Somewhere in the logic of wreckage is a sense of truth.
HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE, IN MY LITTLE ONE, ACTIVELY AGAINST THIS DICTATURE? We must use the powerful strategy used in the chains of Saint Anthony, that is, each one of us must be able to reason and make at least 5 people closest to us understand that they are wrong, these 5 people in turn must commit themselves. with 5 other people each and we are 25, these in turn will make other 125 people understand it, these in turn will make 625 understand it, then 3125 and onwards as well as a gigantic wave, unstoppable. NOW WE HAVE NO MORE EXCUSES, NOW WE ALSO IN OUR LITTLE ONE CAN START AND BE PART OF THIS GIANT WAVE FOR OUR AND OUR CHILDREN’S FREEDOM.
You know, Mao was into those, too. It was all part of the “Rectification Movement.” #TheMoreYouKnow LINK: SPEECH AT THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY’S NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROPAGANDA WORK (marxists.org)https://
Biden touts ‘framework’ deal that’s not yet done (msn.com)
It’s One Super Messed Up World Isn’t It!!
In 1992 Venezuela was the 3rd richest country. Then they began providing free education, imprisoning opposition & suffering from food shortages. In 2017 they suspended the constitution & elections so by 2019 many protesters were massacred by their own government. Also, a certain voting machine was introduced for the “election” of Hugo.
Complete with components made in C h i n a.
“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented” – Donald Trump 2017 UN General Assembly
Cubans warned the Venezuelans but they didn’t listen.
Cubans & Venezuelans have been warning Americans. Most are not listening. Either they don’t believe, or they are part of the Elites that will live like royalty until the very end.
That’s why the border is open, they know that most Americans would never vote for this shit, they need illegals because they believe they can control them by threaten
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. ~Ronald Reagan
The latter is also known as the Grand Experiment in Self Government.
Self-government. Everything gone wrong in America nationally is the consequence of this monumental case of biblical sedition committed
by the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists.
Our government isn’t massacring Americans with guns (not yet anyways),
they are trying to do it with the jab instead. Actually Venezuela didn’t start experiencing food shortages until they were targeted by the US and sanctions and embargoes were put into place and civil unrest and destabilization was fomented by the CIA.
That’s what socialism does to a country when it’s pushed by an authoritarian.
Obama: Wiesel Was ‘One Of The Great Moral Voices’ – CBS Boston
The Shocking Truth: The Membership List of The Illuminati
I share your deep concern. It seems the Democrats want to make
us Venezuela and the Republicans are too self absorbed to be of any help.
People will resist, when it is too late. Then they will be able to do nothing as they will be too busy just trying to survive.
It’s all by design. The Obama regime started this mess.
These traitors had to get rid of President Trump because he was making America great again. Dems rioted, investigated, lied & impeached then came voter fraud – all so they could get back to their agenda to destroy OUR country.
Walsh says he has plan under Obama’s initiative, and we should see it
Thalia Yunen | December 3, 2014
Mayor Marty Walsh recently vetoed a proposed Boston City Council commission advocating for a 21-member panel of black and Latino men to act as advisers to Walsh on issues affecting their cohort. Since rejecting their proposal, Walsh should make a point to speak about the programs and initiatives he has in place or is working to put in place in lieu of having a panel of men of color.
In a letter to the city council on Nov. 17, Walsh said the proposed commission would duplicate and complicate his own administration’s efforts to support men of color, according to The Boston Globe.
We have to make sure that we are paying special attention to underprivileged populations. I think if Marty Walsh says he’s on it, then he should talk about how he’s “on it.”
Walsh’s efforts to support men of color were allegedly developed after an initiative created by President Barack Obama in February. The initiative, called “My Brother’s Keeper,” is aimed at ensuring that boys and young men of color overcome barriers of success. He invited mayors from across the country to visit DC to discuss his initiative.
Marty Walsh was among those in attendance.
In a September speech to the Congressional Black Caucus, Obama introduced the My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge, which encouraged communities to implement programs to help men of color.
“We need to address the unique challenges that make it hard for some of our young people to thrive,” Obama said during the speech at the caucus, according to the White House media website. “[W]e all know relatives, classmates, neighbors who were just as smart as we were, just as capable as we were, born with the same light behind their eyes, the same joy, the same curiosity about the world — but somehow they didn’t get the support they needed, or the encouragement they needed, or they made a mistake, or they missed an opportunity; [so] they weren’t able to overcome the obstacles that they faced.”
In regards to Walsh rejecting the panel, a Globe article published in November quoted Walsh as saying, “This is not about me taking credit. This is about making sure that my commitment to the president of the United States is followed through.”
