The Vibration of Earth

We’ll reduce the carbon footprint when LA Palma volcano stops spewing Sulfur Dioxide,

A lot of trees and vegetation can survive fire, some need it to live – the plants will soon grow back.  That’s true of most pine trees: their seeds are serotinous, and fire bursts the cones and scatters those seeds.  A volcanic eruption began Sunday afternoon on September 19th on Cumbre Vieja de La Palma, in the Las Manchas area, after thousands of earthquakes have been registered in the area in recent days, where a huge column of volcanic materials can be seen.  LIVE: La Palma Volcanic Eruption, Ocean Entry (Feed #3) – YouTube  

La Palma volcano has 2 main & 2 other vents (ash plumes, lava fountains ~500 m high, lava flow). 

Cone 200 m tall. VEI explosivity 2. Lava flows through tubes & on the surface. Lava flows into the sea 6 km away. Footage of the 1971 La Palma eruption looks just like the 2021 eruption. Look at the Cinder Cone of the 1971 eruption, it has young Canarian Pine growing on itLa Palma weathered that one and is still here 50 years later. 3 active vents (out of 8)  Footage of the 1971 La Palma eruption looks just like the 2021 eruption. La Palma weathered that one and is still here 50 years later.…   


I was raised out of a garden and on pinto beans and cornbread! I am a strong healthy mountain girl with a solid immune system. That’s how we roll. We are not afraid to live! Beans, cornbread and running in the woods barefoot S.W. Va mountains. You know not what you speak of! Educate yourself then come back. In Texas 16% of my county has had covid & some of that is reinfections. 84% have NOT had covid. Our vaccination rate is 42%. I’m not a mathematician, but I’m thinking MOST of us haven’t had covid or any vaccine. Our schools have been open & we’re living our regular lives. I live in TN and literally do not know a single person who has gotten covid. On the other hand, my family lives in the locked down NY and all of them except my Mom have gotten it. Lockdowns/mandates do not work. #SouthernRocks

Everyone is now getting sick in the rest of the states… Difference is we didn’t give up our freedom to opt for the vaccine and get sick anyway.
Biden captured 2,286,406 votes to Trump’s 1,896,101 and Jorgensen’s 62,220.


Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ Doesn’t your vaccine work? Or are you just shitty you got your arm twisted while others stood their ground. The shots don’t work you fool. Don’t blame others for your own missteps. We tried to tell you. And you were thanking them for all their hard work and commitment last year… sheep.

You allowed it when there was no vaccine and now you wish to deprive them of income? A group who are , collectively, far , far , far more familiar with the consequences than the majority!
I mean sure, it is your right to ask questions and determine if you wish to accept help from the hospital or not. Are you afraid of C? I imagine you are double vaccinated. Let it go. Remind yourself of your decision to protect society, and love yourself for doing so.
That’s your fault for blindly getting vaccinated because they said “we ought to”

Learn next time perhaps.
 The Left Will Not Admit It To Save Face: Trump Nearing the Crossroads – VDH’s Blade of Perseus (  

Pa·tri·ot: a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors ❤Flag of United StatesFlag of United States❤Flag of United StatesFlag of United States❤   🇺🇲  ƒυ¢к уσυя ƒαкє є.σ.  🇺🇲  It’s us against them. Stop letting them divide us,

Exactly right, they weaponized the EPA, just like they did OSHA.

I’ve believed this all along. Communist Manifesto.

Inflation = Higher taxes

States with the highest COVID death rates during the Delta wave (updated through Nov. 4).
This tragic list is dominated by states where Republican politicians have pandered to right-wing resistance to vaccination and masking requirements at the expense of their constituents.



States in the north tend to get a surge of cases in the colder months and states in the south tend to get surges in the warmer months. This has to do with more people staying indoors because of the harsh climate. Very little to do with politics.


Map created by Magog the Ogre via Wikimedia

The map above shows the county level and vote share results of the 2020
US Presidential Election. The darker the blue the more a county went for
Biden and the darker the red the more the county went for Donald Trump.
You can see how it compares to the 2016 map here.

While overall the map doesn’t look too dissimilar from 2016, the results in many ways couldn’t be more different. First and foremost Biden won whereas Clinton lost.
Moreover, as of December 2nd, 2020 Biden had received 15 million more votes than Clinton and 18 million more votes than Trump did in 2016. However, Trump also did better in 2020 than 2016 winning 11 million more votes than he did 4 years earlier, and 8 million more than Clinton did that year.
The difference of course is primarily down to the enormous increase in voter turnout 66.9% in 2020 vs just 55.7% in 2016. This means Biden won 306 electoral college votes compared to 232 for Trump, an almost complete switch from 2016 where he won 304 electoral college votes to 227 for Clinton (there were 7 faithless electors in 2016).
However, in terms of geography the pattern from 2016 largely remained the same. Biden won the majority of the people, Trump won the majority of the land. According to NPR“In 2020, just 77 counties total have flipped so far, and Biden won 59 of them.”
And according to the Brookings Institute“Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy.” Overall, at the time of writing Biden has won 477 counties, Trump has won 2,497 counties with 110 still outstanding. This means Biden will have won the presidency with the fewest counties (Obama won 689 in 2012), but also the largest number of votes in history.
This is part of a long-term trend where the Democrats are more and more concentrated geographically.
This would not be a problem for them if the presidency were decided by popular vote. But the Electoral College favor small states at the expense of big ones, which means they are facing an increasingly difficult structural challenge. This is a problem both for presidential elections and for hopes of regaining control in the Senate.
If you enjoyed this map you may also be interested in: If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2020 US Presidential Election
Fact check: 6 of Aaron Rodgers’ false and misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccine (  
Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ Doesn’t your vaccine work? Or are you just shitty you got your arm twisted while others stood their ground. The shots don’t work you fool. Don’t blame others for your own missteps. We tried to tell you. And you were thanking them for all their hard work and commitment last year… sheep.

