BREAKING: Biden Admin planning to give half a million dollars to each illegal alien family separated at the border, per WSJ
So they want to give every illegal $450000 and then want to spy on our $600 or if we spend $28 dollars a day in our bank account. We all need to go to Mexico and come back as illegals. What a shit show all this while our elderly and homeless struggle to stay alive. I believe 60 percent of Baltimore School District high school students are failing. Chicago inner cities are a war zone. America is hurting. Where will this money come from?

This senile old prick:
Just slap Americans in the face! And is just dying to get someone to lose it and start something. He is pushing Americans so hard from gas prices to shortages to the border crisis to the Afghanistan debacle now? The idea is to get them set up, armed better than we are, and living ‘in range’…with plenty left over to get a dozen more into our Country, who will then collect theirs and repeat. Do you understand exponents? It won’t take long….. I never had more than $560 in my account and I’m a US citizen wtf is this bs! We have plenty of $ to give around while people already here are struggling and barely making ends meet.
Here is the new revolution: Fourth Reich in 2020? – Legend of Trump.
STOP PAYING TAXES… It’s completely backwards to me how our hard working income goes to pay for the illegal activities of others.
U.S. in Talks to Pay Hundreds of Millions to Families Separated at Border – WSJ
So they want to give every illegal $450000 and then want to spy on our $600 or if we spend $28 dollars a day in our bank account. We all need to go to Mexico and come back as illegals. What a shit show all this while our elderly and homeless struggle to stay alive. I believe 60 percent of Baltimore School District high school students are failing. Chicago inner cities are a war zone. America is hurting. Where will this money come from? Is he using our tax money to do this? There ought to be someway we could have a say on what our money is being used for!
Ok enough is enough! This guy needs to be removed from office.
He can’t even do the basics for the American people like unload the fringing cargo ships but he is going to give half a million to each illegal person! Law requires that children be released quickly while adults can be held longer. Sending back everyone without a process is banned. Result? Separation or the wholesale release of (supposed) family units including the adults within the time that children need to be released.

Meanwhile, our military members are separated from their families for months at a time & they get shit. #Insurrection
As more truths come out about the January 6th set up, The Biden Admin will continue to wreak more havoc…..
Well the half million should feed and house their family for a month the way things are going

He can pay it from his personal wealth or just print some more. We the People shouldn’t be paying for any damn thing this
illegitimate buffoon conjures in his feeble mind.

Every day- this administration proves dumber than ever before.
What about giving this to poor Americans? He is Anti- USA! #FJB #JoeisaTraitor
Kat Cammack – ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! Nancy Pelosi has 72… (facebook.com)

Most are unaware. This bill is terrifying.
Biden Gives Up Mid Speech During CNN Town Hall ‘What am I doing here’
This really pisses me off. I had to leave my job because of these stupid mandates.. and these people are getting paid for breaking our laws.