I hope Walsh is paying special attention to the lives of people of color, and is working on ways to address the same issues that may have led up to the death of Michael Brown. Although Walsh publicly commented on protesting in Boston after the decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson was announced, I would like to hear his thoughts on Ferguson and what this means for the black and Latino men and boys living in Boston, and what he is going to do to help them.
In such a time of protest, it is important that Marty Walsh speak about this issue and state his plans to keep Obama’s. If he doesn’t, then I won’t be surprised if Councilors Ayanna Pressley and Matt O’Malley keep pressing to develop a committee to address the issues faced by men and boys of color.
In response to Walsh’s veto, Councilor Pressley was said to have “cited recent studies attesting to problems afflicting black and Latino men, such as crime and gaps in education and health. She said there are not enough programs to address their needs,” according to the Globe.
Regardless of who sets programs in place to create opportunities for men of color, someone must, and right now would be just as good a time as any other. I’m looking forward to seeing what Mayor Walsh will do for the young black and Latino men of Boston.
Source: Barack Obama and Marty Walsh Relationship
And don’t forget the average being as well and has lost over 24 lbs so all these fat lazy Americans are going to start at least getting a little bit healthier not by their own choice though. It really is sad… How has Venezuela been in the state that is in for years while sitting on a wealth of natural resources… besides just oil?
Stunning New Data: Covid Case Rates Among the ‘Fully Vaccinated’ are Now Higher Than the ‘Not Vaccinated’ (trendingpolitics.com)
This senile old prick is just dying get someone to lose it and start something. He is pushing Americans so hard from gas prices to shortages to the border crisis to the Afghanistan debacle now?
Just slap Americans in the face!
The idea is to get them set up, armed better than we are, and living ‘in range’…with plenty left over to get a dozen more into our Country, who will then collect theirs and repeat. Do you understand exponents? It won’t take long….. I never had more than $560 in my account and I’m a US citizen wtf is this bs! We have plenty of $ to give around while people already here are struggling and barely making ends meet.
Here is the new revolution: Fourth Reich in 2020? – Legend of Trump
STOP PAYING TAXES… It’s completely backwards to me how our hard working income goes to pay for the illegal activities of others.
Yet we are firing citizens that are essential workers that refuse to get the jab
(Myself included)? This is such utter BS! Ross W.
And where exactly is this money coming from?
Oh that’s right, those of us that work at least 50 hours a week and still struggle to pay our rent and car insurance.

Wonder how they’ll ignore the 1000’s of kids who will get dumped in the dessert now they’re not covering the ones that are abandoned for the 1400.00 they’re getting paid now when you cross with kids #govistherealhumantrafficers
I’m convinced now I’ve either actually died and this is purgatory, or sometime back we entered a black hole or parallel universe. There’s no other explanation.
Glad we have that kind of money. This country is headed to irreversible bankruptcy… it’s well obvious,
Say it isn’t so! Enough.

Here’s how Congress wants to combat early withdrawals from retirement accounts
The Green Book – by Muammar al-Qaddafi (full audio rendition) : Eco Maoism
Libya, isolated by much of the international community over the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am plane above the Scottish town of Lockerbie, has undergone a dramatic rehabilitation. Tripoli formally took responsibility for the incident in 2003. The move, which was part of a deal to compensate families of the 270 victims, heralded the lifting of UN sanctions. Months later, Libya renounced weapons of mass destruction paving the way for a further blossoming of relations with the West. Libya’s leader, Colonel Muammar Al Gathafi, has expressed revolutionary thoughts that distinguish his country from the world around it.
Ideas put forward in his Green Book aim at an alternative to both communism and capitalism while Islam is adhered to but with a unique slant. Republished in a new translation, The Green Book provides fresh insight into the thinking of Muammar Al Gathafi and his Third Universal Theory for a new democratic society. Outlined first is his theory for direct democracy in society, or Jamahiriya, which focuses on the authority of the people, renounces representation or delegation of authority, and recognizes the need for organization of the people at lower levels of society.
In The Green Book, Muammar Al Gathafi also suggests an economic revolution, transforming societies of wage earners into companies of partners by applying a political and economic theory of social organization that gives the ownership and regulation of production, distribution, and exchange to the community as a whole. Additionally, the book looks at the launching of a social revolution, presenting solutions to man’s struggles in life and the unsolved problems of man and woman, as well as tackling the situation of minorities by laying out sound principles of social life for all mankind. The Green Book provides readers with new insights into a fascinating country, and the philosophies of one the most controversial and prominent leaders alive today.
A three part treatise on Democracy, Economics, and Social Relationships.
The Green Book – by Muammar al-Qaddafi (full audio rendition) – Bing video
The Green Book – by Muammar al-Qaddafi (full audio rendition) – YouTube