The Great Reset

I fled Communist Vietnam as a child to be free in America.

 Amy Phan West on Twitter: “My family fled Communism & found freedom in America Now, Democrats are turning America into the next Leftist disaster: banning dissent & stripping your freedoms.
I will stop this radical squad so America never becomes a Communist country. 
HELP ME” / Twitter

I cannot sit idly by as I watch America turn into a Communist nation.
Amy Phan West  

You are 100% on point as usual Ok hand 
Now, Democrats are turning America into the next Leftist disaster: banning dissent & stripping your freedoms. When a government wants to dictate how you live, your money, your business, your home, your education, that’s not a free country that’s communism.  
You see absolutely no similarities between Biden’s administration and a totalitarian type government? Must be a nice rock. This administration is constantly telling us what we can & can’t do.

Wake up to what is really going on in this country!

“If I had a world of my own,” said Alice, ­“everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn’t be, and what it wouldn’t be, it would.
You see?” Rumor has it that Alice is preparing to apply for a job in the White House press office. And not a moment too soon, either, for, having ­offered himself up as the savior of the American way, President Biden now finds himself in something of a pickle.
The jobs reports are lackluster. The border is a mess. Gas prices are sky high. Our supply chains are broken. Inflation, which was supposed to be “transitory,” looks more persistent by the day. Americans remain stranded in Afghanistan. China’s testing space nukes. COVID is not only still with us; it’s making its way into the Good States. And, despite its having been given a jolly, catchy name — the “Build Back Better agenda” — all the public seems to know about the president’s gargantuan spending plan is that it will cost trillions upon trillions of dollars.

Read More:  Psaki providing increasingly curious responses to Biden’s woes.
 Do you honestly believe the “scientists” have been honest with the world?

Has the Chinese government been truthful about the origins of this virus?
Has Biden Been Open. Honest or Transparent About Anything….
Biden’s numbers tanking in Senate battleground states: Poll

I don’t believe the face diapers do anything to fight the virus, but I am mandated to wear one when I go grocery to buy over inflated grocery prices…..You’ve been drinking entirely too much of the Media concocted
Kool Aid. Study how the NAZIs took control of Germany and see if it’s not
the Democrats that are following their playbook. That is true according to
the “definition” created by Liberals.

Fascism isn’t the only form of Authoritarianism.


Definition of Communism:
a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war. Leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.


Now tell me when that’s ever happened????

See Stalin he only killed more people than Hitler.

Mostly his own. Now that’s Communism Man facepalming

Communism – Wikipedia is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. Communism is a specific, yet distinct, form of socialism. Communists agree on the withering away of the state but disagree on the means to this end, reflecting a distinction between a more libertarian approach of communization, revolutionary spontaneity, and workers’ self-management, and a more vanguardism or Communist party-driven approach through the development of a constitutional socialist state. Mandates & Spying on Americans bank acts? That’s the beginning of a dictatorship.

Mandates for a virus that has a 99% chance of survival?
So Really? Who is authoritarian? It’s Biden!  u are blind, deaf and probably dumb if you believe what is happening in Washington D.C. and our social
media and MSM isn’t the coming of communism. If fighting back against their tyrannical dictatorship makes us “authoritarian” you need a good education in world history.
This is not debatable. It’s a demonstrable fact that the leftist agenda is a Marxist one. The Left has moved dramatically to the left in recent years.
This has been documented even by left-wing organizations.
Pew Research Center Study Shows That Democrats Have Shifted To The Extreme Left | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD (

What planet are you on?
Biden is a totalitarian. And maybe you should go visit a communist
country to see what it’s really like. Biden is forcing mandates on Americans. Pretty authoritative don’t ya think ???

Gee let me see who I will believe, someone who actually saw this and lived under it or someone who knows nothing about a communist nation?
I think I will believe the person who actually lived in it and escaped.

The president just weaponized a government bureaucracy (OSHA) to push through tyrannical medical mandates and bypass the legislative process essentially setting precedent (for the second time)of using govt agencies to create laws and bypass the system. We no longer have democracy ….  Civil liberties and government overreach are a trademark of the progressive left. Who is taking freedom of speech away? Who is forcing Covid shots?

Who is selling us out to communist China?


Newsflash, you’re an idiot, a blind idiot that can’t process
what’s happening in this country.

Multiple musical notesCuckoo cuckooMultiple musical notes ^^

You really are stupid. The devil rats are turning this country into a dictatorship.

It started under Obummer and this jackass Biden is just Obama’s third term. Biden. His brain is mush. He’s just a stand in for Obama, Klein, Rice, Soros, etc. If you can’t see what the devil rats are doing, then maybe you should consider a third world country like Canada. You’ve got 2 B kidding! What do you think Biden & his ppl R doing? He’s bowed down to AOC & her racist friends. AOC said in a video that republicans & conservatives should be put in “re-education camps. Like the CCP does 2 brainwash their citizens. U call that nice?

What political party called 4 violence against the Trump administration; condoned > 500 violent riots in USA streets for 9 months; has worked with Facebook, Twitter, Google, to censor ppl with different opinions? Hint: NOT republicans. Is today the opposite day? Mask mandates, shot mandates, lockdowns, raising taxes , raising debt.

That is the Democrat platform and 100% authoritarianism.

