“is the role of the mind in man’s existence.” It is the mind, the story shows, that is the root of all human knowledge and values — and its absence is the root of all evil. For Rand reason is needed not just by a theoretical scientist in his lab, but by all of us at all times. All of the novel’s heroes are thinkers: they demonstrate an ongoing commitment to understanding their work, themselves and the world around them.
They choose their goals and values by a process of thought, never putting their desires above the facts. The villains, on the other hand, are those who defy reason and evade facts, acting on what’s left: their feelings. As a result, they are in constant conflict with reality and achieve nothing. This is what leads one of the novel’s heroes to the conclusion that thinking is the basic virtue life requires, and that the anti-mind is the anti-life.
Do you ever know the meaning? I really wonder…until you have lived through communism don’t bother to mention you understand.
I Grew up in former communism and it’s not pretty.
Lack of food or water makes you do crazy things that later you regret.
Contempt is the word I would use to describe a Lazy worthless no good Communist.
You’re all backwards; “communist” is not a placeholder for “Jews and blacks etc.,” communists exploit minorities by making “Jews and blacks etc.” synonymous with “communist” (see: uncle Tom) and using ethnicity as a shield to deflect charges of communism – like you’re doing now. I’m a Jew. And I friggin’ hate communists.
If you are not a conservative or libertarian or (Tim Poole/Scott Adams/Dave Rubin centrist) you are a COMMUNIST.
So being against communists and Marxists in the system is racist? You can’t just redefine this as racism. We used to blacklist Marxists. We should do so again. Have you ever lived in a communist country? Communists hate minorities. Jews, Blacks, homosexuals. U wouldn’t last one day in Cuba. That’s how this Communist nonsense has progressed as quickly as it has, by idiots like you claiming bigotry although there is clearly nothing there.
More people are seeing through it now. Straight from the leftist playbook.
“When you can’t come up with an intelligent retort, just call them a racist!”

It’s not bigotry or racism when- in fact- you simply fail to measure up. Has nothing to do with the color of your skin- you simply represent less value to the world. Nothing personal, brah- you just don’t cut it. Go find a safe space and have a good cry now. Nobody cares when you call us racists anymore. Maybe shoulda only applied that term to real racists instead of all of your political opponents. Go pound sand, commie. But ppl are mentally broken these days.
I think he means all the self proclaimed communists and Marxists and people with Soviet idolatry. Are you advocating for concentration camps for the unvaxxed as Noam Chomsky was? I just love how these communists claim that attacking them is now anti Semitic while also calling for a boycott against them Jews. Muh racist and bigot from the people literally trying to segregate society. Most blacks and Jewish people are conservatives at heart. “Communist” is a reflection of beliefs whether you’re black, white, brown or olive skinned. Flipping the script to accuse racism is how commies retort.
They have no argument so it’s back to unfounded accusations.
Did I read that right? You believe “Jews” and “Blacks” are interchangeable with the word communism?
Communists exploit race as a tool of division, It’s not your fault though. Your mental limitations as a commie impact your abilities, holding you back in a meritocratic society.
It’s on. You use the ” racist ” term as a cudgel and people across all races are getting sick of it. No more cowering to your bullshit. “Bigotry and racism”… don’t you idiots ever have anything valid to say besides the same stupidity?
There is nothing racist about calling out communists.
Most are white and they are moochers who want to live off the efforts of others. That’s what we hate in a person. Most races do not prefer to live in communist governments. In fact many have fled communism to get here. Wait, so because *you* associate the word “communist” with the words “Jew” or “black” or other descriptions of minority groups, you felt the need to tweet this utterly stupid garbage?
We call communists, communists.
We see the roots of CRT, they come from critical theory, which was most certainly created by Marxists. Play your semantic BS games with the dumb dumbs who can’t read because of the amazing public schools that also spout Marxism. Communists see everything through shit-colored glasses. Take your “everything is racist lenses off” nobody is buying it anymore. Just because you disagree with someone doesn’t make them racist or bigots … Cry racist to the bedwetters, commie. That doesn’t work on us.
Communists use labels like bigotry, anti-semitism, racism, and all the phobias when they can’t defend their desire for total control over other people’s lives. The New Right calls your ideology and labels irrelevant and banished. Be gone.
Comemierda Comunista…Enemy of the People. Folks that spit on the very nation that has given you so much opportunity. Folks that spend every waking moment thinking of new ways to tear down the very system that has brought prosperity to so many.
Do you ever know the meaning? I really wonder…until you have lived through communism don’t bother to mention you understand. Grew up in former communism and its not pretty. Lack of food or water makes you do crazy things that later you regret.
What a weird reality you live in. “Communist” is code for “jews” and “blacks”???

