Losing Your Independence

The First Sign of the Disease That Ended Linda Ronstadt’s Performing Career 
The Very Best Of Linda Ronstadt – Greatest Hits Full Album.

Losing your Independence is like battling Parkinson’s Disease


In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, singer Linda Ronstadt discusses how progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) has forced her to retire and how she has come to accept her diagnosis.
Ronstadt shares how the disorder, which was initially diagnosed as Parkinson’s, has caused her to lose motor control of her vocal cords, leading to what would be her last show in 2009. She officially retired from her decades-long singing career four years later.
She also talks about how she has learned to accept her diagnosis, her familial connections to the disease, and the ways she copes with its symptoms.
“I find creative new ways to do things,” she says in the interview. “Eating is hard … I’ve had to relearn how to eat. You could carve a new brain map if you’re patient and willing to do that, but it’s hard.”
Ronstadt is also the focus of a recent CNN Films documentary,
 “Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice”, that reflects on her career and journey with PSP.  You can watch the full interview and read more here.

A multi-platinum artist and 11-time Grammy Award winner, Linda Ronstadt enjoyed a decades-long musical career beginning in the late ’60s. After first performing with the band Stone Ponies, she later launched a solo career with her breakout album, Heart Like a Wheel. Ronstadt became well-known for hits like “When Will I Be Loved” and “You’re No Good,” seamlessly straddling a range of genres including classic rock and country.
The “Blue Bayou” singer announced her retirement from music in 2011, and in 2013, she shared the reason why: she had developed a rare brain disease called progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). A form of Parkinsonism that is distinct from Parkinson’s itself, PSP is a motor disorder that causes problems with walking, balance, eye movements, swallowing, and fine motor coordination. Read on to learn the first symptoms that alerted Ronstadt to a problem, and to learn more about this rare condition.

RELATED: Michael J. Fox Just Gave an Update on His Parkinson’s Symptoms.

Ronstadt says her first symptom was a sudden inability to sing.
Ronstadt said that when her first symptom—a sudden inability to sing—appeared in 2000, her “entire career flashed” before her eyes. “I remembered every show I’d ever done,” she said. Indeed, the first sign that her health was failing did go on to end her storied career. In a 2020 interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, the singer recalled the moment she suspected she was sick: “I couldn’t hear the top end of my voice. I couldn’t hear the part that
I used to get in tune,” she told Cooper. “My throat would clutch up. It would just be like I had a cramp or something.”
Looking back on the “five or six years” immediately following her first symptoms, she says she continued to appear on stage, relying heavily on her bands and backup singers to disguise the problem.
“I didn’t know why I couldn’t sing — all I knew was that it was muscular, or mechanical. Then, when I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, I was finally given the reason. I now understand that no one can sing with Parkinson’s disease. No matter how hard you try. And in my case, I can’t sing a note,” she told AARP.
RELATED: This Was the First Sign of Parkinson’s Alan Alda Noticed.

She was originally diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. 
Though she would later be diagnosed with PSP, Ronstadt was originally diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Both assessments came as a surprise.
“I was expecting [the doctor] was going to say I had a pinched nerve and they could fix it. And he said, ‘Well, I think you might have Parkinson’s disease,’
and I was totally shocked. It took him about a year after that to come to the diagnosis and then took a little bit longer to come to supranuclear palsy,” Ronstadt told CNN.
Unfortunately, while some Parkinson’s patients respond well to certain medications and therapies, Ronstadt says PSP has no such courses of treatment. “I have a form of Parkinsonism that doesn’t respond to standard Parkinson’s meds, so there’s no treatment for what I have,” she explained to AARP.

She lived with symptoms for years before seeing a doctor.

Ronstadt says that her rare diagnosis is an everyday struggle.

