Most Historic Event in My Lifetime

Independent Thinker who follows those of sound mind #1A #2A Constitutional Biblical Christian.

“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” -Thomas Paine 

The vax is scientifically proven to help…’s not debatable. It helps in a few ways for many different types of people. You use science everyday in your life but this you have allowed to become political. Grow up. Never believe the numbers. We’d never know the real numbers because they’ve been lying about them since day one. I’d say all the numbers are half the numbers we are being given. They gotta lie to keep pushing their narrative. Us dead!! We see the same if we compare countries like Germany and India. Covid vaccines are a complete dud for stopping the transmission.
The Climate is colder and it’s flu season. Staying vaxed masked and inside weakens your immune system. The vaccine doesn’t work and if it only lessens the flu. Then there’s Thera flu for that will also lessens flu symptoms according to the documents. Oregon is supposedly at 80% vaccinated but yet they have mask mandates indoor and outdoor. Kate Brown is a truly horrible person who isn’t a true Oregonian. Lack of Vitamin D is what is leading to the spike in COVID there. 1/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/Woman shrugging
Vaccines weren’t intended to help with Delta and young people are not at risk.  That’s because they put their faith in a vaccine that doesn’t work. My wife, daughter and I were all vaccinated. Wife got Covid-19 first, then I and finally our daughter. Nothing mild about it. I was in the hospital for 5 days with covid pneumonia. Still at home recovering. Anonymous. 
Love Vermont, Morse Farm maple syrup ice cream highlight of a road trip in 2018. On a serious note figures tell you one thing VACCINE is dangerous. Don’t know if you follow the ChemTrail idea but today I have never seen so many in the sky over head. Why is COVID rising in Colorado? Experts aren’t sure. (

Read this…we are being lied to.  Florida adds 12,880 COVID cases, 867 deaths in past week (

I don’t want to live comfortably under tyrannical rule. I’d rather die fighting against it. And FJB. Never seen a President so disliked. Election stolen. Commie’s take over.

Probably a tie between the end of the Cold War, 9/11/2001 & Afghanistan.
We are in a new revolution on earth, beginning to a realignment in the world and changes to our daily life. I survived the Cuban Missile Crisis!

. Duck Duck and Cover.
But the current situation that we’re in, where the freedoms that our parents and grandparents fought for, are in danger of being lost forever unless we push back against them. 
End of WWII, End of Vietnam War, Stolen Election, A POTUS with Dementia, et al. How about when Obama closed all monuments in DC, I fear the 8 year Presidency of that Con Man Barack Obama may well turn out being much worse if we don’t wake the fuck up ASAP.  

Donald Trump’s victory in 2016, and the Brexit vote, same year, both were epic ~ Man landed on the moon & The Mets won the world series IN 1969.
The JFK “assassination.” (It was a friendly fire accident). Disk/Newcomb%20Fred/Item%2028.pdf 

“The Day Kennedy Was Shot” by Jim Bishop. Key excerpt: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill called Bobby Kennedy from Parkland Hospital and said, “There has been an accident.” [page 175]. From “The Death of A President” by William Manchester. “What was so terrible was the thought that it had been an accident, a freak, that an inch or two here, a moment or two there would have reversed history.” (page 645) I saw a document where it was a security bloke behind JFK accidentally triggering on being startled by Oswald’s shot.

Is this the same hypothesis? The direction of fire matches that of the Grassy-knoll theory. A passing train set off three railroad torpedoes.
The Secret Service perceived them as 3 gunshots. They prepared to return fire, then JFK’s limo braked, causing the follow up car to brake. The bloke fell back and fired 3 rounds on full auto. Oswald was indeed a patsy. Reference: Mortal Error book. Both witnesses and video show everyone running to the grassy knoll after JFK was shot. Railroad tracks run right alongside the motorcade route.

You can clearly see it on Google Earth. Read The Day Kennedy Was Shot by Jim Bishop for the hints of truth. Good books: The Echo from Dealey Plaza, The Last Dissenting Witness, The Dark Side of Camelot, Aftermath of an Execution. Actually, there were three: the assassination of JFK, the 9/11 attacks, and the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol in Washington DC.

President Trump at the White House… breaking the entire establishment!!!

FireHundred points symbolFlexed biceps  

Before the last 2 years, I would have said it was close between the Berlin Wall coming down and 9/11. Now I think that COVID and 1/6/21 are going to be far more consequential in the future. I have lived in interesting times and now —
I understand why that can be a curse. 9/11 and the 2008 stock market crash. Moon landing, in the grand scheme of things.

After that 9/11 and JFK assassination. America’s Bi-centennial anniversary.

