The Damron’s and through their shared support of one another.
I remember meeting Lynsi on Facebook back in 2015 as she was connecting with people in cancer groups trying to help her father. My recollection of Lynsi was that John went from Chemo critical to outside chopping wood in 2 weeks simply by cleaning his diet of processed foods to eating natural cooked vegetables and fruit.
Lynsi Piar shared a touching story about her parents – John and Joyce
and how their love exemplified resilience and faith throughout the journey.
On Our Way – Mercy Me (Lyrics) – YouTube
I’m writing about my dad who has stage IV prostate cancer.. but who has also become the most amazing care-giver for my mother who has suffered a stroke since my dad’s diagnosis, changing my dad from patient to care-giver in a blink of an eye. My parent’s story is one of faithfulness to their vows made 40 years before. When they said “I do” they meant every bit of those two words. Their story begins when my beautiful, vibrant mom had her first stroke in May 2015. It came as a complete surprise, as she was a picture of health.
Later we would discover that she has a genetic condition, Factor V Leiden, that predisposes her to clotting and caused her stroke. At the time, we were all blown away. Thankfully, my mother fared really well! She had very few deficits aside from fatigue and some short term memory loss. But within a week or so, life really was going back to normal and then we were hit with a bigger obstacle, my dad was diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer. My father had been complaining of back pain for months, but he dismissed it largely because he and mom had recently moved and he assumed he injured his back while lifting and it just needed time.
When time passed and the pain increased, he found himself in the ER with kidneys failing and a prostate cancer diagnosis. He would have to have nephrostomy tubes placed directly through his back into his kidneys to allow his kidneys to function for three months! During that time, he underwent 6 very difficult rounds of chemo, with my blessed mother by his side the entire time. Never a day would pass where I go to their house and I wouldn’t find my mom rubbing my dad’s back and feet and making him smoothies, or growing green juices for him to drink!
With time, dad’s PSA dropped and we experienced many successes and joy! Life began to find a “new normal” where dad regained his strength and he and mom were finally enjoying their retirement. Then on June 12th, 2017 my mom suffered another stroke.. this time much, much more debilitating than the first. Physically, she made out quite well, the stroke hit right in her communication part of her brain leaving her with a condition called aphasia.
How to overcome aphasia – Bing video
With aphasia, a person knows what an object is, how to use it, history about it, etc., but can’t retrieve the words. It is as though the entire dictionary in her mind was stolen. My dad went from being a patient with stage IV cancer to becoming the care-giver to mom. Mom can’t drive, she can’t manage the bills, call the doctors, buy the groceries.. all of the things she did before. Now, dad is doing it all, plus he sits her down for hours every day and works on her speech therapy. Together they are rebuilding her dictionary. ~Lynsi Piar
Source: Kristen Bell Chooses Winners of The Prostate Cancer Foundation’s 1st Annual TRUE Love Campaign Honoring Caregivers of Prostate Cancer Patients | Prostate Cancer Foundation (pcf.org)
These 13 SECRETS Will Heal Your BODY & MIND TODAY! | Caroline Leaf & Lewis Howes – Bing video
According to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, there are nearly four million men living with prostate cancer in the U.S. in 2018, which comprises 43 percent of all male cancer survivors in the U.S. (all cancers). This number is expected to increase to almost 4.2 million by 2024. Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer among men after skin cancer and is now the fourth most common tumor diagnosed worldwide. In 2018, it’s estimated that nearly 165,000 U.S. men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer – that is one new case every 3.2 minutes. Worldwide, an estimated 1.6 million men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018.
About the Prostate Cancer Foundation
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) is the world’s leading philanthropic organization funding and accelerating prostate cancer research. Founded in 1993, PCF has raised more than $745 million and provided funding to more than 2,000 research programs at more than 200 cancer centers and universities. The PCF global research enterprise extends to 19 countries and funds a robust research portfolio. PCF advocates for greater awareness of prostate cancer and more efficient investment of governmental research funds for transformational cancer research. Its efforts have helped produce a 20-fold increase in government funding for prostate cancer. For more information, please visit www.PCF.org.
About Prostate Cancer
What is Prostate Cancer
Prostate Gland
How Prostate Cancer Grows
The Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test
Prostate Exam
Symptoms and Signs
Survival Rates
Prostate Cancer Causes
Prostate Cancer FAQs
Diagnosis and Staging
Screening and Early Detection
How is Prostate Cancer Diagnosed?
Prostate Cancer Staging
Gleason Score & ISUP Grade Group
Newly Diagnosed
Localized or Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
Risk Groups
Prostate Cancer Metastases
PSA Rising
Advanced Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Surgery for Prostate Cancer
Active Surveillance
Hormone Therapy
Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer
Precision Therapies for Prostate Cancer
Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer
Choosing a Treatment Option
Side Effects
Prostate Cancer Side Effects
Urinary Dysfunction
Bowel Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction
Hormone Therapy Side Effects
Radiation Therapy Side Effects
Surgery Side Effects
Chemotherapy Side Effects
When to Seek Help
It’s amazing how Jesus wakes you up at 1am and talks to you through a song

Ooooooh how my heart is full this early morning!!!