You allowed it when there was no vaccine and now you wish to deprive them of income?
A group who are , collectively, far , far , far more familiar with the consequences than the majority!
I mean sure, it is your right to ask questions and determine if you wish to accept help from the hospital or not. Are you afraid of C? I imagine you are double vaccinated. Let it go. Remind yourself of your decision to protect society, and love yourself for doing so. That’s your fault for blindly getting vaccinated because they said “we ought to” Learn next time perhaps.  The Left Will Not Admit It To Save Face: Trump Nearing the Crossroads – VDH’s Blade of Perseus (  

🇺🇲  ƒυ¢к уσυя ƒαкє є.σ.  🇺🇲  It’s us against them. Stop letting them divide us,

   gold star before the holocaust – Bing  

We live in a time when voices are silenced and critical thinking is persecuted.

A father of 4 was murdered by one of those illegals he dropped off in Florida.

. Pouting face

You got that right! The Biden Regime is perpetuating the…

“Xi Jinping-Fauci” Virus MicrobeMicrobe

2 million unvaccinated, untested and unmonitored illegals spread all over America. That is an invasion. I think everyone should do what Florida is doing by impounding the busses and planes that are transporting them into their state. Covid-19 is not the only thing they’ve brought and still bringing, they’ve already brought measles and Haitians brought Aids. Our country is gong through an extermination brought on by the Democrats.

Now if you have a job and are not vaccinated by January 4th you will be forced to get a vaccine or Have to be tested every 3rd week as they shove that long QT up your nose that broke many noses w nose bleeds! And You still Resist Fined $14,000 to go to the illegals so says Tyrant Joe!!!

My son died after Pfizer jab – help me warn others, Edinburg – Texas | LIFEFUNDER  

Illegals. They know Americans have money, and they want it now.
Obviously, this is NOT about health. Think and educate yourself. The leftist government’s actions @cdc @JoeBiden make no sense. #DoNotComply
“When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.” Thomas Paine  

The Biden administration is giving it to them.
And I mean all of it! Socialism. Being woke isn’t the same as “changing his mind”… How do people stick up for this corrupt moron? Are you still stuck in the media’s brainwashing cycle over Trump and somehow believe that this corrupt lying arrogant dementia patient is good for America?

BREAKING: John Durham puts Hillary on notice…

John Durham Arrests Primary Source Of Steele Dossier Igor Danchenko – Washington News (  

The only people spreading Covid-19 right now is the Biden Adm. flying untested illegals all over the country and dropping them in our communities.

That’s how the delta variant lit up the south this summer. Very sad, so many sick. Ever think the vax is the spreader & blaming unvaxxed is their way to cover up their major screw up. Look up the numbers overseas most deaths are vaxxed.   You do realize that we’re paying for this regime to fly in enemy combatants from Afghanistan and Africa … Right?

Thousands, every day! This is not going to end well.  

No worries about that. There is no covid-19. But fake numbers do exist. They know this! That’s why they tell you to mask up and stay apart while they’ve been doing the total opposite of cam the whole time. Covid-19 is just a name for the regular flu.  

And there is NOTHING WE CAN DO TO STOP Stop sign THEM

Biden retreats on mandates in fear of being ‘Grinch that stole Christmas’ (  

The Yellow Star Holocaust: Only Hindsight is 20/20 so to speak in absolutes makes you a sigh. It’s ok to question anything and everything. That’s why I have hesitation about this vaccine. To force people to a jab that has possibly  worse consequences than covid-19 is terrible & to treat them like they’re dirty because they have hesitation is much akin to 1930s Germany.  For those who don’t know their history: Before the Holocaust Jews were marked with stars and not allowed in places because of “health concerns.”
Before the Holocaust Jews were marked with stars and not allowed in places because of “health concerns”

   The Gold Star Before The Holocaust.   
At this point, the American people simply pay taxes to fund foreign governments and cash payments to illegal aliens. The Democrat agenda isn’t even “America Last”, it is quite literally “Screw America”. Lauren Boebert

I’ve never been bullied in my life. Bullies go after the weak. Don’t be weak. Teach your kids to be tough & to love & respect themselves. This is important.
I realize it’s easier said than done, but if you drill it into their heads from day one, they won’t ever be a victim

[The Progressives Flail Wildly After Nancy Pelosi Signals She’s Ready to Cave to Joe Manchin] “…[Pelosi] ready to cave, allowing the infrastructure bill to be passed before any vote on reconciliation.”  

The so-called $1.2T “infrastructure” bill is hardly that, and it has a lot of rubbish in it. But it WEAKENS the wasteful reconciliation bill (touted as costing $1.8T but would really cost $4T) that would DESTROY the US.

Let’s hope this prediction’s right.

GOP YES votes: Katko, Bacon, Van Drew, Young, Upton, Kinzinger, Gonzalez, Fitzpatrick, Reed, Gabarino, Malliotakis, McKinley, and Smith of New Jersey, Dem NO votes: AOC, Omar, Bush, Bowman, Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib

Letter confirms Wuhan lab leak was funded by US taxpayers (  

Arizona voters baffled by Kyrsten Sinema: ‘she betrayed us’ (

The Deception is nonstop, favoring the plans of the Enemy.
We are in the inversion, Yes We Are  

These 6 House Democrats voted against the infrastructure bill. These 13 Republicans voted for it. (

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed James Carville, saying ‘wokeness’ is ‘a term almost exclusively used by older people these days’ (
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