Bud, this might be hilariously revealing if it weren’t so terrible. Somebody who thinks that for everyone to be equal, they must repress free speech, force everyone to conform or be fined, jailed or ostracized, tell parents that they are not to question the party line being taught in schools.
That is a Commie today. Communists mean you who want to impose your will on people. Authoritarian bastard. Statists who want to control everything. A political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities, wages decided by the state. The people are property of the state. Was this even a serious question. You know what a communist is. To each according to their needs, from each according to their ability. It ends in disaster and requires death to enforce it. That’s why we are against it.
It means communist. Look it up. It is in the dictionary. No matter how hard you try, he said what he said, not how you construe what he said. The left throws NAZI and Fascist around correctly apparently, but a fat faced little communist goblin will define how WE should address them. It means communist. Look it up. It is in the dictionary. No matter how hard you try, he said what he said, not how you construe what he said. The left throws NAZI and Fascist around correctly apparently, but a fat faced little communist goblin will define how WE should address them.
How intellectually lazy or willfully ignorant are you trying to be?
A white guy said something you don’t agree with, so it has to be taken as “racist”.
It has gotten pathetic: It specifically means that all of the people you support proudly display the Soviet and CCP flag. They proudly call themselves comrade and fellow traveler. Soros funded =/= antisemitism, and its destruction of the United States. Communist means any of the collectivists pushing Marxist ideas. The Antifa dumbasses as well as the ones pushing socialism. CRT is but one of the many forms. The degrowth movement has been rebranded as the green new deal, or climate change.
It means that they worship Satan and lie and cheat like a demon.
How is it anti-Semitic to call out the man’s destructive agenda?
If that’s the case then I guess we can call the squad anti-Semitic correct?
Are You just virtue signaling and understand what the fuck a communist is.
Did you read any history on communism?
AWAKENED that can see the danger in front of us.
LIBERTY is a gift from God not from the Government!

