I’ve been bitten, stung, poked and prodded by everything this planet has to offer! I’ve literally lived in hell for your freedom, I’ll be damned if I did that just to have my own government take it!!! The marxist traitors know that, too! That’s why they’re running scared, trying to shut us all down, keep us isolated from each other & muzzled. While not all of us have sacrificed as you have, just know there are millions of Americans who’ll walk right beside you.

But we’re Americans & we Don’t Give Up! —> EVER!!!
I think they know exactly how many of us there are(remember they had to come up with 81M votes). That’s why they’re always carrying on about “wHitE suPrEmAcY is oUr BiGGeSt ThReAt in AmEriCa…aLL of tHem aRe dOmEsTic TeRrOriSts!” We vastly outnumbered them and they know it. I apologise for all the fuckwits that have gladly handed their freedom over at request. I thank you and every single man and woman who have sacrificed for us. I am ashamed and angry that we are here today.
Most of us love this country with all of our heart.. It’s shameful that the one in our White House hates it as do most every democrat politician..
I didn’t experience any of what you have, but am still akin to the same sentiments. Thank you for being one of those bad asses that —
All of us can appreciate.

I’ll be damned if my ancestors died for their religious freedom in the US colonies, and all the service members since who sacrificed and died, for me to take human liberty and our divinely inspired Constitution for granted.
This makes me sad. I hope it was for nothing.

Thank you for your sacrifice. I guess us civilians have to stand up and fight with you this time. You’re an American Hero! We’re going to need you and heroes like you to lead us if the time for organizing and tactics comes. Lots of foot soldiers need leaders.
Thank you for sacrificing so much for Americans you’ll never meet or know.

There is no need to start a revolution at this time. That said, it is time to begin the process of eliminating the Corporate Oligarchs and the folks making bad government policies.
Thank you for your Service and Sacrifice to keep us SAFE and FREE

Ultimate Sacrifice for Our Great Country

Push push push push push… and then the sudden SNAP. The pushing really needs to stop, because nobody is prepared for the level of SNAP that is coming their way if they don’t stop pushing.
The O’biden regime will fall soon, very soon. I cannot understand how many do not understand it. It more for their greed than our freedom.
Without governments we’d all be free of this slavery they created. And all of this is being done by a man who wasn’t even legitimately elected.
The biggest scam and heist in the history of America right before our eyes.
The feelings of hopelessness and helplessness are getting to me !

I’m disappointed by our ‘leaders’ who let this

We are standing strong with you and will not comply with a tyrannical govt. Seems to me WE THE PEOPLE are allowing this regime to walk all over us Americans. If we don’t rise up, they will never fall down.
You know it. I know it. They will LEARN it. They won’t like it. They need to stop pushing.
Amen brother!!!

The Biden Administration knows they can’t win again on the current status of his following. So they open the border, pay illegals for votes, & won’t mandate the postal service so mail in ballots can flow. – +=
If you can’t see what’s going on, congrats you’re a liberal. Refusing to mandate the postal service while mandates the armed forces and private businesses is an obvious ploy to manipulate the election . Yet he’s trying to tell transportation companies to vax If you can’t win the legal way, just pay the new voters you let in the country to vote, and use the postal service to do the rest of your dirty work. And use voting machines that can be programmed to add votes. And yes the libs don’t see the truth. Ok, since everyone is afraid to ask, I will: Why are private American companies mandating a shot to employees, that MANY well documented studies prove does not prevent or cure anything, and which actually hides symptoms,
resulting in further infections?!? Good catch
I believe it’s just a matter of time before people get fed up and actually take action…let’s hope it’s not too late by then
Opening the floodgates for all their bullshit basically, it’s funny how quiet those liberals are tho who were once so vocal about this administration too.
I didn’t know that they brought in over 2 million Afghanistan ppl. Just in time for elections. Unfortunately there are so many that can’t or don’t want to see what’s going on .
If I could get that America’s Funniest Kicks In The Nuts guy to plant one dead center in Joe Biden’s sack I’d pay him 1 years salary!!!
Joe Biden gets ROASTED by Robin Williams (RARE 2009 Clip)
House delays infrastructure vote hours after Biden reveals spending plan