Someone needs to stop this now. Our country is being invaded and we’re in debt over our heads already. Sherry loves America/ Freedom !
#XFiles The sick Biden Regime are dehumanizing us and transhumanizing us into next-generation, androgynous containers, after first sterilizing and depopulating us. We will be the aliens in the near future, in that weirdo Zuckerberg‘s metaverse.
Father Jeffrey Kirby – The Evils of Socialism
The True Pyramid of our Hierarchical Power Structure Today
The Pyramid of Life: The Hierarchical Structure of Life.
The Pyramid Of Life (thoughtco.com)
Let’s start with who we believe the major players to be in what are known to some as the global elite. The Council of 13 is composed of the thirteen most influential families, families that have had influence and power for decades, the most familiar being the Rothschild’s, Rockefellers and European royal families including the British royal family the Windsor’s, formerly Saxe Coburg Gotha of Germany. Different sources list different families (some suggest the 13 ARE the Illuminati) comprising the council of 13 including Sinclair (St Clair), Warburg, Kennedy (Cavendish), Onassis, Russell, Astor, Du Pont, Hanover, Hapsburg, Li, Oppenheim and others.
An interesting aside is that our current Prime Minister David Cameron (Eton and Bullington Club) is married into the Astor family. The influence and power of the European dynastic families is obvious as ruling royal families. Likewise the Rothschild’s and Warburg’s through banking, Rockefellers through oil and banking, Onassis through shipping, Russell’s who controlled the Chinese Opium trade, Oppenheimer control of gold and mining. The Scottish Sinclair (St Clair) family features strongly in the history of the Knights Templar and freemasonry, particularly the Scottish Rite branch.
The important thing to remember about the council of 13 families is their history and lineage, not just their vast wealth. Many contemporary families such as the Buffet’s, Bush and Gates may have more wealth, but lack the ancestry and unbroken lineage.
The Rothschild family are believed to be the wealthiest family of all with a global wealth estimated at $100 trillion (some say as high as $500 trillion), to put this into some kind of perspective, the entire US economy, which is the World’s largest, is around $15 trillion. In the US the Rockefeller family is the wealthiest family with an estimated fortune of around $11 trillion.
So the next logical question would be how do these 13 families exert their power and influence? The simple and obvious answer is in many ways and always behind the scenes, never overtly. Members of these families (not always with the same surname) head up the largest banks and corporations and organization’s such as the US federal reserve, other Central banks, IMF, World Bank and BIS (Bank of International Settlements). They and their lackeys occupy important positions in national government. Family members are prominent members of shadow organization’s such as CFR (Council on Foreign Relation – US), Trilateral Commission, RIIA (Royal institute on International Affairs – Chatham House (UK)), national and international think tanks (Tavistock, Clore, Brookings etc.), attendee’s and policy makers of annual Bilderberg group meetings, heads of charitable foundations, charities and UN and EU groups (UNESCO, UNICEF, WTO, WWF, WHO etc.). To suggest these people get themselves into positions of power and influence would be an understatement of some considerable magnitude.
The ‘Committee of 300’: Complete List of Members (humansarefree.com)
THE CROWN COUNCIL OF 13. The Committee of 300 list contains exactly 300 members, who are all very powerful people; but there is actually another group of people above this Committee. This special group is known as the Council of 13, which is also known as the Crown Council of 13, and it comes second from the top of the Illuminati pyramid; and this council contains thirteen families.
The diagram above represents one (of many) that attempts to show the hierarchical or pyramid nature of the nature of real power in the World. All national and international power structures have this top-down power structure, be they overt or covert in nature.
This particular diagram appears to show HM Queen Elizabeth II as possibly a World Monarch above the council of 13, this may or may not be the true nature of things, who knows?
What has been suggested is that by 2014 there will be a World Monarch, or World President and the name in the frame for that position is Prince William. It is suspected that this would be a figurehead role, via the UN, it is unlikely that one person would be calling the shots and setting the global agenda above the council of 13 families. The role, if it does occur, would probably be more like the role currently fulfilled by Herman von Rumpey as EU president – a puppet!
Below the council of 13 on the diagram is shown the so-called committee of 300, which represents approximately the next most powerful and influential individuals and families. The members of this group may change over time, as the success and wealth of some individuals or families may wane over time, for instance if a successful statesman has no sons or heirs. The Onassis and Kennedy (unsurprisingly) families no longer wield the power they did a few decades ago, whereas families like the Gates, Buffets and Bush are becoming more powerful, although because their ancestry is very short they are not a council of 13 families. Other contemporary notables are Richard Branson, Henry Kissinger, Bono (U2), Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Al Gore, Silviano Berlusconi and Zbignew Brezinski.
Members of the (nominal) Committee of 300 also occupy important and high posts in government and as heads of multinational corporations, as well as organisations such as US Federal Reserve (Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan), Bank of England (Mervyn King), QANGO’s as well as being members of CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg group, Chatham House, Tavistock Institute, Club of Rome, UN and EU departments etc. These people and possibly Council of 13 members are also quite possibly the very highest ranking freemasons and of other secret societies.
Committee of 300 members will put into action the instructions issued by the Council of 13 via both the visible and shadow organization’s they control. In government they use their influence as ministers, senators, secretaries of state, senior councilors. They get into positions of power in the judiciary, police forces, courts and just about anywhere else you can think of where power and influence can be brought to bear.
The next level down on the power pyramid is the so called think tanks, also known as the round table . Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) was an English born South African businessman, mining magnate and politician, who was responsible for establishing and perpetuating the idea of the round table organization’s. The Round Table Organization’s in existence today are the UN, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR – USA) and Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House – UK).