Let’s work together to preserve and promote Liberty as a human right throughout the universe!
Joe Biden is openly negotiating with ‘Sirajuddin Haqqani’, A MAJOR TERROR NETWORK; Sirajuddin IS WANTED BY THE STATE DEPT WITH A 10 MILLION DOLLAR BOUNTY and JOE, who just armed THE ENEMY is openly negotiating with the Haqqani network ON THE EVE OF 9/11- He’s A TRAITOR TO ALL OF US!
People don’t understand quite how immoral this is.
Unrealized gains are effectively imaginary numbers based on the increased “value” of your investments IF YOU LIQUIDATED THEM. They want to tax something that doesn’t even exist. The idea that future (possible or speculative) income is going to be taxed today is pure Orwellian evil… people need to wake up and understand how this is pure theft by Janet Yellen and the @JoeBiden administration… People don’t understand quite how immoral this is. Unrealized gains are effectively imaginary numbers based on the increased “value” of your investments IF YOU LIQUIDATED THEM. They want to tax something that doesn’t even exist.
If you need any public/Govt cash assistance, all of your retirement funds and stock are held against you as assets, even though not liquidated. In fact, because of Republicans, one has to cash them out and use them up to qualify. It’s their own rules! These unrealized gains give them enormous power including the access to cash by borrowing money against those unrealized gains. How would you propose to close the tax loopholes so these guys pay their fair share in taxes?
These unrealized gains give them enormous power including the access to cash by borrowing money against those unrealized gains. How would you propose to close the tax loopholes so these guys pay their fair share in taxes? Taxing unrealized gains on the ultra wealthy is different from taxing unrealized gains on people like you or I. I understand you posturing for political points and you know what you’re doing, but you’re acting like they’ll tax people with $5k in stocks lol If unrealized gains are imaginary, then why are billionaires able to use them as collateral for loans?
I think its fine, make it the same for losses.
That way you avoid the loophole of just keeping all your money invested until you die when the book is closed and no one pays taxes on any of those gains. And you just don’t tax it twice. These unrealized gains give them enormous power including the access to cash by to borrowing money against those unrealized gains. How would you propose to close the tax loopholes so these guys pay their fair share in taxes?
They really need to look at the loan side rather than the collateral side.
The issue they are trying to address is the “buy, borrow, die” phenomenon where one can accumulate unrealized gains indefinitely. Focus on the loan rather than the collateral assets. How many times can you tax an unrealized capital gain? Once? Yearly? Monthly? Daily? If you tax something that doesn’t exist would that be like using 0 as a multiplier so the result will be $0? Asking for someone with $599. One could argue “immoral” would be allowing billionaires to use tax loopholes to buy their 10th private jet while
1 in 7 Americans live in poverty … and continue to do nothing about it

A) the rich pay nearly all fed income tax
B) The federal gov’t has been fighting poverty since the New Deal, yet 90 years later 1 in 7 still live in poverty. Is your sol’n really more money & power to a failed gov’t?
C) American’s are the most philanthropic in the world
If the value of assets goes down do people get
a return of taxes paid on phantom valuations?
They also said they wanted to go after millionaires and billionaires by being able monitor accounts above 600$. For all of you who think they won’t come after everyone I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Think of the boon in revenue if the government gets to be the authority in determining what those arbitrary numbers are. This a huge lever for them to deliver on their equity promise. Their policies won’t lift anyone up, but they’ll sure drive people down to the same level. Regular citizens are already held to this standard. It’s one of the rules for receiving Government cash assistance. If a corp. receives Govt cash assistance, holding them to the same rule. Or, abolish the rule.
Agree. If the government is going to tax paper gains that haven’t been realized and can be very different $ on a daily basis, Investors should demand to deduct unrealized capital loss too. Except this only applies to 700 people for which money is primarily a medium for keeping score not buying things. It will not apply to “you” or “your future.” I find their greed much more immoral than this policy.
“Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.” An example of doublethink in George Orwell ‘s novel 1984. The totalitarian government of Oceania is constantly at war with one of the other two totalitarian superpowers that dominate the world: Eurasia and astasia.
The objective is not to win the war, but to maintain a constant state of war in order to keep its citizens under control.
We are an empowering, intuitive, and deeply rewarding guide to your inner self, to higher states of consciousness, and to becoming a conscious creator.
No. I mean, if your average twitter follower is a billionaire then sure. Otherwise, no.
This affects a very small number of people.
God’s word never comes back void!

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 KJV
We are an empowering, intuitive, and deeply rewarding guide to your inner self, to higher states of consciousness, and to becoming a conscious creator.
In other words, they steal from your future.
The idea that future (possible or speculative) income is going to be taxed today is pure Orwellian evil… people need to wake up and understand how this is pure theft by Janet Yellen and the @JoeBiden administration…
People don’t understand quite how immoral this is. Unrealized gains are effectively imaginary numbers based on the increased “value” of your investments IF YOU LIQUIDATED THEM. They want to tax something that doesn’t even exist. In other words, steal from your future.
You are only bound by your imagination.