“Everything becomes a challenge. Brushing your teeth, taking a shower,”
she shared with CNN. “Eating is hard … I’ve had to relearn how to eat,” she added. However, she says she’s continually adapting to her new circumstances. “I find creative new ways to do things. I’m like a toddler,” Ronstadt said. When asked by Cooper what advice she would give to others facing Parkinson’s or a similar diagnosis, Ronstadt didn’t miss a beat. “Acceptance,” she said.
RELATED: If You Notice This in the Morning, It May Be an Early Sign of Parkinson’s.
About one third of people with Parkinson’s disease experience freezing episodes. Freezing episodes are sudden, short, transient blocks of movement that occur primarily with initiating walking, turning, navigating through narrow spaces or approaching obstacles. Freezing can last just a few seconds or up to several minutes. Freezing can limit household and community mobility, increase risk of falling and contribute to reduced socialization and quality of life.

Ten Tips to put the Freeze on Freezing!
1. Try another movement – raise an arm, touch your head, point to the ceiling; then re-start
2. Change direction: if you can’t move forward, try stepping sideways and then go forward
3. Carry a laser pointer in your pocket; when you freeze – shine the laser in front of your foot and step on the light – this cue can help you re-start.
4. Visualize an object on the ground in front of you and try to step over it.
5. Wear a metronome on your belt or carry a small one in your pocket – turn it on and the external beat can help you re-start.
6. Try humming a song and time your re-start with the beat of the music
7. Count “1-2-3-go” and then step forward
8. Weight shift side to side to help initiate taking a step
9. March in place a few times and then step forward
10. Don’t fight the freeze by trying harder to step forward – shift your attention from moving the legs to moving the arms – then resume walking forward. 
 Parkinson’s Disease FAQ: 8 Frequently Asked Questions (webmd.com)

Read about other Parkinson’s symptoms


Littleton gym helping people with Parkinson’s overcome the disease.

212 DEGREES FITNESS – 13 Photos – Boot Camps – 10151 W Bowles Ave, Littleton, CO – (303) 948-4586

Overcoming Obstacles in Parkinson’s Disease Research | Parkinson’s Disease (michael j fox.org)

Patriotic American who loves this country and what it stands for! No tolerance for the hypocrisy of the left!! MAGA 2020 and beyond!! Luke 22:36

More than half of US states are suing to stop Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate (msn.com)

When low income and middle class workers lose their jobs because of corporate tax hikes, will Democrats blame that on Trump too?
If corporations leave the United States and that tax revenue drops significantly,
They say it’s free!?!? Does that mean that it’s all still free?
Thinking face


I flipped on Laura Ingraham and she had a segment where she interviewed
3 of the more than (13K) doctors and scientists who have signed a declaration stating they oppose these mandates..  Swedish Study: Covid Jabs Provide No Lasting Protection – Immunity Plunges to ZERO in Mere Months (humansarefree.com)  

Explosive! India State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin (humansarefree.com)

‘We’re in the Middle of a Major Biological Catastrophe’: COVID Expert
Dr. Peter McCullough and Patrick Delaney https://shar.es/aWYhy2 via @grtvnews
Where the hell were these chicken shits before half the country was vaxxed with God knows what?
CV19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths – Dr. Elizabeth Eads | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-injections-will-cause-massive-death-dr-elizabeth-eads/… via @usawatchdog

More vaccine deaths and injuries reported in 10 months following COVID-19 shots compared to all other vaccines over the past 30 years (newstarget.com)  

This is Real 12-Year-Old Girl Fighting for Her Life in ICU after Heart Problems Caused by the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine https://shar.es/aWJJ1B via @grtvnews

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Covid Jab is Up to Six Times Deadlier to Boys as Covid-19 (humansarefree.com) 

Nobel Prize Winner Urges Public to Reject Jabs: Vaccines Facilitate Development of Deadlier COVID Variants (humansarefree.com)  

The FDA’s “Intentional Malfeasance”: Vaccine Injuries include “Deadly Strokes, Bizarre Rashes, Cardiac Arrest, Blood Clots, Neurological Symptoms https://shar.es/aWJJmA via @grtvnews


More than three-quarters of Covid-19 deaths in Vermont are among the “fully vaccinated” (newstarget.com)