Thumbs upRaising handsFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United StatesWoman facepalming

Black Monday is the name commonly given to the global, sudden, severe, and largely unexpected stock market crash on October 19, 1987. In Australia and New Zealand, the day is also referred to as Black Tuesday because of the time zone difference from other English-speaking countries. All of the twenty-three major world markets experienced a sharp decline in October 1987. When measured in United States dollars, eight markets declined by 20 to 29%, three by 30 to 39%, and three by more than 40%. The least affected was Austria while the most affected was Hong Kong with a drop of 45.8%. Out of twenty-three major industrial countries, nineteen had a decline greater than 20%. Worldwide losses were estimated at US$1.71 trillion. The severity of the crash sparked fears of extended economic instability or even a reprise of the Great Depression.

Assassinations of JFK, Robert, Dr. King, shooting of Reagan, Berlin Wall falling, Vietnam War, the entire NASA experience, 9/11, Berkeley, Kent State, oh just so many more!

Personally, The Las Vegas massacre stunned me to my soul and three events that strongly resonate with me: 9/11 still rocks me to the core, Hurricane Katrina which I felt would reshape my nephews life.
The revelation that the Government has seized power in continuing to use a Pandemic to undermine citizens rights by force & removing choice from citizens to live & work as they desire in Australia, Canada, US, France, UK, all using force against citizens & economy. I’d like to say the moon landing, but there’s also Vietnam, the end of the cold war and the computer chip at the end of the 20th century was quite busy. JFK on 11/22/63; Polio Vaccine, Vietnam War, 9/11, Watergate, Landing on the Moon, The Summer of Love Woodstock!

The assassination of JFK MLK and RFK, 9-11, and the loss of life on the Challenger. The collapse of European Communism. Either 9/11 or Nixon resigning. Space X, moon landing, 747 and not getting lost on trips thanks to my Garmin GPS. Also the Cuban missile crisis, JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X assassinations, Kent State shooting, Moon Landing, Returning from Vietnam military being ignored or spit on, Civil Rights movement & start of dumbing down of USA, MEDIOCRITY the new normal, Watergate, Iran/Contra, 9/11, new ICE AGE soon!

July 20, 1969. “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”  

   I was 9 years old when the Moon landing occurred, but it sticks out in my memories more so than any other historical event that has occurred since.  The 911 Attacks rattled my spirit and the Theft of the 2020 election. Being born June 14, 1960 it’s been plentiful… let’s focus on the positive, Moon Landing for sure and Trump winning after all the liberals said no way…
still my favorite you tube.

People Who Laughed at TRUMP and said he would never be President – Funny
Compilation Compared to When they renamed the Olympic and ran it into an

Iceberg in 1912 Face with rolling eyes

The challenger explosion, 9/11, and this fraudulently installed regime leaving people in Afghanistan, forcing truth tellers out of every institution, lies, threats, erasing women, forcing people to get a shot, supply shortages it’s like opening a history book and reading about 1930’s Germany all over again. D.J.T. is probably the most far reaching he fought for us. Runners up are 9/11 and the Challenger exploding on live Tv, For me, 9/11 was horrific and opened my eyes to corruption and real hate. Personally, I feel like the ongoing “duping of America” is extreme. It’s hard to pin it as historic as it is ongoing.

Moon landing..attempted assassination of President Reagan..Space Shuttle Challenger disaster..9/11..Space Shuttle Columbia disaster… An The Muslim Marxist elected President.. Then a BusinessMan elected President tried to rebuild from One Big Ass Mistake America.. Thereafter A man with Dementia installed as president to finish off what Obama tried…just a few surprises off the top of my head.  Bigger shockers JFK assassinated, Moon Landing, Elvis Died, Moved The Browns to Baltimore & NFR moved to Las Vegas.  
The military grade propaganda concerning the USA 2020 election, and war strategy of The Chyna Virus by which Goebbels would be envious. 10 Reasons Why The 2000 Sydney Olympics Are Still The Greatest Games In History ( 

The Me ~ Me About Me Generation!
United We Aren’t While Being Divided By Many Things: Blue versus Red States. Pro-Life, Right to Bear Arms. South versus North, Male versus Female, Vax versus Non Vax, College versus Non College. Office Worker vs. Manual Laborer… etcetera… We Were Once The United States!

The American Communist Color Revolution of 2020 will go down in history as the turning point for the entire world. After the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 agendas are completed, the world will be a shell of its former glory.  You are fighting this losing battle and all we are doing is making yourself a target.
Well enough of this preaching to the choir stuff — we should band together with this sentiment in mind, we can never be defeated. Even in death we win, for in the end, God has already won.  Born Free ~ Live Free ~ Die Free ….


This week, #SCOTUS heard arguments in lawsuits over the Texas law, S.B.8, which contradicts Roe v. Wade. recap on this week’s #WTPpodcast. Listen for more: Supreme Court Hears Texas Abortion Case | The National Constitution Center
This is the Hill that I Intend to die on. image.png image.png

Give me Liberty or Give me Death. 🎯
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