckDuckGo for Dr. Zev Zelenko. He has a new gummy med out
for kids that fights the virus. He’s a brilliant doc and an excellent source of information.

FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower – National File


Noah was called crazy, a fool, and a drunk.

Noah did NOT care. Noah TRUSTED GOD.

Noah Kept building even when people said he was Wrong. ….Noah WON

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