Deaths Following Vaccination Reported in Taiwan Exceed Nation’s COVID Death Total | ZeroHedge

CV19 Vaccines are Poison – Karen Kingston | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vaccines-are-poison-karen-kingston/… via @usawatchdog

24,526 Deaths 2,317,495 Injuries Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions (humansarefree.com)

  The Killer in the Bloodstream: The “Spike Protein”, by Mike Whitney – The Unz Review

1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots (humansarefree.com)

Children Are Dying at a Rate 62% Higher Than the 5-Year-Average Since They Began to Be Given the Covid-19 Vaccine (humansarefree.com)

Study: Americans who received Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine have more than TRIPLE the risk of blood clots (newstarget.com)

Canadian Nurse Whistleblowers: Many Dying After Getting Vaccines and Hospitals Are Filled With the Fully Vaccinated (humansarefree.com)  

BBC: 2 in 3 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the UK are among the vaccinated; 87% of hospitalizations are among the vaxxed (newstarget.com)  

Whistleblower Provides Govt Data Showing 48,465 DIED Within 14 Days of COVID-19 Vaccination Among Medicare Patients Alone (Nuremberg Trials!) (humansarefree.com) 

WTC Towers Brought Down by Controlled Demolition:
Richard Gage: http://youtu.be/bSJ2VicnXbE?a via @YouTube


Home – Laura Ingraham  

Vinicius – The Ingraham Angle 11/4/21 | BREAKING FOX NEWS TRUMP November 4, 2021

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets Over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead (humansarefree.com) 

‘This Ends the Debate’: Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines at Stopping Delta (humansarefree.com) 

 To the left the only science that matters is the science that matches their narratives. But this is a promising sign. It’s hard to find real scientists that are not tainted to come up with a desired outcome. (It’s estimated what data reported to VAERS is only 1% of real world data, so the REAL numbers can be multiplied by 100x estimate.) VAERS: 160,000+ Americans Have Likely Died From COVID-19 Injections VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 10/1/2021 – VAERS Analysis

The FDA has been assuming that nearly all of the adverse events reported in VAERS have been due to “over-reporting” of “background events.” In short, there is nothing to see here: it’s all noise. This video proves that that assertion is impossible. TFNT11: The FDA’s BIG mistake (rumble.com) 860,000+ infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach they call Focused Protection. Great Barrington Declaration (gb declaration.org)

Covid “vaccine” spike proteins destroy DNA repair pathways, paving the way for CANCER to grow and spread (newstarget.com)

Everybody should watch every single minute of this and share/repost! (especially beginning around the 27th minute…) 2030 UnMasked Documentary – YouTube

Laura Ingraham of Fox News Interviews Dr. Harvey A. Risch and Dr. Peter McCullough about COVID Injection Risks to Those with Natural Immunity and Pregnant Women – Vaccine Impact

Shocking! Over 32,000 People DEAD in Brazil Following COVID-19 Vaccines According to Official Media Report (humansarefree.com)

Seven out of 10 new covid infections occurring in “fully vaccinated:” REPORT (newstarget.com)

VAX FAIL: Nations with the most COVID shots administered see the highest hospitalizations, deaths (newstarget.com)

I will just leave this here. Do your research without google for the truth. Now there’s pre-clinical studies suggesting the lipid nanoparticles actually go right into the heart. The heart expresses the spike protein and the body attacks the heart. Curious….has anyone ever seen what happens when you put grains of rice on a speaker and crank up the bass? Like if you attended a concert in say…Texas, with heavy bass and nanoparticles collected in your heart…might that induce a heart attack?

Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study) – YouTube

Sydney reporter hospitalized after rare Pfizer vaccine side-effect (yahoo.com)

Without the will overflowing among the people to do that. This will continue until you no longer have a business. You no longer have a job. We no longer have a country.

Lobbyists and no term limits are the 2 big issues….  That or some kind of balanced budget amendment. There’s got to be a forcing of the hand. And it’s not going to come from them. Ever

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