It is Beyond Disgusting

Unfortunately the left thinks aliens are more important than Americans.
This explains a lot: The Destructive Left-Wing Logic Behind Biden’s Embrace of $450K

All Biden had to do was nothing. Instead, he created a border crisis.

Reparations for Border Crossers… via @BreitbartNews

 Same as in Newfoundland, Canada. People from Afghanistan sent there with homeless people on the streets, & then the government says they are here to help people in Newfoundland. That’s why gas & food prices are going up there to help the immigrants.
We will build a Wall and make Mexico pay for it. And he did, the Mexican government provided 28000 guards at their expense. Then came along Brandon who didn’t want to finish the wall and let all those illegals in and you know the rest will be history…don’t forget the $450k Biden wants to give them for breaking the law!

And the ones crossing the borders receive $450,000 while many Americans can’t make $450,000 in 10 years working a job. Thank you #letsgoBranden  

Biden said plans to give cash payments to illegals were “not true” & “garbage.”

  Joe Biden Yells At Reporter When Pressed On Paying Illegal Migrants.

I doubt if our vets injured overseas got that type of deal. Disgusting. 
Illegal immigrants coming in on boats and being put up in 4 star hotels with everything paid for and some money to spend. There are army veterans living on the streets here.  We’ve got our gov’t slamming down vaccine mandates on US workers, where employers are laying them off in droves, yet not mandating the same for illegals coming across the border by the thousands. This paves the way for the illegals to take over the jobs of those same workers.

It’s all wrong. No one asks us, and no one cares what we think.
We must vote these people out. It’s almost too late to change the tide, as they will be relentless through this year. Even if we win the house and senate, they keep the executive orders coming. It’s not right. America and the whole world is falling. It’s like all the world leaders getting together to change the world as we know it. It is a shame and a travesty…the USA needs to treat our VETS like the heroes they are.. God Bless them Shows The Heart of this “administration “

Folded handsFolded handsFolded handsFolded handsFolded handsFolded handsFolded hands #decertify2020election ASAP 🇺🇲  

A new survey for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) finds that 63 percent, including 72 percent of swing voters, said they oppose “paying $450,000 for ‘psychological trauma’ to every illegal immigrant who was separated from their child when illegally entering the United States.” Meanwhile, just 29 percent of voters support the payouts.
A plan included in Biden’s filibuster-proof $1.75 trillion “Build Back Better Act” reconciliation package would give $80 billion to illegal aliens with children over the course of a decade via an expanded child tax credit. That plan is opposed by about 2-in-3 voters, the NRCC survey found, including 76 percent of swing voters. Only 25 percent of voters said they support the billions for illegal aliens in child tax credits.

As Breitbart News has noted, the $450,000 payouts to border crossers would far exceed the compensation provided to the victims of the September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorist attacks and of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Additionally, analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) calculated that the single payout for a border crosser under the proposal could feed 42 American families for an entire year.
Meanwhile, the total cost of the payouts could provide homes to nearly 80,000 homeless Americans for a year or could forgive student loan debt for more than 27,000 American college students and graduates who are struggling to move up the economic ladder. The survey included 800 likely voters | has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent. Unreal #FJB

image.pngHappy man raising one hand When Illegal Americans go to Mexico they are sent to A Mexico Jail Facility in Mexico city. Until they are able to get back to America. Yet Illegal Immigrants can come to America and stay in America Legally cause They call America racist so Biden lets it happen. BS send em Back  It’s a slap in the face … disrespectful, and pure evil. We should not be helping illegals or any other countries while there is at least one American family or person struggling.  

This is Biden’s America!!

Hopefully, one of these days, we’ll realize this outrage it’s up to us to change.

This is Truly Un-American!!!Pensive facePensive facePensive faceFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States Our own government is
turning their backs on us and Superman won’t be flying in to rescue us.

Why haven’t PTSD vets been offered on base housing for years? That structure literally keeps them alive.   BEYOND THAT. While politicians, most of whom never served in the Military or held a job continue to screw Americans.

We need Term limits, No lobbyists, No security for former politicians, No pension or healthcare just like the citizens.

Totally agree, this political class is destroying the fundamentals of the
United States. They prefer to look after ‘themselves’ rather than the country.
It is unjust, wicked and, quite simply, and not right. It’s more than disgusting. It’s criminal and those in charge should face consequences. Disgusting isn’t a strong enough word. It’s criminal in my opinion!!! There’s no law as such —

In terms of how gross it is, Totally f*cked up Face with symbols over mouthFace with symbols over mouthFace with symbols over mouth and it’s criminal!!!

Treason was Committed on a Daily basis by Communist Occupiers that overthrew the U.S. Government in 2008 and 11-4-20 at 3am & we allow it!


Illegals should not have more rights than citizens, period. I get the plight of illegals, but they should not get all the benefits of citizens, and not before all citizens. It’s called divide and conquer and nothing coming out of your media
is true. Disgusting is an understatement… Our government is working against the People with our own money.

Welcome to the wonder world of the left democrat.  Did Democrats ever really care about veterans or for that part Americans? It’s appalling that separated ILLEGALS get money but Americans permanently separated by ILLEGALS committing murder just get fckd, again! Is the power of the states restricted in the Constitution? Although the power is restricted, the states still possess some necessary powers and  exercise important functions in the United States.

Listening to the masses to gain understanding-  

The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution indicates that the states possess those powers that are not given to the Federal Government or prohibited to the states. When CITY, STATE & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.


Our government is totally out of Constitutional control. We stop it or lose
our God given freedoms. America as we know it is almost LOST if we don’t organize and rebel.
Get vocal, get in liberal faces, call, visit your liberal representatives and overwhelm their office with phone calls! Don’t be afraid to join APA and get this revolution underway!!
Just A Thought I preach to the choir in Ohio. We have to fight them through our Sheriff Office if everybody calls their Sheriff. We have 2497 Republican Sheriffs that can help clean up their 477 Democrat counties. (IMO Democrat Counties are least educated.) We have Have Morals, Principles & Values t00.

Biden’s approval rating plunges as Dems face gloomy midterms landscape.

Pray for the world & for each other. Be patient, do not fly off the handle.
This is what those who promote evil want. They want conflict and chaos.

Stand up for what is right but do so in a calm & methodical way. Jews are always the scapegoat for everything. It’s anti-Semitic AF. It’s Jews at the root
of the evil in the world. Not common Jews, but high powered Jews that we’ve probably never heard of. Just remember this and it’ll make sense later.

Light & love to you all and God Bless America. Folded handsTwo heartsFlag of United States

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