Anything that kills people’s drive to succeed will kill an entire society. You can call anything you want. Socialism, Marxism, communism… The words are irrelevant …the ideology is what ‘s really relevant.  Shades of it crept in under covid. You already see the results. Labor participation. Supply chain shortages. Shortages on the shelves.

All a result of a stifled desire to succeed. You can’t hide from it.

Never forget that the virus came from Chyna and those that benefit most have close ties.  That’s because evil people saw their opportunity and jumped in to seize it! The hell with their fellow man, they’re going for their endgame! At this juncture Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer are grabbing everything they can, enriching themselves & their cronies, selling out of America on their way out. People also now realize you can’t get ahead if you can’t even make it to the next paycheck.

Labor is a commodity…make it scarce and the demand goes up.

I just called them what they are…

ButterflyButterfly collectivism ∆ 🤔💰 ButterflyButterfly

They KNOW Leftist Criminals never face consequences…  
Considering the number of people infected with COVID, is it really any surprise that there are not enough workers to fill jobs? Unemployment is around 4.8, the same that Trump had at this point in term …  There are plenty of countries where socialistic ideas are making their people a better life. You just need to get out more. You’re right. Doesn’t have to be about money. That’s one aspect. Drive to be the best you can be. In a capitalistic society a lot of it revolves around money. But it doesn’t have to. 

This is a leading factor for getting a COVID-19 breakthrough case (

SOCIALISM: Never worked and never will  This is why? Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao murdered 60 million of their own populace to prove that Marxist-Leninist-Maoism will never succeed as a humane, empowering, prospering, ecological socio-political system.  

700,000 is the overall total most of those deaths were from other causes,

but if the patient had COVID at the time, they count it as COVID death.
Say you get into a car accident and die and blood test comes back COVID positive, they’ll list you as COVID death.
Not just the flu but ANY death Car crash = Covid death Cancer = Covid death Heart attack = Covid death Fell off a roof = Covid death Struck by lightning = Covid death PCR test turned up to 45 cycles will give a positive on a diet coke.. every death counted as covid.

Scary when you think about it all. The people that, in a normal society,

would sound like nut jobs are the people that are on the money in our current environment. Scary times.  That’s not 100% accurate. CDC and FDA stopped tracking breakthrough cases back in May. So if someone is initially hospitalized for C19 but it’s not life threatening initially, then get worse later. Yea….they aren’t even counted. Manipulation of statistical data, hmm YES!

So more people have died in 2021 than 2020, despite there being a so-called “vaccine” available for most of the year. That doesn’t make any sense unless the numbers are being artificially inflated to scare people into a forever pandemic.

But this admin would never do that…  

You counting all the deaths prior to the full rollout is intellectually dishonest.

I think it’s concerning that OSHA no longer requires businesses forcing the jab to report adverse reactions.
They just recently changed that policy for some reason Thinking face

Are the numbers even accurate? Probably not! 
Yea the flu numbers and half of every other death was marked as CV “

they slipped on a Banana, mark it as CV”.

You do realize that 94% of the 700,000 deaths were not caused by Covid, correct?
That 94% had an average of four comorbidities.
Most patients were not tested for Covid. You listed the death quote “involving Covid” …
A very loose definition that has no real meaning.

Home – FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance ( Go to This will educate you more. Listen to Dr Ardis, MD also that MSM is blocking- he says Govt pay $13,000 to admit and $39,000 to intubate.
Why do they have to give hospitals money to do such? No wonder so many are intubated!  
Truth & Justice… RESET Old World STOP Fears/Lies/Stupid Laws/Corruption & Pedophiles ENOUGH IS ENOUGH We are the Collective Consciousness In ACTION.


How many cases? Ages, health status?  

It’s hard to judge the vax when you only have half of the equation.
We know that unvaxxed there have been approx. 45 MILLION cases,
and that about 90% of those who died were over 65 w/ bad health…
is it 100,000 breakthrough cases, 7000 dead?

More deaths this year with the vaccine than there were last year without the vaccine and the years not over. We should start a Biden death count banner.  

So you’re taking the total from the entire pandemic and comparing it to the short time that was a vaccine… Interesting logic.

Especially not considering treatments and how that’s evolved. 

 Red apple vs Tangerine

Never mind they counted every death last year as a Covid death.
People are much sicker this year post vax than before vax. I see the difference.
You don’t analyze data nor do you do your own research. You could say way more unvaccinated deaths if you want to be more ridiculous since we only got the vaccine 9-10 months ago, 7,000 compound “failures” resulting in death off of the site. Look at the fine print. 1% reporting. The mortality rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated are equal.

They all think they would have died if not for the Syringe even though the majority of people recovered from covid before the Syringe   

Dr. Ngozi Ezike of the Illinois Department of Public Health explains how Covid19 Deaths are determined Covid-19: This explains a lot, or it explains a little. (press conference from April of 2020).

It’s like this vaccine is brain washing them and becoming more stupid! Woman shrugging

That would be called obedience to authority. They will do whatever they are told to do. No questions asked. Catturd ™ on Twitter: “It’s beyond weird to me when a fully vaccinated person gets COVID – and the first thing out of their mouth is to praise the vaccine.” / Twitter  

Sounds like Afghanistan 🙁  A woman is raped on a Philadelphia transit system for 27 stops… I remember a man who said” We need to close our borders.”
I remember a man who said” We need to bring our businesses home.”
I remember a man who said” We need to become less dependent on other countries to survive.” I remember a man who said,
“We need to take care of America first”


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