The Bilderberg group was established in 1954 by Nazi Sympathizer Prince Reinhardt of Netherlands, its first meeting was held at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. This is a highly secretive group of roughly 140 of the most influential people in the World. Regular attendees include David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Queen Beatrice. Prince Philip and Prince Charles have both been attendee’s. This highly secretive group, for many years, attempted to even deny their existence, until the alternative media forced them to admit they existed. They still attempt to meet in secret locations annually around the World, they do not publicise their attendee list, or their agenda and exclude all media. They also operate under Chatham House rules, whereby no minutes or press releases are ever released. Very strict security ensures no-one is allowed to approach the venue of their meetings too closely.
The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, established to foster closer cooperation among the United States, Europe and Japan. It was founded in July 1973 at the initiative of David Rockefeller, who was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations at that time. The Trilateral Commission is widely seen as a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations.
The process of implementing global governance policy is believed to be as follows. Decisions are made by the Bilderberg group and passed to the trilateral commission for implementation in the three major regions. These policies are then implemented in the regions by CFR, RIAA, EU and other agencies who instruct governments to adopt these policies.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonprofit nonpartisan membership organization, publisher, and think-tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. Founded in 1921 and headquartered in New York City, CFR is considered to be the nation’s most influential foreign-policy think tank. The CFR is seen as the US equivalent of the RIAA/Chatham House in the UK with similar aims and ambitions. Its members list tends to include all incumbents in the US administration as well as many from previous administrations.
Chatham House, formally known as The Royal Institute of International Affairs, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in London whose mission is to analyze and promote the understanding of major international issues and current affairs. It is regarded as one of the world’s leading organizations in this area. As a round table organization, the aims of RIAA are suspect, when important and influential people meet together in private, people will wonder about the agenda of such meetings. One belief is that the RIAA is the body in the UK responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Bilderberg group (via trilateral commission), by bringing pressure to bear on the government.
The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. It was founded in April 1968 and raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Growth. The club states that its mission is “to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public.” Since 1st July 2008, the organization has its headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland.
The Club’s principal areas of concern are the Environmental Movement and Eugenics. The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.
There are currently 192 member states, including nearly every sovereign state in the world. From its offices around the world, the UN and its specialized agencies decide on substantive and administrative issues in regular meetings held throughout the year. The organization has six principal organs: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security); the Economic and Social Council (for assisting in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); and the United Nations Trusteeship Council (which is currently inactive). Other prominent UN System agencies include the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Food Programme (WFP), World Trade Organization (WTO), World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and many others including UNESCO and UNICEF.
Next in the pyramid of control are the World Financial Control organizations including The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), Central Banks (US Federal Reserve, Bank of England), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Revenue and Taxation organizations (IRS in US, HMRC in UK).
Next in the pyramid of control are the World Resource Control organizations which are mainly multinational corporations controlling all sectors including banking, mining, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, communications, computing, manufacturing, supply and delivery, agribusiness, retail and many others. What we are witnessing in all these sectors is a concentration of power and a reduction of competition, corporations are taking over smaller companies and larger companies are merging to the benefit of the corporations and detriment of consumers – less choice and less price competition.
The next level is the area of World Population Control which includes the various agencies that exert control over population either overtly or covertly. Often the people don’t even realize they are being controlled and manipulated.
The principle methods of control include • Religion • Advertising and consumerism • TV and Radio • Celebrity culture • Employers • Lobby groups and pressure groups • Government (Local and National)
Government agencies include the following:
· Police · Military · Courts · Prisons · Schools · Secret Service · Media
· Traffic wardens and motorway police · Acts of parliament and statutes
· Revenue and Taxation · Customs · Environmental Health Inspectors
· Climate change officers
Finally, right at the bottom are we the people known as the Population Resource, the consumers, workers and debt slaves, the sheeple or chattel roughly 7 billion of us.
The aim of this structure of shadow government is believed to be to achieve a dominated first world, an enslaved third world under One World Government – the NWO.
Using words to metamorphose the collective unconsciousness.
Through all adversity, I succeed!
Stand up, and be counted.

Proverbs 17:27 A truly wise person uses few words. Father, please teach me the discipline of listening & thinking before I speak ~ then give me the right words filled with your truth. Please go before me today through all my tasks strengthening me.
How $2 Trillion in Tax Increases in Biden’s Bill Target Companies and the Rich (msn.com)
For the entire article: THE CROWN COUNCIL OF 13. The Committee of 300 list contains exactly 300 members, who are all very powerful people.
Will economic growth always rely on population growth? | Peak Oil News and Message Boards https://www.theshockingtruth.tv/conspiracies/membership-list-of-the-illuminati.
Stand for our National Anthem &
kneel to pray to almighty, Amen!
LISTEN: Lee Greenwood, US soldiers release new version of ‘God Bless the USA’
Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American) (Official Music Video)